Title |
Publisher ▲ |
Price |
Blackcliffe, the Fortress City, capital of Anglsea, a city whose rugged beauty rivals that of Danzipa, the City of Trances, is under threat. Deathsinger cultists plot to weaken the city from within by fomenting a war amongst the merchants, leaving Blackcliffe ripe for invasion. The streets will run with the blood of the innocent unless the adventurers are able to defeat the cultists.
Bedlam in Blackcliffe... [click here for more] |
Abbott & Greene |
Add death and destruction - as well as some embarrassing moments - to your BattleSauce adventures! The Monster Horde includes twenty horrible monsters and one ugly boss monster which can be used for random encounters or just picking the worst thing to fight.
For random monster encounters, roll 1D20 and turn to the corresponding page number to see what you're facing!
Use the BattleSauce... [click here for more] |
BattleSauce |
 Cutthroat: Gruelling Jail is a Sword & Sorcery TableTop Mini-Game that can be played Solo or with Others where the goal is to escape the dungeon. When playing with a group, the one who escapes with the most Life Points, win.
Are you a GM looking for an in-game breather? Did someone not show up for the session, and you need a pause? Your players can have their characters relaxing at any inn or... [click here for more] |
Blade and Banter |
$3.15 $2.27
 The House on Red Hill haunts the gentle townsfolk, who live below. Strange sounds, a terrible red light and rumours of cursed treasure have some believing the place is truly haunted, while others claim it’s poppycock and unruly hooligans needing to be taught a lesson.
With treasure to be found, curses to discover and enemies to frighten away, what’s the secret of Red Hill? Are you the one to... [click here for more] |
Blade and Banter |
$3.15 $2.45
 19 Visual Fantasy Writing Prompts provides stimulating visual writing prompts for those who wish to produce worthy fantasy content. This work can be rather useful to writers who are seeking no ideas to work with as well as SPARKS for gamers. ... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want
 Encounter Cards is a somewhat helpful creative tool for those of you who are creative content creators and gamers.
If you want to be inspired by stimulating visual writing prompts (SVWP) that depict scenes, creatures, characters, and items linked to a fantasy world setting, then you have found an excellent tool to spark your creative process!
Feel free to print them... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$7.00 $1.23
* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
* FREE * Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!
Contains thirty-seven (37) high-quality figures from Dragons to Burrowbane and beyond.
If you need a few bonus items for the gamer, this could be what you're looking for!
Have fun at your next game session! ... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want
Images That Inspire: Fan Appreciation is a practical ePub for those who want to learn to write content from visual writing prompt sources, who might need a gaming spark or even a session starter for those who play such RPGs.
If you are within such a group you might want to consider purchasing this ePub and challenging those within it to produce usful notes, Storied Characters, events, encounters or... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$2.99 $0.99
 Perilous Potions & People spotlights unique people and potions that will further expand your TtRPG game world setting. Several of the potions were the "mistake" versions of other potions. At the same time, the storied characters will draw you into the world of alchemists and other figures who help or hinder their livelihoods.
This content can be used by anyone who... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$9.99 $1.23
 Stories of Perilous Potions & People is a companion piece to the TtRPG Game Supplement of Perilous Potions & People. This short story focuses on this setting, the role of most characters within the supplement play, and their motives. So, if you find fantasy-based worlds to be to your liking, feel free to experience them within a community through... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$4.00 $0.88
 * Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
The Adventure Begins! A Haunted Elven Forest is a mini adventure set in a hidden elven glade. A pair of necromantic apprentices are charging wands by draining the fae creatures to do so ... oh, and they are also gathering zombies for their cause! Will you aid the Lady of the Glade and put a stop to her foes?... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$6.00 $1.23
 * Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
"The Adventure Begins! A Wizard Curse That Worked to Well ..." is the third (3rd) in this series of mini-adventures designed for a TtRPG game session that is meant to be completed in a single session. It was designed using the Third World Universe: Systems of Magic RPG system, which... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$6.00 $1.23
 * Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
TtRPG Paper Miniatures Characters & Encounters is a collection of helpful game tokens for any tabletop RPG system. These tokens could become crucial for your long-term game if you want to spice up your session. So, whether you are a player or game host, these affordable enhancements can be used in various... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
$7.00 $1.23
Take your Myythic gaming farther with new classes, new skills, and advanced rules that will make this DMless game a total hit. The Advanced Rules give more seasoned players of RPGs a deeper feel for character creation and gameplay and gaming mechanics. ... [click here for more] |
Cactyys Totem Entertainment, LLC |
 A derelict castle, taken over by hostile enemies, can you take back the castle from its perpetrators? This map depicts the entrance of such a castle, offering ample cover, and water for your convenence. But beware, the keep still offers formidable defence! ... [click here for more] |
Catch 22 |
Pay What You Want
Catch 22 |
Pay What You Want
 The investigator’s dreams of a woman in red being held captive lead him to a Kingsport heiress fallen into a coma. What follows is a personal journey into the Dreamlands on a quest to rescue her. From the crowded stalls of the Goblin Market to the dark depths of the Vaults of Zin and even the stars beyond, the investigator must face many dangerous challenges in order to appease the capricious... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Want to covert an older RuneQuest product to work with RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha? Don't have time to fiddle through your copy of the Core Rulebook?
Get all the information you need from a single free PDF.
These pages are taken from RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. You can get the full book here. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
2018 ENnie Awards Nominee - BEST FREE PRODUCT
Welcome to Glorantha
A mythic world of mortals and gods, myths and cults, monsters and heroes. In Glorantha, the Runes permeate everything, and mastery of Runes allows astonishing feats of bravery and magic.
Glorantha is ancient, and has known many ages, but now it is at the brink of the greatest conflict it has ever known… the Hero Wars.
Glorantha is... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
![[Korean] 세상의 끝에서 (At The End of The World)](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/457987-thumb140.png) ONLY KOREAN
COC 7판 타이만/2인 시나리오집
본 시나리오집의 표지는 Miskatonic Repository용으로 변경되었습니다.
PDF의 양도, 배포, 공유를 금지합니다.
수록 시나리오는 다음과 같습니다.
불사의 마법사와 사랑하는 인형
“안녕, 내 사랑하는 인형.”
■ 시간 약 4시간 이상
■ 인원 타이만 시나리오... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
PDF 수록 시나리오 :
마룡 길들이기 1. 마룡의 알
마룡 길들이기 2. 종속의 인
마룡 길들이기 3. 드래곤과 기사
1부 개요:
당신은 '헥티오 기사단'에 들어가고자 하는 견습기사입니다.
입단 시험을 치르기 위해 마룡이 봉인되어 있다는 북부산맥을 오르게 되었죠.
그러던 중 당신은 우연히 사람 몸집만한... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 This scenario is written in Korean.
인원 : KPC+PC 1:1 타이만
룰 : coc7판
배경 : 중근세 판타지
탐사자 : 잊혀진 영웅
KPC : 구국의 영웅
관계 : 관계 무관, 초면 가능
플레이 타임 : ORPG 기준 약 3시간 (RP에 따라 상이)
탐사자 난이도 : ★☆☆☆☆
키퍼링 난이도 : ★★☆☆☆ (키퍼의 유연한 키퍼링을... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 Out on a Limb
Ever wanted to shoot a centaur in the back? Or go hand to hand with a four armed alien?
Now you can with this diverse collection of creature hit location tables and NPC records.
for use with the Basic RPG system or any other D20 based hit location system.
... [click here for more] |
DB Rook Books |
 Many years ago, a young man created his own Roleplaying game. He wanted this game to move away from the convoluted rules and systems that too often plagued his beloved gaming genre. Giving each player as much creative space as possible, but without an over-reliance on a wall of statistics to express character capacities. Alas, adult life took its toll, and the game that had taken him close to 3 years... [click here for more] |
Dwarven Print Shop |
EXPLOSIVE BEHAVIOUR is a level 1, introductory quest for those trying to get into the game of Moss, Stone & Steel
Explosive Behaviour is a fun and simple adventure that will introduce the players to the various mechanics of Moss, Stone & Steel, as they venture through the lower streets of the largest city of the Barantine Republic – Ryton. It will incorporate a balanced option to utilise... [click here for more] |
FantasyBound |
Pay What You Want
 Blood and Steel is a new Sword and Sorcery TTRPG from Fel-Dark Entertainment. It is set in the same timeframe as the DarK SkY Horror Product and we encourage crossover between the two systems as they are compatible with one another. As Blood and Steel is set on an entirely new planet the HabiteD product introduced travel between worlds which finds the world of Blood and Steel struggling through a dark... [click here for more] |
Fel-Dark Entertainment |
 Blood and Steel presents its collection of diverse Adversaries, Native Plants, and the Playable Races (increasing the original Core Rules Race list to 17 Races total now).
More Actor Advantages and Disadvantages along with explainations of Actor Mounts, Animals of the world, and even some not so commonly found in the dark places of Atrestrian. This is only Volume 1 and Volume 2 will be coming in the... [click here for more] |
Fel-Dark Entertainment |
 Finally an adventure drinking game!
Just because you want to explore dungeons and dive into combat with horrible monsters doesn’t mean that you don’t want to drink while doing it. Now from Fel-Dark Entertainment- A Game designed to allow you to do both with proficiency! Save that princess and slay the dragon while taking shots. Kill those Ork baddies with your mighty rolls and drunken proficencies.... [click here for more] |
Fel-Dark Entertainment |
 The Feast of the Fork
The Feast of the Fork, a celebration of kith and kin filled with bouts of ale drinking, pie eating, and singing … until the first body appears. Will old hostilities erupt or will the sinister power responsible for these gruesome murders be revealed?
Party Size: 4-6 Player Characters Party Level: 3-4 Play Emphasis:... [click here for more] |
Frog God Games |
 The Feast of the Fork
The Feast of the Fork, a celebration of kith and kin filled with bouts of ale drinking, pie eating, and singing … until the first body appears. Will old hostilities erupt or will the sinister power responsible for these gruesome murders be revealed?
Party Size: 4-6 Player Characters Party Level: 3-4 Play Emphasis:... [click here for more] |
Frog God Games |
 'Tis the Season for Orcus!
On the Twelfth Day of Orcus, the heroes must clear the decidedly foul corruption plaguing the withering Yule Tree!
Party Size: 4-6 Player Characters Party Level: 7-8 Play Emphasis: 30% Combat/35% Social/30% Exploration/5% Traps GM Preparation: Low Difficulty to Run: Easy Play Time: 4-8 hours ... [click here for more] |
Frog God Games |
 Are you a game master who wishes to give your players an item of absolute chaos without the setting-altering effects of the deck of many things? Do you think the d100 is underused? Well, this may become a staple item in your campaigns. ... [click here for more] |
Jack the GM |
Pay What You Want

Ohh, the horror!
Animated Horror Tentacles Overlay Collection
View the video demo.
Immerse and impress your players. Bring horrific eldritch life to your maps with these beautifully animated tentacles and summoning portals overlays. Then go for the Kraken.
Quality designed to be visually clear and loop seamlessly. They will stand out on any color background for your... [click here for more] |
LivingDungeons |
 This content version is accessible through and integrated into the Roll20 VTT.
If you are looking for the standard version, please click here instead.
Ohh, the horror!
Animated Horror Tentacles Overlay Collection
View the video demo.
Immerse and impress your players. Bring horrific eldritch life to your maps with these beautifully... [click here for more] |
LivingDungeons |
This is a help sheet to with New Comet Games Cthulhu Fear Insanity Dice.
Usable in almost any Role-Playing Game, these dice are great for anytime someone fails a fear, insanity, moxie or any other mental tests.
You can get your own set of dece by going to:
https://www.newcometgames.com/shop ... [click here for more] |
New Comet Games |
This game aid presents 12 characters who could be used in the upcoming Old Bones scenario Savage Swords in the City of Plagues, as either protagonists or antagonists. Naturally they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre, none of these individuals knows magic, and most... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This rules supplement is aimed at any and all BRP Basic Roleplaying games, including Call of Cthulhu and Runequest, and anything else that is independently produced using the SRD.
The book contains a d100 oracle, a selection of muses or spark tables, advice on improv gaming and solo playing adventure/mystery games.
Solo rules are a great way to turn any rulebook into a quickstart for the... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
 Raven God Games presents Stock Art: Cthulhu Idols & Artifacts!
This package includes 3 images of powerful Mythos objects, all indispensible to any Cthulhu Cultist!
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Most images are approximately 5"x6" actual size (though there... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
 Raven God Games presents Stock Art: Eldritch Knight Against Mythos Horror!
This package includes a single image depicting a knight fighting against a tentacled horror!
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Image is approximately 8"x10" actual size and will make an excellent... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
 Raven God Games presents Stock Art: Mythos Tomes & Artifacts!
This package includes 6 images of nefarious tomes and unsual Mythos objects!
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Most images are approximately 5"x6" actual size (listed below) and make excellent spot... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
 Raven God Games presents Stock Art: Yog Sothoth!
This package includes a single image depicting Yog Sothoth appearing in the night sky above a monolith. Is it Sentinel Hill?
All images in this package were drawn and inked by Joseph D. Salvador, have white backgrounds, and are high-quality 300 dpi TIFF files. Image is approximately 7.5"x11.4" actual size and will... [click here for more] |
Raven God Games |
25 Jahre RuneQuest-Gesellschaft e.V - Chronik der Jahre 1991 bis 2016 -
Eine Chronik der von der RuneQuest-Gesellschaft e.V. herausgegebenen Publikationen (deutsch und englisch), der veranstalteten Cons, Websites und diverses Andere; mit Cover-Illustrationen und Inhaltsangaben. Ein Rückblick auf die ersten 25 Jahre. Dieses Heft wird immer mal wieder ergänzt, wenn weitere Fotos... [click here for more] |
RuneQuest Gesellschaft e.V. |
Tradetalk # 11 – Handra & The New Fens
This is the eleventh issue of Tradetalk, a fanzine dedicated to Glorantha, Hero Wars and RuneQuest. The dead-tree version was published in October 2002 by The Chaos Society, and is out of print.
Handra and the New Fens are a city and a marsh inbtween the areas of Wenelia and Ramalia, in the region of Maniria, the south coast of the continent... [click here for more] |
RuneQuest Gesellschaft e.V. |
$6.00 $4.49
Tradetalk # 13 – Outside Genertela: The Islands
This is the thirteenth issue of Tradetalk, a fanzine dedicated to Glorantha, Hero Wars and RuneQuest. The dead-tree version was published in January 2004 by The Chaos Society.
Five separate island cultures from around the world of Glorantha are described in this issue. The Vadeli, and Jrustela from an Uz perspective are the most... [click here for more] |
RuneQuest Gesellschaft e.V. |
$6.00 $4.49
Tradetalk # 7 - Non Humans Special Issue
This is the seventh issue of Tradetalk, a fanzine dedicated to Glorantha and RuneQuest. The dead-tree version was published in October 2000 by The Chaos Society, and is out of print for some years now.
- News from the Trader - Hero Wars news (by Greg Stafford)
- The Upland Marsh... [click here for more] |
RuneQuest Gesellschaft e.V. |
$6.00 $4.49
 The Perspective!
This one contains a rough draft of a preface for Sojourner's Quest II
a Creature Feature ... [click here for more] |
Sojourner Games |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Gigas Monstrum Book 1 Regular price: $8.99 Bundle price: $7.50 Format: Watermarked PDF Within this tome is a wide assortment of monsters for use in any d100 game. Converting many monsters from the d20 system, the Gigas Monstrum uses many of those epic creatures and turns them into grueling combatants,... [click here for more] |
Solace Games |
$17.98 $15.00
Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art and cosplay magazine.
Dozens of printable poster/print quality images, plus random riddles, magic items. dungeon annd city maps. Plus a Unique ancient artifact suitable for most role playing game systems.
DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful, yet dangerous women.)... [click here for more] |
Stainless Steel Dragon |
$3.99 $1.99

This is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks.
This Tile Set contains 4 different... [click here for more] |
The Black Fortress |
Pay What You Want
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Gork Stuff - Handouts - Book of Nazrathul Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.97 Format: Image Need something to visualise the next spellbook your adventurers find?
I give you the cover image of The Book of Nazrathul for use in any system and any setting where you might want to introduce a book made... [click here for more] |
Tiny Gork |
$14.50 $8.00