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 Hottest Dungeons & Dragons, RPG Media & Software
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En medio de un invierno nuclear que oculta la luz del sol, un único faro de civilización, luz y energía, brilla en la oscuridad del yermo glacial: la arcología de Cybersalles. En la cúspide de este gigantesco palacio de alta tecnología, una decadente aristocracia compite por la atención del todopoderoso Louis 01, el Rey Sol, mientras millones de plebeyos viven oprimidos en sus entrañas. Desde...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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Deep Space - Soundtrack

Deep Space - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Dragonbond:Endless Sagas Creature Waada

Dragonbond:Endless Sagas Creature Waada

Draco studios  Pay What You Want

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Fall - Soundtrack

Fall - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Frontier Explorer - Issue 11

Frontier Explorer - Issue 11

Hello explorers! Welcome to issue 11 of the Frontier Explorer.  One of the big events in the past few months has been the release of the D&D 5th Edition rules.  The Frontier Explorer is proud to present a conversion for the Star Frontiers races and weapons to the 5th Edition system.  Written by Michael Long, he and friends have play-tested this conversion to work out the kinks so it should...   [click here for more]
Frontier Explorer  Pay What You Want

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Please enjoy this free Wolfhill Entertainment image.  Please note that this is only for personal use only, not commercial use.  ...   [click here for more]
Wolfhill Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Information bulletin

Information bulletin

Any small donation to feed the Wolfhill Goblins coffee addiction would be greatly appreciated. Please enjoy this Wolfhill Entertainment image.  Feel free to use it to notify friends of games nights or for posting general information about your RPG’s.  Simply add your message with an image editor and save it.  Please note that this is only for personal use only,...   [click here for more]
Wolfhill Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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La terrible batalla contra los Arcaicos ha terminado, los Dioses han muerto dejando a las razas de Korn abandonadas a su suerte. Sin embargo, su ausencia y la consecuente desaparición de la magia no ha sido el fin de sus habitantes. Una nueva revolución ha comenzado. Tras siglos de oscuridad, grandes imperios se alzan de las ruinas de los antiguos apoyados en la arcanotecnología y un nuevo recurso:...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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Jernhest - En Busca del Luna Esmeralda

Jernhest - En Busca del Luna Esmeralda

Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 4. "El capitán Connors y su tripulación acaban de llegar a la misteriosa Zankara en busca de una oportunidad. Ismal Dilawar ha encontrado indicios de dónde pudo ocurrir el naufragio del Luna Esmeralda. El Gusano de Mar puede ser la oportunidad perfecta que está buscando Ismal... Les ofrecerá algo que no podrán rechazar."...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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Jernhest - Sangre y Acero

Jernhest - Sangre y Acero

Aventura para el Escenario de Campaña Jernhest. 4-6 personajes de nivel 3. Dos países unidos en una guerra fría realizan un intercambio de dos de sus prisioneros más valiosos. Observadores imparciales se asegurarán de que ninguna de estas dos potencias rompa los tratados y arrastre al mundo a una guerra sin cuartel. ¿Serán capaces de mantener la paz cuando un tercer jugador entre en escena?...   [click here for more]
Bastión de Mundos  Pay What You Want

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Mazith Name Generator

Mazith Name Generator

This is the Mazith name generator. It’s not the best name generator out there but it’s pretty good. It give the options of male or female names. The options for last names and titles, or the option to pull a more exotic first name then the common earth names. The one thing it does not do that I know a lot of people want is name by race like elf or dwarf names. This is because we wanted the tool...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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Mazith Random Cave  maker  2.5

Mazith Random Cave maker 2.5

This tool will help you when running your players through a random dungeon or catacombs It generates room or hallway size, shape, smells, sounds, monsters, traps, and even a little extra info for you on what might also be in the room. ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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OSR Character Sheet

OSR Character Sheet

Impress your friends and family with this hand drawn character sheet for use with your favorite old school roleplaying game! ...   [click here for more]
Karl Stjernberg  Pay What You Want

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Polyhedral Magazine Issue #0

Polyhedral Magazine Issue #0

Polyhedral will be a quarterly magazine which takes a modern approach to RPG content, paying homage to the formats of roleplaying magazines of yesteryear. Each issue will showcase the games we play and the people who play them. Issue 0 serves to introduce you to the content we both plan on having and want submitted to the magazine. Contents: Adventures Fields of Fire - A 5e and OSE One Shot Articles Chaos...   [click here for more]
Polyhedral Press  Pay What You Want

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Quest: Stadtwachen Guide | Quests, Statblöcke, Encounter

Quest: Stadtwachen Guide | Quests, Statblöcke, Encounter

Stadtwachen in Dungeons & Dragons sind weit mehr als nur Statisten, die Mauern oder Straßen bewachen.  In diesem 10-seitigen Guide findest du: Eine Anleitung Stadtwachen, Leibgarden oder die Bürgerwacht passend in dein Spiel einzubauen. Eine Encounterlisten mit 20 verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten der Stadtwache. 5 Questideen mit Bezug auf Stadt- & Dorfwachen 4 einzigartige,...   [click here for more]
Quest  Pay What You Want

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Revised Arduin a Primer

Revised Arduin a Primer

Rescued from the dry sands of history... The famous document that David Hargrave released at DunDraCon in 1984 that changed Arduin.  It seems fitting, as we contemplate the release of Arduin Bloody Arduin, to talk about the document that revised the original Arduin Grimoire and Arduin Adventure rules. While short, it cast waves well beyond its brevity.  Enjoy this document as it...   [click here for more]
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C  Pay What You Want

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Sci-fi Character Creator (EXP Buy)

Sci-fi Character Creator (EXP Buy)

A system for character creation that utilizes flaws, exp buying, and narrative weight! Godspeed! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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The Arclander: Edition 1, January 2022

The Arclander: Edition 1, January 2022

The Arclander is Verse Online's monthly FREE zine, containing articles on GMing, new monsters, news from the Arcverse and updates about forthcoming releases from Verse Online. In this month's edition check out: * Eight new ideas for creating interdimensional portals * Our monster of the month, the Zulgbeast * All the latest news from the Arcverse, plus a preview of our next Kickstarter, The Book...   [click here for more]
Arclands Online  Pay What You Want

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The Arclander: Edition 2, February 2022

The Arclander: Edition 2, February 2022

The Arclander is Verse Online's monthly FREE zine, containing articles on GMing, new monsters, news from the Arcverse and updates about forthcoming releases from Verse Online. In this month's edition check out: * Our creator of the Month feature with the brilliant visionary behind Veil of the Void * Nine new villain archetypes * A one shot adventure set in the snowbound woodlands of Lake Haren *...   [click here for more]
Arclands Online  Pay What You Want

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The Arclander: Edition 4, April 2022

The Arclander: Edition 4, April 2022

The Arclander is Verse Online's monthly FREE zine, containing articles on GMing, new monsters, news from the Arcverse and updates about forthcoming releases from Verse Online. In this month's edition check out: * Our creator of the Month feature with the brilliant creator Evelynn Monarch * Part two of our step by step guide to campaign writing * Our NPC of the month feature * Our new 'Ten Items'...   [click here for more]
Arclands Online  Pay What You Want

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The Collected Daily Dwarf 2017

The Collected Daily Dwarf 2017

The Collected Daily Dwarf is a series of articles reviewing the halcyon days of Britain's greatest RPG magazine. @dailydwarf contributions to the GROGNARD files form the back-bone of the podcast, we're pleased to present them together for the first time.   In this first collection, there are articles about RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, Traveller, Stormbringer, and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons....   [click here for more]
The Armchair Adventurers  Pay What You Want

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The Cruellest Mistress of All (Digital Files Pack)

The Cruellest Mistress of All (Digital Files Pack)

This is the Digital File Pack for the Adventure Module, The Cruellest Mistress Of All, The Pack contains all original art. The 58 pieces include: 18 illustrations of NPCs, Monsters and Items 13 maps, some at a number of resolutions suitable for VTT, with and without room numbers 6 rhymes, riddles and tales that are used as hand-outs in the adventure. ...   [click here for more]
John R Davis  Pay What You Want

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The Floor Is Monsters - Rulebook and Setting (77 pages)

The Floor Is Monsters - Rulebook and Setting (77 pages)

The Floor is Monsters is a customizable post-apocalyptic setting in a Skyscraper city with monsters overwhelming the ground below. How long these settlements have existed or who first built them is a distant and irrelevant mystery, as they now offer a single purpose: the only refuge above the monstrous forest floor. An ever-growing, corrupting forest with bizarre magical effects, dubbed...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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The Last Prayer of the Dying (Digital Files Pack)

The Last Prayer of the Dying (Digital Files Pack)

This contains the art, maps and handouts. Hi-Res maps can be used for VTT games for the Last prayer of the Dying Module It contains: More than a dozen pieces of original art 4 dungeon maps of varying resolutions for both players and GM A map of the land , for boths Player and GM 5 flavourful ribbons...these are songs, riddles and nursery rhymes. If you like the look and theme then check  for...   [click here for more]
John R Davis  Pay What You Want

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The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..." Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them. On the...   [click here for more]
Above Average Creations  Pay What You Want

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The Storyteller's Automaton

The Storyteller's Automaton

A 1-3 page oracle ruleset for use with tabletop RPGs to run them solo or DM-less with friends. The Storyteller's Automaton is meant to serve as a vehicle to drive narrative forward when the story begins to slump, if player's get stuck, or as a guide to structure story arcs in a campaign.  To use, a 1d100 paired dice set is required. It is meant to be used in conjuction with any RPG ruleset. ...   [click here for more]
ohhigames  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 5

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 5

It's here!  The Fall 2011 issue of The Trophy Case offers detailed analysis from a live H&H game session, new variant and house rules, a big review of another game called Dicey Tales, a map, previews of Supplement III: Better Quality, adventure seeds, more Captain America comic book reviews, and ready-made Supporting Cast Members!  It's the first issue under the new Great Scott! Games label,...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 6

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 6

The first new Hideouts & Hoodlums product of 2012 from Great Scott! Games is the 6th issue of The Trophy Case!  It's got new flying and movement rules, the beginning of the aviator class, more of "The Vindicators" fiction, more comic book reviews (this time, Feature Comics), more ready-made Supporting Cast Members, and -- cut from Supplement III: Better Quality --suggestions for gaming in aerial,...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 7

The Trophy Case vol. 1, no. 7

The Trophy Case newsletter returns with new stuff for the Aviator, Mysteryman, and Scientist classes, a big interview with upcoming module writer Steve Lopez, Golden Age hero write-ups, and comics! Your quarterly dose of HIDEOUTS & HOODLUMS goodness is still all free! ...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 1

The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 1

The Trophy Case newsletter ain't a newsletter anymore -- it's a 20-page 'zine!  This time we've got contributions from five different authors, including new mobsters and stats for Nazis, rules for adjusting H&H to the Silver Age, an in-depth look at a classic Captain Marvel adventure, 100 random clues, an optional skill system for H&H, and a special 7-page 1940 Duluth Gazeteer, complete enough...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 2

The Trophy Case vol. 2, no. 2

The Trophy Case 'zine is back with a special fan fiction-themed issue.  But if fanfiction's not your thing, don't despair; this issue still has pure H&H goodness, including an alternate hand-to-hand combat system for you to try, two new mobsters (that are on your side!), and a sneak peek at what Supplement IV will look like!  All this, and you still get some great Golden Age public domain artwork...   [click here for more]
Great Scott! Press  Pay What You Want

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Weather generator for any RPG

Weather generator for any RPG

  This Weather tool is a batch program that means it uses cmd window not a user interface with windows. This is truly old school. It is a simple program and is 100% safe that being said I am a unknown publisher to your computer and it will pop up a window saying that it might be dangerous to run it is not and if you down load it and open it in note pad you can read the code to see it is safe or even...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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Your Tool Maker

Your Tool Maker

  This  tool is a batch program that means it uses cmd window not a user interface with windows. This is truly old school. It is a simple program and is 100% safe that being said I am a unknown publisher to your computer and it will pop up a window saying that it might be dangerous to run it is not and if you down load it and open it in note pad you can read the code to see it is safe or even change...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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5E Compatibility Logo

5E Compatibility Logo

Hey Creators, do you need a logo to show you're 5e compatible? Feel free to use this one- it's released under both OGL and CC-BY, so knock yourselves out; I'd just appreciate a small shout-out in your credits :D ...   [click here for more]
Morgajel  Pay What You Want

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Bar Maker program

Bar Maker program

this program will create a bars name and then ask you how many tabels you want in the bar and how full the bar is with people. then it will amke the bar and even fill it with people and what can be pick pocketed  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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Bukur Fifette's Puzzle Door

Bukur Fifette's Puzzle Door

This simple digital puzzle has a small hook to help insert it in your world and run a puzzle that should be enjoyable for the whole party. There are 3 versions of the puzzle to help suit the difficulty to your party. ...   [click here for more]
Mind Weave RPG  Pay What You Want

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Goyan Abbey Scroll Puzzle

Goyan Abbey Scroll Puzzle

This simple digital puzzle presents a puzzle to find a secret entrance into an abbey of friars who venerate Friar Pedro who stopped the bandit El Margato, including art courtesy of Frascico Goya.  ...   [click here for more]
Mind Weave RPG  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 1

GrottZine nr 1

Äntligen här! Det har länge funnits ett sug efter ett svenskt Old Schoolfansin. Detta 16-sidiga häfte är just precis det. GrottZine föddes ur konventet Grottröj, som sedan det startades visat att det finns ett glödande intresse för dåtidens rollspel både nu och framöver. Förhoppningen är att hädanefter komma ut med ett läsvärt nummer per Grottröj – fyra nummer per år. Med det...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 2

GrottZine nr 2

Nu börjar jag förstå vad det innebär att vara redaktör. Det är lite som att lägga pussel, fast man får inte ett pussel med färdigt motiv utan ett gäng bitar i olika storlek med olika motiv som ska passas in i en ram. Helst på en bestämd tid också. Tur att problemlösning och kreativitet är det som är roligast med den här hobbyn. Detta pussel blev några artiklar och en slumptabell....   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 3

GrottZine nr 3

Välkommen till det tredje numret av Sveriges bästa Old School-fansin! Det här numret har en tydlig klang av illustration och gör-det-själv.  Dels bekantar vi oss med illustratörerna Jim och Martin (som gjort bilden nedan) som på olika sätt är inspirerade av eller inblandade i Old Schoolrörelsen, och dels bjuder vi på en guide i hur man gör en schysst dungeonkarta om man är lite mindre...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 4

GrottZine nr 4

Fjärde numret av GrottZine! Numret bjuder bland annat på en exposé om illustratören Björn Ramsten, del 1 av äventyret Zyhokochevs krypta och fem förunderliga artefakter. ...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 5

GrottZine nr 5

Grottröj har vid det här laget blivit ett positivt återkommande inslag i hobbyn. Vid flera tillfällen har nybörjare till rollspel i allmänhet och Old School i synnerhet blivit introducerade till det genom Grottröj, så vitt jag vet med bra erfarenheter. För oss arrangörer känns det alltid positivt och lite nervöst när nya personer hör av sig och vill vara med. Pressen blir alltid lite...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 6

GrottZine nr 6

Sjätte numret av Sveriges bästa old-school-fansin är här. Det här är första gången vi försöker oss på ett temanummer, så luta dig tillbaka och dyk ner i genren Sword & Planet, med allt vad den har att erbjuda! ...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 7

GrottZine nr 7

GrottZine nr 7 är ett temanummer helt fokuserat på genren Sword & Planet, där inspiration kommer från exempelvis Edward Rice Burroughs historier om John Carter på Mars. Numret innehåller bland annat en artikel om vad genren är och kampanjvärlden Callistodimman. ...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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GrottZine nr 8

GrottZine nr 8

Detta sista nummer av fansinet GrottZine väger in på 20 sidor, där huvudnumret är ett saftigt äventyr i en djungeldal. Vi har även med en intervju med Mark Hunt, som genom diger erfarenhet har tips och råd på hur man producerar egna rollspelsprodukter. ...   [click here for more]
Björn Wärmedal  Pay What You Want

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Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

Want realistic rules for what happens if characters don't sleep in the world's greatest roleplaying game? Here! Using at most slightly modified 5E rules, you can use this one-page supplement quickly and easily attach sleep rules to your campaign in no time. And if you find these frequently useful, you can even use this page in a GM screen! ...   [click here for more]
Noah Kastin  Pay What You Want

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Stronghold Battle Map

Stronghold Battle Map

Everybody loves a fortress fight! Maybe some thieves that invaded the street fair and want to steal the merchants? Maybe some enemies got the stronghold and now they want to fight and you need to protect the people out there? So what about a battle next to a stronghold, right in front of the caos from some little shops lying around? Do you need to protect the building or the people? Do you need acess...   [click here for more]
cecimaps  Pay What You Want

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Treasure Map Scroll Puzzle

Treasure Map Scroll Puzzle

The scroll puzzle format is particularly well-suited to treasure maps because the picture revealed by completing the puzzle is the reward itself. Check out this treasure map for yourself before getting the generator to make treasure map puzzles that fit your world better. ...   [click here for more]
Mind Weave RPG  Pay What You Want

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Azaroth the Devourer

Azaroth the Devourer

This adventure bundle provides unique battle maps with alternate versions for DMs and players, tokens, and a whole new fiend with stats to use in your games! Within the shadowed confines of a haunted castle atop the mountain, an ancient and wicked demon lord, known as Azaroth the Devourer, has taken root. Azaroth is a creature of unfathomable power and malevolence, whose very presence corrupts and...   [click here for more]
JB-Media  Pay What You Want

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Crossword Dungeons: Lair of the Rogue's Riddle

Crossword Dungeons: Lair of the Rogue's Riddle

Love crossword puzzles? Need a quick dungeon map for this week's session? You can have both when you download Crossword Dungeons!      The Lair of the Rogue's Riddle has remained unsolved for too long. Explore its corridors as you solve the mystery of its construction, and open the infamous unopenable box. ...   [click here for more]
5Realms Publishing  Pay What You Want

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