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The Spell Writing Guide

The Spell Writing Guide

The Spell Writing Guide is an in depth exploration and explanation of an algorithmic way to write spells in any magic system with set spell features. Included is the stylised Spell Writing Guide, the plain text version, and a dictionary contataining some of 5e's Creative Commons spells. The SWG contatins an in depth mathematical exploration of how we created the system and the maths behind some of...   [click here for more]
The Gorilla Of Destiny  Pay What You Want

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Survive the Tyrant!

Survive the Tyrant!

An RPG-style guide for surviving an authoritarian and oppressive regime ...   [click here for more]
Survive The Tyrant  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Terrain: Docks, Piers & Bridges

Print & Paste Terrain: Docks, Piers & Bridges

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the terrain featured in the video below. Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2023 Edition

One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2023 Edition

The One Page Dungeon Compendium A collection of dungeons with all of the 2023 One Page Dungeon Contest entries.  This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium. There are 112 entries to this year's contest.  You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing...   [click here for more]
Spiel Knights  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2024 Edition

One Page Dungeon Compendium: 2024 Edition

The One Page Dungeon Compendium A collection of dungeons with all of the 2024 One Page Dungeon Contest entries.  This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium. There are 112 entries to this year's contest.  You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing...   [click here for more]
Spiel Knights  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Expanded Oracles

Starsmith: Expanded Oracles

More Options for Ironsworn: Starforged Oracles! A coilbound version is available elsewhere since DTRPG can't do coilbound.  Contact me or check my Play Every Role website if you're interested in it, but the PDF is only available here on DriveThruRPG. This supplement adds two additional tables for nearly every table in the Ironsworn: Starforged core rulebook effectively tripling your options. ...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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RPG Adventure Template

RPG Adventure Template

Are you a new-ish game master interested in creating your own homebrew RPG adventures for your players to run, but you're not sure where to start? Or maybe you're a veteran who just wants a basic adventure template to organize your adventures with? If so, you might find this RPG adventure template helpful. This template consists of basic prompts for things GMs might include in their adventures--storyline,...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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All of Ironsmith Consolidated! All of the Ironsmith supplements have been consolidated into a single book that is the same 6 x 9 size of the original Ironsworn books.  Both the PDF and POD are Pay What You Want. If you already donated through the previous Ironsmith releases, please don't pay me again! Take the PDF for free and at cost for the POD. The production cost should be around $11 for the POD,...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Terrain: Huts

Print & Paste Terrain: Huts

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the huts featured in the video below. Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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RPG Backstory Template

RPG Backstory Template

Are you a game master who struggles to get their players to create backstories for their characters? Are you a player looking for a quick and easy way to create backstories for your characters -- and get your GM to stop bugging you about it? If so, this backstory template can probably help you. This template consists of a short list of questions players answer about their characters to create a basic...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Assets

Starsmith: Assets

New Assets for Ironsworn: Starforged! This supplement adds in 32 new assets that you can use to create characters.  Inside you'll find: Modules - Aeroponics, Armory, Drones, External Refit, Holodeck, Stabilizers, Tractor Beam Support Vehicle - Aquatic HOV Paths - Constable, Cosmic Constructor, Enhanced, Linguist, Logistician, Precog, Psionic, Quantum Tunneler, Rebel, Rocketeer, Scientist, Security...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Cultures

Starsmith: Cultures

Build Cultures for Humanity and Aliens in Ironsworn: Starforged! With humanity spread across the Forge, new and diverse cultures can be found in every new sector you explore.  This supplement will help you design those cultures using six dimensions found in real academic research as well as government type, societal flaws, and traditions. On top of that, you can now create your own alien civilizations!...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Autumn is nigh,  Chill winds start to bite, Sit warm by the fire, And guard against the night. While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here:   [click here for more]
Red Ruin Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Mecha Mercs

Starsmith: Mecha Mercs

Drive a Combat Mech in Ironsworn: Starforged! This supplement adds in a new resource (wealth) and customizable mechs that you can continue to upgrade as you play.  Inside you'll find: New World Truths Two new assets (Mech Printer and Wealth Management) Four mech chassis with their own abilities Weapons, armor, sensor, and utility modules for mechs You also get mech character sheets, print n' play...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Casket of Fays #15 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine

Casket of Fays #15 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine

The Enchanter by Wayne Imlachfrom Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why ...   [click here for more]
Red Ruin Publishing  Pay What You Want

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In the Heart of the Unknown - Procedural Hex Crawling Engine

In the Heart of the Unknown - Procedural Hex Crawling Engine

In the Heart of the Unknown – contains procedural Encounter, Terrain and Weather Engines for Wilderness Hex Crawling. It is in a similar vein as ‘In the Heart of the Sea’, which is a procedural High Seas ‘Hex Crawl’. Basically, in In the Heart of the Unknown there are three 'game engines' in the form of Hex Flowers. One engine drives navigation and encounters....   [click here for more]
Goblin's Henchman  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Sci-Fi Terrain : Pipeline & Steps

Print & Paste Sci-Fi Terrain : Pipeline & Steps

This pdf file adds yet more industrial/sci-fi pipelines to the print & paste terrain range (as seen in the video below). As always, it's a PWYW file - so grab it for free, or pay as little (or as much) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Carts & Wagons

Print & Paste Textures: Carts & Wagons

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the carts and wagons featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Dungeon Box 1

Print & Paste Textures: Dungeon Box 1

In this pdf file you'll find all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the dungeon featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore/etc. as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Oracle AI Roleplaying Guide

Oracle AI Roleplaying Guide

Turn your favorite TTRPG into an epic solo adventure! The Oracle AI Roleplaying Guide was designed to let you play your favorite TTRPGs without the need for a GM or gaming group. All you need is your core rulebook and  a free ChatGPT account. In this guide you’ll learn simple, easy to use prompts that’ll turn your solo game into an immersive virtual world made of text. Generate endless cities,...   [click here for more]
Oracle RPG  Pay What You Want

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CRGE, Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator

CRGE, Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator

CRGE is a GM emulator that works on adding the unexpected to your imagination. CRGE is a tiered system to create a role-playing experience without a GM. At the base level the system works to answer "yes or no" questions while constantly pushing the game towards the unexpected. At the intermediate level, the system weaves story threads together to give each scene a focus in advancing...   [click here for more]
Conjecture Games  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Modular Rivers

Print & Paste Textures: Modular Rivers

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the river tiles featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Skirmisher Update Fall 2023

Skirmisher Update Fall 2023

Welcome to Skirmisher Publishing’s Fall 2023 Update! We would like to tell you about and give you a peek at some of the things we have been working on lately, which include a fun new fantasy novella; several custom rules for 5E games, including ones designed to help them run more smoothly; a new mini-set set of Cardstock Characters™; some bonus content for our Platinum-bestselling TSRPG...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]

Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]

One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ...   [click here for more]
Rook's Dungeon  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Stone Steps

Print & Paste Textures: Stone Steps

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the dungeon tiles featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Pillars

Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Pillars

In this pdf file you'll find all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the pillars featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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BOLD, Universal PC Stories and Deeds Generator

BOLD, Universal PC Stories and Deeds Generator

BOLD is the book of legends and deeds. With just a handful of dice rolls, BOLD can generate interesting character histories, downtime events, and even adventures. Any character instantly obtains deeds and legends that are overcome in unexpected ways. These deeds can even arc out in to entire stories.  Best of all BOLD is system and setting agnostic. It will work in mouseland fantasy just...   [click here for more]
Conjecture Games  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Stairs

Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Stairs

In this pdf file you'll find all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the stairways featured in the video below (though you will also need some card/cardboard as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Nightmare at Castle Goldgloom - compatible with Shadowdark RPG

The Nightmare at Castle Goldgloom - compatible with Shadowdark RPG

Nightmare at Castle Goldgloom is an 0-level adventure compatible with Shadowdark RPG. In it, crawlers delve into a nightmare haunted castle and try to escape with the loot. If they can avoid getting eaten. Works with a squint and a smudge for any other retro-clone system. ...   [click here for more]
Taylor Seely-Wright  Pay What You Want

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Oasis & Cliff Map

Oasis & Cliff Map

Perfect map to run an encounter at an oasis. License You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these maps individually or collectively as their own product. In DriveThruRPG...   [click here for more]
CZRPG  Pay What You Want

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In the Heart of the Delve & Dangerous - Procedural Network/Dungeon Crawling Engine

In the Heart of the Delve & Dangerous - Procedural Network/Dungeon Crawling Engine

In the Heart of the Delve & Dangerous – Procedural point crawl adventure engine for exploring a network of interconnected spaces - e.g. dungeons, space stations or eldritch structures It is in a similar vein as ‘In the Heart of the Sea’, which is a procedural High Seas ‘Hex Crawl’ and ‘In the Heart of the Unknown' a procedural wilderness Hex Crawling Engine. Basically,...   [click here for more]
Goblin's Henchman  Pay What You Want

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Huge 120x120 Wilderness Map

Huge 120x120 Wilderness Map

This map is perfect of huge battles in the forest. License You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these maps individually or collectively as their own product. In DriveThruRPG...   [click here for more]
CZRPG  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Sci-Fi Terrain : Interior Walls

Print & Paste Sci-Fi Terrain : Interior Walls

This pdf file expands upon the sci-fi floor tiles (found here) with some walls and upper levels. So grab it for free, or pay as little (or as much) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Dungeon That Never Ends - Level 51

The Dungeon That Never Ends - Level 51

Fifty first level of the Dungeon That Never Ends / Cinquante et unième niveau du Donjon Sans Fin Hand drawn by / Dessiné à la main par Jean-Claude ''Raznag'' Tremblay     This map pack include / Ce paquet de cartes inclut: 1 Dungeon level in 4 versions (8 variations) / 1 Niveau de donjon dans 4 versions (8 variantes) (70 pixels per square / 70 pixels par case) (204 x 264)...   [click here for more]
Le Paysagiste de l'Imaginaire  Pay What You Want

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Rooftops Map

Rooftops Map

Perfect map to run a chase encounter over rooftops. License You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these maps individually or collectively as their own product. In DriveThruRPG...   [click here for more]
CZRPG  Pay What You Want

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Quest Fronts #1

Quest Fronts #1

Adventure starters for Ironsworn with universal compatibility instructions By integrating the design philosophy of Dungeon World campaign fronts and the elegant mechanics of Ironsworn for quests and expeditions, the Quest Fronts magazine takes the best of both systems to offer you adventure starters that...   [click here for more]
Ludic Pen  Pay What You Want

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Huge 120x60 Wilderness Map

Huge 120x60 Wilderness Map

This map is perfect of huge battles in the forest. License You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these maps individually or collectively as their own product. In DriveThruRPG...   [click here for more]
CZRPG  Pay What You Want

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In the Heart of the Sea - A Procedural High Seas 'Hex Crawl’

In the Heart of the Sea - A Procedural High Seas 'Hex Crawl’

In the Heart of the Sea is a procedural High Seas ‘Hex Crawl’. I made this thing for the 2019 One Page Dungeon Contest, because I figured there is a ‘need’ out there in RPG-land for a procedurally generated sea-going adventure. This is my take on it.  Basically, there are three 'game engines' in the form of a Hex Flower. One engine drives navigation and encounters. The other two are related...   [click here for more]
Goblin's Henchman  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Doorways

Print & Paste Textures: Dwarven Doorways

In this pdf file you'll find all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the doors featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Everything is Tables

Everything is Tables

There's something very pleasing about a well-written random roll table, and they celebrate and enshrine the principle of mutable truth that exists in every TTRPG. What's down this alleyway? We don't know. None of us know, not even the GM. What do these guys think of us? What's in this desk drawer? What spell is on this scroll? It's exciting to poke around at the edge of the world and see what happens....   [click here for more]
Rowan, Rook & Decard  Pay What You Want

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The Manor Out of Space and Time

The Manor Out of Space and Time

A manor that disappeared 100 years ago has returned. There are rumors that it holds unimaginable wealth and more.  Many years ago, a lord ruled over the land. Like most nobility, he had his good and bad qualities, but was generally liked by the populace. From time to time, an odd individual was seen in the lord’s company; always robed, never quite showing their face, but since their presence had...   [click here for more]
D'Arcangel Productions  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Mausoleum

Print & Paste Textures: Mausoleum

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the mausoleum featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard/foamcore as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Spellforge - Magic for Ironsworn

Spellforge - Magic for Ironsworn

Become an arcane spellcaster and create your own unique spells Add more flavor to magic in Ironsworn or use this supplement to create unique spells for any other system in an easy, fun and creative way. Create a base for a spell and fill the gaps with the help of as many spell oracles as you like. Tap into chaos and create additional side effects.  Pick a role from new custom assets and embark on...   [click here for more]
Rock Paper Story  Pay What You Want

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Ironsmith: Expanded Oracles

Ironsmith: Expanded Oracles

More Options for Ironsworn Oracles! UPDATED: Now includes the original Ironsworn oracles thanks to Shawn's updated license! Also, a spiralbound copy of this 90+ page book is available on other sites. Check my website for details. This supplement adds two additional tables for every table in the Ironsworn core rulebook effectively tripling your options.  Where normally you would roll your...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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ALONe: A Solo Game Engine 1e

ALONe: A Solo Game Engine 1e

Some tales best unfold ALONe. ALONe (A Lonesome October Night) is a solo game engine designed specifically to support role playing with only one player and no Game Master. Players create their worlds, characters, and challenges through verbal or written Descriptors that all influence the way the narrative progresses from one scene to the next. Whether you want to play a cunning streetrat surviving...   [click here for more]
Larcenous Designs, LLC  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Small Tents

Print & Paste Textures: Small Tents

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the tents featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard and a few  toothpicks too). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Textures: Collapsed Walls & Rubbish Piles

Print & Paste Textures: Collapsed Walls & Rubbish Piles

In this pdf file you'll find all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the terrain featured in the video below (though you will also need some cardboard and a few crafting supplies as well). Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Fantasy Rumors & Odd Jobs

Fantasy Rumors & Odd Jobs

If your adventuring party reaches a town or city, this 1D100 random table of rumors and odd jobs provides exciting opportunities for adventure. Never get caught at a dead end. Give your players tons of avenues to explore. Get 25 1D100 random tables for fantasy tabletop role-playing games: The Book of Random Tables Explore Dicegeeks Resources and RPGs at ...   [click here for more]
dicegeeks  Pay What You Want

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100 Mundane Settlement Encounters

100 Mundane Settlement Encounters

This list contains one hundred different scenarios that your players see going on around them as they are walking through the streets of an established settlement. Even mundane encounters such as these give your players a sense that things are going on around them, making your world feel more alive. Most of these can be used as quest hook, too. ...   [click here for more]
OSR Vault  Pay What You Want

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100 Vile Mutations

100 Vile Mutations

Whether your players are touching something they shouldn’t or falling prey to mad experiments, these mutations are sure to challenge their creativity. Transform your game with this list of one hundred unique mutations, ranging from grotesque deformities to uncanny abilities. ...   [click here for more]
OSR Vault  Pay What You Want

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