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Due to customer demands, we have created a separate PDF of the large and detailed map of 11th-century Poland for use with Baptism of Fire (or any other medieval authentic campaign set in Poland). Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Pay What You Want
Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure.
Table of Contents for Issue #1
----- Random Charts & Tables -----... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Pay What You Want
Weather Hex Flower
This Hex Flower enables you to generate weather in a random yet reasonably consistent way.
Hex Flowers are a bit like a random table, but with a 'memory'.
Hex Flower Procedural Products you might be interested in :: In the Heart of Oz - procedural sandbox in the Land of Oz :: In the Heart of the Unknown - procedural wilderness (Hex) exploration... [click here for more] |
Goblin's Henchman |
Pay What You Want
 Master the Heist of the Century in The Cryptic Caper!
A bartender drowning in debt begs you to steal him one last big score. In this thrilling Level 1-2 5e-compatible one-shot, your party is tasked with breaking into the mysterious Cryptic Quill bookstore to steal are rare magical tome.
Adventure Overview:
The Cryptic Caper takes your party from the dimly... [click here for more] |
The Wandering DM |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine Issue 3 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! This issue contains 70 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new lineage, a complete adventure and loads... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine is here.
FiveE Magazine is a new semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! 56 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new sub-classes, hints for new DMs, a full adventure and loads more! And it's FREE! ... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
Updated Map of the Brancalonia Setting: the Bounty Kingdom. Enter Brancalonia, a land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in! The adventures of Brancalonia knaves take place in what its inhabitants simply refer to as “The Kingdom”, or "the Bounty Kingdom". This map is updated at the very last version... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine Issue 2 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! Issue 2 contains 78 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new class, new adventure and village setting,... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
Are you in need of a breeding factory that spews out torrents of mutated weretoads into your campaign world? Do your adventurers enjoy exploring slimy, wet ruins inhabited by depraved, vile creatures? The Towers of the Weretoads is a mini-dungeon you can plop down in the edges of any of the lakes/fresh water bodies in your campaign world. It's filled with treasure, danger and slime. ... [click here for more] |
Gorgzu Games |
Pay What You Want
Updated English Blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Iconic Characters - ENGLISH VERSION. This file consists of the official Brancalonia Blank Sheet - English version + the pregenerated sheets of the first 9 Iconic Characters of the game, 3rd Level each: - Syr Guerrin from Aurocastro: Human Knight Errant (Paladin) - Jolanda of House Savory: Human Swordfighter (Warrior) - Uriah: Silvan Pagan (Barbarian)... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want

Hypatia is a one-shot for 5th Edition designed for four players that should take around four hours to complete. It includes four maps, multiple encounters, magic items, and everything you need to run this revolutionary romp. Your party, a group of 3rd level rebel operatives, must rescue Hypatia Brightspark, a captured gnomish inventor being transported from her... [click here for more] |
Spooky Action Games |
Pay What You Want
Greetings, Adventurers and Dungeon Masters!
Lorefinder Steve here, from Reunited Brothers Adventures. We're excited to introduce our latest prelude to: “Beneath the Surface: 10 Medium Sized Cave Encounters For Any 5E Adventure”. This guide is a treasure trove for any Dungeon Master, regardless of experience. Whether you've led countless campaigns or are about to host your first game, "Beneath... [click here for more] |
Reunited Brothers Adventures |
Pay What You Want
Custom layout sheets for use in a homemade DM Screen. Designed for a 4-panel DM Screen. Prints on Letter Paper (8.5" x 11") in Landscape Layout. Includes both PDF of my version, and .xlsx as freely editable version.
My personal version has images from the books located throughout the margins, but I removed those for this public version so as to not have to worry about any copyright issues with... [click here for more] |
Adventures of Niallis |
Pay What You Want
Silver standard change the most used coin from Gold to Silver ones. Prices/Value of items are not changes.
You will find here:
- 5 Edition Equipment
- 3.5 Edition Mundane Equipment - 3.5 Edition Magical Equipment
- Pathfinder Ultimate Mundane Equipment - Pathfinder Ultimate Magical Equipment
All this are in two file. PDF for easy Printing and Open Office Spreadsheet so you can modify... [click here for more] |
Bortaz |
Pay What You Want
Includes 144 generic 1" tokens for use with a battle map for tabletop RPGs.
Uses 24 unique icons and colors to provide context for battles while giving each icon a unique color to allow for quick differentiation during battle.
Each icon contains 6 numbered tokens for all your squad based combat needs.
How to Use
The tokens are meant to be printed on Letter size paper. I recommend using card stock... [click here for more] |
GameGrue |
Pay What You Want
Are you bored of long journeys by horse?
Do you spend long boring weeks on the road hiking between dungeons only to clear them in an hour. Does the bard's singing travel songs get on your nerves, is the halfling asking "are we there yet?" again? You need to travel in style, you need to travel at speed, you need to fly.
The Astral Scarab is the lastest in steampunk... [click here for more] |
Chloe The Cartographer |
Pay What You Want
Moss, Stone & Steel: Dark Delivery Dark Delivery is a simple adventure aimed for Level 2 parties containing between one to three adventurers. It can also be playable for Level 1 parties, if they are up to the challenge. Dark Delivery takes place in the land of Armorica; a realm shrouded with mystery and the supernatural. It exists on the edge of the known world and harbours... [click here for more] |
FantasyBound |
Pay What You Want
This contains the art, maps and handouts. Hi-Res maps can be used for VTT games for the Last prayer of the Dying Module
It contains:
More than a dozen pieces of original art
4 dungeon maps of varying resolutions for both players and GM
A map of the land , for boths Player and GM
5 flavourful ribbons...these are songs, riddles and nursery rhymes.
If you like the look and theme then check for... [click here for more] |
John R Davis |
Pay What You Want
A Gritty OSR Fantasy Setting by Travis Legge
The mortal lands are divided. A dozen kingdoms lie scattered across the world, separated by dangerous wilds filled with bandits and monsters. The bravest mortals act as adventurers, guiding travelers between the kingdoms, killing monsters to thin their numbers, and plundering ruins in search of the lost treasures of the golden age. This is the world of... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
Pay What You Want
Updated Italian blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Iconic Characters - ITALIAN VERSION. Questo file contiene la Scheda ufficiale di Brancalonia (2 facciate) + le schede precompilate (2 facciate ciascuna) dei primi 9 Personaggi Iconici del gioco, tutti di 3o Livello: - Guerrino da Aurocastro: Umano Cavaliere Errante (Paladino) - Jolanda di Avoja: Umana Spadaccina (Guerriero) - Uraia: Selvatica Pagana... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want
A city in decline from the old to a “New Order”. The New Order, a movement lead by a young charismatic, self-proclaimed savior and his slavish followers. And the old, rich nobles and dogmatic priests on “The Council” who secretly envy and despise this usurper. This supplement is for B/X D&D or Basic Fantasy RPGs and meant for DMs needing a CITY ADVENTURE with NPCs, adventure hooks and... [click here for more] |
Lowe505 |
Pay What You Want
In the east of the land of Imre, where forest meets rocky hills, a city is tucked up against the ancient trees. This is Raia-Alueela, a city divided.
For veteran game masters and beginners alike, this guide has everything you need to run a roleplay-heavy city campaign. Set your campaign in the world of Imre, add Raia-Alueela to your homebrew world, or borrow as you see fit.
In this 73 page... [click here for more] |
Anna Muench-Karr |
Pay What You Want
 Monta ajanlaskua sitten ensimmäiset haltiat joutuivat pakenemaan kotoseuduiltaan maailmansyöjiä, jotka tuhosivat näiden kotoulottuvuuden. Aikojen ajan astraalimerellä epätoivoisesti uutta kotoa etsien, mukanaan vain kappale entisen kotonsa maaperää, päätyivät ensimmäiset haltiat karuun ja kivikkoiseen maahan. Tässä maassa nämä haltiat rupesivat viljelemään maata, kasvattamaan metsää... [click here for more] |
pasisfantastichobbies |
Pay What You Want
A large vibrant and diverse city which is part of a larger confederation of cities on the Cymrian Sea. Aberyndwyn can serve as a hub for adventures of any level, and makes a great point to add as a distant well-stocked city in a rustic, frontier setting. Surrounding villages, noble houses, wilderness and urban issues provide a broad base for exploration and storytelling. ... [click here for more] |
Telera Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A canonical adventure set in The Kiynan Chronicles setting, using the 5e-compatible The World of Kiynan supplement.
The World of Kiynan is the high fantasy setting for The Kiynan Chronicles series of books by Eric P. Caillibot. It is a medieval fantasy world peopled by many different... [click here for more] |
Unrealism Books |
Pay What You Want
A simple, colored village map for you to use in your campaigns and adventures.
The Village and Keep of Briar Hill is provided as both, print-ready PDF files as well as high quality JPGs. Both versions include the maps with and without labels, as well as with and without grids. Additionally, a black & white version of the map is included inthe ZIP file.
*maps also come... [click here for more] |
Foreign Worlds Cartography |
Pay What You Want
Rescued from the dry sands of history...
The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin. It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity. Enjoy this document as it... [click here for more] |
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C |
Pay What You Want
 Viktor Hopeatammi on eksentrinen alkemisti ja rikas aatelinen, joka on muuttanut vaimonsa kanssa suurkaupungin sykkeestä maaseudun rauhaan Katariinan sairastuttua tuntemattomaan tautiin. Hopeatammet ovat pidettyjä jäseniä Nevanperän kyläyhteisössä, jossa yhtäkkinen katoaminen on saanut erinäiset huhut liikkeelle. Katariinan heikentynyt tila on yleisessä tiedossa, eivätkä kyläläiset ole... [click here for more] |
pasisfantastichobbies |
Pay What You Want
"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..."
Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them.
On the... [click here for more] |
Above Average Creations |
Pay What You Want
This is the Digital File Pack for the Adventure Module, The Cruellest Mistress Of All,
The Pack contains all original art. The 58 pieces include:
18 illustrations of NPCs, Monsters and Items
13 maps, some at a number of resolutions suitable for VTT, with and without room numbers
6 rhymes, riddles and tales that are used as hand-outs in the adventure. ... [click here for more] |
John R Davis |
Pay What You Want
Adventure awaits! Travel to the cozy streets of DUSKTOWN, a well-defended, mid-sized trade settlement ruled by the Barons if Craithe. Commerce moves across the river and along the eastern road, wjere bandits and river pirates ply their trade. Weird lights and noises echo from the Hundredfold Caverns to the south-west. The Ruined Tower at the edge of the forest is said to be haunted. The grave... [click here for more] |
Foreign Worlds Cartography |
Pay What You Want
This PDF can roll virtual dice for you. Dream it up and it might be able to roll it. Covers regular dice: 1d4,1d6,1d8,1d10,1d12,1d20 and 1d100. That and stranger dice like 1d3, 1d5, 1d7, 1d14, 1d16, 1d24 and 1d30. And 1d50 and 1d1000. Those are just the preset buttons. It can also do a simple initiative roll for you. To top it off it has a nifty 6 3d6 button that will produce... [click here for more] |
Unbalanced Dice Games |
Pay What You Want
This includes one high resolution pdf for personal use only. ... [click here for more] |
Nathan99 |
Pay What You Want
 We attended Supanova Melbourne for a panel! We set out to make the longest dungeon crawl we could based on audience responses in 45 minutes, and it turned out pretty fun! The map is available for you to download and play here! Included are the RWMAP and RWMETA files you will need to open the map in Arkenforge with all of the unique assets placed - so you can experiment with changing them and learn... [click here for more] |
Arkenforge |
Pay What You Want
Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
 These 5E Compatible DM Screen Inserts are for Landscape-Oriented DM Screens. They were designed to be slid into a top-load plastic sleeve to make them dry erase and magnet compatible.
On my personal screen, I slide a magnet sheet behind the insert, and use a magnet to work my way down the initiative tracker. It frees up a lot of table space so I can keep organized and focus on not losing my BBEG stats.... [click here for more] |
Hammer + Halfling |
Pay What You Want
Thanks to our patreon backers for their support. This pack is dedicated to them!
A pack containing a battlemap of a temple in the woods and five underground creatures tokens.
Usable with our isometric tokens (available on our patreon page) and compatible with other monocromatic isometric tokens.
You can preview the included maps below:
... [click here for more] |
Stelliadi |
Pay What You Want
A simple roadside camp site, ideal for encounters, adventure hooks, or just for your party to take a nap with some shelter.
Roadside Camp Site contains a forest camp site for travellers as day and night versions, formatted as print-ready PDFs as well as high definition JPGs files optimized for use with the most common VTT platforms. Both versions come with and without grids. ... [click here for more] |
Foreign Worlds Cartography |
Pay What You Want
This is Tor'Paq the world as we know it now.
This is a living map and will be updated as we add cities, landmarks, and other items of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Bwilder Games |
Pay What You Want

This is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks.
This Tile Set contains 4 different... [click here for more] |
The Black Fortress |
Pay What You Want
A little free pack of isometric tokens, dedicated to all the people working to keep the necessary services going in these difficult times.
Thanks to our patreon backers for their support.
The pack includes:
5 tokens of some of these hard working everyday heroes in their medieval version
a little market cart with some food
You can find a preview of the contents below:
The tokens and assets... [click here for more] |
Stelliadi |
Pay What You Want
PDF-Only Version Archaeologist in Need: A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers.... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Labyrinth Lord lords rejoice! Once a moon you may need a Deck Of Many Things. When you do do you grab a deck of cards or this wonderful pdf? This is the Deck Of Many Things useful once in awhile but FUN! The cards are the cards from the Advanced Edition Companion. You can draw cards, read the cards, follow the card drawn strictly as in the book or even alter that!
The PDF needs a viewer... [click here for more] |
Unbalanced Dice Games |
Pay What You Want
GM? DM? Something more? We've got you covered.
Easily create engaging content for any RPG system!
Our simple and universal rules allow you to quickly create characters, items, enemies, encounters, and more within seconds, as well as helping you to prepare sessions ahead of time.
Whether you're a novice or a veteran, we have something to keep you coming back.... [click here for more] |
Chronicle Cards |
Pay What You Want
28mm paper miniatures terrain set for assembling a graveyard, i suggest you to take the various previous set of ghosts and undead to fill it. ... [click here for more] |
antohammer the lonely wargamer |
Pay What You Want
Here it is! Just the tables! For use with Homebrew and Hacking: Crafting Heritages and Cultures, this handy printable set of tables will let you keep all the costs at your fingertips! ... [click here for more] |
Homebrew and Hacking |
Pay What You Want
Players taking to long to decide something? Are they staring at their phones or talking to eachother too much? Insert some hilarity into the moment with the Funny Ass Role Play Encounters Roll Table! This awesome table offers 20 unique and hilarious situations that will fit into any moment that you need somthing great to happen in your game on the fly! These insane situations are sure to draw a laugh,... [click here for more] |
Blood Lords RPG |
Pay What You Want
This includes one high resolution pdf for personal use only ... [click here for more] |
Nathan99 |
Pay What You Want
Darkstorm Adventures: Silverflame's Legacy is a brand new adventure module designed for 5e and Pathfinder 2e.
This is the map pack bundle you can download and use for your VTT of choice.
Check out the Adventure Module here! On Sale now:
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/451964/Darkstorm-Adventures-Silverflames-Legacy-Escape-to-Stangate ... [click here for more] |
Walrus Game Studio |
Pay What You Want
Timer Sheet for your games
Print, cut out and put it on your table to track events that are going to happen in a certain amount of time. Timers can be in any time scale: TURNS, ROUNDS, HOURS, MONTHS or whatever you decide. Count down the events on the sheet with each tick of time to put your players on edge.
Danger + Ticking Time = Success.
Empty tents are included... [click here for more] |
Khanist Games |
Pay What You Want