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The Adventurer's Handbook

The Adventurer's Handbook

"Stuff People Want To Play!" That’s how Sean K Reynolds, Paizo Publishing’s Developer for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, describes the contents of the Adventurer’s Handbook in his introduction to this book. He also says that the Genius Guides are “fun, playable, and of excellent quality.” If the people who make Pathfinder are saying that, shouldn’t...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $12.99

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Cultists of Havra Zhoul

Cultists of Havra Zhoul

The Order of the Dictum fights crime and corruption in a lawless society. They are the voice of the people, and an ally to those who desire law and order. But are they as benevolent as they seem? Is the code of order they seek to establish what the people truly want? A dark force lurks at the centre of this cult, and those that expect to find a kindred vigilant may instead discover too late that the...   [click here for more]
Raging Swan Press  $4.99

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Aasimar: Heirs of Glory

Aasimar: Heirs of Glory

Aasimar: Heirs of Glory is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible PLAYER'S RESOURCE supplement by Landon Bellavia. Born as scions of celestial spirits, aasimar stand as proof that the mortal world is infused with touches of the divine. From relentless adversaries of evil to eccentric benefactors of justice, aasimars have developed many traits and techniques unique to the heirs of the upper planes....   [click here for more]
Raging Swan Press  $4.99

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Dhampir: Scions of the Night

Dhampir: Scions of the Night

Dhampir: Scions of the Night is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible PLAYER'S RESOURCE supplement by Landon Bellavia. In the shadows of civilization, the offspring of the forbidden union between humans and vampires struggle to find their place in a hostile world. These scions of the night need every trick available to them if they are to survive the enmity and mistrust that awaits in the world...   [click here for more]
Raging Swan Press  $4.99

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The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less: Things That Make You Go Boom

The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less: Things That Make You Go Boom

Equipping low-level characters in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game can be a little dull - they have limited resources, and magic items cost a lot of gold. Written by industry veterans and Pathfinder contributors Owen K.C. Stephens and Stan!, this book contains an incredible array of permanent magic items each of which costs 2,500 gp or less. The Loot 4 Less books are some of the best-selling...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $6.99

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Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting

Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting

Does your game lack depth? Under a lot of pressure to try something new? Creative springs running a bit dry? Then it is time to make a splash with the Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting and Undersea Sourcebook. Aquatic adventure awaits in three dimensions with this unique underwater world. This tome is filled to the brim with useful material for any game: a dozen new races, a triad of new classes and prestige...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $19.95

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Cerulean Seas: Beasts of the Boundless Blue

Cerulean Seas: Beasts of the Boundless Blue

Here, there be dragons! Do you need monsters to spice up the coasts, lakes, swamps, or seas of your Pathfinder compatible campaign world? Then look no further!      In addition to all of the aquatic, semiaquatic, and swamp-dwelling creatures that have been presented in previous Alluria Publishing tomes and statistics for representatives of all 30 Cerulean Seas player character races, our team came...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $14.95

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Cerulean Seas: Celadon Shores

Cerulean Seas: Celadon Shores

New waters await! At is core, the Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting, as well as the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, is largely Eurocentric with its mythology and culture. With Celadon Shores, we explore Far East fantasy as well as introduce a platform in which freshwater adventuring can be explored in more detail. Come join us for an amazing adventure on exciting new shores!  For use with the Pathfinder...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $15.95

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Cerulean Seas: Indigo Ice

Cerulean Seas: Indigo Ice

The lands of eternal ice and snow have always held a special place in our minds. We know these frosted realms for their amazingly resilient wildlife, including adorable seals, titanic walruses and playful penguins. When we consider this realm, our imaginations take us to a spectacular setting filled with exotic danger and heroic survival. Indigo Ice is the first gaming sourcebook that attempts to capture...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $14.95

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Cerulean Seas: Waves of Thought

Cerulean Seas: Waves of Thought

Alluria Publishing in association with Dreamscarred Press bring psionics into the fantastic world of undersae adventuring. In these pages you will find aquatic rules for six new races, a new psionic core class (the Aquanaut), new feats, powers, and psionic items, as well as a score of psionic sea monsters to terrorize your undersea denizens. This book requires Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting (Alluria...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $14.95

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Ultimate Options: Grit and Gunslingers

Ultimate Options: Grit and Gunslingers

The gunslinger is the archetypical hero of the west, a lone warrior who pits his skill-at-arms and mettle against threats ranging from challengers desiring a shootout at high noon and bandits threatening to destroy the livelihood of towns and whole territories, to hostile natives and packs of wild animals. In many ways the gunslinger is a natural evolution of the heroes of older eras, a direct outgrowth...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Random Encounters: Wilderness

Random Encounters: Wilderness

Got barely enough time to prepare the module? Want to include cool, evocative random encounters in your games, but just don’t have the time to prepare them? Bored of pointless random encounters comprising bands of generic monsters that only seem to exist to attack wandering PCs? Then Random Encounters: Wilderness is for you!  Presenting ten ready-to-use random encounters all suitable for use in...   [click here for more]
Raging Swan Press  $3.99

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Krazy Kragnar's Black Market Magic Items

Krazy Kragnar's Black Market Magic Items

The goblin known as Krazy Kragnar has a long and colorful history, not all of which has yet to be chronicled. Always quick to make a deal, take a risk, and turn a profit, Kragnar first came to prominence when he began a line of used-chariots yards (the merchandise for which is detailed in The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less Volume 7: Krazy Kragnar's Used Chariots). When that operation was shut down...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Sorcerer's Options: Beyond Bloodlines

Sorcerer's Options: Beyond Bloodlines

Sorcerers are set apart from most other spellcasters by being creatures with vast and growing natural magic powers, closer in concept to monsters than the sages of study and learning epitomized by wizards or the agents of divinity that make up the ranks of clerics, druids, inquisitors, oracles and paladins. Even witches and bards are normally presented as drawing on power that originates outside them...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Ultimate Options: New Arcane Discoveries

Ultimate Options: New Arcane Discoveries

Wizards are portrayed, both in descriptive materials within the game rules, and in most fantasy fiction, as scholars and learned masters of mystic powers who have access to lore and magic tricks second to none. However, in most campaigns there is nothing a wizard can do that a sorcerer cannot. The wizard does gain considerable versatility, in the form of an unlimited number of spells known, but as...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Random Encounters: Wilderness II

Random Encounters: Wilderness II

Got barely enough time to prepare the module? Want to include cool, evocative random encounters in your games, but just don’t have the time to prepare them? Bored of pointless random encounters comprising bands of generic monsters that only seem to exist to attack wandering PCs? Then Random Encounters: Wilderness II is for you!  Presenting eight ready-to-use random encounters all suitable...   [click here for more]
Raging Swan Press  $3.99

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Ultimate Options: Power of the Ninja

Ultimate Options: Power of the Ninja

The very archetype of the mystic spy or assassin: A shadowy figure as much a master of the dark arts as an outlaw. From the Hashsh'shin to the Sicarii, the black-clad assassin clans of Japanese lore to the fanciful depictions of Wuxia films, the ninja is an icon of fantasy and pop culture-ironic, for a creature that lives by secrecy and a mastery of deception and disguise. Ultimate Options:...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to the Time Warden

The Genius Guide to the Time Warden

Time is something we all understand on an instinctive level, at least to a degree, but few of us have ever tried to define. Time has been called the 4th dimension, nature's way of making sure everything doesn't happen all at once, and a philosophical construct to allow for the comparison of durations. Philosophers grant time the power to heal all wounds, but also warn it is the death of all things...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less Vol. 9: Bell, Book, & Candle

The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less Vol. 9: Bell, Book, & Candle

Welcome to the ninth book in the Loot 4 Less line, in which we deal exclusively with items that have a cost to consumer of 2,500 gp or less. And to increase the level of difficulty in terms of providing you with low-cost items, we also don't deal in one-shot (or even two- or three-shot) magic items. Here in Volume IX: Bell, Book, & Candle, we're looking at a narrow range...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Divine Archetypes

The Genius Guide to Divine Archetypes

Divine magic is one of the most common components of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Humble adept NPCs, evil humanoid shamans, heroic clerics, and stalwart paladins alike use it. Divine spells call to mind major events in popular games and fictions, ranging from the summoning of demons and otherworldly allies to the power to heal, curse, and even raise the dead. Divine spells are the tools...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants

The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants

Although a vast number of spells are available in the game's core rulebooks, many GMs and players have an insatiable desire for more options. In many cases it's not necessary to create new spell options from scratch, since a few minor changes to an existing spell can create something with a very different feel or impact on game play. These spell variants are based on the idea that you can make a lot...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Feats of Psionic Might

The Genius Guide to Feats of Psionic Might

Many of the psionic feats presented in this product are designed to be useful to classes that aren’t traditionally psionic and are developed with the assumption that characters using these other classes might want to gain a little psionic ability with the Wild Talent feat. You can use the feats easily in many styles of game or when the psionic focus mechanic is replaced with something less mental...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Cerulean Seas: the Viridian Veil

Cerulean Seas: the Viridian Veil

Welcome to the realm under the Viridian Veil! Here in Devonia, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs and gnomes never let the waves wash them away. Instead, they adapted. Of course, each had their own unique way of doing so! Viridian Veil is a temporally mixed up domain where aquatic dinosaurs mingle with civilization, primordial beasts fight futuristic menaces, and strange chronomancy magic permeates every...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $13.50

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The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants Volume 3

The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants Volume 3

While there are a vast number of spells available in the game’s core rulebooks, many GMs and players have an insatiable desire for more options. In many cases it’s not necessary to create new spell options from scratch, as a few minor changes to an existing spell can create something with a very different feel or impact on game play. These spell variants are based on the idea that there are a lot...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Krazy Kragnar's Magic Staff Emporium

Krazy Kragnar's Magic Staff Emporium

Krazy Kragnar is a trickster, merchant, dealmaker, survivor, and, of course, goblin. As a master trader, his career has a long and colorful history, much of which should not be repeated in polite company. Kragnar first came to prominence when he began a line of used chariot yards (the merchandise for which is detailed in The Genius Guide to Loot 4 Less Volume 7: Krazy Kragnar’s Used Chariots)....   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Fire Magic

The Genius Guide to Fire Magic

Fire is arguably the most dangerous and most useful of the elements. Fire represents the power of civilization, through cooking, forging, ceramics, and the production of light. It also represents the power of destruction in that it is a threat to farm, forest, and city alike. Fire is the first magic, and the power to rub sticks together to create a living heat that breathes and moves is the first shaman's...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Another 110 Spell Variants

The Genius Guide to Another 110 Spell Variants

Although a vast number of spells are available in the game’s core rulebooks, many GMs and players have an insatiable desire for more options. In many cases it’s not necessary to create new spell options from scratch, since a few minor changes to an existing spell can create something with a very different feel or impact on game play. These spell variants are based on the idea that you can make...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to the Templar

The Genius Guide to the Templar

The templar is a divine warrior-an agent and crusader for his god and (possibly) his church. Most are champions of a religious order, using their faith to gird them against the plots of heretics, infidels, and pagans. Others are devoted to a specific holy duty, perhaps one that has been entrusted to their family for generations. Although clerics are servants of their gods and paladins, in different...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might II: Runebinding

The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might II: Runebinding

Runes are an ancient form of writing often linked to strange and magical powers. In history, runes are nearly two-thousand-year-old alphabets whose origins remain shrouded in mystery. In legend, wizards, shamans, and warriors use runes to imbue the places, items, and people on which they are inscribed with fantastic powers. Some say runes hold the power to foretell the future and even bring the dead...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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The Genius Guide to Expanded Favored Class Options

The Genius Guide to Expanded Favored Class Options

In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, every time a character takes a level in a favored class, he or she gains a bonus. Under the core rules, that bonus is either an additional skill point or an extra hit point. However, the Advanced Player’s Guide introduced a new set of racial favored class options. Members of specific races can get these benefits when they gain a level in a class that...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Tome of Horrors Complete (PF)

Tome of Horrors Complete (PF)

818 pages of Pathfinder creatures! The Tome of Horrors Complete is a perfect complement to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. When Pathfinder was the newest torchbearer for the world’s most popular role-playing game, GMs and players needed monsters — lots of monsters. That’s where The Tome of Horrors Complete delivers in spades. Starting from the original Tome written...   [click here for more]
Frog God Games  $29.99

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Remarkable Races Submerged Compendium

Remarkable Races Submerged Compendium

Remarkable Races is going beneath the waves in a new series called "Remarkable Races Submerged." These new racial supplements will add an aquatic flair to our beloved Remarkable Races line, transforming many of your favorite races for use with the Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting, as well as introducing a few new one!    While the Mogogol (Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting), the Obitu (Aquatic Obitu,...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $24.95

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Wayfarer's Deck: The Forest Trails

Wayfarer's Deck: The Forest Trails

What is Wayfarer's Deck? This series of 50-card decks with encounters, wonders, mysteries, puzzles, and findings provides a convenient way of creating engaging situations for the players. Instead of rolling for random encounters, pick a card (or draw one at random, or roll a d100 and divide the result by two - whatever sounds like fun for you) and let yourself be inspired. The cards...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Rappan Athuk Battle Maps (2012)

Rappan Athuk Battle Maps (2012)

Rappan Athuk Battle Maps for both Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry ...   [click here for more]
Frog God Games  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: The High Seas

Wayfarer's Deck: The High Seas

As you travel through the snow for the third day, huddled and barely paying attention to your surroundings... ... No, we're keeping watch! I want to roll Perception! What do I see? Let me roll on the encounter table, I had it somewhere... Uh, you see 1d6 goblins hiding behind that tree. Now, imagine you don't have to do that. What is Wayfarer's Deck? This...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: The Frozen Wilds

Wayfarer's Deck: The Frozen Wilds

As you travel through the snow for the third day, huddled and barely paying attention to your surroundings... ... No, we're keeping watch! I want to roll Perception! What do I see? Let me roll on the encounter table, I had it somewhere... Uh, you see 1d6 goblins hiding behind that tree. Now, imagine you don't have to do that. What is Wayfarer's Deck? This...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: Gothic Horror

Wayfarer's Deck: Gothic Horror

What is Wayfarer's Deck? This series of 50-card decks with encounters, wonders, mysteries, puzzles, and findings provides a convenient way of creating engaging situations for the players. Instead of rolling for random encounters, pick a card (or draw one at random, or roll a d100 and divide the result by two - whatever sounds like fun for you) and let yourself be inspired. The cards...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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The Genius Guide to Simple Monster Templates

The Genius Guide to Simple Monster Templates

You can never have too many monster options. It's a truism of running a campaign. Not only do you want to keep your players guessing and keep creating new challenges for them, but you also very likely want a broad range of thematic choices from which to draw. It's not enough to have just a few CR 5 choices. Instead, these gamers want a few CR choices for every type, theme, and role a monster might...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: On Top Of The World

Wayfarer's Deck: On Top Of The World

As you travel through the snow for the third day, huddled and barely paying attention to your surroundings... ... No, we're keeping watch! I want to roll Perception! What do I see? Let me roll on the encounter table, I had it somewhere... Uh, you see 1d6 goblins hiding behind that tree. Now, imagine you don't have to do that. What is Wayfarer's Deck? This...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: Under The Canopy

Wayfarer's Deck: Under The Canopy

As you travel through the snow for the third day, huddled and barely paying attention to your surroundings... ... No, we're keeping watch! I want to roll Perception! What do I see? Let me roll on the encounter table, I had it somewhere... Uh, you see 1d6 goblins hiding behind that tree. Now, imagine you don't have to do that. What is Wayfarer's Deck? This...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: Sailing the Clouds

Wayfarer's Deck: Sailing the Clouds

What is Wayfarer's Deck? This series of 50-card decks with encounters, wonders, mysteries, puzzles, and findings provides a convenient way of creating engaging situations for the players. Instead of rolling for random encounters, pick a card (or draw one at random, or roll a d100 and divide the result by two - whatever sounds like fun for you) and let yourself be inspired. The cards...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Wayfarer's Deck: The Scorched Expanse

Wayfarer's Deck: The Scorched Expanse

As you travel through the snow for the third day, huddled and barely paying attention to your surroundings... ... No, we're keeping watch! I want to roll Perception! What do I see? Let me roll on the encounter table, I had it somewhere... Uh, you see 1d6 goblins hiding behind that tree. Now, imagine you don't have to do that. What is Wayfarer's Deck? This...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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The Roleplayer's Arcane Spellbook

The Roleplayer's Arcane Spellbook

Every Magic-user deserves a traveling Spellbook! Can be used with Any Roleplaying System! Designed to be as universal as possible, the Roleplayer's Arcane Spellbook provides a unique journal of comprehensive forms covering all the most important details. 20 spells pages each for 0-9th level spells Detailed cataloging sheets for spell components All your magic equipment, from rings...   [click here for more]
Fat Goblin Games  $6.45

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Wayfarer's Deck: The Dark Forest

Wayfarer's Deck: The Dark Forest

What is Wayfarer's Deck? This series of 50-card decks with encounters, wonders, mysteries, puzzles, and findings provides a convenient way of creating engaging situations for the players. Instead of rolling for random encounters, pick a card (or draw one at random, or roll a d100 and divide the result by two - whatever sounds like fun for you) and let yourself be inspired. The cards...   [click here for more]
Double Proficiency  $4.99

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Darkenfold Map of Aihrde

Darkenfold Map of Aihrde

World of Aihrde Darkenfold Map. ...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $14.99

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Ultimate NPC Deck

Ultimate NPC Deck

  The best heroes and villains need to be SEEN and not just talked about and with the Ultimate NPC Deck this improves the first impressions in any game does that you do by a hundredfold. The Ultimate NPC Deck contains over 65 beautifully illustrated, full-color PDF card images that you can be used to connect and amuse your players with new and interesting heroes and villains.  The Ultimate NPC Deck...   [click here for more]
LPJ Design  $2.29

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Second Edition Spell Cards: Primal Basic

Second Edition Spell Cards: Primal Basic

An Awesome Accessory for your Primal Spellcaster!  The Primal Basic set includes spell cards for all primal cantrips and 1st- and 2nd-level spells for Pathfinder Second Edition, from acid arrow to web, with complete rules for every spell. Spells are placed one to a card, save a handful of highly complex spells...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $5.99

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The Ultimate Do-it-Yourself Monster Compendium

The Ultimate Do-it-Yourself Monster Compendium

The ultimate do-it-yourself monster compendium contains over 150 color illustrations of ghastly horrors and strange creatures from your favorite roleplaying game. Use the art as inspiration and create game stats, descriptions, ecology, and of course. . . name your creature!!!                       Perfect for any setting or system. This product is systemless and perfect...   [click here for more]
Fat Goblin Games  $7.44

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GM Screen Inserts--Cerulean Seas

GM Screen Inserts--Cerulean Seas

These beautiful portrait Game Master's screen tiles for the Cerulean Seas Camapaign Setting are designed for DriveThruRPG Game Master Screen (portrait)! Included are: 6 Cover Art Tiles to choose from, a Combat reference sheet, a Common Skills reference sheet, an Aquatic Statistics reference sheet, and an Aquatic Estimates reference sheet. ...   [click here for more]
Alluria Publishing  $2.00

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Monster Menagerie: Winter Ravagers

Monster Menagerie: Winter Ravagers

Welcome to Winter Ravagers, the first in Rogue Genius GamesMonster Menagerie line of monster products. The plan is for every Monster Menagerie to offer a set of monsters that match a theme, with full write-ups, simple index card style summaries for use at the game table, and printable standee figures for every monster. But while future versions will feature typical fantasy...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  $3.99

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