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This Pdf is a list of 100 dwarf drinks made using the Mazith Dwarf Drink maker tool that can be found here on drive though RPG.
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/316268/Dwarf-Drink-Maker-tool ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
 Here you go!
A free clean 5E logo for any of your future Kickstarter RPG projects. This download consists of a single .PNG image file.
I offer this file freely to anyone, and I declare the image to be a part of the public domain. ... [click here for more] |
Karl Otto Kristoffersen |
 Here you go!
A free clean 5E logo for any of your future Kickstarter RPG projects. This download consists of five color variations: Blue, Green, Pink, Red and Yellow.
Each variation comes as a single .PNG image file.
I offer this file freely to anyone, and I declare the image to be a part of the public domain. ... [click here for more] |
Karl Otto Kristoffersen |
 Here you go!
A free Double Dragon 5E logo for any of your future Kickstarter RPG projects. This download consists of two text variations: Black and White.
Each variation comes as a single .PNG image file.
I offer this file freely to anyone, and I declare the image to be a part of the public domain. ... [click here for more] |
Karl Otto Kristoffersen |
 Here you go!
A free Red Dragon 5E logo for any of your future Kickstarter RPG projects. This download consists of two assorted color variations: Black and White.
Each variation comes as a single .PNG image file.
I offer this file freely to anyone, and I declare the image to be a part of the public domain. ... [click here for more] |
Karl Otto Kristoffersen |
In November of 2003, Adamant Entertainment began -- as the design house for Green Ronin's Skull & Bones historical fantasy D&D release. We launched as a company with two PDFs of support -- an introductory adventure, Island of the Damned, and the first issue of what would become a regularly-published PDF magazine of pirate-themed adventure, Buccaneers... [click here for more] |
Adamant Entertainment |
Week 1 - Apocalypse Month
Just because your world ends, shouldn't mean the fun does!
This month the Four Horsemen are discussing a topic near and dear to our black shriveled hearts… the apocalypse! Every world ends sooner or later, but usually that sort of business is what the PCs end up thwarting rather than witnessing. This month the Horsemen plan to provide advice on how to... [click here for more] |
Four Horsemen |
How to Destroy the World
Welcome back to Apocalypse Month! Last week my friend Pestilence gave fantastic advice for how to make apocalypse the theme of a roleplaying campaign. I especially appreciate his comments about making the end of civilization an event without robbing players of the chance to develop or play a role. I want to expand on that idea by talking about the advent of... [click here for more] |
Four Horsemen |
Use this FREE token pack in Roll20/Fantasy Grounds etc to spice up your games! Theres a bunch more coming, so watch this space! ... [click here for more] |
ShaunSunday |
This Dungeon Crawler Collection is a free sample of items generated by Emerald Giant's Dungeon Crawler software. The Dungeon Crawler program allows players and GMs to generate classic dungeon crawls on the computer, exploring dungeons room-by-room and encounter-by-encounter. The program supports Dungeons and Dragons(r) ver 3.5 and a huge amount of Open Gaming License content (OGL), but the myriad... [click here for more] |
Emerald Giant |
The Brukesian Duchy
Hexcrawl by Elven Tower
This is a FREE product that showcases the full product with a regional setting and 19 developed hexes!
Purchase the full product here:
The Brukesian Duchy is a human territory by the northern border of a kingdom. The kingdom’s capital is so far south that the crown’s influence is negligible. It is surrounded by dangerous forests that a court of... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |
Here is a simple set of Word Balloons that you can use in your virtual tabletop roleplaying game to display the various Dungeons and Dragons (3.5e) or Pathfinder conditions that a character (or NPC) can suffer from.
The list of tokens:
Ability Damaged
Ability Drained
Blown Away
Energy Drained
Flat... [click here for more] |
WyldFurr |
Four Horsemen Blog (November 2015)
Construct Creature Month Week 1 – Elemental Golems
Welcome back to the Four Horsemen Blog for Creature Month! The first project the Four Horsemen ever conspired on was the Monster Menagerie: Construct Companion for Rogue Genius Games. To celebrate the positive reception of our first collaboration, we are focusing on... [click here for more] |
Four Horsemen |
En medio de un invierno nuclear que oculta la luz del sol, un único faro de civilización, luz y energía, brilla en la oscuridad del yermo glacial: la arcología de Cybersalles. En la cúspide de este gigantesco palacio de alta tecnología, una decadente aristocracia compite por la atención del todopoderoso Louis 01, el Rey Sol, mientras millones de plebeyos viven oprimidos en sus entrañas. Desde... [click here for more] |
Bastión de Mundos |
Pay What You Want
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the premiere issue of Dragon's Whisper, a role-play magazine brought to you by Layonara Studios. Have you ever wanted to read about role-play situations or become immersed in a great roleplaying world? Then check out this magazine. Inside every issue you will find character interviews, gamemaster interviews, deity introductions, stories, reviews, interviews,... [click here for more] |
Layonara Studios |
Welcome to the second issue of Dragon's Whisper, a role-play magazine brought to you by Layonara Studios.
Have you ever wanted to read about role-play situations or become immersed in a great role-playing world? Then check out this magazine. Inside every issue you will find character interviews, game master interviews, deity introductions, stories, reviews, interviews, and an on-going... [click here for more] |
Layonara Studios |
Draco studios |
Pay What You Want
Draco studios |
Experience Endless Sagas with four new Subclassess:
Galadyan Lightbringer
Xibac Necromancer
The perfect preview to Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding ... [click here for more] |
Draco studios |
"Deep within the heart of the Feywild, the scream of machinery echoes. It’s whispered that it is the creature known only as the Cogmancer, and that he bends metal and time to his will. Where he goes the land is sundered and time is broken."
007 is a trip into the Feywild at the behest of a mysterious benefactor. Included are the NPC The Time Thief, the Cogmancer, his minions the Cog Watchers... [click here for more] |
StoryForge |
 Dungeon Vault Magazine - Issue 50
Published by Elven Tower
This is the FREE VERSION of issue No. 50 of Dungeon Vault Magazine. It is a compilation of adventures, lore, excellent cartography, and useful digital goodies. The content in this magazine is designed for use with both Dungeons & Dragons 5e and Shadowdark RPG rules; separate PDFs... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |

This tool is a batch program that means it uses cmd window not a user interface with windows. This is truly old school. It is a simple program and is 100% safe that being said I am an unknown publisher to your computer and it will pop up a window saying that it might be dangerous to run it is not and if you download it and open it in note pad you can read the code to see it is safe or even change... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
The Encounter Roleplay Magazine is filled with Encounters, Traps and hosted by our tame(ish) Aboleth, Aggy who has her own Agony Aunt column! You can even write in each Month to Aggy to get your RPG woes answered. The Magazine is Monthly and includes original artwork from Fat Goblin Games.
This Month’s issue includes:
Free Map Download
Two new Traps
New Paladin Oath, the Oath of the Riders for... [click here for more] |
Encounter Roleplay |
This Month the Encounter Roleplay Magazine is filled with Encounters, Traps & Maps! Hosted by our tame(ish) Aboleth, Aggy who has her own Agony Aunt column!
This Month’s issue includes:
Free Jungle Map Download
Review of Tomb of Annihilation
New Druid Domain
Jungle Plot Hooks!
Interview with Tomb of Annihilation DM, Gregory Stangel.
... [click here for more] |
Encounter Roleplay |
"...an urban fantasy thrill ride." --San Francisco Book Review
2076 is not a good year to be a special agent. A quarter of the world's power runs on ceridium, a newly discovered element that has had the unintended consequence of spawning a new race of people, and several forms of magic that were once thought to have been forgotten. Eskander Aradowsi is an agent of... [click here for more] |
Nightpath Publishing |
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
![Fantasy VTT Roleplaying Characters [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/17501/433769-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. VTT -Character- Token Pack 1 Regular price: $4.10 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: Image VTT -Character- Token Pack 1
My Youtube channel has most of my token samples check them out.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEbOaEeqANQx3bHkrmnRlBA... VTT -Character- Token Pack 2 Regular price: $4.10... [click here for more] |
Wild Magic Surge |
Join Daniel (GM), David (Ehtra), and Matt (Rafuko) for the beginning of Fire Lizard Media's first campaign of Savage Urth the Roleplaying Game! In this episode, you'll learn a bit about the upcoming game Savage Urth, hear about the characters we've created for the campaign, and dive into the setting as the story begins with a bit of trouble.
Welcome to Urth. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Our intrepid adventurers must find a method of escape from the Yunti clan while maintaining possession of the Jawbone, but our trio is once again reminded that triumphs can be spoiled quickly in a brutal world. Tough decisions must be made under duress. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Rafuko, Kraeda, and Ehtra begin an arduous trek deep into the mountainside near the ruins of Citifa. The group learns about the intentions of the Tarr group, the Antiquisitors...but can they be trusted? ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Our trio learns more about the Antiquisitors and their quest to stop the Yunti tribe, but must prove themselves worthy before furthering their place amongst the Tarr. But first, they need to make a stop by the town marketplace. (Who doesn't love a good shopping episode?)
-This episode contains a setting, character, and campaign recap until the 27 minute mark.- ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Kraeda, Rafuko, and Ehtra are excited to prove their worth to Riki and the Antiquisitors, which they do by...immediately getting distracted. One could say that this episode is a bit of a crapshoot. Eventually, they make their way to the dangerous mines beyond Hoorutee to see if they have what it takes to join this special group of Tarr.
Check out the FREE Lurker of Leng PDF here! ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Led by their two Tarr companions, our trio faces off against a group of gnarly, subterranean raptors. Kraeda tries to prove himself in combat, Rafuko shows off his new spiked club, and Ehtra does what he does best...waits. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Ehtra, Kraeda, and Rafuko fight valiantly against the underground abominations. The two Tarr guides also fight, but maybe not quite as valiantly. Things are getting dangerous in this dank cave, and we haven't even seen the Alpha yet... ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Savage Urth 2 - Where Does a Gorilla Sleep?
After their serendipitous meeting, Ehtra and Rafuko venture into the forest together. The urth brings healing for those who can navigate its mysteries, but this natural world is often a dangerous one... ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
A forest fire forces Rafuko and Ehtra to relocate from their resting place, leading to an encounter with a large, mysterious bird...and more fire. This isn't a drill.
Make sure to keep tabs on our Twitter and Facebook @FireLizardGames for information about our 3rd anniversary sale, beginning March 18th 2021, as well as our upcoming DriveThruRPG gift certificate giveaway! ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 A formidable foe challenges Rafuko, Ehtra, and their new companion, Kraeda. However, the trio finds that even victories are often short-lived on this Urth, and make their way to a hopefully safe haven: Citifa.
Listeners can enter the DTRPG gift certificate raffle by signing up for our newsletter here. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 As our trio heads into Kraeda's hometown of Citifa, they are caught off-guard by a new security measure implemented by the town council. Separated from their bird companion, Rafuko and Ehtra take a few days to sharpen their skills. Meanwhile, Kraeda improves his own abilities while reuniting with some of his family.
Sign up for our newsletter here and you could win up to $50 in DriveThruRPG gift... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
After a bizarre encounter with his sister and father, Kraeda has a fateful reunion with his mother. While Citifa is under attack from powers unknown, Rafuko, Ehtra, and Kraeda are sent to the abandoned Pith town of Roe to search for answers.
There are two DTRPG gift cards remaining! Sign up for our newsletter and like our Facebook page for multiple chances to win! ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 In the ruins of the Pith settlement of Roe, our trio is ambushed by three aggressive pterosaurs. If they survive, their path to finding the artifact held by the Yunti may be blocked by a more formidable foe.... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 Our three adventurers have found their mystical quarry, but a clan of Yunti stand in their way. After some careful planning; Ehtra gets a little too bold, Rafuko takes advantage of a distraction, and Kraeda gets creative with his newest powers. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
 The adventure continues as our trio attempts to escape the Yunti bandits with the jawbone...and their lives. Kraeda flies a lot. Ehtra finally puts his sneaking to good use. Rafuko demonstrates why it's a bad idea to insult a Pith. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
“Evil has corrupted a once verdant forest and it's keeper seeks champions to save it.”
The third asset pack from StoryForge. Included are The Keeper with statblocks, a sweeping environment painting of The Heart Tree, a Termite Warrior with statblocks, and the mighty Grub Prince with statblocks. As a bonus we’ve included stats... [click here for more] |
StoryForge |
FREE PREVIEW - FILGAR CROOKE’S TRAPS-1 This is the FREE, 50-page digital PDF preview that contains a mere handful of the many deadly encounters and 40 TRAPS found in this potential DEATHTRAP DUNGEON.
Don’t worry, as there are 7 NPCs the players can use instead of sacrificing their precious player characters! Within this deadly tome, you will find:
•... [click here for more] |
FREE PREVIEW - THE LOST TOMES This is the FREE, 80-page digital PDF preview that contains the FIRST CHAPTER (part 1 of 16) of this campaign adventure anthology.
This is the FREE PREVIEW to the adventure anthology THE LOST TOMES. No bookmarking has been done for this PDF, but bookmarking will be added when this anthology is 100% complete. ... [click here for more] |
FREE PREVIEW - GHOSTS OF CASTLE NEVERMORE This is the FREE, 121-page digital PDF preview that contains the FIRST CHAPTER (part 1 of 14) of this campaign adventure.
The FULL, 419-page adventure is now complete and listed here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/417152/GHOSTS-OF-CASTLE-NEVERMORE
This adventure takes place at Ravenscroft... [click here for more] |
Hello explorers!
Welcome to issue 11 of the Frontier Explorer. One of the big events in the past few months has been the release of the D&D 5th Edition rules. The Frontier Explorer is proud to present a conversion for the Star Frontiers races and weapons to the 5th Edition system. Written by Michael Long, he and friends have play-tested this conversion to work out the kinks so it should... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
 It’s All Fun and Games...
The popular cliche among parents is that playtime is all fun and games til someone gets hurt. Normally this is some sort of remark about moderation or knowing your limits or minimizing the risk involved in your entertainment, but the truth is that everyone has one or two pastimes that help define them and the things they enjoy. Some are sports fans, fitness... [click here for more] |
Four Horsemen |
Please enjoy this free Wolfhill Entertainment image. Please note that this is only for personal use only, not commercial use. ... [click here for more] |
Wolfhill Entertainment |
Pay What You Want