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 Hottest Any system / system-agnostic, Fantasy, Português
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Select your quest! Choose your path! Roll the die! Face the challenges! Use your resources! Grow in power! Be glorious! Or perish... Welcome to Trimod! A minimalist solo fantasy game where you play using only three cards and one die. Each quest have a map card, a quest card and an event card, composing a complete adventure. You'll choose different paths and enter locations,...   [click here for more]
Reaver Workshop  Pay What You Want

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Cave to Another Plane - Isometric Dungeon

Cave to Another Plane - Isometric Dungeon

Enjoy this isometric dungeon! Following a simple proposal, this map brings a little story and some details to spice it up. Apply, remove, add, make whatever changes you want to make the map look like your adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Merchant Ship - Isometric Dungeon

Merchant Ship - Isometric Dungeon

Enjoy this isometric dungeon! Following a simple proposal, this map brings a little story and some details to spice it up. Apply, remove, add, make whatever changes you want to make the map look like your adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Crack of the Spider

Mini Adventure - Crack of the Spider

An emissary to the Crown is missing. He was sent in secret on a search and was supposed to return two days ago, which worry the monarchs. His task was simple: go alone to a slightly distant location, pick up an object and return to the city as quickly as possible. This fact is being kept confidential, and there's urgency in the search for trustworthy adventurers. ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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The Six Masks of Harmony

The Six Masks of Harmony

A sorceress discovered how to access the Temple of Harmony. Since then, day and night no longer follow their natural cycle. The sorceress has never been seen again. The adventurers are responsible for solving this problem: by gathering the masks of the entities on an altar, the cycle will be restored, but nothing will be the same as before… 'The Six Masks of Harmony' is a system-agnostic pointcrawl,...   [click here for more]
Moira Games  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Ambush on the Road

Mini Adventure - Ambush on the Road

On the old road that connects two cities and crosses the forest, brigands keep ambushing caravans. Because the road is the main trade route rich merchants hire body guards to escort them, small groups of adventurers are the only available to the poor ones. ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Undead Castle

Mini Adventure - Undead Castle

An old castle remains untouched amid the forest that grew surrounding it since its ruin. Inside the castle, the souls are trapped in decayed bodies, their eternal rest still denied. Their torment is due a cursed relic, lost inside the castle. ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mercenaries' Barracks - Isometric Dungeon

Mercenaries' Barracks - Isometric Dungeon

Enjoy this isometric dungeon! Following a simple proposal, this map brings a little story and some details to spice it up. Apply, remove, add, make whatever changes you want to make the map look like your adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Three Easy Jobs

Mini Adventure - Three Easy Jobs

A mysterious young person hires the Pcs to carry out three different and apparently quite easy tasks. The connection between these tasks will only be revealed to the PCs as they perform them, involving them in a complex plot of past crimes and revenge. ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Goblin Mine

Mini Adventure - Goblin Mine

A goblin tribe found their home in an old and abandoned mine, they settled, and multiplied like pests. The biggest issue is that this old mine is near a road which became an easy target for the attacks of those evil creatures. This danger is getting worse and an urgent slution must be taken. ...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Claprote, a world in a flyer

Claprote, a world in a flyer

Sometimes you just want a scenario idea for your adventure, sometimes you want to do something different but you're out of ideas... Leave it to us... "A massive meteor shower ripped through the sky over the continent of Claprote. Some of these celestial bodies fell to the earth, changing the peaceful reality. Life near the sites of these falls changed and became more and more powerful. The desire...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Cloistered Beast

Mini Adventure - Cloistered Beast

A humble merchant of the city was poisoned by a terrible beast. During a return from a business trip, he was surprised by a storm and took shelter under the trees where he found the beast that attacked and poisoned him. Despite the non-human looking, the beast told the merchant that it could cure him if he offers it someone with whom he had close bond of blood. Upon returning to the city, sick by the...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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A Besta de Asterios

A Besta de Asterios

Rumores sobre uma besta incendiando plantações leva o grupo de aventureiros ao interior do reino. Sem saber, os heróis tomam parte nos esquemas de dois artífices em conflito. O que parecia uma oportunidade fácil de ganhar algumas moedas, se mostra bem mais desafiador e pode trazer consequências inesperadas ao grupo. "A Besta de Asterios" é uma aventura de uma página independente de sistema,...   [click here for more]
Le Bard  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - The Curse of the Bard

Mini Adventure - The Curse of the Bard

In the heart of a harbor city, a petty bard fell in love with the only heir/heiress of the greatest regional merchant house. The romance began suddenly and continues in secrecy. The family, proud and snobish, is opposed to any relationship that does not bring business benefits, despite this, the bard insists with letters and notes delivered secretly. Knowing the bard's audacity, the family decides...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Dragonzitos - Versão Gratuita

Dragonzitos - Versão Gratuita

RPGWorld orgulhosamente apresenta um RPG minimalista que brinca com o conceito de Dragões e seus Domínios: DRAGONZITOS! (Versão Gratuita) Dragonzitos é um RPG de fantasia casual, descontraído e com toques de sátira. Um dragão criou ajudantes para lidar com aventureiros abelhudos que planejam saquear seu território e roubar seus tesouros, os Dragonzitos. Proteger o esconderijo...   [click here for more]
RPGWorld  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - I Wish, I Wish!

Mini Adventure - I Wish, I Wish!

In the poor area of the town, two orphan siblings found a powerful magic artifact: a dragon scale that grants to its user the ability to communicate with such creatures and influence upon them. The kids have been using the abilities to get their childish wishes come true: robberies at bakeries, toy shops, etc. The town lives in terror without knowing how to solve the crisis. Because of the great power...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Mini Adventure - Thiefs Chimes

Mini Adventure - Thiefs Chimes

During a ball of the kingdom's nobility, the prince's bride was robbed. An unkown young man asked the future princess to dance, then called her to the manor's garden, from where she returned in tears. Her jewelry and invaluable crystal shoe, which was a gift from her suitor, had been stolen. The prince summoned the guards to search for the thief, but the effort was unsuccessful. Wanted posters are...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Map - Rust Valley

Adventure Map - Rust Valley

An Adventure Map will be an extra resource for your tabletop RPG, presenting a map linked to a mini-adventure, containing different token options. In this pack you'll receive: The mini-adventure "Rust Valley": "The ancient valley near the city was always known for its riches in metal ores, which is the foundation of the local economy. In the last weeks the amount of ores extracted has been considerably...   [click here for more]
Papa-Figo  Pay What You Want

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A Cripta dos Reis Anões

A Cripta dos Reis Anões

Gravestone, o mausoléu escavado sob a montanha Jernhaug, a última morada dos reis anões foi tomada por trolls. Os guardas foram executados sem nenhuma piedade e as paredes e criptas do mausoléu foram profanados. Como se isso já não fosse o bastante, os jogadores descobrem que  o necromante Tarlik Bloodhand está no local. Qual será sua ligação com os trolls? O nosso valoroso grupo de heróis...   [click here for more]
Le Bard  Pay What You Want

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Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Cachorro Preto #1 (Contribua com 5 dólares e receba uma copia física)

Enviaremos uma copia fisica para residentes no Brasil que contribuirem com 5 dolares. Aqueles que fizerem a contribuição entrem em contato conosco através do drivethru para enviar seu endereço, caso contrário não teremos acesso aos dados nos impedindo de prosseguir com o envio. Primeira zine brasileira do jogo Lamentations...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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D&DZINHO é um sistema criado para auxiliar em jogos de encenação (assim como centenas de outros já existentes no mercado como Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Pathfinder, 3D&T Alpha, etc). Neste, porém, há um contraste no objetivo posto que nasceu com a seguinte premissa: Ser uma base minimalista, adaptável e ocupar, no máximo,...   [click here for more]
André Ricardo Voidelo  Pay What You Want

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DLC mortal gladiator

DLC mortal gladiator

Now things get serious. Grotesque and evil creatures want to take you down after you beat the infamous Aracnodemondragon. And these beings from the depths now use magic and can even poison it. Afraid? Do not, as your allies have also brought bonuses to help and you can evolve every two combats. Download now and face monsters like the undead Ghoal and get ready for King Ooze Sr.'s revenge for the...   [click here for more]
Metavirus  Pay What You Want

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Lâminas e feitiços - As Terras de Aaman - Cenário da Idade do Bronze (edição revisada)

Lâminas e feitiços - As Terras de Aaman - Cenário da Idade do Bronze (edição revisada)

Aaman é um cenário de Sword & Sorcery para Lâminas & Feitiços, ambientado numa Era do Bronze mítica onde os jogadores são transportados para um mundo cheio de perigo e mistério, analógico em muitos aspectos à Mesopotâmia, mas com uma identidade única, situado num vasto planalto entre dois grandes rios cercados por cadeias de montanhas, desertos e pântanos onde habitam todos os tipos...   [click here for more]
Stefan Costa  Pay What You Want

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Free Files Hey guys, I'm starting another battle map project. Using as a guide, an AI image generator in conjunction with Photoshop. This is a pack of 2 battle maps to complement your rpg campaigns Theme: Bridges The sizes of all maps are 16x11, with the versions: PDF A3 - for direct printing; JPEG (high quality) with and without Grid; JPEG at 70px per square for online...   [click here for more]
RC RPG  Pay What You Want

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Pack Files Hey guys, I'm starting another battle map project. Using as a guide, an AI image generator in conjunction with Photoshop. This is a pack comes with 12 battle maps to enrich your rpg campaigns Theme: Bridges The sizes of all maps are 16x11, with the versions: PDF A3 - for direct printing; JPEG (high quality) with and without Grid; JPEG at 70px...   [click here for more]
RC RPG  Pay What You Want

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