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13 (+2) Dungeons

13 (+2) Dungeons

A collection of dungeon maps slightly linked to each other, produced during my first year of public activity. I gathered them in this small volume so that they cannot be lost like tears in the rain. If you wish to print it just print the cover pages in A3 Format and the rest in A4! ...   [click here for more]
Spaghetti Quester  $13.00

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5e Spell Scroll Cards

5e Spell Scroll Cards

2.5”w x 3.5”h cards describe 5e Spell Scrolls, AND the spell that the scroll is for. 353 Spell Scroll Cards. 1 Spell Key Card. Have an actual item to hand out to your players. Keep spell name and information easy to find for quick reference. List of classes that can cast the spell on each card. Descriptive/mechanical text is written in full, along with page number for reference. These...   [click here for more]
Patrick Mitchell Johnston  $9.99

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Aberrant Storytellers Screen

Aberrant Storytellers Screen

World of Dream... Eerily like our own world, the Aberrant universe of 2008 has been irrevocably changed by the presence of the godlike novas. All aspects of human societyhave felt — or suffered — the presence of these capricious, quantum-powered deities. ... Nightmare Future! The Aberrant Storytellers Screen features...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $8.99

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Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains

Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains

The Heroes and Villains token collection allows you to bring some of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant's most iconic characters to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice, featuring 46 different tokens. About Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is a game of superpowered adventure in the near-future of the Trinity Continuum. In...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Aberrant VTT 02: Mooks and Minions

Aberrant VTT 02: Mooks and Minions

The Mooks and Minions token collection provides 30 character illustrations, duplicated in seven different themed sets for each of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant's major factions, for a total of 210 different tokens! For use in the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. About Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is a game of superpowered adventure in the...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Aberrant VTT 03: Extras

Aberrant VTT 03: Extras

What if Divis Mal joined Team Tomorrow? What if the Directive grew a clone of Antaeus? The Extras token collection takes all the iconic characters from the Heroes and Villiains collection with variant backgrounds from the different factions, so you can play any kind of multiversal crisis you want! 276 tokens for use in the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. About Trinity Continuum:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Ancient Portal - Dungeon Map

Ancient Portal - Dungeon Map

Do you feel like exploring a dangerous and mysterious cave? The Ancient Portal Map set is just what you need! This set supplies you with a map of the Ancient Portal and surrounding caves, with mysterious rooms and a secret extension. Daniels Maps Daniels Maps are professional quality maps ready-made to plug into your campaign. I always aim to deliver high-quality fantasy...   [click here for more]
Daniels Maps  $1.99

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Aspect Book Earth

Aspect Book Earth

The Ivory Children of PasiapArchitects and martial artists, the Aspects of Earth are the spiritualists and builders of the Dragon-Blooded Host. Yet, these rugged Exalts are far more than mere craftsmen. With their superhuman endurance and their devotion to the Dragon of Stability, Aspects of Earth are the strong foundation of the Dragon-Blooded and...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.98

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Aspect Book Fire

Aspect Book Fire

The Scarlet Offspring of HesieshSocialites and military-style fighters without peer, the Aspects of Fire are the shimmering embers of the Dragon-Blooded Host. Yet, these visionaries do far more than make love and war. With their incredible battle skills and their vibrant personalities, the Children of Hesiesh are the beating heart of Dragon-Blooded society and the driving impulse of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.98

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Aspect Book: Water

Aspect Book: Water

The Ebon Offspring of Daana’d Sailors, spiritualists and businessmen without compare, the Aspects Water are the tidal vortices of the Dragon-Blooded host. Yet bureaucrats and sailors do far more than trade at foreign ports to increase the wealth of the Dynasty. With their skill at business, their eagle and their mastery of the waves, the Children of Daana’d are bookkeepers...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Blood and Salt

Blood and Salt

The Deadly Lintha FamilyThe Lintha are the South's most infamous bucaneers, a deadly gang of pirates so daring as to war with the pirate-lords of the Coral Archipelago to the north and to attack as far east as Chiarscuro, all the while under the attention of three imperial fleets and countless local navies. All those who enter the Family are bound...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Book of Storyteller Secrets

Book of Storyteller Secrets

A 64 page sourcebook with a Changeling:The Dreaming storytellers screen. The Book of Storytellers Secrets offers new material to enliven and enrich the world of changelings. Learn the secrets of creating paths and uncover new Bunk and Nightmares....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Burn Legend Technique Cards

Burn Legend Technique Cards

The Burn Legend system introduced in Shards of the Exalted Dream provides a fast, furious, blind-bid tactical system for resolving martial arts battles between the Exalted, featuring 150 distinct Techniques. As an added bonus, White Wolf is pleased to present free Burn Legend Technique Cards, containing the full rules of all published Techniques. These Technique Cards help to keep play fun...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Caste Book: Dawn

Caste Book: Dawn

The Champions of Unconquered Sun Elemental forces of destruction, the Dawn Caste of the Solar Exalted are the mailed right fist of the Unconquered Sun. Yet these peerless warriors are not mere bloodthirsty killers. With their mighty war-arts and terrible visages, the Dawn Caste brings the light of the Unconquered Sun into the dark places. Know fear, you who would stand against the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.98

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Caste Book: Night

Caste Book: Night

The Assassins of Unconquered Sun Thieves, tricksters and deadly killers, the Night Caste of the Solar Exalted are the wickedly cunning spies of the Unconquered Sun. Yet these shadowy avengers are more than mere cutthroats. With their dark powers and incredible skills, the Night Caste is a silent force for righteousness. Those who would scheme to evade the power of the sun should fear,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.98

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Caste Book: Twilight

Caste Book: Twilight

The Savants of Unconquered Sun Craftsmen and cunning men, these are the meddling sorcerer-servants of the Unconquered Sun. Yet the Twilight Caste is more than mere magicians and scholars. These Exalted form a mighty force for enlightenment in a benighted world. Those who would trick the masses and lock away wisdom should fear, for these savants have come to deliver knowledge to the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.98

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Caste Book: Zenith

Caste Book: Zenith

The Prophets of Unconquered Sun Spiritual pilgrims, the Zenith Caste of the Solar Exalted are the hands and voice of the Unconquered Sun. Yet these stalwart heroes are more than mere priests and propagandists. With their crusading hearts and invincible strength, the Zenith Caste is amighty force for righteousness in the world. Those who would make it a place of misery and pain should...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.98

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Changeling the Lost 2e Condition Cards

Changeling the Lost 2e Condition Cards

Part of the Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the Chronicles of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Changeling: the Lost Storyteller Screen

Changeling: the Lost Storyteller Screen

Shield your cryptic die rolls and notes from prying players' eyes, and have the wisdom of the Lost available at a glance. With this beautiful slice of the Hedge between Storyteller and players, the game table will have that extra touch of dangerous fae beauty ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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Char an Tyra - World Map Set

Char an Tyra - World Map Set

Are you looking for a setting for you new campaign? Do you need a world that’s full of locations and a variety of regions to visit in your campaign? This map set offers countless options for you. Whatever you are looking for, the Char an Tyra Map Set offers what you need. Daniels Maps Daniels Maps are professional quality maps ready-made to plug...   [click here for more]
Daniels Maps  $2.49

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Chicago By Night VTT Assets

Chicago By Night VTT Assets

Accept no substitutes: Chicago is the city of vampires. These tokens are designed to allow you to bring the Kindred of Chicago by Night (for Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition) to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. Inside you’ll find: Over fifty character tokens drawn from Chicago by Night Variant character tokens including...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $4.99

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Chicago Folios VTT Assets

Chicago Folios VTT Assets

A city as large as Chicago requires more than a surface study to find out its secrets.  These tokens are designed to allow you to bring the Kindred of The Chicago Folios (for Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition) to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. The Chicago Folios put any vampire reading them in danger, but through that danger, the possibility...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $2.99

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Children of the Blood VTT Assets

Children of the Blood VTT Assets

Do you know who considers faith among the dead a trivial concept — or worse, a new one?   Dullards and con artists.   These vampires want you to believe that religion is a new phenomenon among Kindred. They want you to believe only vampires on the periphery subscribe to the worship of higher powers or seek a greater cause.   These tokens are...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $0.99

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Chronicles of Darkness Condition, Numina, and Dread Power Cards

Chronicles of Darkness Condition, Numina, and Dread Power Cards

Part of the new Chronicles of Darkness rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the Chronicles of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.99

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Chronicles of Darkness Tilt Cards

Chronicles of Darkness Tilt Cards

Tilts are a unified way of applying circumstances to both characters and scenes during violent encounters. Tilts are mechanically similar to Conditions, but they affect characters and scenes in combat only. Outside combat, use Conditions instead. Tilts do not give players Beats when they end, but the effects of a Tilt can easily cause a Condition. For instance, a character in a fight gets a handful...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Clip-On Treasure Hoard

Clip-On Treasure Hoard

Clip - On Treasure Hoard is the next in our line of utility terrain meant to work with any dragonbite tile. Whenever you need to add a really impressive loot area, this set is ready to provide.  Stuffed chockablock full of easter eggs and goodies, this set will be an instant favorite with your players. Use it with other Clip On sets like Nano-dungeon or Ruins for a diverse and fast assembling adventure...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  $13.00

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Crucible of Legend VTT Assets

Crucible of Legend VTT Assets

The Exalted stand astride Creation, ready to remake the world in their own image. From the mightiest Solar to the lowliest Exigent, they are heroes one and all. This collection of VTT Assets contains 80 tokens pulled from the Crucible of Legend sourcebook. Upload them to your virtual tabletop platform of choice to enhance your Exalted adventures. Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing: Crucible...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Crystal Ordred Ordred Master's Codex of Intergalactic Wisdom 1/4; Chimera

Crystal Ordred Ordred Master's Codex of Intergalactic Wisdom 1/4; Chimera

This is the first of a 4 book series regarding the Elysium System. Dungeons, Monsters, Territories, and storylines await to challenge your adventurers and take them to new heights or to their ultimate destruction. Crystal Ordred uses a modular rule system to be "Rules Light" or as rules robust in accordance with your preferences. ...   [click here for more]
QueTeeGamez  $9.99

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Crystal Ordred Ordred Master's Codex of Intergalactic Wisdom 2/4; Blero

Crystal Ordred Ordred Master's Codex of Intergalactic Wisdom 2/4; Blero

This is part 2 of a 4 book series regarding the Elysium System. Dungeons, Monsters, Territories, and storylines await to challenge your adventurers and take them to new heights or their ultimate destruction. Crystal Ordred uses a modular rule system to be "Rules Light" or as rules robust per your preferences. ...   [click here for more]
QueTeeGamez  $12.99

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Cults of the Blood Gods VTT Assets

Cults of the Blood Gods VTT Assets

While some vampire cults span the globe hiding in plain sight, others are fringe faiths with morbid practices and ancient conspiracies lasting centuries. Others such as the incestuous Clan of Death and the malignant Church of Set — arguably the largest vampire cults of all — believe in a destiny that will enable them to impose their wills on the world of the living and the dead.  ...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $0.99

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Curseborne Tarot Cards

Curseborne Tarot Cards

WHAT IS CURSBORNE? Curseborne is a stand-alone roleplaying game detailing a shadowy urban setting of mysteries and legends, romance and betrayal, and more. Originally released at PAX Unplugged 2024, we've now made these Curseborne themed cards available for everyone. These five cards are a promotional item for the Curseborne RPG, this is not a full deck of Tarot cards. Also...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Damnation City: District Map Segments

Damnation City: District Map Segments

This free companion kit contains larger versions of the nine map segments that appear in Damnation City, pp. 184–195, plus two bonus maps....   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Dark Aeons Extras

Dark Aeons Extras

Dark Aeons Extras is a collection of PDF Persona Sheets, Equipment, Weapon, and Armor Cards, the Dark Aeons FAQ, the Dark Aeons Errata, From the Directors Chair 1 and 2, and Stardust Publications Podcasts 3 (Horror 101) and 4 (Creating and Running a successful Live-Action game) Stardust Publications Podcast Episode 3: Horror 101. Brian J Baker and Joshua D Brice; two of the writers of the Dark Aeons:...   [click here for more]
Stardust Publications   FREE 

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Dark Ages: Storytellers Companion

Dark Ages: Storytellers Companion

The Night has Many Tales From the infernal Baali, to the Lhainnan witches and the morbid faith of the Road of Bones, the Dark Medieval hides many secrets. Not all vampires hail from the 13 clans and not all follow the five great roads. All Told by Firelight The Dark Ages: Vampire Storytellers Companion gives you access to secrets and advice to enrich stories and make them easier to...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Deadly Missions 5th Edition: FROSTY THE SNOWMAN

Deadly Missions 5th Edition: FROSTY THE SNOWMAN

DEADLY MISSIONS: FROSTY THE SNOWMAN is the second expansion for DEADLY MISSIONS 5th EDITION. This set features the FROSTY character, a high quality original hand-drawn figure featuring front and rear artwork and Data Card with information about this new character to the  DEADLY MISSIONS games.  This set features a whimsical character,...   [click here for more]
Grey Matter Games  $2.00 $1.00

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Deadly Missions 5th Edition: NORA THE EXPLORER

Deadly Missions 5th Edition: NORA THE EXPLORER

DEADLY MISSIONS: NORA THE EXPLORER is the second expansion for DEADLY MISSIONS 5th EDITION. This set features the NORA character, a high quality original hand-drawn figure featuring front and rear artwork, and includes her data card and COMMANDER CARD information about this new addition to the  DEADLY MISSIONS games.  This set features...   [click here for more]
Grey Matter Games  $2.00 $1.00

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Deck of Many Things Tarot Deck

Deck of Many Things Tarot Deck

This is a hand-drawn 22 card Tarot card deck. It is also known by some as the Deck of Many Things and can be used, with caution, in any Dungeons and Dragons game. ...   [click here for more]
GeekGirlBookWorm  $6.70

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Demon Storytellers Companion

Demon Storytellers Companion

Awake, Arise The seals of Armageddon are sundered, and the damned have shaken off their chains. While the lords of the Abyss marshal their forces and rekindle ancient ambitions, they are unaware that darker forces wait in remote parts of the world. The Earthbound have slumbered for centuries, waiting for their opportunity to enslave mankind, and the demons are the key. Caught up in...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Demon: The Descent Condition Cards

Demon: The Descent Condition Cards

Part of the new Demon: the Descent rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the World of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten the drama...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Deviant: The Renegades Tokens

Deviant: The Renegades Tokens

These tokens are designed to allow you to bring Deviant: the Renegades to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice. These tokens include a variety of remade and other oddities that occupy the world of Deviant. This pack includes 111 tokens. Inside you’ll find: Player character tokens drawn from the art of Deviant: the Renegades Character tokens to represent both Storyteller Characters...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Dice Drop Fantasy Settlement

Dice Drop Fantasy Settlement

A Dice Drop table to help create interesting, random fantasy-genere settlements and small towns on the fly. The PDF is bascially what's shown in the cover image, but with a nice background. ...   [click here for more]
Keith Outcelt  Pay What You Want

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Don't Open The Gates!

Don't Open The Gates!

Banshee Hill Cemetery seals away the world’s most extensive collection of cursed treasures, vile evils, and restless dead. Despite the isolation of the cemetery, it still inters ordinary dead. Legends speak of vengeful dead rising from their graves, greedy graverobbers ravaged by giant rats, seductive vampires stalking among crumbling mausoleums, and the infamous banshee: Begonia Kavanaugh herself. ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Encounter Building Cards: Combat

Encounter Building Cards: Combat

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Decisions

Encounter Building Cards: Decisions

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Locations

Encounter Building Cards: Locations

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Exalted Second Edition: Character Sheet Pad

Exalted Second Edition: Character Sheet Pad

Your Characters Should Have Character With the world in ruin, how do you sort friend from foe? How can the Exalted stand up and be counted, their worth and deeds displayed to all before them? On new character sheets, of course! White Wolf continues its support the new Exalted Second Edition rules with this indispensable collection of character sheets. The pad contains 1 copy of each...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Exalted Storytellers Companion

Exalted Storytellers Companion

True Wisdom Requires Knowledge The world of Exalted is a treacherous one, and the Threshold teems with danger. It springs from the alien might of spirits and the machinations of the Dragon-Blooded, from the raw power of elementals and the ancient fury of the Lunar Exalted. Whatever road the newly reborn Solar Exalted walk, they face many challenges. True Strength Requires Wisdom...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Exalted: Essence Abyssals Charm Cards

Exalted: Essence Abyssals Charm Cards

Charms are at the heart of any Exalted: Essence player character. From toughening up a Solar to allowing a Lunar to slip into places unnoticed, and from letting a Sidereal perform their favorite martial art to giving an Abyssal all they need to use their fiendish necromancy, Charms help define how you play your character at your table. These tarot-sized Charm cards help any Exalted:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Exalted: Essence Alchemicals Charm Cards

Exalted: Essence Alchemicals Charm Cards

Charms are at the heart of any Exalted: Essence player character. From toughening up a Solar to allowing a Lunar to slip into places unnoticed, and from letting a Sidereal perform their favorite martial art to giving an Abyssal all they need to use their fiendish necromancy, Charms help define how you play your character at your table. These tarot-sized Charm cards help any Exalted:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Exalted: Essence Dragon-Blooded Charm Cards

Exalted: Essence Dragon-Blooded Charm Cards

Charms are at the heart of any Exalted: Essence player character. From toughening up a Solar to allowing a Lunar to slip into places unnoticed, and from letting a Sidereal perform their favorite martial art to giving an Abyssal all they need to use their fiendish necromancy, Charms help define how you play your character at your table. These tarot-sized Charm cards help any Exalted:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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