"You tap into the nightmares of a creature you can see"
Each spell is depicted in vivid detail, with ethereal shades, haunting glows, and shadowy figures designed to send shivers down your players' spines. Whether you’re summoning a nightmarish apparition, instilling deep dread in your foes, or causing them to flee in abject terror.
Moonbeam Spell - 5e/2024 Ready
Phantasmal Killer: A terrifying,... [click here for more]
"You conjure a mass of sticky webbing"
Web Spell - 5e/2024 Ready:
Web Sphere with and without a shadow
Web Square with and without a shadow
... [click here for more]
"A wall of strong wind rises from the ground"
Web Spell - 5e/2024 Ready:
Wind Wall line
Wind Wall bent
Wind Wall curve
Wind Wall large curve
... [click here for more]
"In an attempt to show off, the spell caster accidentally cast Disintegration, Arcane Gate, Crown of Madness and Globe of Invulnerability simultaneously, causing a frenzy in the marketplace. Amidst the pandemonium, there was a chicken standing on a pile of dust wearing a tiny crown, clucking maniacally while inside a glowing globe of force!"
Arcane Gate or Sphere of Annihilation
Globe of Invulnerability
Crown... [click here for more]
にブラインドソードインでは、近くの戦う派閥と近くのホーンテッドハウスに隠れているカンビオンマギであるエメリンフューズダストについて耳にします。アーサースプリングクリーバーという名前のオークの戦士があなたを雇って呪いを解きます。そうすることによって、あなたは地元の生活様式を回復するでしょう。... [click here for more]