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Life in 2068
Beyond the relatively banal existences of Joe and Jane Uniform, the world of Citizens Divided is filled with unique and interesting folks, working on both sides of the corporate divide, in order to rebuild a broken world, strengthen their own futures, or support a personal agenda.
Gun Control is a mini-adventure for... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, what better than a promotion for new genetically altered turkeys, the size of dogs, for the low price of just $1!!! Well, just about anything when you're the one being sold.
Take a spin on the feathered side and step into the...talons of a team of turkeys determined not to step up to the plate! Grab Foul Play, Atomic Ninja's latest one shot! ... [click here for more] |
Atomic Ninja Studios |
Pay What You Want
Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 4.
"El capitán Connors y su tripulación acaban de llegar a la misteriosa Zankara en busca de una oportunidad. Ismal Dilawar ha encontrado indicios de dónde pudo ocurrir el naufragio del Luna Esmeralda. El Gusano de Mar puede ser la oportunidad perfecta que está buscando Ismal... Les ofrecerá algo que no podrán rechazar."... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
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Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 3.
Dos países unidos en una guerra fría realizan un intercambio de dos de sus prisioneros más valiosos. Observadores imparciales se asegurarán de que ninguna de estas dos potencias rompa los tratados y arrastre al mundo a una guerra sin cuartel.
¿Serán capaces de mantener la paz cuando un tercer jugador entre en escena?... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Get ready for Heroes of Terra: The Mushroom War with this setting primer designed for the latest edition of Savage Worlds! Jumpstart your game for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition with this quick primer on the world of Terra, its many peoples, and its fantastic history! This jumpstart contains a revised SWADE version of the Heroes of Terra adventure... [click here for more] |
Blackwing Productions |
Pay What You Want
Secret Agents of CROSS Fillable Character Sheet
What is CROSS?
CROSS is a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. CROSS was created by rogue Cardinal James McDonnell to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions. He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using... [click here for more] |
Blessed Machine |
Pay What You Want
 Secret Agents of CROSS Fillable Character Sheet
What is CROSS?
CROSS is a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. CROSS was created by rogue Cardinal James McDonnell to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions. He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using... [click here for more] |
Blessed Machine |
Pay What You Want
What is CROSS?
CROSS is a clandestine spy agency also known as the Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike. CROSS was created by rogue Cardinal James McDonnell to take the Pope's prayers and convert them into actions. He and his command staff create missions to protect the flock from evil using cutting-edge technology coupled with saintly magic honed over 2000... [click here for more] |
Blessed Machine |
Pay What You Want
De Cacería es el primer suplemento para la ambientación de Savage Worlds Betty ‘the Slayer’ Mitchell. Fue publicada en formato digital gratuito en octubre de 2022 con el permiso de la Editorial Hirukoa.
De Cacería recoge sobre todo material que no pudo ser publicado tras el mecenazgo del juego y está formada por tres nuevos monstruos y seis nuevas aventuras. De ellas, tres son de autores... [click here for more] |
Carlos Ferrer |
Pay What You Want
The After is a setting of savage frontier action (think The Revenant or Jeremiah Johnson) in a sci-fi post-apocalypse (think Annihilation or The Quiet Place).
The After is set in the northwestern reaches of a broken North American continent. You play survivors of the shattered human race trying to rebuild their world after decades of alien predation.
This... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the world of Toy Troopers!
Small plastic soldiers wage war on the tabletop, under the bed, and in the garden. The war to control the entire Living Room and the access to the Garage... and you are the heroes of these wars, the Toy Troopers! Even a 2" plastic soldier can make the difference.
Toy Troopers is an upcoming military-comedy setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, based on... [click here for more] |
GRAmel |
Pay What You Want
The Tower of Fogaren is an adventure for the Children of the Apocalypse setting for Savage Worlds. Explore a wizard's tower of mysteries and traps and discover the fate of the House of Fogaren. Recommended for Novice or Seasoned level characters. ... [click here for more] |
Happy Monster Press |
Pay What You Want
Durante los últimos años de la Edad Media, la plaga de muertos se extendió por toda Europa, África y Asia, dando lugar a la época más oscura de toda la historia. Es el año 1514 del Señor y héroes procedentes de todos los nuevos reinos del oeste se aprestan a reconquistar el mundo. Ultima Forsan es un juego de aventuras salvajes y letales peligros, situado en una macabra versión... [click here for more] |
HT Publishers |
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Pack Attack!
Jade Tower Studios is pleased to present this Stone Tablet Tale for Sticks & Stones, our Prehistoric-ish setting for the Savage Worlds game.
Shaman are looked upon by the most of the inhabitants of Lur as being different. All that communing with the Spirits can make one just a little strange. But what’s a poor Cave-Person to do when his Clan’s Shaman starts... [click here for more] |
Jade Tower Studio |
Pay What You Want
This is a form-fillable character folio for Titan Effect RPG and compatible for both Savage Worlds Deluxe and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. This folio contains 4 pages (both in color and black and white) to optimize your character's stats and information.
*** About Titan Effect ***
Titan Effect RPG is an espionage and science... [click here for more] |
Knight Errant Media |
Pay What You Want
A pack of eight characters for use in the Savage Worlds adventure Still Life and Death. Available from /product/214156/Still-Life-and-Death
Each character has all the stats, Edges and Hindrances, and other details your players will need - including notes for how to use their abilities during play. There’s also a page detailing their appearance, history, roleplay hints, and a photo. There are Seasoned... [click here for more] |
Melting Point Publishing |
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Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition Twisted Earth Map
This release for Darwin's World, Nuclear Edition presents a poster-sized Twisted Earth map. Use on a screen or print out at poster size.
A printed poster may be purchased through the Misfit Studios website.
Provided at 300 dpi (print-ready quality) in Tif and PDF format with both a background and white in the top... [click here for more] |
Misfit Studios |
Pay What You Want
 Return to the dangerous world of pirates with more material for the first full-length adventure in the world of Gold Piece!
AoFI (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/495159/attack-on-flameskull-island) is one of my favourite adventures so far. To celebrate its good reception and to further enhance it, I have created some optional material:
A map of the old navy... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
This is a character sheet for the Dark States Setting for Savage Worlds ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 "Le Vrai Savant est Amoureux, Quiconque est sans Amour est Ignorant"
Il y a des éons, les Banu Armadar ont hérité des enseignements d'un prophète qui fut une Puissance des des Cieux: Aramidras. Il enseigna aux plus vaillants de cette dynastie les 8 Arcanes avant de laisser le monde en assumer l'héritage. Vous êtes de ceux-là.
Aujourd'hui, alors que les sectes opposantes ravagent son empire,... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 A nineteen hex hexcrawl template presented in a parchment style. ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever thought about publishing your own Tabletop RPG products for your favorite system? I’ll take you through the steps to do just that with the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild (SWAG) program on DriveThruRPG and get you that first sale. This guide provides need-to-know information that will make the process as easy as possible for an absolute beginner. ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 Need a quirky sidekick for your Sleuth Squad adventures? Can't come up with a funny companion? Well, look no further! Clue Critters is a gallery of 20 cartoon Mascots, ready to join your team, give a helping paw and cause some chaos.
From talking dogs to snowmen and blobs of glitter, these characters offer humor and skills. Use them as-is, or let them inspire your own creations.... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 Stats for ten Novice characters built using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules (SWADE). Ready made to drop into a one-shot, start a fantasy campaign, or use as NPCs.
Names, appearance, genders, backgrounds, and personalities are left to the imagination of the players. ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Enchanted Realm!
The Enchanted Realm Under the Bed is a setting for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition that explores adventure through the eyes of a child and the magic of imagination and dreams. Yes, magic exists, but you have to believe in it. For the young Chosen Ones, there are portals in the darkness of the so-called “real world” that take them to Dreimur, a magical... [click here for more] |
RetroPunk Publicacoes |
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So, you want to be a Demigod?
Choose a place, a cave, a town, a far-flung planet. Now choose a time, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, when aliens invaded our star sector… once again, anything goes. Now choose a genre, from horror to swashbuckling, steampunk to sci-fi, fantasy to fairytales....
Where your place, time and genre intersect, that’s Suzerain. Try it again tomorrow... [click here for more] |
Savage Mojo |
Pay What You Want
A conspiracy theorist printing press was torched last night. Police are investigating, and the neighbors want answers. It's hard to tell who did it, and the police are most assuredly going to chalk it up to arson and close the investigation. Afterall, it was just the Wellstone Prophet, and only whack-jobs read that rag anyway...
This freebie breaks tradition with the other Wellstone City Chronicles... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Deep in the shadow of Mount Terror lies the Tomb of Zuul-Tem. It has remained undisturbed for a thousand years, haunted by the cures of the ancient Necromancer who was supposedly laid to rest there. His knowledge, his treasure, and his power are said to be there with him. You and your group have planned an expedition there; an untouched crypt for a millennium. It is said to be trapped with devices... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Trapped at a nowhere motel on a dark stretch of road, the PCs are forced to confront a horde of zombies, and once the doors lock at 9pm, they don't open again until dawn.
Check out time is at 9am, but will the PCs be able to leave?
What you get:
Short little "One-Sheet" style adventure
A map of the Hotel Babylon and immediate area
What you need:
The Zombacalypse book for Savage Worlds
The Savage... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Wellstone City Wednesday is a standing Tradition at Silver Gryphon Games, supplying additional people, places, organizations, and adventure hooks for our Wellstone City Setting, available as a standalone setting for Savage Worlds or included in our own Æther Core Book. These updates are free for your enjoyment, but if you should find yourself enjoying them, we always appreciate you utilizing the Pay... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
 Wellstone City Wednesday is a standing Tradition at Silver Gryphon Games, supplying additional people, places, organizations, and adventure hooks for our Wellstone City Setting, available as a standalone setting for Savage Worlds or included in our own Æther Core Book. These updates are free for your enjoyment, but if you should find yourself enjoying them, we always appreciate you utilizing the Pay... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
 Wellstone City Wednesday is a standing Tradition at Silver Gryphon Games, supplying additional people, places, organizations, and adventure hooks for our Wellstone City Setting, available as a standalone setting for Savage Worlds or included in our own Æther Core Book. These updates are free for your enjoyment, but if you should find yourself enjoying them, we always appreciate you utilizing the Pay... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Wellstone City Wednesday is a standing Tradition at Silver Gryphon Games, supplying additional people, places, organizations, and adventure hooks for our Wellstone City Setting, available as a standalone setting for Savage Worlds or included in our own Æther Core Book. These updates are free for your enjoyment, but if you should find yourself enjoying them, we always appreciate you utilizing the Pay... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Wellstone City Wednesday is a standing Tradition at Silver Gryphon Games, supplying additional people, places, organizations, and adventure hooks for our Wellstone City Setting, available as a standalone setting for Savage Worlds or included in our own Æther Core Book. These updates are free for your enjoyment, but if you should find yourself enjoying them, we always appreciate you utilizing the Pay... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Clappers and Clangers pulls players into the violent world of automatons and anarchists in the City of the Steam Sun. Workers have been locked out of their steel mill jobs and are being replaced by machines. The automatons of the mysterious Dr. Campbell are being installed at night guarded by hired legbreakers. The player characters must find a way into the mill, around the guards, and stop the machines.... [click here for more] |
Steam Sun Games |
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 1894 год.
Математически выверенный Город должен был стать новой Утопией рационального века, но катастрофа изменила все - Город провалился в Лимб, преддверие Ада. Научный прогресс столкнулся с древней магией. Город стал частью... [click here for more] |
Steam Sun Games |
Pay What You Want
 Daemon's Blood
Ageneric scenario for any Fantasy genre RPG
A small scenario concerning the disappearance of the son of a local town elder. Obviously not all is as it seems.
Enjoy… ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre is on Kickstarter now! A free-to-play strategy game featuring powerful armies, smooth controls, and godlike spell-casting commanders known as Immortals.
Delve into dark and ancient places as a band of runepunk explorers in the world of IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre for Savage Worlds! As citizens of the Iron Republic of Jora, you are used to overcoming adversity... [click here for more] |
SunSpear Games |
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Street Wolves is a synthwave inspired retrofuturistic neo-noir action adventure. That means it's totally rad, but in a moody way. This jumpstart for the upcoming setting contains some new Edges and Hindrances, six pre-generated characters, and "Two of Hearts" a fully fleshed out and thematic adventure. Street Wolves takes place in an alternate 1980s where an organized cabal of... [click here for more] |
Table Cat Games |
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Deadlands: The Weird West - Blutiges Land (Einsteiger)
Wolltest du schon immer mal eine Partie Savage Worlds ausprobieren? Diese absolut kostenlose Version der Savage Worlds-Einsteigerregeln enthält alles, was du zum Spielen brauchst, einschließlich vorgefertigter Archetyp-Charaktere, Machtkarten und Kampfregeln.
Sie enthält außerdem Blutiges Land, eine brandneue Geschichte über den Tod in den... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen.
In der Augustausgabe 2022, stellen wir euch die DSA5 Abenteuer-Anthologie „Verhandlungskunst und Friedenschwur“ etwas näher vor. Warum haben wir uns dafür entschieden und was sind die... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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