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A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
The Frontier Explorer presents
The Sathar Destroyer Technical Manual
The Sathar! They have repeatedly invaded the Frontier and their deadly red ships have always remained a mystery. Rumors abound that top secret UPF files exist giving details on sathar ship interiors and details of the sathar culture and military. No UPF official has ever admitted to the existence... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Gotowi na skok w nieznane? Alternatywne wersje Ziemi czekają! W ParaŚwiatach przeżyjecie przygodę inspirowaną takimi klasykami jak Sliders, Doctor Who czy Stargate. Odkryjcie nowy świat na każdej sesji – i rozwiążcie zagadkę podróży między wymiarami.
Na 58 stronach podręcznika znajdziecie:
- Elastyczną, nieliniową kampanię SF w siedmiu... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Visions of the Cosmos is a system-neutral encounter set that can be inserted into any TTRPG adventure.
Each encounter is a dream-like sequence meant for a single character to experience, with an exploration and roleplay component. The encounters are:
1. Procession of Demons.
2. A Worm and a Jellyfish.
3. Marbles of Values.
4. Roots of the Tree of Life.
Supplementary... [click here for more] |
Immersive Adventuring |
Pay What You Want
> News: The Random Tables Collective, has upload a new resource to the RTC catalogue...
> Clearance level is: Unrestricted (UC). Requesting access...
> Matching clearances... [Access granted]
Filename: Anomaly Random Tables (5 pages).
Required additional resources are one to two six sided dice.
1.... [click here for more] |
MeLlamanKaskas |
Pay What You Want
Strange vapors pour out from the archeological dig site on planet Marzanna and soon drive the colonists mad. The famous scientist charged with leading the fiasco [Dr. Ben Leach] is drawing a blank. Meanwhile the notorious cannibal murderer [Sick Zed] claims to know the truth behind what's happening.
A System Agnostic adventure for the Death in Space setting.... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
What is it about amusement parks that fascinates us? Something beyond the flashing lights and plastic cartoon effigies. It is a visceral place. All the senses are engaged, even overloaded. One does not escape reality but instead enters an entirely new one, a waking dreamland. Adventure lies just over the next hill.
Don't like the ending? Change it!
The back of the book includes quick start... [click here for more] |
Dangerous Worlds |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
The One-Page Train Heist provides gamemasters with the storyline needed to quickly pick up a fun One-Shot. All the info is on one page, which provides gamemasters with a simple overview and downsizes their prep-time. This is the ideal One-Shot for groups that like challenging and creative play and can be incorporated in any setting or system.
It’s simple: 5 minutes of reading for 3 or 4... [click here for more] |
CollaborativeStorytelling |
Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page.
... [click here for more] |
RitualCuts |
Pay What You Want
This is a safety tool kit that details the nature of the gaming table in the early decades of the TTRPG hobby and a few tools that I used or still use that are consitent with that early expeerience. I'm providing this as a free resource and hope that you may find it helpful. ... [click here for more] |
R.Sell Games Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Far Away Land RPG: Pawn Pack 1 provides you with over 120 print and play pawns for use in your FAL campaigns. Pawns come on bases of stone and grass (for both dungeon and overworld use). Each of these pawns is for an average size creature. The bases are 1 inch wide and can be used with any 1 inch battle grid. So come on kids and get you some Far Away Land Pawns!
Far Away Land Pawn Pack 1 Contains...... [click here for more] |
Simian Circle Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a random lute table.
Having trouble coming up with a suitable musical implement for your bard? Fret not! This random lute table will help you out. It is a single page randomizer which will give you a nice musical contraption within minutes. ... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
GM? DM? Something more? We've got you covered.
Easily create engaging content for any RPG system!
Our simple and universal rules allow you to quickly create characters, items, enemies, encounters, and more within seconds, as well as helping you to prepare sessions ahead of time.
Whether you're a novice or a veteran, we have something to keep you coming back.... [click here for more] |
Chronicle Cards |
Pay What You Want
This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in a sci-fi setting with some baddies about. Be it rampaging space zombies or xenoform aliens. This works with a Sci-fi setting of your choice.
The tables assumes the area is left mostly intact, with the best things already taken. But with a lot of stuff still laying about. Not all stuff is useful tho, but this stuff is!.... mostly.... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
Attention, les plans sont, initialement, des aides de jeu pour la campagne de la Geste de la fin des temps et doivent être consultés après avis de votre MJ. ... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
This is an empty / blank sourcebook for the Weirdspace game developed to help a GM run an exploration sandbox style game and retain a level of consistency. At some point I'll be releasing a completed and filled in version, but that's probably going to be a future kickstarter.
Paul. ... [click here for more] |
Paul Cat |
Pay What You Want
"You all met at the tavern" a classic heard by many.
Going on a shopping spree is not uncommon for some characters, nor is uncommon for characters to end becoming the owners of some shops...
But, what about said shop? How are they defined?
Shops & Stores is a supplement for use with almost any game system, here you will find easy rules for determine different aspects of a specific... [click here for more] |
La Torre de Dimirag |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Power Outage Reference Guide is a quick guide sheet... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in..... nowhere really. But that's the point. Be it rampaging zombies, post-nuclear war, modern sci-fi or supernatural investigation. This works with a slightly modern era of your choice.
This table is weird, just gonna say it. If you roll on this table and implement it in a game, the scene will either take a violent turn to creepy... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
BETA Edition: Full writing, Incomplete Art
What you hold in your hands is not an adventure, supplement, setting, or campaign, but a
Upon introducing this into your game, it may never be the same. Vector and the Meta Pirates may spread their influence into not only one game, but many, and should they... [click here for more] |
Mother Multiverse Media |
Pay What You Want
This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in a postapocalyptic setting. Be it rampaging zombies or post-nuclear war. This works with a slightly after modern era catastrophe of your choice.
The tables assumes the area is left mostly intact, with the best things already taken. But with a lot of stuff still laying about. Not all stuff is useful tho, but this stuff is!....... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in a postapocalyptic setting. Be it rampaging zombies or post-nuclear war. This works with a slightly after modern era catastrophe of your choice.
The tables assumes the area is left mostly intact, with the best things already taken. But with a lot of stuff still laying about. Not all stuff is useful tho, but this stuff is!....... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
Работа-участник конкурса "Одностраничное подземелье 2017".
Что будет, если смешать фэнтези и фантастический хоррор? Это история о крушении инопланетного корабля вблизи небольшого поселения.
Пять дней назад что-то прожгло... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
A Mind-Control-University-inspired tabletop gaming framework (v0.3)
by Jamie Wahls
(I'm basically just posting the notes for my home games online at this point. I make zero attestations to the quality or comprehensibility herein. This is not medical advice.)
This game is about paranoia, vicious betrayal, paranoia, clever preparations, and paranoia.
It's not an... [click here for more] |
Jamie Wahls |
Pay What You Want
Gorlovsky II svarar inte är ett friformsscenario till Alien. Det är fristående och du behöver inte några regler för att spela det. Scenariot använder heller ingen spelledare och ni delar på alla rollperson i en gemensam karaktärspöl.
Handlingen är klassisk. Ett arbetslag anländer till en gruvasteroid där en Alien är lös. Gorlovsky II svarar inte handlar inte om att... [click here for more] |
Rollspelskollektivet |
Pay What You Want
Something shuffling in the fungus banged noisomely on a tambourine as Prime Sinister Osogthoth knelt before the blazing altar of sacrifice, his glistening flesh anointed for the occasion with an assortment of secret herbs and seasonings. Hushed obeisance was the way of things, the assembled congregation attremble with anticipatory glee and irreverent reverence. The day of the thing was upon... [click here for more] |
Mutha Oith Creations |
This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in a postapocalyptic setting. Be it rampaging zombies or post-nuclear war. This works with a slightly after modern era catastrophe of your choice.
The tables assumes the area is left mostly intact, with the best things already taken. But with a lot of stuff still laying about. Not all stuff is useful tho, but this stuff is!....... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art magazine.
DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful, yet dangerous women.) It is also a print collection. (All buyers of this pdf may print images for personal use.) It is also a Stock Art Catalog, all images in this and other DunJon eZines are up for sale. (Those who want... [click here for more] |
Stainless Steel Dragon |
Pay What You Want
Przygoda w świecie zielonej apokalipsy w systemie Rootsystem.
Gracze wyruszają w poszukiwaniu Aziza, syna wpływowej bizneswoman. Czy jeden człowiek okaże się ważniejszy, niż wielomiliardowy projekt korporacji?
Materiał zawiera jedną mapę węzłów, idealną do przeprowadzenia jednostrzałowej przygody w świecie opanowanym przez Zieleń.
Tekst i mapy: Mikael... [click here for more] |
ViragGames |
Pay What You Want
Работа, получившая 2 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В опустошенном во времена Последней Войны мире герои пытаются спасти свое племя от полного уничтожения. Для этого они должны совершить поход на юг через... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В данном PDF приведен слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических личностей. Каждое имя заменено завуалированной... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
We have always said that all of the stats for a TSRPG (Travel-Sized) RPG character can fit on something the size of a coaster, so we have created a coaster that has a complete TSRPG character sheet on one side of it!
Just download and print out on heavy paper or cardstock the page associated with this freebie; cut along the solid guide-lines and fold along the... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
If you've ever needed a quick name for a place or city in your game (fantasy or sci-fi), 101 City & Place Names is for you! Perfect for the busy gamemaster no matter what the setting. Never get caught out by your players again! ... [click here for more] |
Polgarus Games |
In the very distant future, descendants of lost human spacefarers build empires, explore worlds, and struggle to survive among the worlds of the Magellanic Clouds. 66 Suns is a science fiction RPG setting set in the very far future, among distant galaxies. Humans are not the dominant culture in the Magellanic clouds. Old and powerful alien civilizations, some collapsed after eras of grandeur,... [click here for more] |
Triassica Games |
Produced during Worldwide Adventure Writing Month 2007, Asteroid 1618 is the first and maybe only full-length adventure for Encounter Critical. Possibly useful for other gonzo roleplaying games that have both wizards and spaceships. ... [click here for more] |
Jeff Rients |
There are many ways of making characters “feel real” in a tabletop roleplaying game.
Experienced game masters (GMs) can use improvisation to bring life to even the most common NPC. But some GMs, some gaming groups, might not be good at improv, or may wish to have a slightly more formalized, thought-out-in-advance approach to breathing life into NPCs.
This document introduces an approach to... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Augmented Reality PLUS contains the Drop Down Grids from the original document, for easy printing, PLUS the 2D10 variant grids (rather than drop dice on the grid, which you can still do, you can roll 2D10 instead - one you read down, the other across).
Also includes bonus material from the blog; expanded descriptions and roles for the Gig Economy table found in Augmented Reality,... [click here for more] |
Geist Hack Games |
Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Nova Blast Star Armada, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Especially exciting this month is a great new Pathfinder system, Kung Fu Kuma and more Arcana for stalwart fans.
Join... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Welcome to Avalon Games Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun; of course, new Pathfinder and 5e products abound. Included are new clip art and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Character Sheet for GRAmel Beast & Barbarians, both English and Italian Edition ... [click here for more] |
SpaceOrange42 |
Nothing But the Basics
Here’s a free introduction to the grim and grubby Bedlam City superhero setting. It’s enough to get your campaign started, or to get a feel for the setting if you’re going to be a player in a Bedlam City game. If you’re interested in Bedlam City, but aren’t sure you want to spend fifteen dollars on a four-hundred page book, then this is the volume for you. ... [click here for more] |
Plain Brown Wrapper Games |
Beneath the Glass and Steel (BG&S) is intended to be a regular publication (produced every month or two), and is designed to be system neutral. It will be filled with a range of ideas and articles told from the perspective of characters within the fictional setting of the world. BG&S will generally function as an “in-game” artefact that can be used by characters to find potential storylines... [click here for more] |
Vulpinoid Studios |
Cyberpunk & Corporate
This is a single page (US Letter) containing six 1d12 random tables. Taken together they should create the outline encounters within cyberpunk corporate office.
These tables were created for my Patreon and inspired by the Lone Wolf Solo Jam, Feb 2022.
... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
This started as a small community project and grew into a really strange collection of random tables inspired by the Mad Max movies and that Thundarr the Barbarian episode, "Challenge of the Wizards." The main table is a d100 collection of weird, gonzo, sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic encounters that death racers may stumble upon during their race.
While I specifically tailored Death Race:... [click here for more] |
Kortthalis Publishing |
In 1981 and 1983 the publisher of the world's most popular post-apocalyptic roleplaying game (set in a world of gamma radiation) released referee’s screens for game masters that included a mini-module (adventure).
At the time, boxed text for adventure modules was uncommon, and game masters were expected to do a lot of preparation before running an adventure. This document provides some boxed text... [click here for more] |
Die Happy Games |
In the future everyone will be perfect, no one will suffer from hunger or desease. At least, that is what those above you want you to believe. In truth, in the gigantic city of the Mega-Complex is a secret war between mega-corps and other groups of power. Mutants, also called teratomorphs, work as contractors for them, doing their dirty jobs. In Disgenesia you will play as one of... [click here for more] |
Dios Cornudo |
Welcome to a universe of Elite adventure, Commander!
The main purpose of this free 50 page sampler The Worst Intentions for the Elite Dangerous Roleplaying Game, is to allow players to sample the ruleset and universe of this exciting new RPG from Spidermind Games and get a feeling for how it works.
Please note: It does not contain the full rule sets and there will be plenty left over for... [click here for more] |
Spidermind Games |
This is the FREE PREVIEW. Click here to get the final version.
The prophetess who sits hunched over a burning brazier interpreting myriad futures in the dancing flame; the wise man who reads the cracks in bones to foretell that which is yet to come; the chosen path of fate is often a feature of stories across history and mythology. Now, with Eye to the Void, you can learn to be the... [click here for more] |
Hive Mind Games |