In the wake of the apocalypse the mutants and super-evolved animals emerged. Now, alongside the remaining humans, they struggle to survive in a world of enigmatic ruins, deadly perils, and super science. You and your band of Rangers are dedicated to wander this transformed Earth in search of adventure and mystery, to help those who are in need, and unravel the slumbering secrets of the ancients.
Free... [click here for more]
Synthetic Dream Machine: Eternal Return Keya psychedelic roleplaying game with dice and a referee
Strap on your riot pleather suit.
Activate your eater sword.
Get on your thermonuclear bike.
Raise your verdazul baobab salient crest.
And ride towards the tremor of civilization to discover why your dry husk was reawakend in a vat of preservative oil. There is a... [click here for more]
The character sheet for The Electrum Archive RPG.
What is The Electrum Archive?
The Electrum Archive is a science-fantasy tabletop RPG, inspired by games like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Ultraviolet Grasslands, Suldokar's Wake, and Cairn. It is being developed through zines that detail parts of the world of Orn and add new rules and procedures... [click here for more]
This is the free rules PDF of The Electrum Archive. For a better look at the world of Orn consider picking up the first zine!The Electrum Archive is a science-fantasy tabletop RPG, inspired by games like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Ultraviolet Grasslands, Suldokar's Wake, and Cairn. It is being developed through zines... [click here for more]