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The Metamorphica (Classic Edition)

The Metamorphica (Classic Edition)

UPDATE:  A new and improved revised edition of The Metamorphica is now available, although this version will remain freely available. Random Mutation Tables If your game has a need for random mutation tables and procedures for creating all sorts of mutant abominations or unnatural things, whether they are corrupt demons and unique monsters or strange aliens and...   [click here for more]
Chthonstone Games  Pay What You Want

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This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. The police in Toil, Illinois have their work cut out for them when the sleepy town suddenly suffers an outbreak of bizarre events. Someone's been planting strange trees in the night, replacing bread with ash, and filling coffins with bees. As the day goes on, what at first appeared to be a series of unrelated pranks...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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The Wives of March

The Wives of March

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. Barefoot Crossing seemed like any other sharecropping community on the rural outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. But when the murder of a Methodist preacher sends the community searching for answers across racial and economic divides, investigators stumble into an ancient, inhuman conspiracy. Can they overcome a supernatural...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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Bryson Springs

Bryson Springs

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. In June of 1935, the Dust Bowl still plagued the American Southwest, a third of all people were out of work, and the government’s path to recovery was far from certain. Amidst this Great Depression, the Bryson Springs Ranch suffered a hardship altogether more extraordinary. People were dying in the migrant workers’...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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Sathar Destroyer Technical Manual

Sathar Destroyer Technical Manual

Hello Explorers! The Frontier Explorer presents The Sathar Destroyer Technical Manual The Sathar! They have repeatedly invaded the Frontier and their deadly red ships have always remained a mystery. Rumors abound that top secret UPF files exist giving details on sathar ship interiors and details of the sathar culture and military. No UPF official has ever admitted to the existence...   [click here for more]
Frontier Explorer  Pay What You Want

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The Red Tower

The Red Tower

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. In The Red Tower, Capone’s reign has ended, and it remains to be seen how much of Chicago’s corrupt infrastructure will be dragged down with him. As two-bit criminals scramble to establish themselves in the power vacuum, the exposed corruption presents an opportunity for muckraking socialists to provoke...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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The Fall Without End

The Fall Without End

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter.The Fall Without End takes place at Mount McKinley in 1931. As America comes to grips with the real cost of Black Tuesday, the government becomes desperate to find distractions for an increasingly rebellious population stirred by endless woes. As Lindbergh proved, the people love nothing more than heroes capable...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ...   [click here for more]
Druid GM Designs  Pay What You Want

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TOSS, a bus stop RPG framework

TOSS, a bus stop RPG framework

TOSS creates tales of significant situations. It is a framework to play an RPG character when you normally wouldn't be able to play RPG's (at a bus stop or during a commercial break). TOSS works with virtually any RPG system to help set up a situation where something goes wrong, and then it is your job to creatively narrate the PC's way out of the situation.  TOSS is system and setting...   [click here for more]
Conjecture Games  Pay What You Want

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A Travelerˋs Guide to Ondaris

A Travelerˋs Guide to Ondaris

Embark on an unparalleled journey through the mystical lands of Ondaris with the essential "Traveler's Guide to Ondaris." This invaluable companion is your key to unlocking the medieval fantasy world that adventurers have long been searching for. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking new terrains or a gamemaster crafting epic narratives, this guide lays the foundation for unforgettable quests in...   [click here for more]
Ondaris Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Ultranus Corp. ENG

Ultranus Corp. ENG

Ultranus Corp.: Protecting the future! Looking for the best defense technology? Look no further! Ultranus Corp. offers the most complete and advanced range of weapons and security systems in the galaxy. Trusted by the most powerful governments, Ultranus Corp. guarantees: Unbreakable security: Our cutting-edge weapons will protect you from any...   [click here for more]
Rey Goblin  Pay What You Want

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50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

Lacking inspiration for game night?  We got you covered!  This PDF contains 50 prompts for Norse and Viking themed games.  Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard but 100% system agnostic, these prompts are heavily inspired by the Eddas and offer a multitude of situations, mythical figures, and legendary quests for your party to take on.  Flexible enough to jump-start an adventure but...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Medieval Civilization Generator

Medieval Civilization Generator

Tired of samey and tropey medieval civilizations and societies in your realistic or fantasy RPGs? With this generator, based on actual theories of political development, you can generate entirely unique, detailed societal structures, governments, and conflicts which are entirely realistic, but may have never occurred in the real world. You may create civilizations appropriate to your world’s equivalent...   [click here for more]
Currentpattern  Pay What You Want

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Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2023

Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2023

Vom 17. bis zum 25. März 2023 findet die elfte Wiederholung des Gratisrollenspieltags – jetzt Gratisrollenspieltage – statt. Online sowie vor Ort werden erneut viele neue Gesichter an das Hobby herangeführt. Das Ziel ist nach wie vor klar: Die Branche zu stärken und breites Interesse an Pen & Paper-Rollenspiel zu wecken. Auch der Almanach geht dieses Jahr in die nächste Runde. Erneut sind...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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~Encounters Sample (Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting)~

~Encounters Sample (Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting)~

This publication contains two of the 21 system-free encounter tables for general and specific areas, 14 nation-based and seven terrain-based, that appear in the popular and Platinum-bestselling Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting. All of these tables can be used either individually or in conjunction with each another, and within the context of the Kos campaign setting or...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Extraordinary Extras - Sacred Service

Extraordinary Extras - Sacred Service

A lone robed figure walks barefoot across jagged rocks, smiling at each new cut that opens on her feet. A circle of the devout wait hours for a divine image to appear in the bowl of sour milk and blood of the bovine. A small child is led away from their family to join a religious order based on signs observed in the stars. From a sixth generation knight blessed with holy...   [click here for more]
Critical Hit Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Greenhouse Pact: for Death in Space

The Greenhouse Pact: for Death in Space

Strange vapors pour out from the archeological dig site on planet Marzanna and soon drive the colonists mad.  The famous scientist charged with leading the fiasco [Dr. Ben Leach] is drawing a blank.  Meanwhile the notorious cannibal murderer [Sick Zed] claims to know the truth behind what's happening. A System Agnostic adventure for the Death in Space setting....   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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The Chronicles of Vitallia

The Chronicles of Vitallia

DISCLAIMER: This book uses AI art, and that is why it is offered for FREE. If the book is rated negatively due to AI art, it will be removed. The reason for this is that I wanted people to become familiar with the world I've been building for 25 years, Vitallia. And so, this book contains Vitallia's Timeline. Each page contains an event and an image inspired by the event....   [click here for more]
Spiral Lane Productions  Pay What You Want

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SCP - Anomaly Random Tables

SCP - Anomaly Random Tables

> News: The Random Tables Collective, has upload a new resource to the RTC catalogue... > Clearance level is: Unrestricted (UC). Requesting access... > Matching clearances... [Access granted] Filename: Anomaly Random Tables (5 pages). Required additional resources are one to two six sided dice. Index: 1....   [click here for more]
MeLlamanKaskas  Pay What You Want

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Ants in the Plants

Ants in the Plants

A one-shot adventure designed to be used with any edition of your favorite tabletop role-playing game.  This adventure is written to give a GM an adventure that can be used as a stand alone, side quest, or incorporated into a larger campaign.  It includes a background and introduction, adventure hooks, map, list of encounters, and GM notes.  This adventure will be updated, over time, with stats...   [click here for more]
Black Knife Media  Pay What You Want

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Death of a Game Master

Death of a Game Master

Death of a Game Master is a short game about death, loss, and regret. It tells about the importance of not leaving things unsaid before it is too late. The player characters are roleplayers, whose longtime GM Dallas is dying. The old gaming group has come together to say goodbye to their friend. Unfortunately, the sickness impairs the GM’s cognitive functions. The only way...   [click here for more]
Nuclear Saints  Pay What You Want

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Extraordinary Extras - Arcane Ancestry

Extraordinary Extras - Arcane Ancestry

Her blood boiled with the green flame of her fey ancestry as she tapped into the latent magic within. Tiny eldritch lights began to dance around her head like a brilliant cyclone of sparks. Lillith loosed the power that she had gathered, shaping it with her will as it flew. The fiery emerald lance plunged inexorably toward the charging ogre with a shriek like a banshee. There...   [click here for more]
Critical Hit Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Vagen is a modern-day twist on an old classic. Instead of 8th century B.C, the year is 2020 A.D. Instead of Crete, the location is Sweden. Instead of a traditional labyrinth, the PCs must navigate a massive Ikea. Instead of a minotaur, the labyrinth contains an Uber-Karen, the Karen of all Karens. The party's mission is to go into the labyrinth, find a powerful creature and bring it out, alive....   [click here for more]
Machiavvelli Maps and Modules  Pay What You Want

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Visions of the Cosmos

Visions of the Cosmos

Visions of the Cosmos is a system-neutral encounter set that can be inserted into any TTRPG adventure. Each encounter is a dream-like sequence meant for a single character to experience, with an exploration and roleplay component. The encounters are: 1. Procession of Demons. 2. A Worm and a Jellyfish. 3. Marbles of Values. 4. Roots of the Tree of Life. Supplementary...   [click here for more]
Immersive Adventuring  Pay What You Want

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Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #9 Un-Statted

Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #9 Un-Statted

"Better Not Shout, Better Not Cry, Something Evil is Watching the Orphans. Something hungry." ◊ Perhaps the most vulnerable people in the penal colonies of early Australia were the (surprisingly many) unwanted and destitute children. Most roamed the streets, prey to wicked and degenerate sorts -- but a scant few of the unwanted...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment

Magic Items - 1d100 magic items for (almost) every moment

ADVENTURERS OF ALL THE PLANES!!! HERE WE HAVE NOT ONE, NOT TWO, NOT THREE... BUT 1D100 MAGIC ITEMS, EACH ONE MORE AWFUL THAN THE OTHERS!!! ENJOY THIS FUNNY (I hope) COLLECTION OF USELESS THING THAT WILL HURT YOU AND YOUR PARTY MEMBERS!!! Seriously, there are only 1d100 magic items, but nice and funny. Probably you will know better than me on how to use them. ...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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Szybin - dodatek do gry Glina

Szybin - dodatek do gry Glina

Darmowy dodatek do gry fabularnej Glina. Glina to gra fabularna, w której wcielicie się w policjantów z Zespołu do spraw niewykrytych zabójstw, zwanego potocznie Archiwum X. Podczas sesji zajmiecie się najtrudniejszymi zbrodniami lub przedawnionymi sprawami, w których śledztwo umorzono ze względu na niewykrycie sprawcy. Dodatek pt. Szybin opisuje fikcyjne miasto,...   [click here for more]
Wydawnictwo ROGUE  Pay What You Want

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Scratchbuilding and Kitbashing: Furniture

Scratchbuilding and Kitbashing: Furniture

Scratchbuilding and Kitbashing: Furniture Many RPG enthusiasts use miniatures to represent their characters and adversaries. Some also use dungeon walls, trees, hills and buildings. A few go so far as to use miniature furniture on the gaming table, to bring their castles, taverns and houses to life. This tutorial will help you build miniature tables, benches, chairs, doors, beds,...   [click here for more]
Dragontooth Grognard  Pay What You Want

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Dizneyland fhtagn

Dizneyland fhtagn

What is it about amusement parks that fascinates us?  Something beyond the flashing lights and plastic cartoon effigies.  It is a visceral place.  All the senses are engaged, even overloaded.  One does not escape reality but instead enters an entirely new one, a waking dreamland. Adventure lies just over the next hill. Don't like the ending? Change it! The back of the book includes quick start...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Worlds  Pay What You Want

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100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters

100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters

100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters 100 Surnames for fantasy characters– plain and simple. Need a last name for a character? Just roll the percentile dice. Pay What You Want- if you wish to pay something and can, please do so (as I might make more products available this way). ...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games  Pay What You Want

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Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #10 Un-Statted

Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #10 Un-Statted

"Who knows what unknown terrors lurk in the unexplored bushland of Australia?" ◊ Strange stories have recently been circulating in Sydney Town. Tales about a catastrophic event that caused widespread devastation to a staging point along the Parramatta River much...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs.  I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories. The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from...   [click here for more]
Go Nerdy  Pay What You Want

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Wells and other Dark Holes in the Ground - A Scenery Drop In for the Busy DM

Wells and other Dark Holes in the Ground - A Scenery Drop In for the Busy DM

Welcome to Wells and Other Dark Holes in the Ground – a fascinating list of deep, dark scenery drop ins for everywhere a hole can add excitement – whether it be a mysterious shaft in a dungeon, an abandoned well in a forest, or a tunnel descending down into a sewer system of a long abandoned town. This document offers many tables describing characteristics of the hole as well as what might...   [click here for more]
Lucky Dice Games  Pay What You Want

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Cult of the Sleeping God

Cult of the Sleeping God

The Cult of the Sleeping is a mystery focused adventure for low level characters in a dark world of forgotten gods and their crazed worshipers. It's the perfect start to a campaign where the players are expected to chase clues and solve mysteries before getting a chance to battle the bad guys. Included are the Poisoner NPC class, maps of the Sleeping God Cave and Belfry Hollow, and detailed descriptions...   [click here for more]
Mind Weave RPG  Pay What You Want

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Floating Islands of Arvorena

Floating Islands of Arvorena

Contents - Area Map Module A 6 page PDF containing the floating islands of Arvorena area and some lore. Landmarks and descriptions of the town below, Shrom Barrow to get things started. Multiple variations of the Arvorena Map. Icons and Blank. Extra: Fire Glass city pdf ******  Hi! :D Looking up, your party sees the majestic watefalls cascading down from the floating islands high up in the sky....   [click here for more]
Hope Maps  Pay What You Want

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Safety Tools of the OSR Table

Safety Tools of the OSR Table

This is a safety tool kit that details the nature of the gaming table in the early decades of the TTRPG hobby and a few tools that I used or still use that are consitent with that early expeerience.  I'm providing this as a free resource and hope that you may find it helpful.    ...   [click here for more]
R.Sell Games Publishing  Pay What You Want

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d30 Random Horse Generator

d30 Random Horse Generator

This download is a series of tables to generate a basic horse for your fantasy RPG. Age, gender, coloration, and distinguishing marks/habits are provided. It is pretty basic, but unless you are a big-time horse enthusiast, these tables should suffice. This table exists just to add a little color to the game and to show a bit of love for the venerable d30. In a pinch you could substitute...   [click here for more]
Frugal GM  Pay What You Want

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Cinematic Environs - Character Sheets

Cinematic Environs - Character Sheets

Fifth Edition Character Sheet! These form-fillable character sheets are designed to be used with the Cinematic Environ suppliments, though they are perfectly compatible with any 5th Edition character. ...   [click here for more]
Critical Hit Publishing  Pay What You Want

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D50 Role Playing Backgrounds For Weird and Wacky Westerns

D50 Role Playing Backgrounds For Weird and Wacky Westerns

Endless Horizons, epic gunfights, and stellar hats. Truly the Western genre has it all. In roleplaying as in film, the West is an endless and timeless frontier. Formulated with a great deal of affection, and the help of a magic eightball this work reaches deep into the pulsating chest cavity of the genre to inject a little magic, a little horror and hopefully a lot of fun into your games. ...   [click here for more]
Dicey Prospects  Pay What You Want

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200 Encounters - City Streets & Travelled Roads - Printerfriendly Edition

200 Encounters - City Streets & Travelled Roads - Printerfriendly Edition

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: THIS IS ONLY THE PRINTERFRIENDLY VERSION OF THE ACTUAL WORK *also don't worry about the first page being black, it is not. Some preview error from DriveThru. Here you will find two hundred chance encounters (random encounters), for your players to explore and engage with. The encounters come in two categories, the first one...   [click here for more]
Mimir-ion  Pay What You Want

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Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #7 Un-Statted

Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #7 Un-Statted

"There's Gold in That Thar Penal Settlement!" ◊ Most people would be aware that the early colonial history of Australia included major gold rushes in the 1840s and 1850s. But what few people know is that decades prior to these great discoveries, a discovery of precious gold sent ripples through the very fabric of New South Wales. The find, made by a lowly convict,...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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A Opossum's Hat

A Opossum's Hat

Introduction A necromancer grows in power each day within their lair. Undead minions harass travelers and lurk at the edge of the village. Thanks to a magical artifact, the necromancer’s plans are expanding beyond raising the dead, and the forest will never be the same. This module slots into an existing sandbox or is a short one-shot adventure. It is written to be compatible with the Worlds...   [click here for more]
Lindsey Bonnette  Pay What You Want

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Height, Weight, and Age Charts

Height, Weight, and Age Charts

Warning: This product will save you time. It will save you so much time, you will be tired of actually playing the game and you'll have to find some new overly complicated and poorly formated tables to fill your time with. More seriously I was sick of the weird mash of arcane age, height, and weight tables I had, so I made streamlined table. Still has all the usual suspects based on Labyrinth Lord...   [click here for more]
Omnifex  Pay What You Want

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HEADS - A Dueling minigame

HEADS - A Dueling minigame

The Flagellant & The Fool presents - HEADS! A system agnostic dueling minigame for RPG's and miniature games. Wish your 1v1's had the high intensity, high lethality, nail biting drama of their cinematic counterparts? HEADS is designed to be used in any and every game where you want your duel to be solved in 1-3 dramatic rolls instead of comparing initiatives...   [click here for more]
The Flagellant & The Fool  Pay What You Want

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Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page. ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Pestilentia è un’avventura in solitaria per coloro che hanno giocato nel Codex Venator - Shared Campaign e coloro che vorranno conoscere la sua Follia. Muovendovi tra i capitoli rimarrete confusi, interdetti, in dubbio su quanto appreso o creduto di aver visto. Tutto questo è Pestilentia: la...   [click here for more]
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian  Pay What You Want

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The Oracle

The Oracle

The Oracle Now presenting the free Sub-class Act Card-based Oracle! This simple card based oracle lets you grab any standard deck of playing cards and generate answers to simple and complex questions for your favorite Solo, Co-op, or standard game. Yes/No with Twists or Mods Positive/Negative Subject Spark Table Now get playing! ...   [click here for more]
Sub-class Act  Pay What You Want

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Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #8 Un-Statted

Convicts & Cthulhu: Ticket of Leave #8 Un-Statted

"Some Gentlemen Prefer Crime!" ◊ Not everyone who was sentenced to be a convict in the penal settlements came from the poorer, criminal classes of Britain. Some were wealthy men and women, sentenced to transportation sometimes because of their criminal ways, but other times because of their politics. And some of these so-called...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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Lost in Dreamscapes

Lost in Dreamscapes

OVER 1000 downloads! Thank you! A SETTING-FREE GAMEMASTER’S GUIDE FOR DESIGNING TABLETOP RPG ADVENTURES IN THE DREAM REALM ACCESS SPANISH VERSION Dreams. A world of endless possibilities ranging from our most cherished hopes and wishes to our most dreadful nightmares. A realm on which reality has no grip, to which the everyday rules don’t apply, where symbolism...   [click here for more]
Dreamcatchers Coast  Pay What You Want

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Bonds & Bonfires

Bonds & Bonfires

Gather round the fire. Open up. What is this Booklet? Bonds & Bonfires is a set of rules for use in conjunction with your favorite medieval fantasy RPG. The purpose of this booklet is to give players some tools to instigate roleplay after a long (and probably dangerous) day of adventures. These scenes revolve around the character’s feelings in an attempt to show a little about...   [click here for more]
Moira Games  Pay What You Want

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  Shadows of Esteren - Book 1 Universe