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This is an accessory supplement to It's Not My Fault! This 30-card deck contains:
10 Fate system rules reference cards for handing out around the table (same as the reference card found in the Deck of Fate).
20 double-sided character record cards for recording your It's Not My Fault characters on, if you want!
Fair warning: The coating on these cards makes them resistant... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
A full re-imagining of the critically acclaimed Dawning Star setting, using the Fate System rules. Fate of Eos advances the Fate rules to with a bit more crunch to serve as a sort-of bridge from the original d20-based setting to this new version.
The book includes a full history of Dawning Star including recent events along with rules for character creation (including making your own species), tech,... [click here for more] |
Blue Devil Games |
Once Upon a Crime is a roleplaying game (RPG) using the Fate Core System, published by Evil Hat Productions. Players and Games Masters (GMs) will need a copy of that book to fully use this product, although the setting can be used with any system.
Once Upon a Crime blends fairytale stories with the best of hardboiled crime fiction and film noir. In it, players will take on the role of Arcadians forced... [click here for more] |
Wooden Vampire Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to post-apocalyptic musical conflict!
The world has ended, and only music can save what's left. Grab your instruments, form your band, and get ready to fight demons, road gangs, and megacorps using the only real weapon: ROCK!
This PDF is a quick-start beta test with the basic rules you need to run and play Rockalypse for Fate Core. Try it out and let us know what you think, and make sure... [click here for more] |
Four-in-Hand Games |
Pay What You Want
Stir Crazy is a Quickstart Adventure for the Full Moon roleplaying game. The RPG of life on the lunar frontier, Full Moon uses a slimmed-down version of the Fate system. This Quickstart includes everything you need to play a night of Full Moon: the basics of the rules, including Skills, Aspects, Fate Points, and Conflicts; an adventure good... [click here for more] |
Nothing Ventured Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a playtest packet.
This packet is primarily aimed at individuals who already possess and play one of three game systems: Fate, GUMSHOE or Powered by the Apocalypse (aka Apocalyspe World).
If you are not familiar with these games and are still interested in trying this out, you are free to do so but know that full game rules of the basic systems are not included.... [click here for more] |
Thrythlind Books and Games |
Pay What You Want
Inspired by the It's Not My Fault cards by Evil Hat and my love of card based oracles, this PWYW play-aid can be used for Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE) or as a randomizer for any quick fantasy setting. INMFortune requires a tarot deck or other suitable randomizer. It includes a character generator, a section on world building, a scene generator, tips on solo/GM-less play, a lengthy specialties... [click here for more] |
Tangent Zero |
Hark! Hear now the Tale of the Lord of Nightmares! Once, he was merely the dream of a frightened child. Each morning he would fade away and each night he would return. He knew, however, that one day he would fade forever and face his eternal death. And so he dared to commit the ultimate sin! To steal the imagination from an innocent child, leaving it without hopes and dreams, without fun or happiness,... [click here for more] |
Benjamin Z. Edelen |
Pay What You Want
"Last night, I dreamt I flew upon great wings and held a fire deep within my belly. I dreamt of a great beast who was my father; the beast spoke, “my son go forth and conquer”. Today I awoke to find the dream is real." This early access version of Five Dragons: The Oneiros introduces a magic system for dragon themed characters. This Fate supplement was created for usage with the Renaissance... [click here for more] |
Bennett-Burks Design |
Pay What You Want
The “Big Book of Kaiju” is many things. It’s a collection of giant monsters culled from the annuls of movie history. Any fan of the genre will be able to recognize a favorite monster here. It is also a game master aid for the “Mecha vs. Kaiju” game, offering statblocks for adversaries to throw against players. And finally it is an aid to players of “Mecha vs. Kaiju,” giving them an insiders... [click here for more] |
WrightWerx |
FATE POINT CASINO A High-Stakes Supplement for Fate-Based Games.
It's a simple premise - during downtime, PCs can wager fate points on rolls against the GM. Each different "Game" is simply a roll-off that lets a PC add a skill modifier to their roll.
There’s also a modified version of “Poker” that uses Hand Ranking.
Includes sample dealer profile, aspects, skills and stunts.... [click here for more] |
Javelin Arc |
Fudge on the Fly is a method of character generation that allows games to begin immediately, with only a few moments required for character generation. It does this by allowing players to select their character's skills during play, when the situation arises which calls for them. This has a number of benefits in addition to its speed - most notably it spares players the annoyance of failing to purchase... [click here for more] |
Occult Moon |
Character Sheets and Campaign sheets for Oubliette Second Edition.
... [click here for more] |
Voidspiral Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
FATE (Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment) is an award-winning RPG system that focuses on telling stories and balancing characters based on story significance, rather than points and cool powers. It's the system of choice for GMs who are looking for rules that get out of the way of the story, but still provide enough structure to get the job done. The most recent edition... [click here for more] |
Adamant Entertainment |
Cosmic Adventure in the Post-Historical Age
Updated for use with The Chronicles of Future Earth Player's Guide
The Swallower of Souls is the Quickstart Rules and Introductory Adventure for the The Chronicles of Future Earth Kickstarter, the brand new cosmic fantasy roleplaying game from Mindjammer Press. Set in the far, far future of our planet Earth, it's a game of sorcery and demons,... [click here for more] |
Typhon Games |
Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 4.
"El capitán Connors y su tripulación acaban de llegar a la misteriosa Zankara en busca de una oportunidad. Ismal Dilawar ha encontrado indicios de dónde pudo ocurrir el naufragio del Luna Esmeralda. El Gusano de Mar puede ser la oportunidad perfecta que está buscando Ismal... Les ofrecerá algo que no podrán rechazar."... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
This Gazetteer is an intro to the world of Ehdrigohr. It shares some of the prehistory and a whirlwind tour of the lands. This particular product is systemless and is but a smaller portion of the Ehdrigohr RPG, a nearly 400 page FATE Core based game. The gazetteer preview provides a taste of the world, its flavor, and the folklore that makes up the full product.
More info about the game can... [click here for more] |
Council Of Fools Productions |
An Ancient War-Ravaged World and a Deadly Foe!
Quickstart primer and introductory adventure for Mindjammer — The Roleplaying Game.
Beyond the borders of the New Commonality of Humankind lies the Sentient Alliance, turbulent worlds where the embers of the Venu War still glow. And yet, stretched thin, the Commonality still tries to keep the light of civilisation alive. Join... [click here for more] |
Mindjammer Press |
Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 3.
Dos países unidos en una guerra fría realizan un intercambio de dos de sus prisioneros más valiosos. Observadores imparciales se asegurarán de que ninguna de estas dos potencias rompa los tratados y arrastre al mundo a una guerra sin cuartel.
¿Serán capaces de mantener la paz cuando un tercer jugador entre en escena?... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Civilization has collapsed, leaving behind a world of savage creatures and super science. This is your guide to that world.
3 Generations After The End is a small post-apocalyptic setting for tabletop role-playing games. It was developed by the Gamer Assembly as a system-agnostic setting, and each monster includes stats for Dungeons & Dragons 4E, Gamma World 4E, Savage... [click here for more] |
Gamer Assembly |
“Bad Things” es la aventura ganadora del primer desafío que desde CÓDICE organizamos hace ya un tiempo, para que cualquiera de vosotros pudiese publicar con nosotros una aventura con un acabado cuidado y atractivo.
En ella un pequeño grupo de investigadores deberán resolver un macabro crimen ocurrido hace años en una pequeña localidad de la América profunda: Raven s Valley. Todos los... [click here for more] |
Códice Grupo Creativo |
Bite of the Crocodile God is a short demo adventure by Guy Milner intended to teach the workings of our Fate based Hunters of Alexandria RPG. This adventure takes 35-45 minutes to play, using the pre-made characters from the main rulebook, so its ideal for a quick first season adventure after character generation as well as a standalone demo for groups wishing to try out Hunters.
Hunters... [click here for more] |
D101 Games |
Sinister plots and dark acts abound when you are an employee of Margo Black - famed bounty hunter! Can you rise to the challenge?
This book is an adventure supplement for the Crestfallen RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Dan Hiscutt |
The Daring Comics Role-Playing Game is a super-hero game designed around the foundations of Fate Core, giving you everything you need to create your own comic book series adventures. More than just a core set of rules, it’s also a toolkit system allowing you to customize your series to get the feel you want at the table.
Now for free download as separate files, the Daring... [click here for more] |
Daring Entertainment |
This free download contains the Daring Comics Role-Playing Game Errata in an easy to use, single reference page. ... [click here for more] |
Daring Entertainment |
The Daring Comics Training Room Rules is a free PDF download that allows you to see what the Daring Comics Role-Playing Game has to offer.
Included inside the PDF are:
A One-Shot adventure
Ten (10) Player-Character archetypes, ready to play.
The basic Daring Comics RPG rules needed to play the adventure and give the game a test drive.
Curious about the game but haven’t purchased... [click here for more] |
Daring Entertainment |
It's the free Spirit of the Century adventure tie-in to Chuck Wendig's Dinocalypse Now!
While the heroes of the novel unravel the mystery of the cross-time invasion, another group of centurions, stranded in Los Angeles and on the run from psychosaurs, must join forces and save the city from dinosaurs, evil apes, and conniving neanderthals. From dizzying roof-top heights, to the... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
Eight complete and ready-to-play characters for The Small Folk RPG (available on this site), grouped in two parties of four - an independent trading band, and a team of investigators working for the Small Folk authorities in London. ... [click here for more] |
Phil Masters |
Evolution Pulse is a setting, compatible with Fate Core and Fate Accelerated. In the handbook you’ll find all the information necessary to imagine and play adventures in a dark dystopian future, where you will move unique characters able to manipulate reality. Here too you’ll find information on not just the Executors, those beings linked to various... [click here for more] |
Dreamlord Press |
Evolution Pulse is the first Powered By Fate setting completely created in Italy, born as a collaboration between Blackbox Games and Dreamlord Press.
Evolution Pulse will take you in a dark futuristic world, where reality as we know it has been destroyed ad given a new shape from the Hekath, mysterious and letal alien creatures.
Evolution... [click here for more] |
Dreamlord Press |
A three-page summary of the Fate rules suitiable for use as a GM's screen.
Includes a grid mapping the possible results of rolls to the Four Actions, a clarifying diagram showing the Fate point economy, and other key rules. ... [click here for more] |
Jonathan Korman Games |
A few oracle tables to use in your solo Fate games, for Core, Accelerated and Condensed.
Tables included are a binary oracle, a pay the cost, a enemy action and a turnaround. ... [click here for more] |
Lucas Peixoto |
A one-page summary of the rules for Fate, primarily a grid of the Four Actions against the Four Outcomes and a clarifying diagram showing players' rules for the Fate point economy. ... [click here for more] |
Jonathan Korman Games |
Fate Scenario Worksheet is a tool to help quickly build and organize scenarios for Fate Core and Fate Accelerated. This PDF is form-fillable, allowing it to be used on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or in print. ... [click here for more] |
Tallstrunt Press LLC |
Fate Solo is a Solo Engine (Games Master Emulator) for Fate. It is a simple and streamlined system which requires only standard Fate dice.
Inculded is an interview which explains some of the background behind and how to use Fate Solo. (This interview accounts for most of the page count.) ... [click here for more] |
Cabbage Games |
Four-Color FAE is a guide to running exciting superhero games using Fate Accelerated Edition! With one new rule - power facts - you can use FAE's streamlined system to make any hero come to life.
Aside from power facts, learn how to deal with problematic super-powers, run exciting combats, and design a campaign that feels straight out of a comic book. And if you want more crunch, several optional... [click here for more] |
Four-Color FAE |
This book offers you a short introduction to the life of the Ghost Wolf clan, one of the Horse Clans of the plains of Rivanon. Learn about their wandering lifestyle, the allies they meet, and how they hunt the massive aurochs of the Otherlands.
This book is an adventure supplement for the Crestfallen RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Dan Hiscutt |
Inspired by the It's Not My Fault cards by Evil Hat and my love of card based oracles, this free one page play-aid can be used for Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE) or as a randomizer for any quick sci-fi setting. ... [click here for more] |
Tangent Zero |
Como resultado del concurso Códice que realizamos hace unos meses, Abraham Castro "Zero" y Zapo Valenzuela nos traen "Las dos caras de Eva", dos aventuras que recuerdan a las clásicas novelas de investigación, aderezadas con un toque de thriller, suspense y sorprendentes giros finales, donde nada es lo que parece y todos ocultan oscuros secretos. ... [click here for more] |
Códice Grupo Creativo |
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. - Leonardo da Vinci
This includes three different versions of a character sheet for Leaves of Chiaroscuro for the Fate RPG which focuses on a wondrous and strange version of Italy during the Renaissance. This includes both fillable forms and simplified forms for print.
The ruleset for Leaves of Chiaroscuro can be... [click here for more] |
Bennett-Burks Design |
Celebrate Mother's Day with the baddest mama kaiju in the world -- the ROK-U!
And keep an eye out for MvK's latest edition of the "Big Book of Kaiju: Kaiju of the Sky", coming soon! ... [click here for more] |
WrightWerx |
Grab your blaster, thoughtcast your orders to the starship sentience, and fire up the planing engines — come and defend the light of humanity’s greatest civilisation as it spreads to the stars!
The ENnie Award-winning transhuman science-fiction RPG setting returns, in a new edition updated and massively expanded... [click here for more] |
Mindjammer Press |
Other London: The Fallen is a short scenario for Desk 17, London's occult investigation unit. It is suitable for 2-3 players.
The PC's briefing:
I’ve had a report from a seer of a person of interest. The person of interest works at Burger King at Victoria Station and will serve a woman in a blue dress at 4.12 pm today exactly. The seer knows no more... [click here for more] |
Steve Hatherley |
Santa Claus, the patron saint of children and master toymaker. He is known the world over for his generosity and love of children. L. Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, chronicled his life in the book The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus and in the short story A Kidnapped Santa Claus.
And now, Baum's version of Santa Claus is presented for the popular Fate... [click here for more] |
Darkstar Eclectic Media |
In the year 2217 Humanity's greatest achievement is the colonization of the nearby star systems now known as the Seven Worlds. Here Humanity lives, thrives, and prepares the next great wave of space exploration. The Seven Worlds. This is the story of how we lost them, and of the heroes who tried to avert their fall. An Epic realistic Science-Fiction Setting and Campaign...... [click here for more] |
Intellistories |
The Solarpunk 2050 Quickstart "The world destroying machine".
Where Pioneers are on a quest discovering horrors from the past. While trying to loot enough resources for their most important next project.
This can be played standalone. But will require the free FATE Condensed rules. A link is in the PDF.
Solarpunk 2050 is a FATE setting where players can explore and build their Solarpunk... [click here for more] |
Thorsten Sick |
Free preview!
PDF will release Aug 22nd 2013. Print copies will be available at GenCon at the Chronicle City booth.
You wake in a room.
You don’t where you are, where you came from, what’s happening. You don’t know who you are. Your identity has been taken from you. It will come back with time, but can you trust it? This world is not what it seems. Are you?
... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
An import artifact has been stolen from the Pretanian village of Hardwood, it's your job to retrieve it!
This book is an adventure supplement for the Crestfallen RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Dan Hiscutt |
Fate Accelerated Edition is a great system for running supers.
Villains: Accelerated is a treasury of supervillains statted up and ready for action right now in FAE.
This preview contains Professor Hebanon (AKA Duane McCoy) Demonic Mad Scientist with a split personality in the tradition of Jason Blood/The Demon and Bruce Banner/Hulk ... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |