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Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition (VTT) Foundry Key

Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition (VTT) Foundry Key

Play Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition on Foundry Virtual Tabletop now! The world is not what it seems. Psychics and bio-augmented humans work as spies and soldiers on behalf of criminal organizations, private military companies, and secret societies in a covert war that has been raging for decades. Some are fighting for control and power, while others seek to shape...   [click here for more]
Knight Errant Media  $24.99 $19.99

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MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition - FoundryVTT Module

MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition - FoundryVTT Module

EMERGENCY UPDATE TO ALL VIRTUAL RUNNERS DOWNLOAD IMMINENT DOWNLOADING... DOWNLOADING... SUCCESS * * * Well now, chummers and chooms, seems ol' Tripwire's been at it again. I hear there's this strange cyberspace node where folks like to gather and do 'roleplaying' and the like. And I'm talking about games such as Blockades and Bugbears. You know, for those who have far more imagination thank...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  $6.99

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Bad Actors  A Modern Military Adventure for Savage Worlds (SWADE)

Bad Actors A Modern Military Adventure for Savage Worlds (SWADE)

Anything can happen in the middle of a war zone.  NATO has a perilous forward operating base deep in warlord territory with firefights daily.  There are some bad actors among the troops who have planned a heist to snatch some pre-invasion treasures and the PCs are dumped in the midde of it all. Bad Actors comes with the full adventure as well as maps for use in online play.  Maps include versions...   [click here for more]
Dragonlaird Gaming  $2.99

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Street Wolves (VTT) Foundry Key

Street Wolves (VTT) Foundry Key

Street Wolves is the retro-noir action adventure Savage Worlds module for running adventures in the neon shadows of 1987. The Street Wolves Foundry Module includes: The contents of Street Wolves core book, organized in handy chapters. Two adventures: "Two of Hearts" from the Jumpstart and "Melt with You" from the Street Wolves core book An immersive and...   [click here for more]
Table Cat Games  $19.99

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Savage Worlds Core Rules Bundle | Roll20 VTT

Savage Worlds Core Rules Bundle | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSIONS TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT This Bundle includes the Core Rulebook compendium Savage Worlds Action Deck Game Addon worth $4.99 Savage Worlds Adventure Deck Game Addon worth $9.99 Savage Worlds Rollable Tables & Macros Addon as an added bonus Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious!...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  $34.99

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Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement - FoundryVTT Module [OLD VERSION]

Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement - FoundryVTT Module [OLD VERSION]

INCOMING PAYDATA You have downloaded the VTT module for Technomancers, a Sprawlrunner's supplement. This download containts the full rulebook for adding technomancers to your Sprawlrunners campaigns. This module functions best with and relies on both the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and Sprawlrunners VTT Modules; if you do not own either module, you may experience broken links. This edition is...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  $1.99

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Freedom Squadron VTT Tokens

Freedom Squadron VTT Tokens

Bring the action to your screen with Freedom Squadron VTT Tokens! This set contains the heroes, villains, and vehicles found in the VENOM Assault board game and the Freedom Squadron Field Manual and Friends/Foes Manual RPG volumes! ...   [click here for more]
Mobius Worlds Publishing  $5.95 $3.95

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Savage Worlds - Abenteuer-Edition Grundregelwerk (VTT) Key für Foundry kaufen

Savage Worlds - Abenteuer-Edition Grundregelwerk (VTT) Key für Foundry kaufen

Willkommen zum ersten offiziellen deutschen Savage Worlds Premium Content Pack für Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Darin findet ihr das komplette, vollständig verlinkte Grundregelwerk der Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Zusätzlich finden sich alle Bilder aus dem Grundregelwerk sowie mehr als 200 zusätzliche Bilder darin und viele andere Goodies, wie z.B. automatisierte Würfeltabellen, fertige Gegenstände,...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $15.45

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VTT Pack for Trouble in Tripoli

VTT Pack for Trouble in Tripoli

A VTT Asset Pack for Trouble in Tripoli, the adventure bundled with the Taster Edition of The Secret Files of Section D.  The Asset pack contains: Maps for key locations Deckplans for a gigantic airship Player Character portraits Player handouts Tokens for Player Characters and NPCs 9 Pre Generated characters Example map The basic pack contains all the above with maps at 100dpi...   [click here for more]
Imaginarium Games  Pay What You Want

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Savage Worlds - Abenteuerkartendeck (VTT) Key für Foundry kaufen

Savage Worlds - Abenteuerkartendeck (VTT) Key für Foundry kaufen

Dieses Set enthält 53 liebevoll gestaltete Abenteuerkarten für Savage Worlds, die deinen Helden mehr Kontrolle über ihr eigenes Schicksal ermöglichen! Das Modul bringt zusätzlich Komfortfunktionen zum Austeilen und Anzeigen von Karten für Spieler und Spielleiter mit. Abenteuerkarten führen euch zu neuen Romanzen und Feinden, vermeiden oder erhöhen Schaden und treiben die Handlung voran! Enthält:...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $7.18

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Gangsters Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Gangsters Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Gangsters, shrouded in shadows and wielding power through illicit means, navigate a treacherous underworld where loyalty and ruthlessness reign supreme. The lowest step in any gang that everyone has to go through is thugs. They work as a backup if someone needs to be intimidated or robbed.  Soldiers are...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Prisoners Animated Tokens Pack (45 tokens) | Roll 20

Prisoners Animated Tokens Pack (45 tokens) | Roll 20

Some of these prisoners have been convicted of serious crimes, some have been convicted of smaller cases, and some of them are innocent at all. Weapons are not so easy to get in prison, but some prisoners have enough bare hands to kill someone. Some prisoners make shivs - homemade knives and daggers to stab their enemies or even guards....   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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The Wicked Woods | Roll20

The Wicked Woods | Roll20

This is the Roll20 version of this adventure. The PDF is available here The Wicked Woods is a straightforward encounter in which a group of beginning adventurers must stop a corrupted druid and a withered hag from completing a dark ritual. A number of potential plot hooks to bring your party into this adventure are included. This adventure is designed for Novice...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  $4.95

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2020 New Year Special I want It All Bundle

2020 New Year Special I want It All Bundle

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Adventure Map Tiles: Doors Set 1 Regular price: $1.99 This is a modular Print & Paste dungeon tile set that can be used with any tabletop RPG. Also included are a full set of png files for Virtual Tabletops. The pritable tiles were designed to be ...Adventure Map Tiles: Stairs Set 1 Regular price: $1.99 This is...   [click here for more]
Middle Kingdoms Adventure & Trading Co.  $295.09 $147.55

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  Mythic Magazine Compilation 5