Raised by dark funeral rituals, mummies hobble out of a dead temple or tomb. Awakened from its rest, the mummy punishes the aliens with an unholy curse.
The pack contains 9 tokens:
3 top-down Animated tokens (.WEBM)
3 top-down Static tokens (.PNG, .WEBP)
3 Portrait tokens (.PNG, .WEBP)
This map was supported by our Patrons. Have a great games! ... [click here for more]
28mm paper miniatures terrain set for assembling a graveyard, i suggest you to take the various previous set of ghosts and undead to fill it. ... [click here for more]
Classic ready to print black and white tokens for roleplaying games, in dark convention.
Compatibile with:
Mork Borg
Rengers of Shadow Deep
Księga Stali
Agonia - ponura gra fabularna ... [click here for more]