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An RPG-style guide for surviving an authoritarian and oppressive regime ... [click here for more] |
Survive The Tyrant |
Pay What You Want
Not sure? Check out the FREE Abbey point of interest PDF, which is just the tip of the iceberg!
Contains 25 significant points of interest (POI). Each one is designed to be interesting enough for at least an entire gaming session, if not an entire multi-session arc, or even an entire campaign. Each POI could be its own book :)
Each POI is designed to... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |

The Enchanter by Wayne Imlach : from Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere
Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why
... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
(You can now find the contents of this, and all five of the other Solo Image Oracle volumes, in the Omnibus, available here.)
The FlexTale Solo Image Oracle is an innovative creative tool for solo adventurers to generate dynamic, intriguing answers to questions about your campaign and the adventures that take place within it.
A simple... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
It is strongly suggested that you use this product with the FlexCrawl Toolkit.
This Theme Pack is a set of 12 FlexCrawl Tiles organized around a visual, narrative, or adventure theme.
Each Theme Pack contains Theme-specific rules and content that is appropriate for its context. For example, some offering pools in... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
![Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/507612-thumb140.jpg) One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
Autumn is nigh,
Chill winds start to bite,
Sit warm by the fire,
And guard against the night.
While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/489583/casket-of-fays-14-a-dragon-warriors-rpg-fanzine-print... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
GEMulator - Game Master Emulation for Solo Roleplaying Games
Within these pages is a ruleset that allows you to play traditional multiplayer RPGs on your own.
The complete freedom of solo play can be intimidating when it comes to actually playing through an entire campaign. Some sort of structure is needed to guide you along the path and prevent you from getting lost. The GEMulator is exactly that.... [click here for more] |
Solo Tabletop |
Pay What You Want
Due to customer demands, we have created a separate PDF of the large and detailed map of 11th-century Poland for use with Baptism of Fire (or any other medieval authentic campaign set in Poland). Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Pay What You Want
The Campaign Creator deck aids in the creation of campaign and quest structures. Randomly generate concepts and themes by drawing cards when writing up a new campaign or story. Quest, Interlude, Theme and Story cards can be laid out and connected to create unique campaign concepts. Roll six sided dice and place them on the cards, and flip coins, to add even more nuance to each card... [click here for more] |
Shieldice Studio |
We were promised freedom, exploration and amazing experiences in the imagination. We got fantastical cover images and expensive tomes full of painted cliches, but lacking in spirit. Many found their initial curiosity stifled, as did I, until finally I stumbled upon a cache of gems. The stories are all true! Amazing adventures await the brave souls who dares thread this path untrodden. There is a forgotten... [click here for more] |
Jakob Garde |
Pay What You Want
The Deficient Inventory provides a system agnostic alternative to keep track of a player character's inventory & carried items.
Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x 11 inch paper, the inventory sheet allows six 3 x 3 inch sticky notes to be placed within the six spaces as well as allow other items written on sticky notes to be attached around the sheet to make tracking an item's placement on a character... [click here for more] |
Deficient Games |
Pay What You Want
Check out the full Infinite Adventures Volume 1, containing the Abbey plus hundreds of pages of additional content!
An Abbey: a point of interest with diverse potential for intrigue and disaster.
Contains 4 pages of description, tools, quests, and more to generate and immediately run countless diverse and interesting permutations of the titular concept.
As... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Use this printable template to create the modular MAGE TOWER sections built in Black Magic Craft episode 206.
This is an easy to build product utilizing very cheap and beginner friendly tools and materials. Dollar store (easy peel) foamcore, an X-acto knife, nail file, glue gun, pencil, mod podge, and craft paint are all that are needed to create these modular... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Template for creating a longboat or ship for your tabletop game. Instructions on the build can be viewed on Black Magic Craft Episode 08.
Watch the tutorial: ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable hexagon template to creat the fountain built in Black Magic Craft episode 152. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Are you looking to get started with Solo Roleplaying, but aren’t sure where to begin?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complicated rules and countless systems?
Do you spend a lot of time prepping, but struggle to actually start playing?
This game is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to dive into solo roleplaying, and complete your first adventure. You will learn a straightforward,... [click here for more] |
lumen |
Pay What You Want
TokenTool removes much of the tedium from creating tokens for use with MapTool or your favorite online gaming application. Just drag an image into the background, select a frame, zoom, and pan to suit then drag off a finished token. The resulting token is transparent around the edges and cropped to the size you wanted.
The summary of benefits to the new TokenTool are summarized... [click here for more] |
RPTools |
Pay What You Want
Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Starter Pack
A free pack containing 58 top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds.
Consists of several Civilians, Gangers, Corporate Agents and Public Services.
Each token is 1000x1000px with both PNG and WebP formats available.
These tokens were originally rendered in 3D before being given a stylised effect, meshing... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
Pay What You Want
Situations For Tabletop Roleplaying is a compilation of ten situation-building tools. Those situation-builders are:
Long Knives is used to create situations for intrigue that the characters are tied to.
Broken Places builds situations where a villain of some sort has taken over an organization.
The Quest is used to generate adventures that... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Inside this pack you will find 30 high-resolution images (300 DPI in PNG format) for use in your own ICRPG publications! Some of the drawings included in this pack are: - Weapons - Potions - Armor - Helmets - Books - Scrolls - Dungeon Door - Coins - Treasure Chests - Pile of Skulls - Bones - Anvil - Barrels - Alchemy Ingredients - Ale and Food - Castle on a Hill - Desert Fortress - Runestones - Cave... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
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Print this tavern drawing to follow along on my YouTube channel: Tabletop WitchCRAFT. ... [click here for more] |
Tabletop WitchCRAFT |
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UPDATE: A new and improved revised edition of The Metamorphica is now available, although this version will remain freely available.
Random Mutation Tables
If your game has a need for random mutation tables and procedures for creating all sorts of mutant abominations or unnatural things, whether they are corrupt demons and unique monsters or strange aliens and... [click here for more] |
Chthonstone Games |
Pay What You Want
Perfect map to run an encounter involving an orc camp at the top of snowy mountains in an arctic environment.
You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Looking for affordable hand-drawn fantasy stock art? You've come to the right place my friend!
Inside this free pack of 74 hand-drawn images you will find a variety of fantasy items, including daggers, swords, axes, staves, shields, scrolls, spellbooks, potions, torches, war banners, tools, and more! Perfect for an RPG adventure, a dungeon-crawling card game, a medieval trick-taking... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
Use this template to create awesome battlement add-ons to your Dungeon Stackers! ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 27 of the Frontier Explorer. Our new author in this issue is Jerry Boucher, who also drew the absolutely amazing cover image for the issue. The cover is a callback, albeit from the sathar side, of the classic Elmore painting that graces the cover of the original rules. His article looks at the construction and use of the sathar weapons.
In addition to Jerry’s... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to the 40th anniversary year of Star Frontiers and issue 35 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue starts with a throwback to the early days of the game with an article by Richard Rose about one of the first ships he designed even before he had the Knight Hawks rules. He also gives us a Knight Hawks adventure later in the issue.
Tom Verreault continues the starship theme... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. The police in Toil, Illinois have their work cut out for them when the sleepy town suddenly suffers an outbreak of bizarre events. Someone's been planting strange trees in the night, replacing bread with ash, and filling coffins with bees. As the day goes on, what at first appeared to be a series of unrelated pranks... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want
Use this template to simplify the task of building the Iron Door I made in episode 103 of Black Magic Craft. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. Barefoot Crossing seemed like any other sharecropping community on the rural outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. But when the murder of a Methodist preacher sends the community searching for answers across racial and economic divides, investigators stumble into an ancient, inhuman conspiracy. Can they overcome a supernatural... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want
Updated Map of the Brancalonia Setting: the Bounty Kingdom. Enter Brancalonia, a land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in! The adventures of Brancalonia knaves take place in what its inhabitants simply refer to as “The Kingdom”, or "the Bounty Kingdom". This map is updated at the very last version... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
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The deck of rules is a collection of mechanisms, many of them cut and adapted from existing games, with a few original bits here and there. These mechanisms have been sorted into six categories:
1. Resolution: Basic methods for rolling dice, playing cards, or the like to generate 'hits' that are then used with...
2. Stakes: Ways to apply the 'hits'... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 32 of the Frontier Explorer. We start off with a “Blast from the Past” and a play report of an old Star Frontiers game from decades ago. The “Blast from the Past” series presents articles found on dead Star Frontiers websites or other places from before the magazine started and the early days of the game. This issue has three such articles, the a-ready... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 26 of the Frontier Explorer. This is a more typical grab-bag issue with no particular theme, although it definitely leans heavily to the weapons and equipment direction. We have articles by two new authors this issue: Nick Landry and John Blaylock, with articles on portable power sources and energy weapons, respectively. I think we can expect to see more articles... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. In June of 1935, the Dust Bowl still plagued the American Southwest, a third of all people were out of work, and the government’s path to recovery was far from certain. Amidst this Great Depression, the Bryson Springs Ranch suffered a hardship altogether more extraordinary. People were dying in the migrant workers’... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want
A car burns in an abandoned parking lot near an old railway station. The fire is quickly extinguished but the firefighters make a macabre discovery - there is a monstrous human body in the wreck. Perhaps this is associated with a series of kidnapping young girls reported over the last year… This is how the investigation into the so-called "Feeder" begins. The script comes from... [click here for more] |
LM Publishing |
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 24 of the Frontier Explorer. Now that Spacefleet has cleared out the recent sathar incursion, we can start publishing again.
This issue picks up right where we left off including some articles that were ready to go but didn’t make it into issue 23. All of the usual articles (Jurak Hangna, comics, etc) are here along with articles about derlict spaceships, and... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Dystopian Futures TTRPG Netrunner Tiles & Icons - VERSION 2!
09/04/2024 - Version 2 update!
The V2 Update adds over 1700 different tiles and icons to this pack, making it an absolute customisable behemoth for those wanting to expand out their Netrunning Architectures!
... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
 Dungeon Map for the first and second level of the final dungeon of Against the Cult of the Reptile God. Created in photoshop from assets, no AI. Intended for noncommercial distribution, but if you wanna throw a tip our way we won't argue.
This piece can be used with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 terms. ... [click here for more] |
Old Gods Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a sheet of 20 system-neutral merit badge achievements tuned to promote character bonding, player role playing, and deeper connections between teams. Each achievement is designed to get players looking at, and talking to, each other. Simply print this sheet out, cut it up, and randomly hand one goal to each player at the start of a session. If they a complete it, they will earn a reward such... [click here for more] |
T-Rex Games |
Pay What You Want
The Wasteland Ruins series covers random, often generic, city, town, village, and even random smaller ruin locations for post apocalyptic games. They are meant to be used by GM's looking to set up a quick area for an urban encounter. Don't mistake them for generic though! Each map is highly detailed with random decorative elements put in to make the apocalyptic wastelands feel more alive... [click here for more] |
Stoneworker Cartography |
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 23 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue focuses on Clarion Station and all the things to see and do there. As part of our Warriors of White Light challenge, we have a couple of articles detailing the home of the Clarion Royal Marines. The other feature article in this issues is one detailing a conversion of the Star Frontiers races to the new FrontierSpace RPG.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
The Frontier Explorer presents
The Sathar Destroyer Technical Manual
The Sathar! They have repeatedly invaded the Frontier and their deadly red ships have always remained a mystery. Rumors abound that top secret UPF files exist giving details on sathar ship interiors and details of the sathar culture and military. No UPF official has ever admitted to the existence... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 33 of the Frontier Explorer!
This issue begins with another blast from the past with an old web article by Andrew Campbell on the use of solar sails on ships in the Frontier. Oscar Rios gives us a vrusk name generator as well as a system brief on the Solar Minor system. We finish off the Radiation in the Frontier series by Joseph Cabadas and Jerry Boucher details... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 28 of the Frontier Explorer. In this issue we have a grab bag of articles including more installments of the Things That Go Boom! series, this time on landmines, a new, optional ruleset for combat and actions, a look back at an old Star Frontiers Choose Your Own Adventure book, and a review of a White Star module.
A fun item is this issue is our Create a Character... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 22 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue sports and amazing cover image by Chris Walton. Inside, you’ll find a variety of articles include some character archetypes, new equipment, new creatures, and rules for constructing space stations. This issue also contains some early information on a new game FrontierSpace by DWD Studios that will see some coverage in... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
MapTool is a fully-featured, flexible virtual tabletop. Not only does MapTool come with powerful tools for creating detailed maps but also a chat function, an initiative tracker, and a detailed token management system to create characters, monsters, objects, and anything you can imagine. MapTool's user interface is highly configurable, and features not being used can be hidden out of sight.
Adapts... [click here for more] |
RPTools |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 36 of the Frontier Explorer. While it wasn’t intended, this issue ended up with a Knight Hawks theme with details on a number of different ships and lots of rules related to starships.
Steven Parenteau gives us two different ships with deck plans along with an article about a small PSA inspired by thinking about life onboard those starships. Tom Verreault gives... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 34 of the Frontier Explorer.
As a nod to the Halloween season, this issue starts us off with a look at the Archetypes of Horror and how to use them in a Star Frontiers, an article my Tom Verreault. We also welcome a new author, Ken Wang who details out a spacer organization, original designed for the Cepheus Engine, but that can be dropped into any sci-fi setting.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want