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#iHunt: The RPG Zine 01 - Moving On Up

#iHunt: The RPG Zine 01 - Moving On Up

Moving On Up is the first in a series of "Zine Supplements" for #iHunt: The RPG. Or as we'd like to call them, "Zupplements." Moving On Up is a book of play options for advancement and class mobility in #iHunt: The RPG.  Discussion on how promotion and class mobility actually work in the world of #iHunt. Which is to say... not as advertised on the tin.  New Stunts: For characters...   [click here for more]
Machine Age Productions  Pay What You Want

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#iHunt: The RPG Zine 11 - The Book of Hours

#iHunt: The RPG Zine 11 - The Book of Hours

Book of Hours is the eleventh in a series of "Zine Supplements" for #iHunt: The RPG. Or as we'd like to call them, "Zupplements." This one is a guide to some of the mystical background of the #iHunt setting. Specifically, it deals with three "blood saints," mythological beings that aren't so mythological to the vampires that venerate them. Inside, you'll find cults, practices, beliefs, example...   [click here for more]
Machine Age Productions  Pay What You Want

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#iHunt: The RPG Zine 17 - Lyzzy Burns Takeover: Loving Everyone in the Gig Economy

#iHunt: The RPG Zine 17 - Lyzzy Burns Takeover: Loving Everyone in the Gig Economy

Happy Valentine's Day!  Welcome to our 27 page bonus zine for February! This month, supernatural romance author Lyzzy Burns takes over to show us all about smooching, hooking up, and being a little messy in the world of #iHunt. Inside, you'll find:  A short! A little teaser, a short story about an #iHunter and her demon lover to show you what's in store.  A romance story generator. Take a romance....   [click here for more]
Machine Age Productions  Pay What You Want

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Almbrecht After Dark • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Almbrecht After Dark • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

In a city wracked by strife, the nightmares come out to play. Mysterious, sharp-fingered Jacks haunt the eaves of the city of Almbrecht and threaten its citizens’ dreams. No one knows where they come from. No one knows how to get rid of them. And the countryside is wracked by partisan violence that promises worse to come. Play as a thaumaturge, trying to find a way to protect citizens against...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Arecibo • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Arecibo • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Enter the all-too-timely world of Arecibo… Everyone on the island knew that something was amiss when the power went out. In the municipality of Arecibo, frogs and crickets fell quiet, bringing stillness to the night. Slowly but surely, the children started to understand that something far worse than animals dwelled in their tropical paradise. When the island is abruptly blockaded by US Armed...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Blood on the Trail • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Blood on the Trail • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Travel in the Wild West is dangerous, but the danger’s even worse than anticipated. The land is infested with vampires. As settlers begin pushing into the unexplored territories on their way to California, they discover the truth about why the Native American tribes have gone quiet: the wilds have become infested with creatures who feast...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Breakfast Cult: Peer Pressure

Breakfast Cult: Peer Pressure

A primer and sample mystery for Breakfast Cult. In the Weird Age of the late 21st century, the newly-discovered occult sciences are changing the world. If you want to learn them, Occultar Academy is the place to go. In this secluded island school, talented students from all over the world can learn sorcery and occultech under the Foundation's watchful eye. But the Academy hides dangerous secrets,...   [click here for more]
Weird Age Games  Pay What You Want

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By Night We Thirst

By Night We Thirst

Vampires. The very name of these blood-drinking fiends of the night conjures up images of misty Victorian graveyards and of uncaring streets splattered with the blood of the innocent. This FATE THIN gives you the tools that you need to hunt these fiends in your Fate RPG games, or to play as the nocturnal blood-suckers yourself. ...   [click here for more]
Red Dice Diaries  Pay What You Want

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Character sheet New Amsterdam FAE

Character sheet New Amsterdam FAE

Character sheet New Amsterdam FAE ...   [click here for more]
Raphael Lima  Pay What You Want

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Demon Hunter DM Screen

Demon Hunter DM Screen

So, you got a copy of the Demon Hunter: A Comedy of Terrors rulebook, but you got all mixed up with all the rules and tables? Don´t worry! The Demon Hunter DM screen is intended to help you with the main rules during the games. You don't remember the chapter designations? We have a handy table. How do you create a new character? We have a summary of the rules. How do you perform...   [click here for more]
The Death Die Club  Pay What You Want

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Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors Gen Con Beta

Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors Gen Con Beta

It's all true. Every religion, every urban legend, all the folklore. The monsters are real. The gods are real. And you're on the menu. That's why there's The Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, better known as Demon Hunters! A secret organization that has existed for thousands of years, fighting back the forces of evil from consuming us all. Kind of an Agents of Shield meets Supernatural, with the...   [click here for more]
Dead Gentlemen Productions, LLC  Pay What You Want

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Dioses Extraños: Quickstart

Dioses Extraños: Quickstart

"El universo es una prisión, y el alma es el prisionero. En el mundo de Dioses Extraños los jugadores interpretan a esas almas perdidas, que buscan escapar al ciclo de reencarnaciones y tor - mentos mediante la iluminación, ya sea abando - nando la prisión terrenal del espíritu, ascendiendo para convertirse en dioses, o destruyendo el mis - mo universo que...   [click here for more]
Pronoia Works  Pay What You Want

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Dreadwood Prophecies - The Tabletop RPG & audio bundle

Dreadwood Prophecies - The Tabletop RPG & audio bundle (audio product)

"The Dreadwood is a very scary place with a very scary reputation.  Many believe it to be a malevolent spirit.  However, a select few know that The Dreadwood actually seeks to protect the natural balance of all life.  The Dreadwood’s will reaches far beyond its treelines.  It not only terrorizes its villains, but it also relentlessly haunts its chosen heroes." This RPG is loosely based on PBTA...   [click here for more]
dreadwood prophecies  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon a Day #15 The Sherwin Tavern & inn

Dungeon a Day #15 The Sherwin Tavern & inn

 The sherwin tavern and in is an old manor home purchased and repurposed into what it is today. Maybe its haunted by the old nobles that lived here, thier spirits taking lethal action to eject those they feel do not belong?    I don't think I've been offering enough buildings interiors so here it is! You can use this for your games as a large home, estate or an inn. The Sherwin in come preformated...   [click here for more]
Infinite Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon a Day #16 Maehala's Tower

Dungeon a Day #16 Maehala's Tower

  The old tower of Maehala the mage, cause we need a mage tower dagnabit!!    I don't think I've been offering enough buildings interiors so here it is! You can use this for your games as a large mage tower, gaurd tower or any tower you'd like. The Maehala's tower comes with two preformated to be print ready images. One with the tower in its ruined state & one that is A.OK. Both images are...   [click here for more]
Infinite Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon a Day #19 the House on the hill

Dungeon a Day #19 the House on the hill

 I'd like to finish this months Dungeon a day with a simple house on a hill. It's not overly large or extravagant, maybe the home of an upper ranking military official. Its a fairly deffensible position, say if the nearby peasant populace decides to revolt. Its also good to run a haunted investigative game in. Maybe the lady of the house threw herself off the balcony? Or maybe the head of the house...   [click here for more]
Infinite Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Fast play Nova Amsterdã

Fast play Nova Amsterdã

Nova Amsterdã, é um cenário autoral de Raphael Lima e Gilberto "Joka" Olimpio, movido pelo FATE Acelerado. Neste cenário os jogadores estarão envoltos com os mythos de Lovecraft manifestados no nordeste brasileiro durante a dominação holandesa na capitania do Rio Grande (1633-1654). A cidade de Natal, renomeada Nova Amsterdã durante o periodo, é o cenário para o desenrolar desses horrores. Nesse...   [click here for more]
Raphael Lima  Pay What You Want

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Ficha de Personagem Nova Amsterdã

Ficha de Personagem Nova Amsterdã

Ficha de personagem editável para o cenário Nova Amsterdã.  ...   [click here for more]
Raphael Lima  Pay What You Want

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Frontier Spirit • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Frontier Spirit • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Despite its long history, the Commonwealth has only civilized a fraction of the galaxy. Life on an undeveloped colony world is hard. The problems are never-ending: pirate raids, corporate claim-jumpers, outlaw settlers, unpredictable weather...and an alien spirit world unused to coexisting with sentient creatures. Natural disasters, storms, subsistence, and even basic survival are all much harder...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Grimoire compatible Character Sheet

Grimoire compatible Character Sheet

You love the World of Adventure Grimoire for Fate? You were a bit disappointed that no character sheet was included? I've got you covered! This product is a unofficial character sheet designed to be used with Grimoire. It includes a character sheet for Warlocks, a character creation sheet with the changed phase trio and a sheet for your own demon. Permission by Evil Hat and...   [click here for more]
Trollatlas  Pay What You Want

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Grimoire • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Grimoire • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Steel yourself, and open the grimoire. Daemon summoning is banned in Ganseldom by religious and civil authorities alike, but that’s never stopped ambitious nobles and warlocks. Daemons are invaluable minions when there are battles to win, secrets to steal, and coups to enact. With the recent invention of the printing press and increased literacy rates, grimoires containing the rites for daemon...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Horrors on Station Caelestis

Horrors on Station Caelestis

Can you survive the horrors on Station Caelestsis? A powered by Fate sci-fi Horror set upon  Upon the Jupiter moon, Europa, is one of the most advanced research stations of mankind. The Caelestis station, Aeon Development Corp, standing on the bleeding-edge of future technologies. Scientists from around the solar system dream for a chance to work within its walls.      Dr. Melanie Solberg is...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Dice  Pay What You Want

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Hunter's Guide Pregenerated Character Sheets - Tent-Style

Hunter's Guide Pregenerated Character Sheets - Tent-Style

Get the pregen character sheets from the Hunter's Guide in the new Tent-Style format! And don't forget these!  ...   [click here for more]
Dead Gentlemen Productions, LLC  Pay What You Want

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HUNTING BLUE BLOOD is a short, post-apocalyptic scenario in which a group of humans (or human-adjacent beings, such as mutants, cyborgs or dhampirs, to name a few) face the Blue Bloods, millennial vampires who have overseen the world during the last 10,000 years. Written in the style of the Rogues' Galleries that first appeared in the Fate Adversary Toolkit,...   [click here for more]
Helena Real Games  Pay What You Want

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Lockdown - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Lockdown - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Radio Silence. One of our suburban outposts has gone dark. Communication protocols are being actively disrupted and Warehouse access routes have turned into a veritable Escher’s maze. We received a final truncated message from the Overseer Cipher Lockdown protocols enacted, selfdestruct systems armed. The base is within a minimal threat region and satellite surveillance detects no unusual...   [click here for more]
LunarShadow Designs  Pay What You Want

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Missionary Opposition - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Missionary Opposition - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Missing pets. Not normally a big responsibility for the Brotherhood but every so often a flurry of reports gains enough attention to warrant an investigation. 14 cats, 7 dogs, 1 parrot and a capybara have gone missing from this neighbourhood in the span of a week, which is unusual enough to get a Chapter sent out. An Omega Chapter, it's not worth the time of anybody else. In...   [click here for more]
LunarShadow Designs  Pay What You Want

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Modernity (Fate Edition) Character Sheet

Modernity (Fate Edition) Character Sheet

This pay-what-you-want product is an interactive PDF designed for use with the Modernity (Fate Edition) RPG. The PDF has two modes: a printable version and an electronic character tracking version that you can use in realtime at the game table. Our world is replete with tablet computers, smart phones, social networking, frou-frou coffees, and 24-hour faux news channels, but… Beneath...   [click here for more]
Wistful Tiger  Pay What You Want

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Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

This pay-what-you-want product is an interactive PDF designed for use by coordinators with the Modernity (Fate Edition) RPG. The PDF has two modes: a printable version and an electronic game tracking version that you can use in realtime at the game table.   The Coordinator's Toolkit contains: Game Briefing Sheet (front & back) Hero Briefing Sheet (front & back) Session Briefing...   [click here for more]
Wistful Tiger  Pay What You Want

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Monsters 01. Fleaer

Monsters 01. Fleaer

A new monster for your game - FLEAER ...   [click here for more]
Andrzej Buhlak  Pay What You Want

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Morts • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Morts • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The zombie apocalypse was rough, but that was, like, a hundred years ago. It’s time to move on already. Zombies, lich kings, ghosts…they’re a reality now, and somebody’s got to keep them in line. But it’s not a dream job. More like the last refuge for losers and desperate teenagers in need of a little cash. You’re a Mortician or "Mort," facing down the undead for minimum...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

On the Wall • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Superheroes meet teen dystopia in On the Wall, a Fate World of Adventure by Carrie Harris based on her graphic novel of the same name. All the dry-hand-washing supervillains in the world aren’t half as scary as your average high school. The realities of being a modern day teen—drug addiction, cyberbullying, abusive relationships, absentee parents, the constant...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Oubliette Second Edition Character Sheets

Oubliette Second Edition Character Sheets

Character Sheets and Campaign sheets for Oubliette Second Edition. ...   [click here for more]
Voidspiral Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Paranormal Affairs Canada: Blood on Spadina

Paranormal Affairs Canada: Blood on Spadina

When Moez Naqvi, a member of the Jihad al-Ghul, is found with his throat ripped out near the Lucky Dragon Meat Market in Toronto's Chinatown, it's up to Paranormal Affairs Canada (PAC) to investigate! The other Mujahideen suspect Lucky Dragon's owner Zhen Chou -- who, to be fair, IS a vampire. But he's one of PAC's best informants! And he only drinks pig's blood! ... Right? It's up to you and your...   [click here for more]
Tom Hart  Pay What You Want

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Reedwater Adventure No.2

Reedwater Adventure No.2

Welcome to the early 13th Century and the challenges that come with living in the Holy Roman Empire under civil war. This book contains details of the ordinary townsfolk of Ingolstadt, as well as the two thieves guilds that vie for power in the streets, each with it’s own views on how to hold the reigns of power. The game is set in the spring of the Year 1200 and located in the area of the Holy...   [click here for more]
Anderian Designs Ltd  Pay What You Want

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Shadows of Decay

Shadows of Decay

Cosmic entities have always been part of the world, actually they are responsible for the existence of the world as a whole, spreading chaos and insanity into the corrupted minds. When one of three kingdoms decide to use this special cosmic connection to gain power advantage, they accidentally throw the entire world into a slow and inevitable apocalypse. Can the two other kingdoms with their armies...   [click here for more]
Target Role  Pay What You Want

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Slasher RPG - Minimal 1st Edition

Slasher RPG - Minimal 1st Edition

GET THE FULL CORE BOOK HERE You are the Director. You are the Survivor. You are the Killer. Have you ever wanted to direct your own slasher film? Do you ever watch horror movies and find yourself yelling at the screen trying to tell the survivors how stupid they are for running up the stairs instead of out the door? Do you ever...   [click here for more]
Higher Grounds  Pay What You Want

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Slasher RPG Killer Character Sheet

Slasher RPG Killer Character Sheet

Get the Survivor's character sheet for the upcoming Slasher RPG! Visit out community at You are the Director. You are the Survivor. You are the Killer. Have you ever wanted to direct your own slasher film? Do you ever watch horror movies and find yourself...   [click here for more]
Higher Grounds  Pay What You Want

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Slasher RPG Survivor Character Sheet

Slasher RPG Survivor Character Sheet

Get the Survivor's character sheet for the upcoming Slasher RPG! Visit out community at You are the Director. You are the Survivor. You are the Killer. Have you ever wanted to direct your own slasher film? Do you ever watch horror movies and find...   [click here for more]
Higher Grounds  Pay What You Want

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SLIP • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

SLIP • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Our universe is on the verge of a catastrophic collision. Shadowy invaders from other worlds have begun to slip into the dark places in ours. The result? Night terrors, disappearances, deaths, and worse. Most people try to hide their heads in the sand, but members of the group known as Vigilance stand between our world and the darkness outside. In Slip by Chris Caporaso,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Straw Boss • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Straw Boss • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Let us tell a story of sacrifice and corruption. Enter the world of Straw Boss. Belief defines reality. Members of the Scholars of the Hieroglyphical Monad know this to be true. Some might call it a cult, but you know everything they teach is real. The power you and your fellow Scholars wield shores up the crumbling sands of reality where myths both new and ancient seek to enter our world....   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Table O' Random Junk - Modern Junk

Table O' Random Junk - Modern Junk

Have you ever been in a position where you need some junk? Would your game session be drasticly improved by injecting a Powerful Shoelace into the mix? Would a Bloody Condom raise some awkward questions? Could a Graceful Cigarette hold the key to the universe? How would I know, you are the GM...But this is the junk generating tool that you have been looking for.   ...   [click here for more]
Role Cast Die Productions  Pay What You Want

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Talentless Hacks - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Talentless Hacks - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Hollywood. People go missing all the time, it's a big place and people don't tend to announce when they've decided to give up the dream and head back home. So when a 3rd rate mystic was apparently possessed live on daytime TV the Brotherhood took notice and your team got the call. Track down the mystic and find out what's really going on. They're probably just another run of the mill fraud but...   [click here for more]
LunarShadow Designs  Pay What You Want

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The Agency • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The Agency • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Greetings, Agents. You are all dead. Welcome to the Agency, a sophisticated espionage organization founded by [REDACTED]. Unfortunately, most of our Field Agents have been neutralized by [REDACTED]. Luckily, the Agency has prepared for this very situation with countless hours of data collection and Digital Personality Encoding, and we can now program latent Field Agent subroutines...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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The April Foolio of Fiends

The April Foolio of Fiends

Welcome to the April Foolio of Fiends, a collection of foolish critters created by the Gnome Stew authors. Inside, you’ll find an array of wacky and weird monsters for a variety of game systems. Please feel free to use these monsters however suits your gaming needs. We may have gone a little overboard with the theme. Our artists provided a wide variety of artwork to use for this project. Some are...   [click here for more]
Encoded Designs  Pay What You Want

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The Lost World Roleplaying Game (Ash Can Version)

The Lost World Roleplaying Game (Ash Can Version)

Warning: This is an Ash Can An "Ash Can" is a term to describe a product that has not been properly published. There is no editor, other than my own work. There is no artist, so the work uses public domain artwork. There is no layout person, so the document is laid out like a word document. Ash cans often exist to "lock-in" a legal effect, like trademarks or copyright. In this case,...   [click here for more]
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer  Pay What You Want

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The Ministry • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The Ministry • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Welcome to the Ministry. The enemy is everywhere. In 1958, a variety of aliens have been discovered on Earth. These aren’t the comical little green men of cheap science fiction stories; these aliens are diseases, mind-controllers, and shape-shifters. Various alien outbreaks have killed tens of thousands of people around the world, and aliens have tried to possess Josef Stalin, Jawaharlal...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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The Saucers are Coming!

The Saucers are Coming!

This is the first in what will be a long run of Fate Thins, mini campaign starters designed to work with the FATE CORE and FATE ACCELERATED roleplaying games, providing inspiration and ideas to quickly jumpstart games. In this campaign-starter aliens have invaded the world; guidelines are provided for each stage of their invasion along with suggestions...   [click here for more]
Red Dice Diaries  Pay What You Want

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The Secrets of Cats: Animals & Threats

The Secrets of Cats: Animals & Threats

THE WORLD OF CATS IS A DANGEROUS PLACE Foxes, ravens, rabbits and snails are among the many sapient animals with whom cats share their world. These creatures have their own agendas and their own magical abilities, and whether they’re friend or foe they have a habit of making things much more complicated for the Parliaments of Cats. As difficult as these animals make things, there...   [click here for more]
Richard Bellingham  Pay What You Want

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The Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic

The Secrets of Cats: Feline Magic

THE MAGIC OF CATS IS BEYOND ANY HUMAN BURDEN’S COMPREHENSION This book is a companion volume to The Secrets of Cats, a World of Adventure for Fate Core System. We've told you that cats are magical, but we've barely begun to show you their true potential. In this book we describe two entirely new schools of magic, Alchemy and Illusion, and describe the powerful...   [click here for more]
Richard Bellingham  Pay What You Want

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Trick of the Light - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Trick of the Light - Adventure Starter for Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors

Recruitment drives. When you go through Agents at the rate the Brotherhood does they're a necessary evil. Normally we'd send somebody from personnel but they're on an away day. Again. So pack your bags, you're off to Vegas and the Convention of Magical Americans. We need you to scout the show for any potential recruits, every year there's at least one true student of the arcane arts mixed in amongst...   [click here for more]
LunarShadow Designs  Pay What You Want

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