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0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Amber Hart Inn
Near a crossroads deep with the woods, the Amber Hart Inn is a home to travelers, mercenaries, and those seeking to avoid the law. With a spacious tavern, ample stables, and a variety of rooms, all of the amenities can be found here. Whether you are meeting someone for business or just passing through, you'll find a warm seat by the hearth and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Blackwolf Manor
Blackwolf Manor lies on the narrow run of land between the river and the city walls. This stretch of prime waterfront real estate is home to a mix of high-class shops, storehouses, and the occasional residence. The 'manor' was built by Nickolai Blackwolf a century ago - before the nearby port grew into a bustling city. While the estate has... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Demon Delve Cavern
In the heart of the wastelands, surrounded by steaming pools of foul water and broken mountains that rumble in their sleep, lie the ruins of a dark sepulcher never completed. Dug into the raw stone of a towering cliff, the first chambers were barely hewn when something ancient and evil awoke within the depths. Now the temple stands abandoned... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Lilly's Tavern
This sturdy stone tavern owned and operated by Lillian Andollina has had several names, and owners, over the years but has endured for decades near the crowded city wharf. Drawing a wide range of clientele including locals, sailors, and the occasional mercenaries; the common room is usually crowded in the evening and nearly empty... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Sailing Ships
Set sail on the high seas with this installment of Zero Hour fantasy cartography. Presented for your use are three sizes of ship, each with a variant configuration. At 100 feet in length, the largest vessel is a three masted ship with either three or four decks. An optional overlay page is provided to add a gun deck with ten cannons.
The... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
0 HR: Fantasy Cartography Temple of the Moon
A day's journey into the southern badlands lies a domed temple. Fit atop a small, volcano-like prominence amid the fetid mists, this stone structure is home to a dark cult who worships the moon and makes human sacrifices to summon denizens from the nether planes. Inhabited by fanatical acolytes and hired mercenaries, the temple is a place... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
It seems a normal house on top of the hill, but peasants swear they see strange lights on second floor, during the dark and stormy nights... Mad Scientist’s Lab is the classic monster-maker laboratory where the mad scientist and his servants use corpses stolen from the nearby cemetery to build a patchwork monster. This product contains a referee map and 25 customizable tiles
The Referee... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
The brooding mansion rests atop a small rise surrounded by an overgrown garden. Undergrowth ranges from impenetrable thickets of thorns and briars to thick tuffets of former lawns invaded by young saplings. There is an eerie atmosphere of neglect, not lifted by the daytime birdsong that fills the former pleasure grounds. A timber coach-house and stables that once serviced the Lord and his guests... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Stop at the White Wyvern Inn, a way inn just next to the nearest city. Taste the famous Wyvern Ale and get in the more recent gossip, but beware, the inn has more secrets than you imagine... Brad Barrox, an old, retired hunter and his wife, the lovely Erma, runs the White Wyvern Inn. It is said Brad built the inn over the ruins of an ancient building he discovered during his old adventuring days.... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 The Blueprints Hand Drawn product line offers you old-fashioned maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. These maps are skillfully hand-drawn. Despite their old fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the pdf technology at its best. A button on the Master Control Panel allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled,... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 An overview of the most infamous port of the Crimson Sea. This large port features many docks, dozens of ships and boats, shipyards, inns, shops and many warehouses containing all sorts of goods and pirate loot. In the middle of the bay, a small rock accessible only by a single pier sports a black wood small keep: the house of the pirate lord Karnak. The Black Leviathan is the galleon of Karnak, easily... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 This blueprint details some of the most relevant buildings of the Crimson Port. The Inn of Skulls and Cannons, built over a forest of beams and woodwork. It is the largest but not the sole inn of the bay. The shipyard, home of the master artisan who keeps the ships and the boats in good shape. The Church of the Seven Sea Gods where religious... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 By far the smallest island of the Crimson Sea, this is perhaps the most dangerous one. The island is no more than a rock featuring a dock, a lighthouse, and a temple. The lighthouse’s lamp is forever lit, in an attempt to lure unwary sailors to visit the island. Legend says, in fact, that the temple is a sacred place and that worshiping into its halls brings great luck and blessings. Old sea... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 This volcanic island is the home of the evil Dr. Marteau. This mad scientist was the most wanted criminal of the world sought for his crimes against the very nature of the life. He conducted wicked experiments on human beings. Hunted, he found eventually shelter in this island where, through the power of the active volcano, gave birth to a feral race of beastmen. The mansion of Dr. Marteau overlooks... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
This is the standard fast and well-armed galleon used by most of the pirates of the Crimson Sea. Many pirates customize this kind of ship to suit their own needs. For example, the Karnak feared ship, the Black Leviathan, features a second row of cannons that grants it a double firepower. If you wish to purchase all the Crimson Sea products at once plus some nice extras you can head to the Crimson... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 Every pirate in the Crimson Sea must pay respect to Karnak the pirate Lord. His keep stands impressive just in the middle of Crimson Port on a tiny island called Devil’s Rock. From its roof the pirate lord can watch the entire bay at 360 degrees. The keep is tall and only reachable through a single pier. The dungeon level is accessible through secret doors known only to Karnak himself. If you wish... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
This island hosts the most infamous pirate port of the Sea, the Crimson Port. The island is very ancient, and features many interesting locations. You will find maps of the various levels of an ancient, abandoned fort, a devastated temple and the island itself.
The Ancient fort is one of the many mysteries of Redblood Island. The fort presents few crumbling areas, but it is mostly intact as the people... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 This island owes the name to its particular shape. Two small hills form the eye sockets and a small lake the nose cavity. The southern coast of the island is so shaped to form teeth and fangs. Beside the fangs lies the vast ships graveyard of the Crimson Sea. Skullcap islands features many points of interest, such as the Caverns of the Golden Warrior, or the Dead Man Beach. The main point of interest... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 One of the most infamous sea sections of the world, the Crimson Sea, owes perhaps its name to the vast amount of blood spilled in its water. This relatively small sea features many dangers such as pirate islands, a maelstrom, a mysterious island, kraken caves, a sunken city, smugglers’ hidden ports, a mermaids island, a ghost ship, ships graveyard and more.
An overview map of the... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Here is another set of naval maps for use in your own campaigns. The Dragon Ship, also known as Drekar, is, perhaps, one of the most fascinating ancient vessels. Drekar are known from historical sources, such as the 13th century Göngu-Hrólfs Saga (the Saga of Rollo). Here, the ships are described as elegant and ornately decorated, and used by those who went raiding and... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to Drow City, the most dangerous, deep, mysterious and fascinating underground settlement ever mapped! House Darlaxlo is the most powerful House of the City. Their leaders control almost all the political life of the city. Nothing happens that House Darlaxlo doesn’t not know, ad if they don’t know, someone will die, sooner or later. This noble house is a typical drow building:... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to Drow City, the most dangerous, deep, mysterious and fascinating underground settlement ever mapped! The temple is the center of divine power of Drow City, ruled by the semi-divine High Priestess of the Spider Queen. The temple is also a school where the acolyties (all female) are initiated to the mysteries of the Spider Queen. Carved from the true rock of the gigantic cave, the... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to Drow City, the most dangerous, deep, mysterious and fascinating underground settlement ever mapped! This tower is the center of the Arcane power of Drow City. Both male and female can become a master of the magical arts, though this is a way dangerous and difficult. Death, by means of uncontrolled magical energy is fairly normal in the tower.
Those who are not able to master magical... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles series provides... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles series provides... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
 Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles series provides... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles series provides... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles product feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles... [click here for more] |
0one Games |
Welcome to 0one's Blueprints Singles!
The Blueprints Singles products feature a single map, larger than the one you can find in a standard Blueprint. Each Blueprints Singles map is as large as two US Letter sheets, side by side. You can print it on two US letter page, or just in one sheet by using the “fit to page”
Welcome to the endless dwarven realm! This Blueprints Singles series provides... [click here for more] |
0one Games |