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 This map pack. It presents 1 map for Forest, each with different times, for a total of 8 maps. Download all of them as one. PDF, You can save all the maps at once an easy clicks.
The versions include:
Day & Night
Gridded and Gridless
Rain & no rain
For printing
License... [click here for more] |
Play1up |
Pay What You Want
Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party.
A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
 We have always said that all of the stats for a TSRPG (Travel-Sized) RPG character can fit on something the size of a coaster, so we have created a coaster that has a complete TSRPG character sheet on one side of it!
Just download and print out on heavy paper or cardstock the page associated with this freebie; cut along the solid guide-lines and fold along the... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
A game mechanic commonly used in Solo RPGs are the Yes/No Questions. How it works is simple: whenever you want to know something, just ask a question whose answer is limited to a Yes or No.
Is the goblin armed? Are the guards sleeping? Is there a rock near me?
There are many oracles to answer these Yes/No Questions,... [click here for more] |
Gustavo Coelho |
(DIY GM Tools) Presented here is a blank top down oval shaped starship deck plan map with set of 7 image variations. The set includes images with and without grids at 300 DPI all over 2000 pixels in size. The suggested grid scale is 10'x10' but the blank maps can easily be scaled to whatever size you need. The maps can be oriented either in portrait layout or landscape layout. The example given in... [click here for more] |
Luminous Design |
Pay What You Want
Need some color for a town? A bit of extra background for an NPC? How about a ready-made plot hook? Factions can do all that and more.
10 Faction Flags gives brief descriptions of ten factions and the flags that inspired them. Fight tyranny with the templars of the Griffon Rampant, avoid run-ins with the brutal mercenaries hired by the United Marine Provinces, or try to prove yourself worthy of joining... [click here for more] |
Chaotic Shiny Productions |
Hey, I decided to give some samples of my Magical Object Maker results based off of a mad lib.
And since I want it to fit into your campaign I have left the choice of the ecaxt object it is up to you.
This item is a Holy Ancient Weapon that summons a object and the wielder can only turn on and off the effect which can be used 11 times a week. ... [click here for more] |
Christy Embry |
Pay What You Want
This Pdf is a list of 100 dwarf drinks made using the Mazith Dwarf Drink maker tool that can be found here on drive though RPG.
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/316268/Dwarf-Drink-Maker-tool ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
100 Last Names For Fantasy Adventurers, Set 1
This handy chart provides 100 random names for fantasy adventurers and non player characters.
Author: Dave Woodrum
Page Count: 1 page. ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Welcome to 100 Magic Item Quirks – a list of interesting oddities you can add to your party’s magic item finds to give them a bit more personality. A +1 sword or armor is a fantastic find, but it is much more fun when it has one or more erratic features that activate when it is used or even when it is just possessed.
Quirks represent small mistakes a wizard, artificer, or other... [click here for more] |
Lucky Dice Games |
Sometimes all a GM needs is a little inspiration. Especially for the frequent question of, "So, what happens while we're on the road?"
This book will give you 100 great ideas on how to answer that question.
Never get stuck again for a road trip or travel encounter!
Here are a few examples from the book:
#1. A passing mail-courier's horse gets spooked and throws courier. The courier... [click here for more] |
Roleplaying Tips Publishing |
100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters 100 Surnames for fantasy characters– plain and simple. Need a last name for a character? Just roll the percentile dice.
Pay What You Want- if you wish to pay something and can, please do so (as I might make more products available this way). ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
Got 99 problems? Make sure that coming up with a complaint for tonight's game isn't one!
100 Things Eric Franklin Dislikes is a finely crafted list of mostly historically accurate and verisimilitudinous gripes and grumples collected by our semi-professional snarkers. Great for a blog post, google+, or facebook comment!
For Example:
48 Firm Mattresses
28... [click here for more] |
Lee's Lists |
Got 99 problems? Make sure that coming up with a number for tonight's game isn't one!
100 Truly Random Numbers is a finely crafted list of mostly historically accurate and verisimilitudinous numbers collected by our semi-professional mathmagicians. Perfect for randomly generating a random number, and not just some list of numbers organized numerically!
A... [click here for more] |
Lee's Lists |
Pay What You Want
 1000 names for your characters with its version for female and male
Pj's. In the following document you will find:
-Victorian and/or Streampunk names -Continenal names -Elvish names -Dwarf names -Orc names -Medium names (and their last names) -Names of demons or horrors of the underworld -Nordic names -Aliases and nicknames -Futuristic names -Names for contemporary and futuristic weapons... [click here for more] |
Rey Goblin |
Pay What You Want
 1000 nombres para tus personajes con su versión para Pj's femeninos y masculinos.
En el siguiente documento encontrarás: -Nombres victorianos y/o Streampunk -Nombres continentales -Nombres élficos -Nombres enanos -Nombres orcos -Nombres medianos (y sus apellidos) -Nombres de demonios u horrores del submundo -Nombres nórdicos -Álias y sobrenombres -Nombres futuristas -Nombres para armas contemporaneas... [click here for more] |
Rey Goblin |
Pay What You Want
If you've ever needed a quick name for a place or city in your game (fantasy or sci-fi), 101 City & Place Names is for you! Perfect for the busy gamemaster no matter what the setting. Never get caught out by your players again! ... [click here for more] |
Polgarus Games |
No matter what space opera setting you are using, sooner or later you are going to need a name for a ship. 101 Starship Names offers a quick list for the busy gamemaster of names suitable for most settings. The next time your players ask for the name of a ship, don't be caught out! ... [click here for more] |
Polgarus Games |
File contains 108 Character Portraits drawn by Jeff Preston - http://team-preston.com
Don't let the name of the product fool you - these character portraits are great. They were created by Jeff as part of a project we organized to get some stock character art out there. We called them the Terrible Character Portraits because I am A Terrible Idea.
Project Homepage : http://aterribleidea.com/ccworks/... [click here for more] |
A Terrible Idea |
A simple but useful 10x10 numbered hex grid for mapping star charts, overland terrain, or any other large-scale map. Prints at 300 dpi for maximum detail. ... [click here for more] |
Wydraz |
Dual sided 11.00x17.00 blank grid map. One side features 1" squares, the other features 1" Hexes. Print it out and laminate it for a cheap battle map suitable for use with dry erase and wet erase markers. ... [click here for more] |
Occult Moon |
This is a blank 11x17 hex sheet for making campaign world maps or whatever else. It is designed to be hole punched folded and placed in a regular 8.5x11 binder. The sheet can then be unfolded to reveal your map. ... [click here for more] |
mstephenjoy |
Pay What You Want
This is a pamphlet supplement & adventure for fantasy tabletop RPGs. You roll dice to create a tower of random stores with random events at each floor. It's good for a light side diversion, or can be ran as a one-shot.
The creature stats in the pamphlet are for Knave. You could easily replace those with stats from any other game. The core experience isn't system specific.
13 Story Bazaar is an... [click here for more] |
Brick Road Games |
Pay What You Want
"What appears to be a giant half-eaten banana springs to life in a flurry of excited movement. Its single unblinking eye shows neither fear, nor mercy."
From the pages of Dungeonous Octopus: Bananas!
It's Nannerpod!
Now you can get this pancake-crazed banana monster for free.
If you enjoy this product, consider purchasing Bananas! for even more banana-themed mayhem. ... [click here for more] |
Octopus Apocalypse |
What's better than highly toxic, telepathic mushroom people? I'll tell you what, a free, highly toxic, telepathic mushroom person!
From the pages of Dungeonous Octopus: Of Mushroom Men, this free agarid guard will remind your players why it's not a good idea to taste the bad guys. ... [click here for more] |
Octopus Apocalypse |
Includes 144 generic 1" tokens for use with a battle map for tabletop RPGs.
Uses 24 unique icons and colors to provide context for battles while giving each icon a unique color to allow for quick differentiation during battle.
Each icon contains 6 numbered tokens for all your squad based combat needs.
How to Use
The tokens are meant to be printed on Letter size paper. I recommend using card stock... [click here for more] |
GameGrue |
Pay What You Want
 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is a quick and easy tool to generate some dungeon ideas for your upcoming fantasy gaming sessions. Simply roll on the tables and let your imagination run wild – you'll have a memorable dungeon concept in no time!
Presented here are 100 of the most classical dungeon locations in fantasy roleplaying. Most of it purposefully mundane, but there are some supernatural elements mixed... [click here for more] |
Lore Wise Games |
Discover Hidden Treasures with 1d100 Pocket Loot
Every pocket tells a story. In the bustling streets of a medieval market, or the dimly lit corners of a dungeon, there lies magic where you least expect it. 1d100 Pocket Loot is the quintessential toolkit for Game Masters seeking to sprinkle their world with a touch of the extraordinary hidden within the mundane.
This collection is... [click here for more] |
Terry Herc |
The following random table can be used to generate ideas for your political fantasy roleplaying campaign. What are the nobles currently arguing about behind closed doors? What is currently troubling the king / queen?
1d100 adventure hooks and flavorful events for memorable roleplaying situations
Inspired by medieval history and real world events
Supernatural / magic references are kept to a bare minimum... [click here for more] |
Lore Wise Games |
The adventurers are traveling through unknown territories. What kind of dangers and challenges await? This random table will help you generate your next adventure hook or challenge.
1d100 adventure hooks and flavorful events for memorable roleplaying situations
Inspired by real world traveling / hiking
Supernatural / magic references are kept to a bare minimum – gives you full control of the... [click here for more] |
Lore Wise Games |
Draveslair Cave takes it's name from the Lesser Drake which drove out the original Orcish inhabitants. Now that the Drake has been slain the orcs have moved back in, only to find themselves under attack by the very adventurers who slew the beast.
Each 1SD product provides you with a map, using a standard 5ftx5ft square grid, which is suitable for a single session of dungeon-based play and ideal for... [click here for more] |
Obsessive Compulsive Design |
This index compiles the contents of all 73 20 Things instalments, and presents the information in several easy to reference formats. Search by title, subject or content to quickly find the tables you need to run a better, less stressful game.
A System Neutral Edition GM’s Resource compiled by Creighton Broadhurst
About 20 Things
Are you a busy GM? Does session prep take too long? Do you never have... [click here for more] |
Raging Swan Press |
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: THIS IS ONLY THE PRINTERFRIENDLY VERSION OF THE ACTUAL WORK *also don't worry about the first page being black, it is not. Some preview error from DriveThru.
Here you will find two hundred chance encounters (random encounters), for your players to explore and engage with. The encounters come in two categories, the first one... [click here for more] |
Mimir-ion |
Pay What You Want
You will get
20 NPC names
Day Time Map No Grid
Day Time Map Have Grid
Night Time Map No Grid
Night Time Map Have Grid
Rain Map No Grid
Raim Map Have Grid
Fog Map No Grid
Fog Map Have Grid
Please stay with us with every release!!!... [click here for more] |
 20x30 Horror Street v.1 (Free) ... [click here for more] |
Pygmaps |
Pay What You Want
"3 Minutes pour jouer au jeu de rôle" est un mini jeu sur une seule page qui n'a qu'une vocation :
Vous permettre en tout temps et à toute heure, avec un seul D6, de pervertir un innocent néophyte et de lui faire gouter aux joies du jeu de rôle. ... [click here for more] |
Le Trip Fantastique |
 Recipe for creating a new role-player in 4 steps:
1 - Invite an innocent passer-by
2 - Waylay him/her/it with a single D6 blow
3 - Create the character in 3 real human minutes, no more
4 - Play a few dozens minutes
DONE: you have a new roleplayer, and you can go to another passer-by
Now REPEAT until world conquest is effective ... [click here for more] |
Le Trip Fantastique |
This booklet includes thirty tables for fantasy rpgs. It uses d30.
Inside you'll find tables for equipment, magic, foodstuffs, even stuff in your pocket. ... [click here for more] |
Mixu Lauronen |
Pay What You Want
33 Free Dungeon Maps!
You can never have enough maps if you are a DM or a GM. This PDF includes 33 simple hand-drawn dungeon maps. Never be caught off when your players say they want to explore the ruins you didn't map out.
Explore Dicegeeks Resources and RPGs at DriveThruRPG.com ... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
Written in the 1800's, 36 Dramatic Situations, boils down plots to their basic elements. If you are preparing your next campaign or are running one now, use this guide to mine every situation for the dramatic elements.
Do you need more drama? Do you want your players to be more invested in your story? Then reading this guide is what you are looking for. Hey, it's FREE!
This PDF is adapted from a... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
1 papercraft chair and 1 stool for 1" (25.4mm) square size dungeons and battle maps. High quality pdf (300dpi).
... [click here for more] |
RPG Blacksmith |
 Map can be used in campaigns or adventures in various tabletop role playing games. -40x30 grid -4k resolution of 4096 x 3072 px -8 JPEG Files
With these map files include:
4 Tent camping - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid
Broken bridge - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid ... [click here for more] |
owlschoolmaps |
 Map can be used in campaigns or adventures in various tabletop role playing games. -40x30 grid -4k resolution of 4096 x 3072 px -8 JPEG Files
With these map files include:
4 Tent camping - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid
Spider web forest - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid
4 Tent camping ... [click here for more] |
owlschoolmaps |
MISE A JOUR : Il existe une galerie plus complète qui reprend et complète celle-ci et ajoute de nouveaux personnages, pour un total de cent personnages.
C'est ici:
42 personnages en quête de Meneur...
Voici une galerie de 42 personnages haut en couleur, décrits... [click here for more] |
Cliff Hanger |
Pay What You Want
 - 2 JPEG file - Day and night map variations. - Grid and without grid map versions ... [click here for more] |
owlschoolmaps |
Pay What You Want
Need to deal with one player's questions, settling an argument, or a split party, while making sure the rest of the group doesn't resort to dice towers or random destruction? We've all been there, on one side of the screen or the other. That's what 5 Minute Mini-Games is for.
5 Minute Mini-Games contains thirteen games for characters in any d20 system, easily portable to other systems. Challenge... [click here for more] |
Chaotic Shiny Productions |
Lacking inspiration for game night? We got you covered! This PDF contains 50 prompts for Norse and Viking themed games.
Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard but 100% system agnostic, these prompts are heavily inspired by the Eddas and offer a multitude of situations, mythical figures, and legendary quests for your party to take on. Flexible enough to jump-start an adventure but... [click here for more] |
Lost Dutchman Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Nine Battle Tested Catalyst Characters to Bring Life to Your Campaign World
One Fighter In Every Heritage ... [click here for more] |
jscottgaribay |
Pay What You Want
Nine Battle Tested Catalyst Characters to Bring Life to Your Campaign World - One Wizard In Every Heritage ... [click here for more] |
jscottgaribay |