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The ancient game of Dungeons & Dragons is played for victory. We play to improve and learn. There is no fairness of sport nor soporific of power fantasy, merely the earnest exploration of the possible and the fantastic.
Muster is a friendly introduction to the particular ethos and technique of playing D&D as a wargame, a kriegsspiel. It’s for both players and referees interested... [click here for more] |
Arkenstone Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Wizard's Scroll is a new Swords & Wizardry fanzine.
Within you will find all manner of excellent gaming material by some truly creative fans of the game.
2 Races: The Testudo (tortoise men) and Ratfolk
A Spell: Binding Familiars
An NPC for Carcosa
4 Monsters: The Skin Bag, Lightning Monk, Shield Guardian and the Abominable Beastman
7 Magic Items:... [click here for more] |
Seattle Hill Games |
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 The first in the new series called Populated Hexes Monthly, the Shrine of Daothog features a dragonne lair in a sea-side hex of rocky dunes and a cave containing a node of Chaos and the godling it spawned. Includes rules for generating nodes of chaos and adding schools of magic to your B/X-based OSR game.
Populated Hexes Monthly is a monthly release containing 10 pages of unique content, with a goal... [click here for more] |
Third Kingdom Games |
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Auto-Fill Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheets Sheets included: Cleric, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Thief, Warrior & Wizard.
Auto-Fill Fields: Class Title, Class, Ability Score Modifiers, Speed, Initiative, Armor Class, Action Dice, Attack, Crit Die, Crit Table, Saves, Melee Attack, Missile Attack, Lucky Sign. Crit Threat Range for Warrior. Luck Die & Skills for Thief, Sneak... [click here for more] |
Horseshark Games |
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The dreaded Ice Forest! Once a safe passage to the north, now the forest's evil magic seeks to trap and confuse travelers with ever-shifting paths full of terrible dangers. New monsters, new magic items, new magics!
This adventure for character levels 1-3 was designed for Labyrinth Lord but can be used with any old school dungeon-crawling RPG. It is a drop-in locale that can be played through in a... [click here for more] |
Random Order Creations |
Pay What You Want
When huge stones fall out of the night sky,
A deadly curse settles over Gravencross.
Help the village exorcise the Demon Stones.
“The sun had set an hour ago, and the rain lashed down and the wind howled on the dark moor. A storm this late in the season was unusual, but this one seemed different. The clouds were more menacing, tinged... [click here for more] |
MonkeyBlood Design |
Pay What You Want
The great empires have collapsed and the elves and dwarves have gone into hiding in the corners of the earth! Solapetrum is a low fantasy medieval setting made for my table, and this guide presents all of the necessary information to run it at your own. Inside are five human cultures, three new race-as-class options, nine patrons for clerics and cultists, and a glimpse of the world that I use to run... [click here for more] |
Nathan Greene |
Pay What You Want
Howls on the Hill! What evil stirs on that graveyard knoll? Do you have the stuff to find out?
This is a relatively short dungeon crawl module for old school gaming. Included are versions compatible with 3x editions and OSRIC™. This module is intended for low-level characters who aren't afraid of a deadly challenge. If you like playing the original advanced game then this is for you. ... [click here for more] |
Random Order Creations |
Pay What You Want
After some major refinement, this role-playing game has been renamed to Ethera. If you're here looking for the Hands of Ether role-playing system from the Secret Hearth show, you have found it. Ethera and Hands of Ether are one in the same. Ethera is Secret Hearth’s flagship game of reality-warping spells, impactful combat, modular character creation, and monochrome dungeon... [click here for more] |
Secret Hearth |
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Elderberry Inn Icons set includes as follows:
1 ZIP file:
1 folder that includes Character Classes icons (25 icons)
Inside this folder you will also find a folder with some class abilities (17 icons).
1 folder that includes some Conditions (21 SVG icons)
1 folder that includes some Damage icons (14 SVG icons)
1 folder that includes... [click here for more] |
anaislalovi |
Pay What You Want
Intruders! is a complete retroclone of the 1974 edition of The World's Most Recognizeable Role-Playing Game, complete with minor adaptations and quality-of-life updates for a new generation of Old School Revival adventure role-playing game enthusiasts.
Fighting-Man and Cleric character levels up to 10, and Magic-User levels up to 16
Complete randomized encounter charts
Updated and extensive... [click here for more] |
Monkey's Paw Games |
Pay What You Want
The world didn’t end. It was close. Some things fell apart, others took their place. This is the post- without the apocalypse. We should be celebrating, but we are too busy orienting ourselves in this new world, finding a place to live in, or even an identity, we can live with. Not just surviving. We hit the road, or stayed nearby. We sought out solitude, or community. We connected,... [click here for more] |
Martin Ackerfors |
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Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Template files
Arcane Magick artwork
Divine Magick artwork
Grab the official Art Pack (Magick Cards) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
In my absent-mindedness, I inevitably find my pockets filled to the brim with an assortment of junk — old receipts, tickets, coins, broken flash drives, notes, pencil stubs, tiny seashells, material samples, pieces of wire, screwdriver bits, ink bottles, and so on and so forth. In this module, I have tried to invoke the horrors of the endless potential of bottomless pockets that my method of... [click here for more] |
Ransvind |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Border files
Grab the official Art Pack (Cartouches) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control
V1: Uploaded July... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
 Looking for some weird and fun creatures to throw at your players? LOOK NO FURTHER.
Things that Haunt the Darkness contains 28 fully illustrated monsters to add some fun to game night. ... [click here for more] |
Lucky Chapel Gaming |
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Post Apocalyptic Equipment Cards, Volume III
This third set of cards designed for use with the Mutant Future game created by Goblinoid Games, though easily adaptable to other OCR type game systems for sci-fi or sci-fantasy type settings. The Print and Play PDF consists of four face sheets, four backing sheets (alternating) with the face sheets consisting of six cards each. Also, the PDF version consists... [click here for more] |
The Knotty-Works |
Pay What You Want
Every piece of information for your B/X, Old School Essentials, and Labyrinth Lord monsters at your fingertips on these 6" x 6" cards! Not just standard stats like hit dice and armor class, but full treasure listings, attack tables, and saving throws on each card! Easily converted to other OSR games like Adventurer Conqueror King, and Swords & Wizardry. ... [click here for more] |
Cunning Plan |
Pay What You Want
 The Old-School Essentials Spell Book is a printable, small-sized make-your-own spell book for the gorgeous Old-School Essentials tabletop RPG written by Gavin Norman / Necrotic Gnome. Print it out, cut it, fold it, and you’ll have a little flip-through zine where you can record your magic user’s spells from levels 1 to 6. You can also mark... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
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