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 Hottest Old-School Revival (OSR), Christmas in July Sale
 Hottest Community Old-School Revival (OSR), Christmas in July Sale
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Shadow of the Deep King

Shadow of the Deep King

Shadow of the Deep King OSE Level 4 to 6 A 46-page Port Waterby Adventure. Once upon a time, this was Dwarf land, with all their stone houses and secret tunnels. But then, they vanished, like they were never here. And we came along, making our homes in this old, empty place. Some of their buildings were still standing, but they were like empty shells, missing all the cool stuff they used to have....   [click here for more]
Glenn Robinson  Pay What You Want

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Montezuma's Revenge

Montezuma's Revenge

Praise Tonatiuh and pass the ammunition! Set in the modern day, in the real world or your fantasy version. You are an elite group of  mercenaries hired to protect the participants of a spiritual session, leading to an adventure across Mexico to discover a secret hidden by an Aztec priest centuries ago. Features an exciting conclusion that gives you a chance to resurrect the Aztec empire. Suitable...   [click here for more]
SpaceRoadie  Pay What You Want

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The Braunhaven Custom Referee's Screen Inserts

The Braunhaven Custom Referee's Screen Inserts

Designed for Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy.  A referee needs quick access to information and The Braunhaven Referee's Screen offers a compilation of charts from across the Old-School Essentials books, all geared towards the Braunhaven Campaign Setting. Designed to work in custom referee screens, such as those made by Talon & Claw, Dogmight Games, Wyrmwood...   [click here for more]
Christopher Wilson  Pay What You Want

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Meanderings #2

Meanderings #2

“The Warpwaste stared back as we stood atop the wall. The city of Baz’tien, had become Bastion, the last city. The Kings are dead, long live the guilds. but the legacy of the Warp Wars will outlive us all.” -Jaren Discaul, Chronicler Welcome to the second issue of Meanderings. The theme of this issue is Outside the Box. In this issue, A plethora of articles, an overview of the soon...   [click here for more]
Epic Meanderings  Pay What You Want

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Meandering - Across the Radlands #1

Meandering - Across the Radlands #1

Meandering - Across the Radlands #1. Welcome to the GLOW. Where were you when the bombs fell? Did you make it to the ShelterTek Shelter? Are you one of the mutated survivors? Whithin the pages of this inaugural issue, you will find: The Buggeymen, a new sub-class of Insecta mutants. The Vault of the Ancients contains sixteen new artifacts for seekers to find. Expanded weapons, armor, and occupations...   [click here for more]
Epic Meanderings  Pay What You Want

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Meanderings #4

Meanderings #4

“A good earthy witch is more honest than some city rogue tricked out in black cone-hat and robe of stars,” ― Fritz Leiber, Swords Against Wizardry Inside you will find Sword & Sorcery Conversions for Demi-human classes. Crimson Tabards - Rules for running funnels with less players. Black Grimoires - What Secrets lie within the Apprentice’s Grimoire? Midaes - A New Patron write-up based...   [click here for more]
Epic Meanderings  Pay What You Want

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Meanderings #3

Meanderings #3

“What sets me apart from the others? I have the strength of an ogrek, the speed of a black weasel, and an eighteen inch grauln spike embedded in my left arm. Now, what do you want me to eviscerate?” Fjer Teffisc, Graft Spring 2018 brings a new year for Meanderings. I review the Mike Evan’s Hubris campaign. Tools of the Trade details and expands thieves tools. Next up are new weapon styles, and...   [click here for more]
Epic Meanderings  Pay What You Want

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Meanderings #5 - EM005P

Meanderings #5 - EM005P

“Law and Chaos?" I said. "They're not the same as good and evil, I'm told." "Merciful heavens, no! Not at all. Not at all. Evil is a cruel and selfish thing. Chaos can be wild and generous, and just as some Lords of Law are self-sacrificing and concerned for others, so are some Lords of Chaos.” ― Michael Moorcock, The White Wolf's Son: The Albino Underground Inside you will find Choosing...   [click here for more]
Epic Meanderings  Pay What You Want

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