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Unwise deals. Blaster fights. High adventure among the stars. Welcome to the world of SCUM AND VILLAINY
Scum and Villainy is a Forged in the Dark game about a spaceship crew trying to make ends meet under the iron-fisted rule of the Galactic Hegemony.
Work with the members of your crew to thrive despite powerful criminal syndicates,... [click here for more] |
Off Guard Games |
Magical Girls grapple with destiny in this multi-genre tabletop RPG. Girl By Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, fighting for what you believe in, and the transcendent power of building relationships while embracing your true self.
As a Magical Girl you will clutch your tragic struggles tight, seeking to score defiant triumphs against the darkness... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
In CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) you play as a team of RUNNERS—mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultraviolent world.
In each game we play an entire new cast of characters making their LAST RUN.
As a minimalist game, everything is presented as a series of eight-panel pamphlets:
GM... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
Make CBR+PNK's dystopian setting brighter and stranger by injecting a little bit of +WEIRD into it. With this /PLUGIN you will build scenarios wherein Magic works side by side with Tech, megacorps consort with eldritch beings to grow in power and Runners must tap into energies beyond the Fringes to stand a chance.
With so much going on in the world—endless... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
Step inside a baroque urban nightmare, the world of a|state.
In The City you’ll fight off threats to your canalside home, trying to make this grim and haunted place safer and better, somehow.
a|state brings a new, hopeful approach to the much-loved Forged in the Dark ruleset. Your ability to Care counts as much as your ability to Fight.
Create Troublemakers such as the deft and deadly Ghostfighter,... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
PRDTR is a setting for CBR+PNK where Runners must navigate the collapse of a lunar habitat. Choosing their allegiance among factions, they will go on risky runs trying to unearth and profit from the secrets of Biosphere-5—all while keeping an eye out for the unrelenting, enigmatic hunter that is slaughtering survivors indiscriminately.
Designed for 1-2 sessions, featuring new... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
This is Slugblaster
In the small town of Hillview, teenage hoverboarders sneak into other dimensions to explore, film tricks, go viral, and get away from the problems at home. It’s dangerous. It’s stupid. It’s got parent groups in a panic. And it’s the coolest thing ever.
This is Slugblaster. A table-top rpg about teenagehood, giant bugs, circuit-bent rayguns, and trying to be cool.
Welcome... [click here for more] |
Wilkie's Candy Lab |
$20.00 $15.00
 Enter the NETWORK...
NETSCAPE is a pamphlet addon for Emanoel Melo's CBR+PNK: Augmented, a Forged in the Dark ttrpg.
It provides a Matrix-style cyberspace experience for players, with a selection of Viruses, Virtuals, and Servers for players to explore and interact with.
With the use of /User Preferences, players can alter how they perceive cyberspace, providing a creative... [click here for more] |
Mythworks |
CYBERPUNK HUNTERS is a plugin for CBR+PNK, designed to enable new sets of challenges, dynamics and rewards. This pamphlet [which can be easily converted to any other Forged In The Dark game] provides premade HUNTERS [elite operatives focused on taking the players down], and rules to quickly build, modify, and incorporate them into... [click here for more] |
Catscratcher Studio |
Mythworks |
 Spring Solstice. The tribes gather under neon bass in mass waste. W0ND3R. A hundred thousand dancing in the hot sweat of anonymity. A place to escape. To be yourself…
Yeah, maybe once upon a time, before Paschall sold out. I’m sure he had his reasons. Always layers to these things. Physical. Virtual. Commercial….
Anyway. Y’all in or what?
- Big... [click here for more] |
Mythworks |
 DARK CITY is a CBR+PNK is a one shot pamphlet scenario for CBR+PNK that centers around DARK CITY, a live game show featuring a $5 MILLION PRIZE for the winners of the blood game.
The Runners find themselves as unwilling participants of the government-sponsored show, from which they must decide whether to escape, participate, or enact vengeance.
INSPIRED... [click here for more] |
Mythworks |
MIND THE GAP is a fast-paced /RUN for CBR+PNK.
Straightforward and self-contained, this "one-page" scenario is ideal for introducing both players and GMs to the system. It is also scalable for more experienced players, as its constraints can be eventually overcomed, leaving them with exciting elements to play around.
You also get high-quality SYNTHETIZED VOICELINES reproducing... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
A cybermetal tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players, about surviving in a refugee city (The Garden) in the shadow of an exclusionary fortress (The Tower).
You protect the people.
You’ll play as cyborgs, mech pilots, magic wielders, and rabble rousers pitted against varied factions all vying for control over the Garden: demon lords, criminal... [click here for more] |
Fork Frenzy |
$11.99 $4.99
Winner of the 2022 Dicebreaker Tabletop Awards People's Choice Awards!
Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no... [click here for more] |
Austin Ramsay |
The rim of the known universe. A place so god-forsaken, so hostile and alien to life itself that only the mad go there—and only the desperate stay.
That’s you.
Holdfast Station is about asteroid miners surviving and holding their community together in the grim desolation of space. Regular folks in a rough spot, who hold to each other and their own. A place where survival means you trust... [click here for more] |
Lampblack & Brimstone |
This is the white-line nightmare of the Cold War brought to half-life, a mythical doomsday that never was. Twisted metal rusts away under shifting dunes. Maniacs kill for food, for fuel, or for fun. You will create a tribe of survivors - a gang of post-apocalyptic scavengers and warriors desperate to survive. We will play to find out if your tribe can flourish despite other hungry gangs, forgotten... [click here for more] |
Don't Roll a One |
You are a dinosaur. You are a Kosmo Ranger. You are a Kosmosaur—a protector of the galaxy. You and your companions travel through the stars to help all sorts of people, planets, and organizations by preventing disasters, battling assassin robots, banishing chaos mutants from the Void Dimension, and facing all kinds of weird dangers.
You play a Kosmosaur in this game. You're a member... [click here for more] |
Old Skull Publishing |
External Containment Bureau is a game of paranormal investigation and bureaucracy using a lightweight, hackable version of the Forged in the Dark design framework. You play as trained agents of the External Containment Bureau, an organization tasked with the study, identification, and containment of paranormal phenomena. The Bureau authorizes agents... [click here for more] |
Mythic Gazetteer, LLC |
 In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, daring individuals delve into mysterious pocket dimensions. These pocket dimensions, known as the Void, change people. The more people Voidwalk, the more likely they are to lose themselves entirely.
Choose one of five playbooks: the Distraction, the Lookout, the Muscle, the Sneak or the Visionary.
Your team has a Benefactor backing your excursions. Are they a politican,... [click here for more] |
Sam Robson |
Can you smell the heated circuits, Rookie? Do you hear the cyberdeck's transistors crackling? Our bud's head is about to fry, and if we don't buy them enough time we're just as toasted! So friking reload your mag and blast those corpsec bones off their meat would'ya?
ROOKIE is an alternative ruleset for wannabe cyberpunk runners in a double-sided flyer format.... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
Deal with drama, pass the test, doubt yourself, trust your friends, face down monsters, and SHINE.
DISASTER/PEACE is a lightweight tabletop roleplaying game designed to emulate your favorite stories in the "Magical Girl" genre. The Characters of DISASTER/PEACE are teenagers in a world very much like our own.... [click here for more] |
A Couple of Drakes |
It is 500 years in the future. Humanity has fled our dying planet into the stars. It is a time of exploration, opportunity… …and blood.
Mythic Space is a science fiction roleplaying game focused on emulating your favorite sci-fi TV series with fights that feel like your favorite shooter game. Mythic Space... [click here for more] |
LaCara Games |
 In 2001, vampire-kind took to the stars...
and everything went downhill from there. With the viciously capatalistic Council of Blood in charge, no one is having a good time. Fight the system as Vampire Space Pirates!
Vampire Space Pirates is a Forged in the Dark game about fighting oppression and helping your community. All you need to play... [click here for more] |
V DeGraff |
Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. This title is the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system known as Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark.
In Synthicide, the Galaxy has entered a dark age where human life has... [click here for more] |
Will Power Games |
 Six issues of Zine by Moonlight, a collection of art, essays, fiction, and play advice inspired by Girl by Moonlight. From designer Andrew Gillis: “With this stretch goal I wanted to celebrate the magical girl genre, showing all the many ways that I and other creatives relate to it.”
Zine by Moonlight is a handy little companion to the game,... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
$12.00 $10.00
 Adélaide will take care of you, cheerfully announced the ad streaming all over the Grid about the time of the hotel’s opening. The Grand Château Adélaide was an audacious hospitality venture by the megaconglomerate Omni Global Solutions.
Autonomously operated, Adélaide—as it was also called the artificial intelligence behind its operation, ran on complex algorithms... [click here for more] |
The Cabinet of Curiosities |
“...and the heretofore mentioned properties on Woebegone Crescent shall be vacated in good order within 10 (ten) days, due to the imminent public health risk posed by under-surface corruption in the immediate area. Thusly,...” So reads the official eviction notice, tacked to the door of every dwelling in Woebegone Crescent. The Department of Public Health (DPH) of the Three Canals Authority... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
$4.99 $3.74
Deal with drama, pass the test, doubt yourself, trust your friends, face down the Alien Horde, and GET IN THE ROBOT.
DISASTER/WING, prep for launch.
DISASTER/WING is a mecha tabletop game made to tell stories of fantastic adolescent heroism and giant robots. The characters are teenagers in a world very much like our own. They... [click here for more] |
A Couple of Drakes |
 Cosmic Uprising is a game of space opera war using a lean ruleset inspired by Forged in the Dark games. You play as radicals staging a militant uprising against the Imperium of Evil, which chokes the starways into oppression and terror. Take action against the Imperium, recruit new radicals to your cause, and establish... [click here for more] |
Mythic Gazetteer, LLC |
Something untoward is occurring at Folly Hills Dog Track. Unfancied hounds are winning races...
Competitive dogs are going to the pot...
The turnstiles are no longer thick with punters...
What has cast a shadow over the once-thriving Track?
Explore the cutthroat world of the dog track, the home of avaricious betting syndicates, vicious organised crime... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
 Des accords imprudents. Des combats au blaster. Une grande aventure au milieu des étoiles. Bienvenue dans le monde de Scum and Villainy.
Scum and Villainy est un jeu Forgé dans l'obscurité mettant en scène un équipage de vaisseau spatial qui tente de joindre les deux bouts sous la férule de l'Hégémonie galactique. ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
The conflict grows as new types of Pilots emerge, new types of Squads appear, and new Factions are born!
This supplement for Beam Saber features new ways to play including 9 new Pilot playbooks, 2 new Squad playbooks, and rules for forming and managing a Faction.
The new types of Pilots include:
The Artificial who finds strength in having been created for a specific purpose.
The... [click here for more] |
Austin Ramsay |
This supplement for a|state presents two scenarios - Strange Little Girl and Cheesed Off, updated to second editon by Gregor Hutton.
Strange Little Girl
Who is the girl?
Is she the same little girl who disappeared years ago, and has now come back in the same dress, clutching the same doll?
Or is this a cruel trick played upon her... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
 You play the game like it’s your job, and that’s because it is.
Inspired by pro sports stars, the Athlete is a Beam Saber playbook about a pilot had put their skills to use in the world of professional competitive sports and .
The Athlete has tuned their body, mind, and machine to peak performance. Whenever their mech launches there’s something more important than life or death at stake, Winning.... [click here for more] |
V For Valensa |

Boost as in “to improve or augment,” but also Boost as in “to steal” like boosting cars.
The Mech Booster is a playbook for Beam Saber by Austin Ramsay. Mech Booster are extremely adaptable engineers that specialize in stealing enemy machines and using them against those same enemies. Unlike most pilots who have a personal vehicle they stick with the Mech Booster excels at hopping between... [click here for more] |
V For Valensa |
Action Potential is a Forged in the Dark tabletop role-playing game set in a transhuman, body-swapping, dystopian far-future. Players create unique scoundrels who come together to form a Crew. Together you do crime, and make your way through a hostile and unforgiving universe.
Will your Crew seek infamy and fortune as smugglers running illegal tech, or perhaps become highly-paid assassins... [click here for more] |
we evolve |
It is 500 years in the future. Humanity has fled our dying planet into the stars. It is a time of exploration, opportunity… …and blood.
Mythic Space is a science fiction roleplaying game focused on emulating your favorite sci-fi TV series with fights that feel like your favorite shooter game. Mythic Space... [click here for more] |
LaCara Games |
Pay What You Want
A Family of Blades is a tabletop roleplaying game about a team of criminals who became a family, broke up, and have now been thrust back together for one last job.
Powered by the Forged in the Dark engine, A Family of Blades has been written with an emphasis on fast-paced one-shots and episodic gameplay.... [click here for more] |
A.C. Luke Games |
This is the PDF version of the simple but effective a|state Table Tower. This PDF features a host of handy references for use in play. This PDF version lets you reference them on your electronic device of choice.
It is possible to print the pages at home, but we recommend the professionally made Table Tower for the best results.
We've also extracted that two page City Map as a seperate file... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
 Ghost Gun is a Score created as an introduction to the Blades in the Dark game. This Score offers multiple paths to Payoff and goals based on the Crew’s specialty. What's going on?
A Captain has recently overstepped, stolen a specially crafted firearm, and caused a great deal of offense to a powerful gang. Depending on the Crew’s reputation, they will be given... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Rogues |
A former agent of the Hegemony
The Galactic Hegemony has a long history of covert operations and underhanded deals. It was once your job to keep those secrets. Now you use your skills in stealth, improvisation, and evasion for your own ends. Maybe you were groomed to break in and out of any facility. Maybe you received special training to hunt and fight those who have mastered the Way. Or... [click here for more] |
Not Writing Games |
Pay What You Want
Get a form-fillable blank playbook, and 27 form-fillable playbooks for all the various character options presented in a|state second edition.
NB: These files are included as part of the a|state second Edition title. List of playbooks included:
Devicer Dinginsmith.pdf
Devicer Fulgurator.pdf
Devicer Scientist.pdf
Devicer Wiretapper.pdf
Guiler Performer.pdf
Guiler Salesperson.pdf
Guiler... [click here for more] |
Handiwork Games |
Pay What You Want
Whether you and your friends have been hit by a truck, summoned, worked too hard, reincarnated into the future or past, or found a weird wardrobe, you've ended up in a strange world/videogame/different time period. Or perhaps fantasy came to you with portals opening up in the modern world releasing monsters into the concrete jungles. A normal person would be in trouble but you all have gifts. CHEAT... [click here for more] |
Beliasta |
Pay What You Want
 The Association is a Score created as an introduction to the Blades in the Dark game. This Score offers multiple paths to Payoff and goals based on the Crew’s specialty. What's going on?
The child of a prominent merchant-noble family has been kidnapped from the fencing academy. They come to you for help.
. Depending on the Crew’s reputation, they will be given... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Rogues |
 The future belongs to the Muridae! As technology in the human world advances, so does Mouse society. Escaped lab rats, the lucky mice who managed to avoid the traps, and other assorted rodentea make up the future undercuty of Muroidea - a tiny metropolis, unknown to the big folk, but full of its own dystopian cyberpunk denizens.
Take up the job of detective and track down the ruthless Rogues who... [click here for more] |
Rayney Day Games |
Pay What You Want
Shibuyan Knights is an Anime style RPG that lets you play adventures like some of your favorite Anime shows and movies. It ships with the steampunk, magical world of Shibuya, where everything works on favors, and as you rise in Reputation Level, you gain more influence and power in the city.
Inspired by Vincent and Meguey Baker’s Apocalypse World and John Harper’s Blades... [click here for more] |
AshyFeetGames |
We call them Haxen, those who make incursions into the Requiem, the world of the past. A place and time murdered by the sorcerous rich, those capricious and omnipotent divines who were so desperate to live they killed everything around them. Haxen leave the safety of the communes to hunt the wastelands for salvage, and clues about what killed the world. Will you find answers? Will you defy your fate?... [click here for more] |
Not Writing Games |
$5.00 $3.00
 An Adventure Compendium for Omega Project: Infamy
Dive deeper into the enigmatic world of Omega Project: Infamy with Nightfall: Ascension of Shadows, an adventure compendium designed for factions eager to explore the darkest corners of the rabbit hole. Your crew will find themselves on a collision course with a secret so fiercely guarded that mere knowledge of its existence demands a fight for survival.... [click here for more] |
Ragesix Games |
$19.95 $14.95
.................................................................... CYBERPUNK+VAMPIRES+BIKERS >> FORGED/IN/THE/DARK >> PAMPHLET MODE [ON] >> VIOLENCE AT [100%]
Mundos Infinitos |