Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a new way to manage Dominion for the Harrowed. These cards can be used with the rules inside when a player “Lets the Devil take the reins!” The six different cards with unique art can be used for those stubborn Deaders in your Lost Colony game!
Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series.... [click here for more]
Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a few new powers like Banshee’s howl and ghost in the machine. This free PDF gives you the cards for print-and-play use! It also includes updated replacements for a couple of powers updated since SWADE's release (as noted in the SWADE Update found here and on our site).
Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying... [click here for more]
Download these print and play PDF Power Templates with purple energy trappings to best represent anouk magic and complement your Lost Colony game. You can find other Power Templates here and on our website!
DEADLANDS: LOST COLONY is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.... [click here for more]
The Fear Agent™ RPG Combat Options Chart is a great way to have critical rules at your finger tips. The faster you can find out how to fight that Tetaldian, the sooner you can get to taking down the two Tetaldian Automotons behind him!
Based on the amazing comic series by Rick Remender, Tony Moore, and Jerome Opeña, the Fear Agent™ Roleplaying Game is a pulp scifi... [click here for more]
In Relic Worlds Showdown, players fight over the ruins of ancient alien civilizations as they search for powerful artifacts. Along their search, they come upon fierce creatures, treacherous traps, and wondrous items lost for millions of years.
Discovery Cards add add new dimension to the game by allowing players to draw these discoveries from a deck and see what they found rather than rolling for... [click here for more]
These free bookmarks can be printed and trimmed to mark important sections of the various Savage Rifts® books!
Savage Rifts® brings the incredibly popular world of Palladium Books’ Rifts® to the award-winning Savage Worlds system by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The gates of the Megaverse® bring infinite... [click here for more]
This colorful double-sided reference sheet contains all the combat options players need in the heat of battle, and are updated to reflect some of the core rules changes for Flash Gordon! Print 'em up and hand 'em out to best defeat Ming's merciless minions!
This product requires the Flash Gordon™ RPG and Savage Worlds Deluxe core rules to play.
The Savage World of Flash Gordon is... [click here for more]
Ming Must Fall!
Bring life to your next Flash Gordon™ game with these colorful propoganda posters created by Dr. Arnold Blumberg!
A second "Sign Up Sheet" version is also included for use at your local convention or favorite local game store!
The Savage World of Flash Gordon is a setting for Savage Worlds based on Alex Raymond's classic comic strips. It also draws from the Buster... [click here for more]