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Color Your Maps are just that- generic system game maps meant for miniature use!
Scaled to a one-inch grid, these maps are perfect for practically any system. Simply use your own crayons, markers and colored pencils to add color how you desire. Use markers or pens to add extra details! You can even print each map out on thick card stock using a laser printer and them fill in with water colors. The... [click here for more] |
Tayna Laubacher |
Pay What You Want
 Just in time for Halloween, a 5e compatible comic horror adventure from Andi Straube Art. For 4-6 players, run time 3-5 hours, this tabletop one shot is pits unusual characters against cultists in an odd little forgotten church. Can you stop the cultists before they open the Hell Gate or is the world doomed? ... [click here for more] |
Andi Straube Art |
Pay What You Want
In this small 20 page adventure module, centered around an archaeological dig, revisit Bull Creek and find out the secret behind what really lies in the hero Vertrixx Mazilaxx's sarcophagus. To do so, you'll have to meet up with master archaeologist Geranimus to delve deep into the ground. On the surface, politics boil and tensions between species... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 25 page Gothic Horror adventure module, find the secret of the small village of Vaukelberg, where disappearances have led to a mysteriously empty town. Something is buzzing in the wheat fields, and the adventurers may not be hardy enough to survive the horrible Vander Cainse's idea of Perfect Corruption.
Perfect Corruption- a 5e... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 14 page adventure module, help the small village of Bull's Creek and a druidic grove when a powerful nature spirit gets sick and lashes out. Can your players stand up to the sickness that seeks to kill not only the organism that is the forest but, everyone else around too?
Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess- a 5e SRD adventure for... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 20 page adventure module, discover an island infested with giant spiders and hope that you don't get caught too deep in their web...
Spider Isle- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 4, 7 or 10.
In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
The Horror at the Harvest Time Hoedown is an original and over-the-top comedic horror adventure for a level 5 group of adventurers. The adventure features corn monsters, Cornfederate civil war re-enactors, and bitter satire from a jaded ethicist...
Also, did I mention... [click here for more] |
Wolfenrat Games |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to your card-based dungeoneering tool kit! This set of cards can be printed on cardstock to create infinite dungeons to explore as you venture Into the UnknownTM.
You can use this deck with your roleplaying games or as a board game for use with any rule system you choose. This booklet provides you with minimalist rules focused on showing you how you can use these cards in your games. ... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to your card-based dungeoneering tool kit! This set of cards can be printed on cardstock to create infinite dungeons to explore as you venture Into the UnknownTM.
You can use this deck with your roleplaying games or as a board game for use with any rule system you choose. This booklet provides you with minimalist rules focused on showing you how you can use these cards in your games. ... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to your card-based dungeoneering tool kit! This set of cards can be printed on cardstock to create infinite encounters as you venture Into the UnknownTM.
You can use this deck with your d20 roleplaying games or any rule system you choose. This booklet provides you with minimalist rules focused on showing you how you can use these cards in your games. ... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to your card-based wilderness adventure tool kit! This set of cards can be printed on cardstock to create infinite wilderness maps as you venture Into the UnknownTM.
You can use this deck with your d20 roleplaying games or any rule system you choose. This booklet provides you with minimalist rules focused on showing you how you can use these cards in your games. These cards are intended to... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
This short supplement to Jybe-Ho! Is designed for use as a way to complicate your player's lives through bad rig design. If your players are overconfident in their sailing abilities, or you just want to introduce absurd and mediocre rigs as an additional challenge, this is the way to do it.
Based around the Jackass Brig and Jackass Bark rigs, this supplement for GMs will give you the tools... [click here for more] |
Ludos Calis Longa |
Pay What You Want
Excite your players by giving them an actual chest to loot after beating a big baddy, or a dungeon! Fill it with item cards, gold coins, and gems!
This chest prints on a single sheet of 8.5x11in paper.
Include Blank Template, in case you want to make it out of a material, instead of printing.
It is easy to cut out and assemble. Instructions are included on the same PDF that the chest... [click here for more] |
Patrick Mitchell Johnston |
Pay What You Want
Do you want to play a quick role playing game with streamlined rules and a simplified mechanic for every choice? I've designed a coin-flip based system for the world's most popular ttrpg. Players use coin flips for nearly every aspect of the game and create a collaborative story in 5 to 15 minute scenes. Play it as a gritty survival experience, horror campaign, or a silly and playful game. Pecunia... [click here for more] |
Gestalt Game Master |
Pay What You Want
Moving around a harbor; evacuating a wreck; carrying cargo out from a beach; running up on a beach to pick up passengers; leisure fishing; small ferries; lake excursions; chasing whales; lazy afternoons on the local pond. What do all of these have in common? Small, open boats under oars, sail, or both. Small boats are just about everywhere, doing just about everything except crossing oceans (and sometimes... [click here for more] |
Ludos Calis Longa |
Pay What You Want
Our first issue for 2021 is here, and as always, it’s packed with interviews, features, reviews and opinion covering all manner of boardgame related stuff. In part two of our extensive interview with Sandy Petersen he reveals a lot about the business end of things during these tough times, while our chats with Richard Breese and Dan Hallagan open a window into the flipside of boardgame design. We... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
Yes, it’s another bumper-sized, jam-packed issue of Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine, and it’s still entirely FREE to download and subscribe.
Among the many delights we have for you inside this issue, we’ve got An Introduction to 18XX games, An Interview with Splotter Spellen, a 10-page sample preview of our forthcoming UK Games Expo Boardgame Preview PDF, an extended collection of Puzzles and Crosswords... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu
Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time.... [click here for more] |
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Oracle's Temple is a one page adventure in which the party can either search for answers or treasure, but maybe a bit of both. The oracle offers prophecy in exchange for a tribute to her powers as a medusa.
This title is "pay what you like" so if you don't pay, that's cool. I do ask though, that instead you leave me some feedback so I can improve future work. However tips are always appretiated.... [click here for more] |
pinupsbyindi |
Pay What You Want