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Warning: This is an Ash Can An "Ash Can" is a term to describe a product that has not been properly published. There is no editor, other than my own work. There is no artist, so the work uses public domain artwork. There is no layout person, so the document is laid out like a word document. Ash cans often exist to "lock-in" a legal effect, like trademarks or copyright. In this case,... [click here for more] |
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer |
Pay What You Want
New Amsterdam created by Raphael Lima and Gilberto "Joka" Olimpio, is a horror scenario driven by FATE Accelerated, where the players are surrounded by the Lovecraftian Mythos manifested in the Brazilian northeast during the Dutch Domination in the captaincy of the Rio Grande (1633-1654). The capital city of Natal, renamed New Amsterdam during the period, serves as the birthplace for the unfolding... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Character Sheets and Campaign sheets for Oubliette Second Edition.
... [click here for more] |
Voidspiral Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
"El universo es una prisión, y el alma es el prisionero. En el mundo de Dioses Extraños los jugadores interpretan a esas almas perdidas, que buscan escapar al ciclo de reencarnaciones y tor - mentos mediante la iluminación, ya sea abando - nando la prisión terrenal del espíritu, ascendiendo para convertirse en dioses, o destruyendo el mis - mo universo que... [click here for more] |
Pronoia Works |
Pay What You Want
Get the Survivor's character sheet for the upcoming Slasher RPG!
Visit out community at http://www.highergroundsgames.com/forum
You are the Director.
You are the Survivor.
You are the Killer.
Have you ever wanted to direct your own slasher film? Do you ever watch horror movies and find yourself... [click here for more] |
Higher Grounds |
Pay What You Want
Get the Survivor's character sheet for the upcoming Slasher RPG!
Visit out community at http://www.highergroundsgames.com/forum
You are the Director.
You are the Survivor.
You are the Killer.
Have you ever wanted to direct your own slasher film? Do you ever watch horror movies and find... [click here for more] |
Higher Grounds |
Pay What You Want
This fast play document contains a condensed guide to the rules used in New Amsterdam, an adapted version of Accelerated (or FAE). This system was chosen for its elegant and harmonious mechanics. Then the full story The Van Boks’ Hound, for you and your players to experience the setting, with your characters investigating a heinous crime perpetrated by the settler quarrel that hides a terrible truth... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Tres veces tres nuevos personajes para El Hombre Abstracto. ... [click here for more] |
HT Publishers |
“Bad Things” es la aventura ganadora del primer desafío que desde CÓDICE organizamos hace ya un tiempo, para que cualquiera de vosotros pudiese publicar con nosotros una aventura con un acabado cuidado y atractivo.
En ella un pequeño grupo de investigadores deberán resolver un macabro crimen ocurrido hace años en una pequeña localidad de la América profunda: Raven s Valley. Todos los... [click here for more] |
Códice Grupo Creativo |
Bite of the Crocodile God is a short demo adventure by Guy Milner intended to teach the workings of our Fate based Hunters of Alexandria RPG. This adventure takes 35-45 minutes to play, using the pre-made characters from the main rulebook, so its ideal for a quick first season adventure after character generation as well as a standalone demo for groups wishing to try out Hunters.
Hunters... [click here for more] |
D101 Games |
Character sheet New Amsterdam FAE ... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Pay What You Want
The play's the thing... or is it? Something fishy is going on at the local playhouse. A production of the Tempest has a bigger budget than makes sense -- and some surprising special effects. Could it be that there's something more to this than the grand final retirement performance of a talented actor? Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Evil Acts is a Dresden Files RPG... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
Neutral Grounds: Come for the hot, fresh coffee. Stay for the cold-blooded murder.
Two dead barristas ... a missing proprietor ... ghoul attacks ... poser vampires ... boy trouble. And it's your case, whether you like it or not.
Better make that a double espresso.
The Neutral Grounds casefile is a one-shot mystery-adventure for the... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
The old Cranston house had stood unoccupied for as long as anyone could remember. Few spoke of why. After a while, everything just passed into rumor, and now nobody knows the truth for sure.
But they do know one thing: it's one hell of a spooky house. If you can make it through the whole night in the Cranston house, you'll be legendary back at school, kings and queens of the... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
Esta obra libre y gratuita incluye lo mínimo necesario para jugar, dirigir y diseñar todo tipo de partida a El Hombre Abstracto.
El Hombre Abstracto es un juego que incluye todo lo necesario para jugar en una Europa del sXVII en la que organizaciones secretas luchan para evitar que el mundo tal y como lo conocemos deje de existir, consumido por una extraña y caótica fuerza conocida como La anomalía.... [click here for more] |
HT Publishers |
Nova Amsterdã, é um cenário autoral de Raphael Lima e Gilberto "Joka" Olimpio, movido pelo FATE Acelerado. Neste cenário os jogadores estarão envoltos com os mythos de Lovecraft manifestados no nordeste brasileiro durante a dominação holandesa na capitania do Rio Grande (1633-1654). A cidade de Natal, renomeada Nova Amsterdã durante o periodo, é o cenário para o desenrolar desses horrores. Nesse... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Pay What You Want
Ficha de personagem editável para o cenário Nova Amsterdã. ... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Pay What You Want
Dr. Nik’s Happy Fun Rules is easy to learn, just as easy to master, and makes for fast, simple play that puts role-playing above complicated rule mechanics. These FUDGE based rules are campaign independent, work equally well in any genre or setting, and are designed to be light and hyper-flexible. Dr. Nik’s Happy Fun Rules is designed for fast interactive story-telling and is not intended to simulate... [click here for more] |
paNik productions |
Como resultado del concurso Códice que realizamos hace unos meses, Abraham Castro "Zero" y Zapo Valenzuela nos traen "Las dos caras de Eva", dos aventuras que recuerdan a las clásicas novelas de investigación, aderezadas con un toque de thriller, suspense y sorprendentes giros finales, donde nada es lo que parece y todos ocultan oscuros secretos. ... [click here for more] |
Códice Grupo Creativo |
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. - Leonardo da Vinci
This includes three different versions of a character sheet for Leaves of Chiaroscuro for the Fate RPG which focuses on a wondrous and strange version of Italy during the Renaissance. This includes both fillable forms and simplified forms for print.
The ruleset for Leaves of Chiaroscuro can be... [click here for more] |
Bennett-Burks Design |
O escritor H.P. Lovecraft povoou o imaginário de muitos leitores, principalmente o de muitos rpgistas, com seus contos de horror cósmico. Nos jogos, essa influência se deu por meio do famoso RPG “O Chamado de Cthulhu” e dele derivaram os mais diversos materiais de cenários de campanhas e suplementos. Até mesmo o mais famoso cenário de fantasia medieval brasileiro, Tormenta, carrega bastante... [click here for more] |
Raphael Lima |
Other London: The Fallen is a short scenario for Desk 17, London's occult investigation unit. It is suitable for 2-3 players.
The PC's briefing:
I’ve had a report from a seer of a person of interest. The person of interest works at Burger King at Victoria Station and will serve a woman in a blue dress at 4.12 pm today exactly. The seer knows no more... [click here for more] |
Steve Hatherley |
First issue of San Diablo. A small zine produced by local RPG Enthusiasts in San Diego. It includes:
Hotel San Diablo - new story game
The GM and Fate Points Revised - alternate way for GMs to use fate points.
Horror is a Violation - 4 techniques on running horror games.
Mixing Things Up - Using San Diego Zoo animals in your game
... [click here for more] |
San Diablo |
Casi todos los miembros de la Orden en Londres han muerto repentinamente. La Orden sospecha de una nueva organización secreta, una de la que nunca se había oído hablar y que puede representar un grave peligro no sólo en Inglaterra, sino en toda Europa.
Sombras sobre Londres es una aventura gratuita para El Hombre Abstracto.
Diseñada para ser autojugable, no necesitas nada más que este documento... [click here for more] |
HT Publishers |
Here's that amazing tent-style character sheet!
And don't forget these!
... [click here for more] |
Dead Gentlemen Productions, LLC |
Free preview!
PDF will release Aug 22nd 2013. Print copies will be available at GenCon at the Chronicle City booth.
You wake in a room.
You don’t where you are, where you came from, what’s happening. You don’t know who you are. Your identity has been taken from you. It will come back with time, but can you trust it? This world is not what it seems. Are you?
... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Something is wrong with the world!
Steve Russell (Rite Publishing) talks to Brian Enguard (The Demolished Ones, Bulldogs!) about thier new Kickstarter Project: The Demolished Ones which will use the FATE system.
Our kickstarter hit threshold goal and we are now working on hitting our 1st Tier which will offer an addtional PDF deadline for helping fund the project is November 11th after... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |