A whole bunch of a classic monster, the mimic! Most of the time the mimic is portrayed as a chest monster, but they can take any form really so I thought it would be fun to make a few more common item mimics!
You know just to really mess with your players haha
I think the toilet mimic is perhaps the most evil one on here, sorry about that >.>
The ZIP file includes... [click here for more]
I really took my time on making these pop, some updated lovecraftian eldritch creatures! Not included in the display image but absolutely in the downloads is a huge Dark Young creature, with many many mouths and tentacles.. a terrifying sight to come across while exploring the woods..
As always there are different versions in the ZIP below including circle portrait tokens of each creature! :)
~Caeora... [click here for more]
A whole bunch of Zombie creatures! Some are inspired by popular IP's, others are generic fantasy. I made them fit with my standard design, so I might go back and add weapons and rags/clothes to "flesh" out the pack.
The ZIP file contains creature 13 PNG tokens, each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 39 assets.All tokens are made... [click here for more]
A set of tokens for halloween themed games, or just spooky games in general!
The ZIP file contains 11 creatures each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 33 tokens.All tokens are made at a Heroic Scale, meaning they are far larger than they might realistically appear, so they are more visible and epic at the table! ... [click here for more]
We attended Supanova Melbourne for a panel! We set out to make the longest dungeon crawl we could based on audience responses in 45 minutes, and it turned out pretty fun! The map is available for you to download and play here! Included are the RWMAP and RWMETA files you will need to open the map in Arkenforge with all of the unique assets placed - so you can experiment with changing them and learn... [click here for more]