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This collection includes the following files, which users can copy/print for their personal use.
Character Sheet (Excel editable sheet and PDF formats)
Louisiana State Overland Map (jpg and PDF)
New Orleans City Map (jpg and PDF)
French Quarter region (jpg and PDF)
Ruins of the University of New Orleans (jpg and PDF)
Mexican Consulate region (jpg and PDF)
These files are designed... [click here for more] |
Bards and Sages |
Pay What You Want
Disclaimer: These files contain every spell available in the D&D 5th Edition SRD, and are published under the Open Gaming License. The SRD only allows spells from the Players Handbook. If you want spell cards for non-SRD spells or custom content, use the form-fillable Custom document.
1. A single PDF contains every spell
2.... [click here for more] |
Matthew Perkins |
Pay What You Want
A worldbuilding method to quickly and easily build new regions and cultures.
Based on popular worldbuilding methods such as G.R.A.P.E.S, D.O.P.P.E.L.G.A.N.G.E.R aims to give a more robust framework to use to develop your fictional worlds.
Download includes a form-fillable PDF worksheet to fill in about your region.
... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Skirmisher Publishing’s Fall 2023 Update! We would like to tell you about and give you a peek at some of the things we have been working on lately, which include a fun new fantasy novella; several custom rules for 5E games, including ones designed to help them run more smoothly; a new mini-set set of Cardstock Characters™; some bonus content for our Platinum-bestselling TSRPG... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
DM OrganizationMade Easy
This product is for the source files, compatible with OneNote 2016. If you use the native windows 10 version, you'll want to get the live version from https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnMjVTM0Hyy7pEVc16qsoMrRgZ36
The OneNote DM Bible is the ultimate free digital campaign management tool for 5th edition Dungeon Masters.
It provides a template to... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
The Cursed Grove is an adventure filled with mystery and danger, perfect for players levels 1-4. Once a peaceful forest grove, it has fallen under a dark curse, twisting the guardian into something unrecognizable. Strange whispers drift through the branches, and those who enter often find themselves stricken with a mysterious sickness. The heroes will have to make their way through thorn-covered paths,... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Do you struggle to keep track of all the plot threads your players have uncovered in your campaign?
Do you want to spend less time on session prep while creating sessions that are more player—and character-focused?
These are the sheets for you! These simple tracking sheets will help you track ongoing plot threads, keep track of the magic items your players... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
Due to customer demands, we have created a separate PDF of the large and detailed map of 11th-century Poland for use with Baptism of Fire (or any other medieval authentic campaign set in Poland). Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Pay What You Want
This pdf file contains some new terrain textures and a mini-adventure (set in a creepy graveyard) to go along with them. So grab it for free, or pay as much (or as little) as you like! ... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This 3.75"w x 5.25"h PDF provides a tool will allow for quick reference for players and DMs. You can use it to keep track of Beasts for Druid Shapes, summoned, or polymorph. That's right! No more lag in gameplay, trying to figure out what to summon, create and give the appropriate card to the player, for them to choose from. No digging in the book!
All original material in this work is copyright... [click here for more] |
Patrick Mitchell Johnston |
Pay What You Want
Make more efficient use of the space on your 5e DM screen with these printable inserts.
Included in the pack:
A condensed conditions table. All the core info condensed into a single panel
Potions of healing table.
Quick Monster Builder
Quick NPC Generator
Exhaustion table
Weapon Damage Tables
Blank names box: Keep a list of names handy so you're never caught off guard when the players ask the... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure.
Table of Contents for Issue #1
----- Random Charts & Tables -----... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Pay What You Want
"Just the charts please!"
In 1978 Judges Guild published "Ready Reference Sheets" which provided details just in the form of procedures, numbers and charts. It assumed Judges/Referees were already familiar with the rules, but condensed the numbers and such to sheets to easily reference.
Likewise in the 1981 Traveller Starter Set the 3rd book was simple called "Charts" and it provided the raw data... [click here for more] |
Mythic Mountains RPG |
Pay What You Want
Weather Hex Flower
This Hex Flower enables you to generate weather in a random yet reasonably consistent way.
Hex Flowers are a bit like a random table, but with a 'memory'.
Hex Flower Procedural Products you might be interested in :: In the Heart of Oz - procedural sandbox in the Land of Oz :: In the Heart of the Unknown - procedural wilderness (Hex) exploration... [click here for more] |
Goblin's Henchman |
Pay What You Want
This 3.75"w x 5.25"h PDF provides a tool will allow for quick reference for players and DMs. You can use it to keep track of Elementals for Druid Shapes, summoned, or polymorph. That's right! No more lag in gameplay, trying to figure out what to summon, create and give the appropriate card to the player, for them to choose from. No digging in the book!
All original material in this work is copyright... [click here for more] |
Patrick Mitchell Johnston |
Pay What You Want
Do you want to spend less time agonizing over your session prep? Do you want to get evocative ideas on the page quickly and then move onto the fun parts of prep? Then this template is for you!
Prep your games in as little as 15 minutes using this template, which includes random tables to generate adventure ideas.
• An action adventure set in a forest where the heroes must protect a magical... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
The third issue of Megadungeon is upon us!
Dungeon adventures, NPC's, and resources suitable for any campaign! Dual-statted for Basic Dungeons & Dragons and 5e. Come explore the upper and lower crypts of Hierax. Visit the sadlark mine, get lost in non-euclidean space. Meet interesting people and kill them!
Articles on actual play in the gaming renaissance, as well as disscussing dungeon restocking,... [click here for more] |
Hack & Slash Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Excite your players by giving them an actual chest to loot after beating a big baddy, or a dungeon! Fill it with item cards, gold coins, and gems!
This chest prints on a single sheet of 8.5x11in paper.
Include Blank Template, in case you want to make it out of a material, instead of printing.
It is easy to cut out and assemble. Instructions are included on the same PDF that the chest... [click here for more] |
Patrick Mitchell Johnston |
Pay What You Want
Explore a Historic-Fantasy Setting Like No Other!
Introduction to the Material Plane: General History and Geography is your ultimate guide to the heart of Terrae™. Uncover the origins, pivotal events, and the breathtaking landscapes that define the Material Plane. Perfect for players and Dungeon Masters alike, this document offers inspiration to bring your adventures to... [click here for more] |
Terra RPG |
Pay What You Want
Remember the good old days, when roleplaying games were in person, dice rolls were physical, and the finale of every dungeon wasn't a teleconference bug? Those days aren't back, but Quaranzine is here to help. This volume is meant for those judges, scattered across the planes, whose noble spirits have been tested by their social distancing, and are ready to game for a great cause:... [click here for more] |
The Social Distance Collective |
Pay What You Want
Make a deal with a devil with this infernal contract template.
Define your terms, agree on payment, and don't forget to read the fine print, or you might find yourself indebted to a fiend!
This pack includes an editable .doc version, as well as a more detailed version for print and VTT play. ... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
Inspired in part by the Grayte Wourmes draconian lore articles of Gary Gygax (1969) and the fantasy wargaming campaigns of the Twin Cities and Lake Geneva (1971-1974), the Grayte Wourme Kingdom map serves as a malleable old school template for sandbox adventure play. Depicted realms include the lakeside Earldom of Genevra, the great and depthless Lake of the Drowned Ifrits, the Twisted Thickets (where... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
Pay What You Want
 Master the Heist of the Century in The Cryptic Caper!
A bartender drowning in debt begs you to steal him one last big score. In this thrilling Level 1-2 5e-compatible one-shot, your party is tasked with breaking into the mysterious Cryptic Quill bookstore to steal are rare magical tome.
Adventure Overview:
The Cryptic Caper takes your party from the dimly... [click here for more] |
The Wandering DM |
Pay What You Want
This package contains a 2.5in x 3.5in and 3.75in x 5.25in PDF form that provides a tool that will allow for quick reference for players and DMs. You can use it to keep track of Creatures, NPC, Druid Forms, or even summoned creatures. That's right! No more lag in gameplay, trying to figure out what to summon, create and give the appropriate cared to the player, for them to choose from. No digging in... [click here for more] |
Patrick Mitchell Johnston |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the World of Oldskull, where the fabled treasuries of myth, legendry, weird fiction, and old school gaming crystallize into a single explorable realm-scape. You can explore the World of Oldskull through your favorite Dungeons game, Dragons adventures, Cairn, Dragonslayer, Old-School Essentials, Knave, Shadowdark, or any other fantasy role-playing game of your own choosing.
The World... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine Issue 3 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! This issue contains 70 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new lineage, a complete adventure and loads... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine is here.
FiveE Magazine is a new semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! 56 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new sub-classes, hints for new DMs, a full adventure and loads more! And it's FREE! ... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
 Helping Kids with Every Purchase!
100% of proceeds from this product go to Extra Life, benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. These donations help provide critical care, fund pediatric medical research, and ensure that no child or family fights alone. Your purchase today contributes to this vital mission. Thank you for joining us in supporting... [click here for more] |
Feast Games |
Pay What You Want
The Southlands - Realm of Mystery and Adventure
Southlands Campaign Setting offers everything you need to have legendary adventures in a sprawling continent of wealthy desert empires, demon-haunted jungles, and vast savannahs where gnolls and werelions hunt.
Featuring the talents of ENnie-nominated cartographer and Greyhawk aficionado Anna Meyer, this map covers a full continental... [click here for more] |
Kobold Press |
Pay What You Want
 Tabletop monsters with a JRPG vibe!
Here's a collection of high quality digital assets in .png and full illustrations formats for you to use for your tabletop games, projects or anything else you might need some critters for. The monsters mostly adhere to dnd and other ttrpg conventions but they are designed with a jrpg (japanese-rpg) flair, so expect some interesting colours, shapes... [click here for more] |
ZestyDoesThings |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the World of Oldskull, where the fabled treasuries of myth, legendry, weird fiction, and old school gaming crystallize into a single explorable realm-scape. You can explore the World of Oldskull through your favorite Dungeons game, Dragons adventures, Cairn, Dragonslayer, Old-School Essentials, Knave, Shadowdark, or any other fantasy role-playing game of your own choosing.
The World... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
Pay What You Want
The key to a successful long term RPG campaign is making sure everyone at the table is on the same page about what to expect from the game and each other.
Session zero is all about setting the stage for your campaign and making sure everyone is on the same page. It's a chance to establish ground rules, discuss expectations, and build a foundation for your story.
But, how do you go about running... [click here for more] |
Icarus Games |
Pay What You Want
The 5th Edition Fantasy rules list a number of conditions that can affect the capabilities of a character or monster. These are also included in the System Reference Document. They are easy to locate in the Player’s Handbook and are on the DM side of the official Dungeon Master’s Screen. But, sometimes it’s easier to have the information more easily to hand. Here’s where the Condition Cards... [click here for more] |
Fortiter Games |
Pay What You Want
Bob World Builder Presents
Stolen By The Sea*
*This adventure is a FREE sample from the Bob World Builder 5e one shot archive!
When ships vanish without a trace in the mysterious Evanescent Hexagon, a prince finally launches an investigation after being personally affected. Headed by a captain with a mystical tie to the sea, the expedition promises fortune, danger, and perhaps... [click here for more] |
Bob World Builder |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to your card-based dungeoneering tool kit! This set of cards can be printed on cardstock to create infinite encounters as you venture Into the UnknownTM.
You can use this deck with your d20 roleplaying games or any rule system you choose. This booklet provides you with minimalist rules focused on showing you how you can use these cards in your games. ... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
Here’s 21 hexmap templates of various sizes and configurations for your use.
(Currently all in a single PDF, but in the future I'll do individual PDFs and PNGs for each.)
Feel free to use them as the basis for a derivative work (if you draw a hexmap on one of these templates, you can use it commercially without restriction), but don't redistribute the unedited hexmap templates themselves.
If you... [click here for more] |
Alienist Press |
Pay What You Want
Updated Map of the Brancalonia Setting: the Bounty Kingdom. Enter Brancalonia, a land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in! The adventures of Brancalonia knaves take place in what its inhabitants simply refer to as “The Kingdom”, or "the Bounty Kingdom". This map is updated at the very last version... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want
The streets are yours to command!
Ebonclad: Sites of Kintalla provides new encounter area maps for the Ebonclad setting's main city, Kintalla. You can easily drop these maps into an Ebonclad adventure, or use them for encounters in your own game world. Each map shown in the PDF is provided separately as a high-resolution image you can print or use online. Each map... [click here for more] |
Dan Coleman Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Embark on a classic adventure where danger looms over the tranquil town of Willowbrook. A rising threat of goblins has emerged from the nearby caves, leaving the local militia powerless to defend their home. Now, the fate of Willowbrook rests in your hands. Will you be the brave heroes who rise to the challenge and save the town?
This exciting adventure is perfect for new players of levels 1-4 and... [click here for more] |
Elven Foundry |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine Issue 2 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! Issue 2 contains 78 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new class, new adventure and village setting,... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
The base template from my Unique Magic Item Cards as a form-fillable PDF. I'm not that adept at PDF forms so there isn't the nice font and you can't add a watermarked image but the basics are there.
If you would like to suggest additions to future Unique Magic Item Card releases please let me know. ... [click here for more] |
Fortiter Games |
Pay What You Want
Remember the good old days, when roleplaying games were in person, dice rolls were physical, and the finale of every dungeon wasn’t a teleconference bug? Those days aren’t back, but QuaranZine is here to help. This volume is meant for those judges, scattered across the planes, whose noble spirits have been tested by their social distancing, and are ready to game for a great cause:... [click here for more] |
The Social Distance Collective |
Pay What You Want
 Explore the fiefdom of Raven's Rest in this hex-crawl, old school adventure compatible with Old School Essentials and other OSR games.
Brave this grim and perilous borderland and delve into its forgotten past and the hidden secrets of its present. Herein you will find a small village, held by an aging but still capable Jarl, and his young fiefdom, which teeters at the edge of doom as his former allies... [click here for more] |
Josh Sykes |
Pay What You Want
 At last, it is time to loot the Temple of the Demon Idol!
Dark rumours, strange shapes in the dark, evil creatures will not stop the bold adventurers...
This adventure (module) is an hommage to the classic cover of the first PHB so it is a pleasure to share it with all adventurers.
It is system-neutral/agnostic so you can customize it with your favorite ttrpg.
This... [click here for more] |
Xapur_RPG |
Pay What You Want
Want to run a shocking scenario set in a haunted English Country House, Italian Villa, or French Château, but don’t know how to begin? The “Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Estate House” is a set of PDF fill-out forms that will guide you through the process of defining a grand manor home of the late Georgian, Napoleonic, or Regency eras.... [click here for more] |
Daniel James Hanley |
Pay What You Want
When most people think about creating a Greek inspired world, they might think of togas and maybe throwing a Pegasus or two into the world and decide to exclude the majority of the Monster Manual. But what does this mean for a game around a table? Can you throw mindflayers into a Greek inspired world and still have it feel like Classical Greece? In my own opinion, absolutely you can, and this guide... [click here for more] |
The Bearded Halfling |
Pay What You Want
Venture Beyond the Known World with Terra Incognita
Discover the hidden world beneath the surface with the *Hollow Earth Map*, your essential guide to the sprawling, subterranean realms of *Terra Incognita*. This detailed map charts treacherous cave networks, towering mountains, and the winding rivers that pulse through biomes untouched... [click here for more] |
MediaStream Press |
Pay What You Want
Are you in need of a breeding factory that spews out torrents of mutated weretoads into your campaign world? Do your adventurers enjoy exploring slimy, wet ruins inhabited by depraved, vile creatures? The Towers of the Weretoads is a mini-dungeon you can plop down in the edges of any of the lakes/fresh water bodies in your campaign world. It's filled with treasure, danger and slime. ... [click here for more] |
Gorgzu Games |
Pay What You Want
Your Resource Source
Looking for tools to make your game better? Download and put these pandects into your Dungeon Master tools to help you run and manage games.
This issue?
Hit Points are abstract. Do you feel that your games might like more realistic combat wounds and damage without losing the ease and abstraction of hit points? Would you like critical hits and wounds that create gradations... [click here for more] |
Hack & Slash Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Want to run a intriguing scenario set in an opulent English Townhouse, Italian Palazzo, or French Hôtel Particulier, but don’t know how to begin? The “Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Mansion” is a set of PDF fill-out forms that will guideyou through the process of defining a grand urban house of the late Georgian, Napoleonic, or Regency eras. Whether you work... [click here for more] |
Daniel James Hanley |
Pay What You Want