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SCP - Anomaly Random Tables

SCP - Anomaly Random Tables

> News: The Random Tables Collective, has upload a new resource to the RTC catalogue... > Clearance level is: Unrestricted (UC). Requesting access... > Matching clearances... [Access granted] Filename: Anomaly Random Tables (5 pages). Required additional resources are one to two six sided dice. Index: 1....   [click here for more]
MeLlamanKaskas  Pay What You Want

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Devil Inc.

Devil Inc.

"Devil Inc." is an RPG game that leans towards comedy horror. Players take on the roles of demonic employees of a diabolical company, whose task is to make the lives of sinful mortals so miserable, that their only way to change their fate and end their misery is to sign a contract and sell their souls, thereby boosting the efficiency of the company.  However, by being excessively efficient, lower-level...   [click here for more]
LazarusLair  Pay What You Want

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Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive – action horror roleplaying in the Modern Cthulhu Mythos. It's like if Guy Ritchie wrote weird fiction; or Scooby-Doo with guns. “Oh, look, Randy's playing a scholarly milquetoast – again. How Lovecraftian of you.” Be a cop! Be a cultist! Be a Deep One! Be an occult librarian bookmobile monster hunter! BE THE HERO! BE THE VILLAIN! BE THE MONSTER! You want a...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Worlds  Pay What You Want

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Utopian Confederation: From the Mall to the Stars

Utopian Confederation: From the Mall to the Stars

What would humanity’s future look like, if the isle of Utopia had been real – and had guided the creation of a joyful global civilization free from all selfishness, competition, and discord? Utopian Confederation: From the Mall to the Stars presents such a world. In the 22nd century, human society exists not as an array of rival “states” but as a halcyon confederation...   [click here for more]
Mnemoclave  Pay What You Want

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Within : La Fondation SCP

Within : La Fondation SCP

Within est un jeu de rôle d’épouvante, d’horreur contemporaine et cinématographique. Dans un univers qui ressemble au nôtre, à une époque qui ressemble à la nôtre, mais qui n’est pas notre monde, les personnages sont confrontés à l’horreur, au fantastique, à des enquêtes et des aventures qui ne pourraient arriver au commun des mortels et que ne renieraient...   [click here for more]
SYCKO  Pay What You Want

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GG-005 "Better NPCs"

GG-005 "Better NPCs"

This manual presents a collection of system and genre-agnostic methods and philosophies on creating and using Non-Player Characters (NPCs). This manual is about providing new tricks and tools into your existing toolkit to add depth to the NPCs you create. The added depth will help your players engage more with your NPCs. The outcome of implementing this advice is that the results can aid the Game...   [click here for more]
Ganazar Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Wilde Magie

Wilde Magie

Wenn die Realität einer Fantasy-Welt ins Wanken gerät, kann buchstäblich alles passieren. Da „alles“ aber nur schwer in ein handliches Format kondensiert werden kann, beschränken wir uns in dieser Spielhilfe auf gut 400.000.000 zufällige Effekte, die auf handlichen 14 Seiten generiert werden können. Wenn wir kosmetische Farbeffekte mitzählen, sind es sogar über 1.400.000.000 mögliche Ergebnisse....   [click here for more]
Arunya-Verlag  Pay What You Want

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Real Magic: a satirical game about Coca Cola

Real Magic: a satirical game about Coca Cola

I recently saw that Coca Cola had trademarked the phrase Real Magic. Firstly, this sounded ridiculous. Secondly, I wanted to know what the source of that Real Magic (TM) was. So I wrote a one page RPG about it. Requires a GM and some six-sided dice (though you could probably play without a GM, if you wished). ...   [click here for more]
Ethel & Toast  Pay What You Want

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  MAP MEGA BUNDLE! All Fantasy, Cthulhu, Mafia & Western! [BUNDLE]