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Certains y ont goûté, mais presque tout le monde en parle : la Lune Cerise. Un produit inhabituel a débarqué dans les rues : du sang. Et ça n’arrive pas toutes les nuits. De ce qu’en savent les Descendants, le sang se gâte et devient rance. Ce produit est impossible à vendre parce qu’il est impossible à stocker. Seuls les Descendants à l’estomac très bien accroché peuvent se nourrir... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Une place s’est libérée parmi les vampires haut placés de la Camarilla locale, et un lécheur prometteur est prêt à tout pour s’en emparer. Ses alliés et lui savent quel avenir ils veulent donner à la cité, un futur qui inclut une fin sanglante pour ses anarchs (c’est-à-dire vous). Réussirez-vous à l’abattre dans son propre Elysium ?
Le jeu du primogène est un scénario... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Nouvelle année, nouveau vous !
Vous essayez de survivre nuit après nuit en tant que Descendant en gérant les sectes, les chasseurs de vampires et votre lien déclinant avec le monde des mortels dans lequel vous viviez avant. Posez-vous la question : votre non-vie va-t-elle se résumer à cela pour l’éternité ? Nous sommes le soir de la Saint-Sylvestre et, tandis que toute... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.”
—Emily Dickinson
L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”
Harry Houdini
Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A Player aid for Mage: The Ascension, this 78-card Tarot deck is suitable for stand-alone use or in conjunction with chronicles and contains lavish, full-color art commissioned specifically for this deck.
Includes instructions on standard Tarot readings as well as using the cards as a Storytelling tool for chronicles.
Note, this is a recreation of the original deck using the print on demand options... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This introduction to Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition includes a summary of the setting and basic rules.
This Quickstart also features descriptions, stats, and story-hooks for playing an unlikely pack of mages: the Bridge Troll Cabal, a “family” of gutter mystics whose life in the underside of Seattle contrasts with the vibrant face of that city. For the moment,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Ho! Ho! Ho! We had so much fun creating the Overly Specific Condition Cards and a special Condition Card for Halloween, we decided we wanted to try something new.
These Twelve Days of Onyx Condition Cards are holiday themed Conditions selected from contest entries submitted by members of our creative and awesome community. It was really, really difficult to choose our 12 favorites... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.
As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
A Sheet for Everything The Awakened struggle to rebuild their societies and carve out their own kingdoms on Earth. Witch, technomancer, shaman - which one are you? A Play Aid for Mage: The Awakening * Preprinted character sheets, customized for every playable path and order. * No need to photocopy your rulebook. * Every player needs a sheet, making this a valuable play aid. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
It's a new night!
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting.
Whether you're a new player checking out Mind's Eye Theatre for the first time, or a veteran who is curious about the new edition, this Quickstart Guide will help... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.
As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Neujahrsabend. Ihr wurdet zu einer Party eingeladen, um die Gelegenheit zu haben, mit Isabella zu sprechen, der Freundin eines Freundes. Sie wurde von jemandem belästigt, der zu viel über Vampire weiß. Könnt ihr euch um diese Angelegenheit kümmern, bis es Mitternacht schlägt?
Auld Sanguine ist eine Geschichte für Vampire: Die Maskerade. Sie funktioniert am besten für einen Klüngel von vier... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Carcosa, rien de plus que l’histoire d’une énième cité antique ravagée par la décadence et l’ambition de son roi fou. Du moins pour les historiens de cette fin de siècle.
Pour d’autres en revanche, cette cité mythique, versée dans la philosophie et les arts magiques, haut-lieu de l’alchimie, n’attend que l’avènement de l’héritier du Dernier des rois pour retrouver sa gloire... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
À première vue l’univers de Crimes et celui issu des écrits de Lovecraft semblent incompatibles, leurs conceptions de la folie étant diamétralement opposées, (endogène pour l’un, exogène pour l’autre). Mais il existe un lien.
Si l’on considère les entités du mythe comme un égrégore de la déresponsabilisation des hommes face à leur propre horreur, et que ce qu’ils contemplent... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Changeling: The Dreaming
Changeling: The Dreaming is a roleplaying game. It is a beautifully illustrated, full-color book that explores the hidden world of the faerie folk trapped on Earth. It gives you rules for creating your own changeling character, and describes the setting and history of the fae. What happens next is up to you.
This booklet is a simplified version of Changeling:... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Heroes of Reality The proud men and women who serve the New World Order are the paragons and saviors of humanity. These Enlightened minds have the thankless job of being our shepherd, leading us to ultimate Empowerment and protecting us from utter chaos: the misguided Traditionalists, corrupted Technocrats, vile creates, and ourselves. The Order oversees the Technocratic Union through... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
ENnie Nominee Best Free Product or Web Enhancement
Gloria Mundi Gazing Into You
The first scenario in an eight-part chronicle which will be released here on DriveThruRPG. The chronicle takes the characters deep into the World of Darkness, revealing some of the secrets of the Awakened. Download this free booklet for everything you and five of your friends need to play... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Gloria Mundi Driving Angry
The second scenario in an eight-part chronicle which will be released here on DriveThruRPG. The chronicle takes the characters deep into the World of Darkness, revealing some of the secrets of the Awakened. Download this free booklet for everything you and five of your friends need to play your first game of Mage: The Awakening, White Wolf's all-new... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Nest of Vipers
Welcome to the third installment of Gloria Mundi, the demo chronicle for Mage: The Awakening. The players might well have been wondering about the other mages in the Boston area and what response they might have to the power that Adam has unleashed. How do mages govern themselves? Do the characters have to fear repercussions for their roles in this drama? The characters are... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Siren's Song
Welcome to the fourth installment of Gloria Mundi, the demo chronicle for Mage: The Awakening. In this story, the characters begin their own investigation of the Vice-spirits and discover that one of them, at least, has carved out a niche for itself in the Fallen World. They find out how subtle and poisonous the influence of these spirits can be, and, hopefully, they learn that... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Mysteries of the Otherworld is an expansion of the new systems introduced in Mysteries of the World: Scion Companion to expand options for Scions of the Túatha Dé Danann in your game, helping invoke mythic themes drawn from medieval Irish saga literature.
This project includes:
Additional Cult Rules, expanding the Birthright to include Foster Families, Warrior Bands, and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Nemetondevos: Revised is a set of alternative rules for the Nemetondevos, originally found in Mysteries of the World: Scion Companion, drawing more heavily on historical and archeological details than the more heavily fictional image of the Pantheon found in official material. The book contains thirty six pages of historical details, expanded divine patron options, a more detailed... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The OpenDark System Reference Document is an hommage to gothic role-playing games of the 1990's and their dark worlds.
SRD originally published at the very end of 2007 ; some art has been added, some editing has been done. ... [click here for more] |
You are the children of the Gods, the enemies of the Titans, and your decisions and actions will help decide the Fate of The World and your own destiny. Will you fight and strive alongside humanity, accomplish great Deeds in the names of your parents, or ascend to the grandeur of Godhood?
The Scion: Origin and Hero Style Guide contains:
Guidance on how to outline chapters, structure your writing... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
This download contains two PDFs (one full-color, one black and white for printer ease) with the errata and FAQs for Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero Second Edition. The color PDF also contains updated pre-generated character sheets for both books. ... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The evolution of the Storypath system is tied to our work on the Trinity Continuum, a world of hope, heroism, and peril, and Scion, a world where the children of the old gods walk the earth.
Early on, we found that both new editions of these games had similar system needs, because their characters are larger-than-life and fight in epic battles on a grand scale.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Welcome to my gothic castle. Yes, it’s damp, it creaks a little, there’s an unusual smell, and the walls have seen better days, but I’ve no doubt that after a few nights inside, you’ll feel as snug as a bug in a rug.
I know why you’re here, of course. You want to learn secrets from beyond the grave, don’t you? Well, park yourself on one of those stools and your lessons... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The TRAGED13S OF MIDDLE SCHOOL handouts are all the supplemental documents you'll need for the 22 games and activities!
Get the main book to go with these handouts here! ... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
Welcome to the Trinity Continuum Style Guide, a manual for creating authentic-feeling products for our gamelines. Maybe you want to write something for your own group or to sell via the Storypath Nexus. Perhaps you want to expand upon some of the many plot hooks present in Trinity Continuum games or present one of the many parallel universes within the Continuum.
Whatever the case,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Karta Postaci do 5 Edycji Wampira: Maskarady.
Wampir: Maskarada to oryginalna, wyjątkowa gra fabularna osobistego i politycznego horroru. Wcielasz się w wampira walczącego o przeżycie, zwierzchnictwo i o swoje zanikające człowieczeństwo – pełen obaw o to, do czego jesteś zdolny, oraz przerażony otaczającymi cię nieludzkimi spiskami.
Jako wampir odczuwasz mękę wynikającą... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |