해피 허니문!
오늘은 KPC와 PC의 신혼여행 당일입니다.
그러나 이제는 좀 평화로울 줄로만 알았던 신혼여행 장소에서는…….
인원: 1인 (다인 개변 가능)
배경: 현대, 신혼여행지
관계: 신혼부부 (신혼여행이 아닌 일반 여행으로 개변 시에도 소중한 관계 권장)
기념일 데이트 컨셉 팬메이드... [click here for more]
해피 버스데이!
오늘은 KPC(혹은 PC)의 생일입니다.
그러나 생일을 기념하여 방문한 놀이공원에서는, 그 누구도 상상하지 못한 사악한 음모가 여러분을 기다리고 있었습니다.
인원: 1인~다인
배경: 현대, 놀이공원
관계: 생일날 함께 놀이공원에 놀러 갈 정도의 사이면 OK
플레이 타임: ORPG 기준 약... [click here for more]
Cards and Dice RPG Game: Heartbreaker
Original short fiction introduction
Easy to learn, familiar game play
Uses commonly available cards and dice, often nothing else to purchase
Available on “Pay What You Want” basis
Heartbreaker is a low-fantasy, apocalyptic tale set in the Americas. The basic characters include First Americans from Paleolithic to modern times, vaqueros, cowboys and soldiers... [click here for more]
WOODEN DUNGEON FLOOR TILE SETThis is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks.
This Tile Set contains 4 different... [click here for more]
H-E Double Hockey...well you know the rest. A One-Shot adventure for those who like the idea of a nice trip to Hell and back, with a simple D6 rolling dynamic and fun character creation for enhanced silliness and a (cough) HELL of a good time.
You have been invited to an afternoon late-summer barbecue. Innocent enough, right? Until you are asked to surrender all hope upon entering. Players select... [click here for more]
The little village of Quantmore is a place where you'd love to live...except for it's crushing poverty!
The townspeople need to find the Pot O' Gold that (they claim) was stolen from them years ago by local Leprechauns. The Leprechauns claim that the humans are the ones always stealing gold, and have no intention of allowing this to happen again!
Play this one-shot game as either a Leprechaun or... [click here for more]