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A lot of the space combat in Traveller is between small-ish vessels, less than 1000 tons displacement. This sort of combat isn’t really that complex. I think it’s pretty interesting myself, but it’s not the aspect of Traveller that my players are interested in. In such a case, it would be nice to be able to resolve a fight between their Q-Ship and one or two pirate ships relatively quickly, with... [click here for more] |
Kethos Project Publishing |
In the very distant future, descendants of lost human spacefarers build empires, explore worlds, and struggle to survive among the worlds of the Magellanic Clouds. 66 Suns is a science fiction RPG setting set in the very far future, among distant galaxies. Humans are not the dominant culture in the Magellanic clouds. Old and powerful alien civilizations, some collapsed after eras of grandeur,... [click here for more] |
Triassica Games |
Once again you are contacted by the enigmatic Professor Elsie Itcher. This time her strange pronouncements send you on a wild goose chase. But if the goose chase pays off, it could make your career!
Ancient Trails, Witness to History is a Mongoose Traveller adventure set in the Twilight Sector Campaign Setting. This adventure will test your science and problem solving skills as well as testing... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
Answering a simple cargo hauling job post leads the players down a path of discovery that will change the Twilight Sector forever. 'So It Begins' is the first installment in a new exploration campaign set in the Twilight Sector. From humble beginnings the players will gradually pull back the curtain on some of the Twilight Sector's ancient secrets.
Don't forget to download 'So It Begin's' free audio... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
Bring the various characters of the 'So It Begins' adventure to life. This audio product will immerse your players into the adventure like no adventure product has done before.
Be the first on your block to GM an adventure where the NPCs talk to the players. Your players will never want to go back to the old way of doing things again! ... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
Bring Professor Elsie Itcher and Martin Lebay to life for your Ancient Trails Witness to History adventure. This audio product will help to immerse your players into the adventure like no adventure product has done before.
Be the first on your block to GM an adventure where the NPCs talk to the players. Your players will never want to go back to the old way of doing things again! ... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Ancient Trails: So It Begins Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Answering a simple cargo hauling job post leads the players down a path of discovery that will change the Twilight Sector forever. 'So It Begins' is the first installment in a new exploration campaign set in... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
A form fillable pdf of the Character Sheet on page 186 of Andromeda Dragons ... [click here for more] |
Wild Bee Publishing |
This adventure can be played on its own or integrated into a campaign. It is highly customizable
Players will have to face a Solomani insurgent group that wants to end the Imperial occupation of the planet. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Note that the digital download includes PDF and PNG image files.
This is the map for the Ataraxia Sector.
... [click here for more] |
Assassin Games |
This is Barreller, a free supplement for mongoose Traveller which adds the Barreller high yield freighter and a few miscellanous items.
This is the first of two supplements which feature the B company, a mega-corp which produces affordable, cheap and low cost solutions. As long as they are fast. ... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
 Download these eight (8) free Battlelords images for your next online game of Battlelords. Need a virtual background for your camera? We've got you covered! Need a new computer desktop/wallpaper or screensaver image? Check these out. ... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Download these free Battlelords tokens for your next online game of Battlelords. This virtual tabletop token set for Battlelords includes:
118 character tokens (red, blue, and gold teams)
41 Hostile Alien Lifeform (HAL) tokens
42 Hazard, Status, and Item tokens
22 generic marker tokens
18 vehicle tokens
All tokens are available in JPEG and WEBP format. The file is zipped and you will need software... [click here for more] |
23rd Century Productions, LLC |
Download these free audio enhancements for the Beyond the Open Door Adventure Campaign. Bring the adventure to life and treat your players to a whole new level of campaign immersion. ... [click here for more] |
Terra-Sol Games LLC |
This 32 page booklet provides all the core rules for Traveller, allowing new players to experience fun and adventure across the stars for the first time.
Ideal for a group looking to try the new Traveller rules, or as a gift to a non-Travelling friend, Book 0 gives you everything you need to begin your voyages across known (and unknown) space. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
A free Christmas present for all Travellers!
Join Bu and Embla, Travellers of Charted Space, as they visit the world of Vrirhlanz in the Vargr Extents, to take a break with Embla’s family. The homeworld of the Hlanssai, who have made their way throughout Charted Space on ships of the Vargr, Vrirhlanz is as chaotic as the Hlanssai themselves. On a world technically ruled by Vargr, learn how the Hlanssai... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
 The Calendula is a specialized version of the Callisto Class "Type L" laboratory ship, designed for biological, chemical, and medical resource in remote locations. This build guide provides instructions for laying out, sourcing, and printing this ship at 28mm scale.
Seth Skorkowsky's Death Station is a free adventure for Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition, and this guide helps you... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
A listing and description of March Harrier Publishing titles from 2017. ... [click here for more] |
March Harrier Publishing |
 Упали бомбы. Целые страны направили друг на друга чудовищное оружие. Пожары, облака ядовитого дыма и вещи еще страшнее охватили наш мир. Остались только дикие пустоши: населенные мутантами, безумными роботами и генно-модифицированными... [click here for more] |
Arbuz publishing |
Cepheus Engine è un Sistema di Gioco di Ruolo Aperto basato su 2D6, basato sulla Fantascienza dell’Era Classica.
Questo regolamento apre le rotte verso le stelle per gli avventurieri coraggiosi che decidono di affrontare la vastità cosmica alla ricerca di fortuna e gloria (o forse semplicemente per sbarcare il lunario). Potreste esplorare lo spazio interstellare, fare una montagna... [click here for more] |
Italian Translation Alliance |
Designed for the Cepheus Engine SRD Rules. These sheets are for you to record your characters, stats, skills, details, equipment, weapons and money. There are two sheets for each character, ideally sheet two should printed on the reverse of sheet one.
Both A4 and US letter sized sheets are included. Now includes a handy fillable PDF version !
Requires the use of the Cepheus Engine SRD Rules from... [click here for more] |
Moon Toad Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A 3-page summary of the Cepheus Universal rules (distilled from the 456-page main book). All you need to play a fast, simple game using just the core rules of Cepheus Universal. Use for a pick-up game, or even solo. ... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
 A simple character sheet and pregenerated chracters or NPC's for Death Stalkers of Antediluvia, optional rules for Barbaric! ... [click here for more] |
Magic Pig Media |
The Civilian Air/Raft for Traveller is a staple of travel and commerce in the Traveller universe. This open-topped 4 tone antigrav flyer can be found throughout all know space in both civilian and military starcraft and planetside agencies.
This four page PDF freebie gives you 10 copies of this wonderful craft on a single page, enough to outfilt a fleet of them with a single print.
Check out our... [click here for more] |
Scrying Eye Games |
 This package includes a range of templates with which you are licensed to use in content submitted for Classic Traveller to the Travellers' Aid Society programme and published under the Community Content Agreement for the TAS programme. You are not licensed to use these templates for any other purpose. All art owned by Mongoose Publishing.
You are allowed to use the Traveller setting as presented... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
This is the original text of the 1981 edition of Classic Traveller based on page image Scans.
It includes Books 1-2-3, with errata and corrections inserted (where possible; and additional material in an errata appendix). This text is essentially an errata corrected edition faithful to the original Classic Traveller of the early 1980's.
The PDF has been OCR'ed. Margins are upgraded to 6x9 (from 5-1/2... [click here for more] |
Game Designers' Workshop (GDW) |
A clip art sampler of what may be found at Time Rover Press. We have a wide range of copyright-free clip art for whatever your needs might be, from simply getting ready for a game night to high-quality game publishing. The items in the sampler are for free use by those downloading it, but giving credit for its source would be greatly appreciated. ... [click here for more] |
Time Rover Press |
Colonial Times is a magazine dedicated to the science fiction RPG ‘2300AD’. Issue #4 has articles, fiction, and the third part in a 3-part adventure. it also contains information of explosive decompression and space suits, comics in 2300AD, and a religious order. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
Pay What You Want
Colonial Times is the magazine for the 2300AD RPG. issue 5 contains gun listings, vehicles, the end of the Operation Back Door campaign, and more. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
Pay What You Want
Colonial Times is the magazine for the 2300AD RPG. issue 6 contains drone listings, the first part of an adventure, and article on the Kafer Rot, and more. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
Pay What You Want
Colonial Times is the magazine for the 2300AD RPG. issue 7 contains information on insurrection, shopping items, a aerolander, and more. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
A very brief introduction to some elements of the Age of Sail to use as a basic primer for players. ... [click here for more] |
Horizons Games |
The Stellar Atlas for the Age of Sail. The 49 Subsectors of Charted space from Sol in the centre through the surrounding Colonial and Frontier rings to the outermost only partially explored Beyond Sectors. Use, enlarge, explore and copy at your leisure.
Don’t miss Cosmos: Age of Sail Charted Space the core setting featuring all 49 subsectors and essential background detail; Cosmos:... [click here for more] |
Horizons Games |
On distant worlds in the deepest regions of space, unknown creatures await unwitting explorers. Close to home, devious politicians and gangsters lure native wild life to carry out their dirty work while maintaining denyability. On a frontier outpost, primitive life forms walk the uninhabited regions hoping claim the civilized place as their new home. Be prepared no matter where your players... [click here for more] |
Jon Brazer Enterprises |
A free Christmas present for all Travellers!
Death Station is a remastering of a classic Traveller adventure, reimagined by Seth Skorkowsky.
High above a backwater world, the laboratory ship Calendula has gone silent. Believing it nothing more than a downed transmitter, the Travellers are sent to investigate. Inside they discover a grisly scene of corporate espionage, illegal medical experiments,... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
An Ancient War-Ravaged World and a Deadly Foe! Quickstart primer and introductory adventure for Mindjammer (Traveller edition). Beyond the borders of the New Commonality of Humankind lies the Sentient Alliance, turbulent worlds where the embers of the Venu War still glow. And yet, stretched thin, the Commonality still tries to keep the light of civilisation alive. Join a team of recruits to SCI... [click here for more] |
Mindjammer Press |
DOWNLINK is a guide for converting the incredible content of MOTHERSHIP RPG for use with TRAVELLER RPG! This guide is formatted to be a pamphlet to easily fit in with your other Mothership material. DOWNLINK is designed to not only convert your Mothership material on the fly, but also allow the warden and players to... [click here for more] |
Arcane Sword Press |
Mongoose 2e Statistics for the Danifred Light Trader! Get the fuill color and black and white detailed deck plans with history HERE!
Statistics are presented in color and black and white. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Mongoose 2e Statistics for the Drake Scout Ship! Get the fuill color and black and white detailed deck plans with history HERE!
Statistics are presented in color and black and white.
... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
The Phaeton is a ship of paradoxes. On the surface it is a simple prototype Jump-1 vessel, created by a society that is just taking its first steps out of the solar system. But within it lies a miraculous heart.
Phaeton's stats are suitable for both traditional Cepheus games and settings, or for use in the setting of Soar Beyond the Stars. Use it as a regular Jump-1 vessel, or swap it out for an Alcubierre... [click here for more] |
Thunderegg Productions |
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 26 of the Frontier Explorer. This is a more typical grab-bag issue with no particular theme, although it definitely leans heavily to the weapons and equipment direction. We have articles by two new authors this issue: Nick Landry and John Blaylock, with articles on portable power sources and energy weapons, respectively. I think we can expect to see more articles... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 27 of the Frontier Explorer. Our new author in this issue is Jerry Boucher, who also drew the absolutely amazing cover image for the issue. The cover is a callback, albeit from the sathar side, of the classic Elmore painting that graces the cover of the original rules. His article looks at the construction and use of the sathar weapons.
In addition to Jerry’s... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 33 of the Frontier Explorer!
This issue begins with another blast from the past with an old web article by Andrew Campbell on the use of solar sails on ships in the Frontier. Oscar Rios gives us a vrusk name generator as well as a system brief on the Solar Minor system. We finish off the Radiation in the Frontier series by Joseph Cabadas and Jerry Boucher details... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 34 of the Frontier Explorer.
As a nod to the Halloween season, this issue starts us off with a look at the Archetypes of Horror and how to use them in a Star Frontiers, an article my Tom Verreault. We also welcome a new author, Ken Wang who details out a spacer organization, original designed for the Cepheus Engine, but that can be dropped into any sci-fi setting.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
FFE and Traveller are at GenCon this year. We have a great Traveller activity we call “Can You Survive Traveller Character Generation?” or CYSTCG? See-Why-Ess-Tee-See-Gee.
The materials for CYSTCG? include a booklet with character generation rules, a page of 3 blank Chargen FillForms, and two Traveller Dice. Players get a chance to roll up Traveller... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Comprehensive Checklist for GDW and FFW titles on DTRPG
We have one of the largest collections of role-playing materials available through DriveThruRPG: so large, in fact, that its hard to know exactly what you want. Now, we have made it easier than ever with our Official Guides: comprehensive lists of the titles in our collections and overviews of the game systems.
Coverage... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
The overview Guide to Classic Traveller provides a complete list of the products published by GDW for Classic Traveller. This free Guide details the individual titles with text descriptions and cover illustrations. ... [click here for more] |
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller |
The overview Guide to FASA Classic Traveller provides a complete list of the products published by FASA under license for Classic Traveller. This free Guide details the individual titles with text descriptions and cover illustrations. ... [click here for more] |
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller |
Once Upon A Time:
GDW Game Designers' Workshop started publication of a trilogy set in The New Era: three Traveller novels by Paul Brunette chronicling a ship and its crew in the chaos after the rebellion. It started with The Death of Wisdom, and continued with To Dream of Chaos, but GDW (like the Third Imperium) was embroiled in chaos, and closed it doors in... [click here for more] |
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller |
 "Explore the diverse range of my creative work through these samples, each offering a unique journey into captivating storytelling. Animal Encounters takes you into the wild, where animals attack. Most Wanted delivers a thrilling dive into a high- stakes world of intrigue and danger collecting bounties. Pushing the Speed of Light propels you into a visionary exploration of futuristic breakthroughs... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |