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The stars gutter and the skies fade and the earth grows weary with years. Ages of men and of Outsiders have ascended and been forgotten, and only the bones of their cities and the dust of their dreams remain upon this tired world. The Legacy of their laws is woven deep now, the edicts of dead gods and fallen sorcerer-kings made to trace patterns of power we no longer understand. We are heirs to... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
The world is neon and dust.
There is nothing more than the flesh. There is nothing greater than the wires. There is nothing to dream that is not sold and nothing to worship that is not made. It is a mirrorshade world of human reflections, every red hunger and every black passion worshiped in cathedrals of glass and greed. The great love their sins like children and the least want only... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
The year is 3200 and mankind's empire lies in ashes.
The Jump Gates fell six hundred years ago, severing the links between the myriad worlds of the human diaspora.
Now, the long isolation of the Silence falls away as men and women return to the skies above their scattered worlds.
Will you be among them once more?
Stars Without Number: Revised Edition... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
Welcome to DM Yourself – a guide for soloing existing adventures/campaigns written for Fifth Edition (5e), other editions of D&D or OSR. The system enables you to play these adventures with a single character, as close to the way they are written as possible. The aim is to allow players to enjoy these adventures solo with the minimum of preparation, work or additional rules, and maximum... [click here for more] |
Tom Scutt |
Unleash new magic in BX-style settings
BX Options: Alternate Magicks is a modular system for customising spell casting in your setting. Fully compatible with all B/X style games, Alternate Magicks includes:
24 high-level cleric & druid spells, up to 7th level
60 high-level magic-user & illusionist spells, up to 9th level
8 new spell casting classes
Cantrip generator
Divine rites, faith magic,... [click here for more] |
The Welsh Piper LLC |
The Exciting Sequel to the ENNIE Award-Winning Gods of the Forbidden North has Arrived!
Gods of the Forbidden North is a massive, three-volume mega-adventure series written for the Old-School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy tabletop role-playing game by Necrotic Gnome. It details a campaign setting, a wilderness hex-crawl,... [click here for more] |
Pulp Hummock Press |
This book aims to be the most complete, most comprehensive, most innovative authority on solo tabletop roleplaying game adventuring ever produced.
After more than 30 years of gaming, both old-school through to today's most popular systems, the Solo Adventuring Toolkit culminates a lifetime's passion for the hobby into a massive volume that can be instantly useful... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
*Includes Full-detail and simplified VTT maps in a .zip folder.
The all-time best selling Shadowdark title on DriveThruRPG! Where the realms of Law and Chaos collide lie the Borderlands: war-torn wilds yearning to be explored and settled. Your adventuring party has been hired to clear out a Borderlands keep infested with monsters. Once empty, it falls upon you to rebuild the keep and explore the... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
COMPLETELY UNFATHOMABLE combines the whole of Jason Sholtis’ (The Dungeon Dozen) 2018 Ennie Award-winning adventure Operation Unfathomable with its new companion volume Odious Uplands. All of the material from the OU Players Guide is included as well.
In Operation Unfathomable, fledgling adventurers descend into... [click here for more] |
Hydra Cooperative |
There's a dragon in the woods.
Those friendly dwarves were the first to go, the poor things. And now the beast has been killing and eating the people of Brandonsford. No-one wants to leave the town's walls. With the humans out of the forest, fairies have taken over, and now the goblin king Hogboon seeks to claim the entire forest as his new kingdom.
The Black Wyrm of... [click here for more] |
Chance Dudinack |
First glimpsed in the pages of the Worlds Without Number RPG, an unfathomably far-future world of decadent sorcery and daring blades is now revealed in the Atlas of the Latter Earth. More than two hundred pages of fact and surmise are packed into this gazetteer, a full setting guide trimmed with additional game content for Worlds Without Number... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
 Inspired by Classic Video Game RPGs of the 80s!
Classic Game Adventures – or CGA for short – is a series of systemless fantasy RPG aids for use with any game. Each entry in the series is inspired by the computer RPGs of the 1980s, bringing mindless fun to your next session.
Within this deck you will find 50 NPCs. Each one deepens the world of... [click here for more] |
Philip Reed Games |
Designed for use with the 4-time Ennie Award Winning Shadowdark RPG, ACKS II, and other fantasy role playing games, this supplement provides an iconic drop-in location for any town or city in your campaign. The Oyster is a cursed brothel that is routinely destroyed and rebuilt after freak accidents set it ablaze! Included, you will find a slew of wild and crazy NPCs, new magic items, expanded social... [click here for more] |
Black Lodge Games |
How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox!
Starting in 2009, I wrote a series of 24 posts on the Bat in the Attic Blog covering the different aspects of creating a hexcrawl formatted setting. Now that the blog posts are completed, I have combined and rewritten these posts into a single book. In addition to advice about creating your setting, the posts flesh out the Isle of Pyade into a small setting that... [click here for more] |
Bat in the Attic Games |
Feats of Exploration is an alternate reward system for your favorite XP-based roleplaying game!
Don't just dole out XP for monsters defeated and treasure gained; award concrete and systemetized XP for specific exploration activities that help to encourage the old-school play style. Examples include:
Completing quests
Overcoming traps
Utilizing equipment in creative ways
Manipulating... [click here for more] |
3d6 Down the Line LLC |
Dragonslayer: The Ultimate OSR Game System for Old-School Role-Playing Enthusiasts
Step into the Golden Age of Role-Playing Games with Dragonslayer, an OSR (Old-School Renaissance) game system that brings the classic magic, adventure, and wonder of 1980s tabletop RPGs to life! Built for fans of D&D-inspired OSR gameplay, Dragonslayer combines the... [click here for more] |
OSR Publishing |
D100, D20, and D10 Random Tables for Fantasy Tabletop RPGs
Unleash creativity in your tabletop RPG sessions with this resource for dungeon masters and game masters. Packed with random tables, this book adds depth and detail to your Dungeons and Dragons and other fantasy campaigns.
Features include:
Common Items: Tables for coinage, equipment, tools, potions, and... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
$9.99 $8.99
As the last sliver of light from the surface disappeared behind her, the witch whispered one final incantation, a quiet prayer to the old gods, to any who might still listen.
"Please. Let me return."
And with that, she descended into the ShadowDark.
Witches have long been a part of Fantasy, from fairy tales to fiction to RPGs. Now, you... [click here for more] |
The Other Side Publishing |
$24.00 $20.00
This book was designed to be the most complete, most comprehensive, most innovative authority on hexcrawl roleplaying game adventuring ever produced.
After more than 35 years of gaming, both old-school through to today's most popular systems, the Hexcrawl Toolkit takes one of the hobby's oldest and most enduring concepts, and provides a passionate and well-organized... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Fill your Old-School Essentials role-playing game with four new tales of weirdness and whimsy. Wyvern Songs is an anthology of original adventures written by Brad Kerr. Drop one into an ongoing campaign, run one as a one-shot, or mash them together in a fantasy sandbox with an included hex map.
Featuring art by Matt Stikker, Sam Mameli, Amanda Lee Franck, Tyler Smith Owings, Will... [click here for more] |
Swordlords Publishing |
Baptism of Fire is an OSR RPG set in the dawn of the Polish monarchy in the early medieval period. It is a complete rulebook and setting. As a setting, it is “medieval authentic,” meaning that it is set in our own historical Earth rather than a fantasy world, but this is the world as the people living in the setting imagined and envisioned it. That is to say, religion, magic, and monsters all exist... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Expand the options available in your ShadowDark game with a powerhouse supplement offering a wealth of choice for Shadowdark players and GMs.
Alternative Background Table (20 options that won't conflict with new classes).
24 Ancestries including Dragonborn, Hawkfolk, and Changelings.
36 new Classes from Beastmaster to Charlatan to Oracle to Thug to Valkyrie.
30 gemstones and metallic trade bars to... [click here for more] |
Chubby Funster |
Every home needs its heroes…
Your small village seems like a haven to you and your friends, but it is not safe.
Dangerous faeries lurk in the forest just outside of town, wicked men and ferocious monsters are a constant threat, and sometimes dark forces find their way into your neighbors’ hearts. You and your companions are young and untested, but ready to protect what matters.... [click here for more] |
Flatland Games |
Swords & Wizardry is the ENNIE award-winning retro-clone of the original 1974-1978 rules for Dungeons & Dragons*, an edition usually called Original D&D or "OD&D."
This is a complete game, with rules for character generation, monsters, magic items, encounter tables -- the whole works. It is non-OGL: the original game is re-created using the creative commons grant from Wizards of... [click here for more] |
Mythmere Games |
Tales of Argosa (aka Low Fantasy Gaming 2e) is a Sword & Sorcery inspired Emergent Play Adventure Game, for groups or solo. Adventures are short, sharp, and focused on dangerous wilds, treacherous cities, fierce battles, daring exploits, perilous magic, fabulous treasures, and cosmic weird.
The 11' x 8.5' Hardcover includes... [click here for more] |
Pickpocket Press |
$49.95 $44.95
Do you sometimes wish you didn't have to put in so much effort into engaging your players? Wouldn't it be nice if they couldn't wait to play around in your world? If they were pushing you to spend more time in the land you create?
That's why I developed these downtime procedures over decades of play and now I can share it with you!
What's in it?
Systems that motivate players
Simple usable procedures... [click here for more] |
Hack & Slash Publishing |
$19.99 $12.99
Unleash the power of arcanotech and the willful might of eldritch Shadows on your Stars Without Number campaign with the Codex of the Black Sun.
In this supplement for the award-winning Stars Without Number sci-fi RPG, you'll get all the tools you need to add space magic and interstellar sorcery into your campaign. Advice... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
It is 1941 and the Nazis control Europe, aided by occult magic and supernatural horrors. In response, Winston Churchill creates the Extraordinary Operations Executive (XOE). Comprised of magicians, wonder workers, and other remarkable operatives, this elite agency confronts the forces of eldritch darkness as well as the Nazi... [click here for more] |
M.T. Black Games |
ShadowSun is a dark, apocalyptic, desert setting designed for use with ShadowDark. It presents a bleak world scorched by an angry sun and defiled by powerful Mage-Kings. A land where metal, food, and water are scarce resources. Player ancestries are Elves, Dwarves, Hawkfolk, Humans, Lizardfolk, and Mantisfolk. Class choices are Explorers, Mentalists (psionics), Shamans, Sorcerers, and Warriors. Extensive... [click here for more] |
Chubby Funster |
An ancient temple to the forgotten god of swords lies hidden behind a waterfall. Great piles of swords choke its halls and spill out into nearby streams and waterways. What strangeness still treads and what swords will you draw in the Temple of 1000 Swords?
***Rated "THE BEST" by Bryce Lynch of Tenfootpole***
A tarot-inspired fantasy RPG dungeon delve for 3rd level characters
Created... [click here for more] |
Swordlords Publishing |
Enter the frozen northern province of an Empire in turmoil, inspired by the greatest CRPG of all time.
Create an enduring ShadowDark campaign as you traverse a massive map with over 200 keyed locations and 450 encounters.
Play as Catfolk, Dark Elf, High Elf, Imperial, Lizardfolk, Nord, Orc, or Wood Elf.
Choose one of the Nine Divine Signs to guide you; the Blade, Coin, Dragon, Eye, Falcon, Horn, Fist,... [click here for more] |
Chubby Funster |
You are already a great Dungeon Master. You run a game really well.
What's the difference between a room and a chamber? What's the difference between a mausoleum, a sepulcher, and a crypt? Would disarming traps be more exciting if you understood how those complex mechanisms worked? What does a magic trap look like? What does a solar room look like and what's usually inside?
What's in it?... [click here for more] |
Hack & Slash Publishing |
$29.99 $14.99
This book is a Game Master’s aid with detailed information on the nobles (Szlachta) of the medieval Polish Piast Kingdom.
The Polish ruling class has several mythologies of their origins. These myths have created a subculture of their own that serves to distinguish the internal culture, codes of honor, and perception of the duties of the Szlachta. This mythology would come to be called “Sarmatism.”... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Please note that, in addition to new content, this title includes redesigned and corrected content (in whole or in part) from “When Sea Is Calling (legacy)”. If you already own the old version, you can purchase this bundle to get the new version at a lower cost.
When Sea Is Calling is a system-neutral OSR-oriented... [click here for more] |
Atelier Clandestin |
Dungeons ahoy! The hundred-year hurricane surrounding the Triune Isles has suddenly dispersed. Every privateer, explorer, and cutthroat worth their salt is setting a course for the islands, salivating over the century’s worth of untouched treasure that awaits. With the aid of a sponsor, you and your crew must set sail for the Isles and plunder their dungeons before your rivals can. But don’t... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |

Welcome to GM's Toolbox 2!
Get a brain dump from an old friend with decades of RPG experience, from OSR games to 5E. Tons of tables, magic, and wisdom.
What's This Book About?
GM's Toolbox 2 is the result of a devoted tabletop roleplaying nerd sifting through a box containing 35 years' worth of notebooks and scraps of paper and realizing he had a ton of great... [click here for more] |
Kabouter Games |
Life-Paths: A Shadowdark Supplment
Inspired by life-story systems found in other tabletop games, this supplement aims to provide further mechanical and narrative depth to a character’s backstory.
Life-Paths are designed to offer mechanical and narrative flavored boons and banes. They come from key points in a character’s past, with the player holding the power to choose what path is tread, but... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |
Same great game, awesome new look!
This is a new edition of the Warlock! core rules.
New fonts, new layout, new art.
If you have Warlock! already, you don't need this version (but you know you want it!).
Warlock is a rules-light roleplaying game that aims to emulate the feeling of old-school British tabletop games of wondrous and... [click here for more] |
Fire Ruby Designs |
$30.99 $25.99
Adventure awaits. Rumors swirl around the cities, speaking of evil awakening in the Pits of Brund.
A Shadowdark-compatible role-playing game adventure for level 1-6 characters.
Whispers talk of fish-faced man-monsters, gigantic venomous wasps, corrupt wizards, blind cave-mutants, and terrible monsters lurking in the labyrinth. A Shadowdark-compatible role-playing game adventure for level 1-6 characters.
The... [click here for more] |
Menagerie Press |
NOTE: there is a new edition of Warlock available with an updated look and layout!
If you are new to Warlock!, we suggest buying that version. However, the latest PDF file of this edition of Warlock! has also been updated with the minor rules changes... [click here for more] |
Fire Ruby Designs |
Gobelins creep through the chill pine forests and loup-garous cry out under the gibbous moon. Villagers shiver within the palisade, only the midnight churchbells to comfort them in the deep winter night. Cruel Fae and grim beasts and fell pagan spears press in on them from every side, but God and the tales of their mighty heroes of old shall preserve them. This is Montfroid, a cold shore on the... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
Menagerie Press invites you to adventure into the elf-tombs of Moire and Tiar, find Ord’s crypt-tree, battle the Amber Chimera, and recover eldritch baubles and lore.
A Shadowdark-compatible role-playing game adventure collection for level 1-5 characters.
The Queen of Brambles: Elf-Queen Lia's crypt was recently rediscovered. Do you dare disturb her resting place?
Shune's... [click here for more] |
Menagerie Press |
Are we the baddies? No longer confined to the pages of bestiaries: beastmen, bugbears, gnolls, hobgoblins, lizardfolk, orcs, and viperians make their debut as playable ancestries! Learn about each ancestry’s culture and history, then play through six all-new adventures starring these unorthodox characters! This third-party supplement for Shadowdark RPG includes: • New Ancestries: Rules... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
Running a freewheeling city adventure can be hard work, but this book gives you a powerful resource for handling interactions with non-player characters — their names, objectives, abilities, and quirky activities! City Encounters provides 200 daytime encounters and 200 night-time encounters for your characters to run into while exploring the city. Plus, each of the encounters has several alternative... [click here for more] |
Mythmere Games |
Ruthless Heavens, Boundless Fate is an epic Role-Playing Game of cosmic adventure and power cultivation inspired by the LitRPG genre. In it, players play as Ascendants, powerful characters that due to a combination of talent, luck and sheer determination have become the de-facto rulers of their nations. Unfortunately for them, this means little in the cosmic... [click here for more] |
Blackoath Entertainment |
Unlock the Words of Creation for the Godbound role-playing game and arm yourself with mighty tools for the forging of new faiths for whatever games you play.
The Lexicon of the Throne is a sourcebook that contains not only a host of new Words of Creation for your Godbound game, but also extensive guidelines for creating new... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
 Enter the Carnivorous Caverns: An OSE Adventure for Levels 2-4
Beneath the earth slumbers an ancient, sentient cavern system that feasts on souls. When it awakens, it lures its prey with a false village that appears out of nowhere—its streets filled with eerie, hollow-eyed villagers clinging to fragmented memories. Nothing in the village is real, yet everything conspires to drag... [click here for more] |
Phil Tucker |
*includes player handouts and VTT maps in .zip folders
Go to Hell! You’ve signed a deal with a devil promising amazing powers in this life in return for servitude in the next. But after the signatures dried, you found you missed some of the fine print… Gather a party of mortals with buyer’s remorse and plunge into the Nine Circles of Hell. There you will find devils, traps, magic, deceit,... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
BLACK SWORD HACK is a dark fantasy roleplaying game inspired by books such as Michael Moorcock's Stormbringer or Karl Edward Wagner's Kane series. It is a stand-alone game that uses the Black Hack 2nd edition as a foundation and adds a few tweaks.
There are no classes, characters are built according to their origins (Barbarian, Civilized or Decadent).
Tools are included... [click here for more] |
Livres de l'Ours |
 We’re back for more with this third entry in the Deck of Chests series. In this latest set, we present 52 new cards that help answer the question of exactly what is hidden beneath the lid of this locked trunk. Use this deck on its own or combine it with the others in the series to greatly expand your options.
These cards can be useful in a lot of different game systems,... [click here for more] |
Philip Reed Games |