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Mechanized Men of Mars

Mechanized Men of Mars

The Mechanized Men of Mars is an adventure for Warriors of the Red Planet, a roleplaying game in the tradition of classic style RPG's, also known as original edition, OSR, or retro-clones. Warriors of the Red Planet captures the "Sword and Planet" genre of science fantasy romance, inspired by the works of Burroughs, Vance, Moorcock, Kline, and other novels, movies,...   [click here for more]
Night Owl Workshop  Pay What You Want

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Spaceships and Starwyrms: Character Sheets

Spaceships and Starwyrms: Character Sheets

The official character sheet of Spaceships and Starwyrms! Includes both fillable and non-fillable character and spaceship sheets, as well as art for the factions included in the Spaceships and Starwyrms: Core Sourcebook. The base character sheet is 3 pages, and includes a spell sheet. Both lined and unlined versions are included. The spaceship sheet is a single page sheet for tracking your spacecraft's...   [click here for more]
HopePunk Press  Pay What You Want

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Guardians: Power of Fear

Guardians: Power of Fear

A Guardians superhero adventure for levels 1-3 Includes: 10 super-powered NPC’s, A new super power, & Multiple Maps Marcus Grimwood, once known as the Teklord until he retired from superhero duties, was a genius super inventor from a family of wealthy industrialists. After tragically losing his partner, and the failure of his brilliant inventions to be accepted by the public,...   [click here for more]
Night Owl Workshop  Pay What You Want

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BLEEDING EDGE: High-Tech Low-Life Role-Play

BLEEDING EDGE: High-Tech Low-Life Role-Play

Fight the power, jam the culture, hack the system. The next generation in role-playing games, BLEEDING EDGE will help you create a character with the limitless potential of next-gen technology, yet weighted down with the legacy of greed, lies, and hate. Explore a future world of supercomputers and subcultures, of multinational corporations and micro-economies, of big ideas...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon From A Distant Star

Dungeon From A Distant Star

Buried underground for hundreds of years lies a spaceship from the 3rd planet in the Altair system. While heavily damaged, the ship still has power for many of its systems and doors and lights are still fully operational in most sections. Will you be the first to explore The Dungeon From A Distant Star and uncover it's otherworldly secrets? An old school one-page dungeon including dungeon map, legend,...   [click here for more]
Robertson Games  Pay What You Want

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The Astral Scarab - A fantasy flying machine

The Astral Scarab - A fantasy flying machine

Are you bored of long journeys by horse? Do you spend long boring weeks on the road hiking between dungeons only to clear them in an hour. Does the bard's singing travel songs get on your nerves, is the halfling asking "are we there yet?" again? You need to travel in style, you need to travel at speed, you need to fly. The Astral Scarab is the lastest in steampunk...   [click here for more]
Chloe The Cartographer  Pay What You Want

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Beyond The Physical Plane | Additions For 5th Edition Rangers

Beyond The Physical Plane | Additions For 5th Edition Rangers

Beyond The Physical Plane is a short tome of various new options for the 5th Edition Ranger class. Included in this tome is the Soulbound Conclave subclass as well as 5 new, unique spells for the Ranger. Look beyond the fabric of reality and tell your story with Beyond the Physical Plane. To any and all who make the purchase, I am forever grateful and in your debt. Thank...   [click here for more]
ThePhotoLife  Pay What You Want

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Priest of the Black Sun

Priest of the Black Sun

Priest of the Black Sun is a 15 page 5e supplement that includes a Cleric subclass, 2 monsters, an addiction mechanic, a new god and some adventure hooks. Original illustrations and writing by Vincent Fugère ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

This is a free introduction to the Shattered Worlds - Join us on our Reddit Page: Based on the world’s most popular tabletop role-playing game, Shattered Worlds transports the players to a gritty post-apocalyptic setting where technology and magic exist side-by-side. Events, now commonly referred to as...   [click here for more]
siegebreaker games  Pay What You Want

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Book 'Em!

Book 'Em!

Ever wonder what happens when your players do something really bad and the cops get involved? Wonder no more! "Book 'Em!" provides the harried GM with a quick and easy means of figuring out how good the local police are at figuring out what the players did and to whom! Designed for d20 systems with an eye on the contemporary rather than the fantasy, this simple system can be used with little or no...   [click here for more]
Mind Games Design Bureau  Pay What You Want

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Revised Arduin a Primer

Revised Arduin a Primer

Rescued from the dry sands of history... The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin.  It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity.  Enjoy this document as it...   [click here for more]
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C  Pay What You Want

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Microtransaction: The RPG

Microtransaction: The RPG

Are you a GM who feels like they deserve something more out of the game? Then get ready to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!* With the Microtransaction system and its revolutionary d$ "dice" you can now make all sorts of money off of your players! The first page in the rules for this system can be grafted into any OSR or 5E game, allowing you to raise the stakes for your players and to bring...   [click here for more]
Thunderegg Productions  Pay What You Want

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A World Gone Mad

A World Gone Mad

In the world of Victorious, The Broadmoor Asylum treats and contains the mentally ill and criminally deranged members of the superhuman race. Sent in on a secret mission, the players must determine who is more insane: the patients, or the Doctors! Patients of the asylum claim the doctors are stealing their powers; meanwhile a series of murders plagues the asylum. The bodies seemingly appear with no...   [click here for more]
GagMen Productions  Pay What You Want

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Frontier Explorer - Issue 11

Frontier Explorer - Issue 11

Hello explorers! Welcome to issue 11 of the Frontier Explorer.  One of the big events in the past few months has been the release of the D&D 5th Edition rules.  The Frontier Explorer is proud to present a conversion for the Star Frontiers races and weapons to the 5th Edition system.  Written by Michael Long, he and friends have play-tested this conversion to work out the kinks so it should...   [click here for more]
Frontier Explorer  Pay What You Want

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Useful Ultracosmic Critters

Useful Ultracosmic Critters

In a science fantasy adventure game like Hypertellurians there is an emphasis on wondrous discoveries and unexpected, epic actions and consequences. But that doesn’t mean that every single opponent you have to overcome is crazier than the next. Sometimes, the Games Machinator just needs the stats for a farmer with a vibro-pitchfork, or a malignity of yak leather goblins. While the core book correctly...   [click here for more]
Mottokrosh Machinations  Pay What You Want

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Deine D&D Kampagne - So startest du richtig | Quest Guide

Deine D&D Kampagne - So startest du richtig | Quest Guide

Hallo Abenteurer, Du bist Spielleiter und stehst kurz vor deinem ersten Pen-&-Paper-Abenteuer? Ob Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Das Schwarze Auge oder ein anderes System – der Start in ein Abenteuer kann sich immer etwas schwierig gestalten, obwohl man so viele Ideen für den späteren Spielverlauf hat. Dieser kleine Guide soll Anfängern helfen, ihre ersten Schritte als...   [click here for more]
Quest  Pay What You Want

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Free Universal Print & Play Deck

Free Universal Print & Play Deck

GM? DM? Something more? We've got you covered. Easily create engaging content for any RPG system! Our simple and universal rules allow you to quickly create characters, items, enemies, encounters, and more within seconds, as well as helping you to prepare sessions ahead of time. Whether you're a novice or a veteran, we have something to keep you coming back....   [click here for more]
Chronicle Cards  Pay What You Want

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52-in-52 Free Teaser

52-in-52 Free Teaser

52 IN 52 PREORDER and BONUS MEGABUNDLE The 52 in 52 program gives you a new gaming product a week, every week, throughout 2020. Each product is written or developed by RPG veteran Owen K.C. Stephens (Star Wars Saga Edition, Starfinder, Dungeon & Dragons, Fantasy AGE, Wheel of Time RPG, EverQuest RPG, and many more!). Every one of the 52 products is presented in four versions to cover four popular...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  Pay What You Want

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Post Apocalyptic Equipment Cards Vol 3

Post Apocalyptic Equipment Cards Vol 3

Post Apocalyptic Equipment Cards, Volume III This third set of cards designed for use with the Mutant Future game created by Goblinoid Games, though easily adaptable to other OCR type game systems for sci-fi or sci-fantasy type settings. The Print and Play PDF consists of four face sheets, four backing sheets (alternating) with the face sheets consisting of six cards each. Also, the PDF version consists...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  Pay What You Want

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S&S Bonus Backgrounds

S&S Bonus Backgrounds

Thanks to everyone in the Kickstarter that helped make Spaceships and Starwyrms a reality! This product includes four new backgrounds that came about because of a stretch goal during the kickstarter. Now it is available for download and use by all. We appreciate all of your support. For use with the Spaceships & Starwyrms: Core Sourcebook and other 5th edition based table top systems. ...   [click here for more]
HopePunk Press  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Tech Noir

Die Screaming: Tech Noir

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “What was your life like before?” “Before?...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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The Storyteller's Automaton

The Storyteller's Automaton

A 1-3 page oracle ruleset for use with tabletop RPGs to run them solo or DM-less with friends. The Storyteller's Automaton is meant to serve as a vehicle to drive narrative forward when the story begins to slump, if player's get stuck, or as a guide to structure story arcs in a campaign.  To use, a 1d100 paired dice set is required. It is meant to be used in conjuction with any RPG ruleset. ...   [click here for more]
ohhigames  Pay What You Want

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FREE Character Sheet for The Vigilante Hack

FREE Character Sheet for The Vigilante Hack

THIS IS THE FREE CHARACTER SHEET FOR THE VIGILANTE HACK BY BLOAT GAMES.  More about The Vigilante Hack: From Bloat Games, the creators of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! and The Zombie Hack comes an all new roleplaying game, The VigilanteHack, based off the popular game by David Black, The Black Hack. The Vigilante Hack takes the rules and mechanics of The Black Hack out of a...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  Pay What You Want

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Compleat Arduin Character Sheet

Compleat Arduin Character Sheet

Designed for use with the Compleat Arduin system. Arduin is a Registered Trademark of Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures Corp. ...   [click here for more]
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C  Pay What You Want

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Sci-fi Character Creator (EXP Buy)

Sci-fi Character Creator (EXP Buy)

A system for character creation that utilizes flaws, exp buying, and narrative weight! Godspeed! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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En medio de un invierno nuclear que oculta la luz del sol, un único faro de civilización, luz y energía, brilla en la oscuridad del yermo glacial: la arcología de Cybersalles. En la cúspide de este gigantesco palacio de alta tecnología, una decadente aristocracia compite por la atención del todopoderoso Louis 01, el Rey Sol, mientras millones de plebeyos viven oprimidos en sus entrañas. Desde...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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The Day the Moon Ran Away with the Spoon

The Day the Moon Ran Away with the Spoon

When danger looms in the Solar system and the human race is threatened, only the Atomic Rangers have the power to defend them! As ancient secrets are discovered on the Moon, an old enemy stirs at the chance to wreak his revenge on earth and the Rangers! While the answers may lie on Venus, if Barn Zordo has any say, all the Ranger will find is their doom! Buckle up Rangers, for galactic adventure and...   [click here for more]
GagMen Productions  Pay What You Want

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Shattered Worlds Character Sheet

Shattered Worlds Character Sheet

The Shattered Worlds Character Sheet in PDF Format. Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
siegebreaker games  Pay What You Want

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The Floor Is Monsters - Rulebook and Setting (77 pages)

The Floor Is Monsters - Rulebook and Setting (77 pages)

The Floor is Monsters is a customizable post-apocalyptic setting in a Skyscraper city with monsters overwhelming the ground below. How long these settlements have existed or who first built them is a distant and irrelevant mystery, as they now offer a single purpose: the only refuge above the monstrous forest floor. An ever-growing, corrupting forest with bizarre magical effects, dubbed...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Absconding #01

Absconding #01

The Tower Absconding beckons to all those lost, regardless of space and defiant to time. Absconding is an independent zine with material for the fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.  The fifolet are a race of small fey with subraces and enhancements. Martial, intellectual and cunning, this small-sized player race is a different take on natural...   [click here for more]
Absconder Publishing  Pay What You Want

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S&S Core, GPNE, & GPUS Errata

S&S Core, GPNE, & GPUS Errata

The following free PDF documents also come with all digital purchases of the Core Sourcebook or Galactic Primer on Natural Environments. This free download contains the complete errata list for those who have purchased print versions. For use with the Spaceships & Starwyrms: Core Sourcebook and S&S: Galactic Primer on Natural Environments. ...   [click here for more]
HopePunk Press  Pay What You Want

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Space Character Sheet - SW/Edge of Empire

Space Character Sheet - SW/Edge of Empire

A custom character sheet for space based d20 adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Monks in Space!

Monks in Space!

Monks in Space! is a supplement designed for players who want to use the Modern Monks rule set to run a campaign in the Planets systemless setting. This supplement contains rules for science fiction weapons, armor, and medical sprays, new skills, and three new specialties. ...   [click here for more]
Point of Insanity Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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Deep Space - Soundtrack

Deep Space - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Bandearg Character Race

Bandearg Character Race

This race is from the Ferella setting, available in the pdf How To Rule Ferella on Drive Thru RPG. Also consider using this race in any of the Ferellan modules available. Please note that this is designed for the Ferella setting and is compatible with the races and classes there. It may be underpowered or overpowered if you choose to use it in another setting that it's not designed for. ...   [click here for more]
Moontouched Dragon  Pay What You Want

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Monks After the Peak

Monks After the Peak

This product is designed for players and game masters who want to run campaigns in the Afterpeak Systemless Setting using the Modern Monks rule set. This work contains: -Veil Gifts -New Skills -New Techs -New Super Techs -10 new specialties -Light and Dark Lore abilities designed for the Modern Monks RPG ...   [click here for more]
Point of Insanity Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 6

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 6

The first new Hideouts & Hoodlums product of 2012 from Great Scott! Games is the 6th issue of The Trophy Case!  It's got new flying and movement rules, the beginning of the aviator class, more of "The Vindicators" fiction, more comic book reviews (this time, Feature Comics), more ready-made Supporting Cast Members, and -- cut from Supplement III: Better Quality --suggestions for gaming in aerial,...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 5

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 5

It's here!  The Fall 2011 issue of The Trophy Case offers detailed analysis from a live H&H game session, new variant and house rules, a big review of another game called Dicey Tales, a map, previews of Supplement III: Better Quality, adventure seeds, more Captain America comic book reviews, and ready-made Supporting Cast Members!  It's the first issue under the new Great Scott! Games label,...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic is a Lineage that permits you to play a robit from a distant time. Uses a special spell storage mechanic for their ability.  ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Fall - Soundtrack

Fall - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Pecunia: A D2 Role-playing Game

Pecunia: A D2 Role-playing Game

Do you want to play a quick role playing game with streamlined rules and a simplified mechanic for every choice? I've designed a coin-flip based system for the world's most popular ttrpg. Players use coin flips for nearly every aspect of the game and create a collaborative story in 5 to 15 minute scenes. Play it as a gritty survival experience, horror campaign, or a silly and playful game. Pecunia...   [click here for more]
Gestalt Game Master  Pay What You Want

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Soulbound Conclave | A 5e Ranger Subclass

Soulbound Conclave | A 5e Ranger Subclass

The Soulbound Conclave is a Ranger subclass that was created under the guise of providing a more robust and unique approach to the concept of what the class could be. This is a revised edition from the original I made in my youth; to those who would enjoy playing a character that potentially involves complex character dynamics or simply want to copy a certain anime with that uses a concept...   [click here for more]
ThePhotoLife  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 7

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 7

The Trophy Case newsletter returns with new stuff for the Aviator, Mysteryman, and Scientist classes, a big interview with upcoming module writer Steve Lopez, Golden Age hero write-ups, and comics! Your quarterly dose of HIDEOUTS & HOODLUMS goodness is still all free! ...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 1

The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 1

The Trophy Case newsletter ain't a newsletter anymore -- it's a 20-page 'zine!  This time we've got contributions from five different authors, including new mobsters and stats for Nazis, rules for adjusting H&H to the Silver Age, an in-depth look at a classic Captain Marvel adventure, 100 random clues, an optional skill system for H&H, and a special 7-page 1940 Duluth Gazeteer, complete enough...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 2

The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 2

The Trophy Case 'zine is back with a special fan fiction-themed issue.  But if fanfiction's not your thing, don't despair; this issue still has pure H&H goodness, including an alternate hand-to-hand combat system for you to try, two new mobsters (that are on your side!), and a sneak peek at what Supplement IV will look like!  All this, and you still get some great Golden Age public domain artwork...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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  DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Dungeon Starter Set