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MapTool for Microsoft Windows

MapTool for Microsoft Windows

MapTool is a fully-featured, flexible virtual tabletop. Not only does MapTool come with powerful tools for creating detailed maps but also a chat function, an initiative tracker, and a detailed token management system to create characters, monsters, objects, and anything you can imagine. MapTool's user interface is highly configurable, and features not being used can be hidden out of sight. Adapts...   [click here for more]
RPTools  Pay What You Want

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The Ruins [2] - Battlemap

The Ruins [2] - Battlemap

- "The Ruins [2]" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. 3 extra versions (Sunset, night and rain mode).     ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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MapTool for Mac

MapTool for Mac

MapTool is a fully-featured, flexible virtual tabletop. Not only does MapTool come with powerful tools for creating detailed maps but also a chat function, an initiative tracker, and a detailed token management system to create characters, monsters, objects, and anything you can imagine. MapTool's user interface is highly configurable, and features not being used can be hidden out of sight. Adapts...   [click here for more]
RPTools  Pay What You Want

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River Rapids - Battlemap

River Rapids - Battlemap

- "River Rapids" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg - 02 Extra versions (Sunset and Night mode) This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Swamp - Battlemap

The Swamp - Battlemap

- "The Swamp" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 7680x7680px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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MapTool for Linux

MapTool for Linux

MapTool is a fully-featured, flexible virtual tabletop. Not only does MapTool come with powerful tools for creating detailed maps but also a chat function, an initiative tracker, and a detailed token management system to create characters, monsters, objects, and anything you can imagine. MapTool's user interface is highly configurable, and features not being used can be hidden out of sight. Adapts...   [click here for more]
RPTools  Pay What You Want

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The Mountain - Battlemap

The Mountain - Battlemap

- "The Mountain" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Cliff - Battlemap

Cliff - Battlemap

Description: - "Cliff" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Road - Battlemap

Road - Battlemap

- "Road" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg - 02 Extra versions (Sunset and Night mode) This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Frozen Lake - Battlemap

Frozen Lake - Battlemap

Description: - "Frozen Lake" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 7680x7680px - Battle map .png This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Enviaremos uma copia fisica para residentes no Brasil que contribuirem com 5 dolares. Aqueles que fizerem a contribuição entrem em contato conosco através do drivethru para enviar seu endereço, caso contrário não teremos acesso aos dados nos impedindo de prosseguir com o envio. Primeira zine brasileira do jogo Lamentations...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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D&DZINHO é um sistema criado para auxiliar em jogos de encenação (assim como centenas de outros já existentes no mercado como Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Pathfinder, 3D&T Alpha, etc). Neste, porém, há um contraste no objetivo posto que nasceu com a seguinte premissa: Ser uma base minimalista, adaptável e ocupar, no máximo,...   [click here for more]
André Ricardo Voidelo  Pay What You Want

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Como Criar Sua Própria Aventura de RPG

Como Criar Sua Própria Aventura de RPG

Este livro faz parte da série "Crie Seu RPG". Aqui, você aprenderá a construir sua própria aventura pronta. Aproveite todas as dicas que incluí neste primeiro livro e comece a criar suas próprias aventuras prontas imediatamente. ...   [click here for more]
thiagogomes   FREE 

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Efecto desgaleguizador

Efecto desgaleguizador

Efecto desgaleguizador é un xogo de rol para tres xogadoras no que se observará como as diferentes fases do sistema educativo afectan á fala do galego. Composto por unha única páxina, céntrase nas diferentes etapas educativas de Hadri, que sempre escoitou unicamente galego na súa casa até os tres anos. Unha participante interpretará a Hadri, mentres que as outras encarnarán a varios...   [click here for more]
Xogón  Pay What You Want

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Forest Corridor - Battlemap

Forest Corridor - Battlemap

Description: - "Forest Corridor" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg - 02 Extra versions (Sunset and Night mode) This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Histórias Incríveis

Histórias Incríveis

Criado pelo americano Martin Lloyd, "Histórias Incríveis: um jogo para crianças que adoram aventuras" é focado na construção colaborativa de histórias. Essas histórias são construídas por adultos, que usam o chapéu de narrador, e crianças de quatro a 120 anos. Após decidirem o tipo de aventura e o local que ela passa, ambos partem para viver e contar histórias fantásticas. Assim, além...   [click here for more]
Editora CHA   FREE 

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Free Files Hey guys, I'm starting another battle map project. Using as a guide, an AI image generator in conjunction with Photoshop. This is a pack of 2 battle maps to complement your rpg campaigns Theme: Bridges The sizes of all maps are 16x11, with the versions: PDF A3 - for direct printing; JPEG (high quality) with and without Grid; JPEG at 70px per square for online...   [click here for more]
RC RPG  Pay What You Want

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