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 Перекладено з оригіналу за ліцензією CC BY-NC 4.0 / Translated from the original under CC BY-NC 4.0 licence
Зі смертю Балрога, надія на повернення Морії ожила більше, ніж будь-коли. Тисячі гномів з великих, захованих під горами фортець, збираються... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
re-envisiond classic 1974 inspired ruleset.
somethings are missing, some are added...the way any homebrew version of over 30 years mutates...
drunken adventurers in medieval times, bravely running away from dungeons
death knights being angry at the living....kobolds being miners lost in time...wizards who have no use for petty spells such as magic missiles or sleep and go at it with fireballs. ... [click here for more] |
xal sylath |
Pay What You Want
 Sylath is a retroclone with quite a few unique quirks - always keeping up with the spirit of old school weird and pulp oreinted role playing games of the past.
written by a veteran (over 35 years) in gaming - it is a product made of love and simplicity in mind - yet contains enough materiel (over 115 pages including complete bestiary and easy layout) for longer, more existential campaigns.
the... [click here for more] |
xal sylath |
Pay What You Want
 This is the authorized Dutch translation of Mausritter, the sword and whiskers roleplaying game by Isaac Williams.
Pak het zwaard en zet de snorharen op van een dappere muisavonturier in Mausritter (Muisridders), een avontuurlijk fantasierollenspel.
Dankzij heerlijk snelle en kleurrijke personagecreatie speel je super snel je eigen muisavonturier.
Een... [click here for more] |
Wonderschouw |
Pay What You Want
This is a old school revival rpg for fans or rules lite and osr games. If you like 1 or both of those things then this is the game for you. ... [click here for more] |
Whatever publishing |
Pay What You Want
An uber-lite rules hack for Old School Roleplaying Games. No preamble. WIP
The PDF is A4 sized and pretty print-friendly if you don't print the cover/title page.
Any feedback is much appreciated. The game has so far been fairly extensively playtested by a dozen very loud third graders and a couple parties of adult adventurers. ... [click here for more] |
Western Spaghetti |
Pay What You Want
1pot ruleset for low level OSR style play across your game or retroclone of choice
1pot is a collection of optional modular rules, house rules, and ideas that can bring a grittier feel to other, especially old-school style, roleplaying games - but that in itself also describes a complete simple, abbreviated and rules-lite RPG. The goal is to extend the risky, one-roll-away-from-death,... [click here for more] |
Wedge the Halfling Under the Door! |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision. This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,... [click here for more] |
Wasteland Degenerates LLC |
Pay What You Want
You are a poor knight
A coin flip decides your fate
Become a rich knight
You are a poet
Communicate in haikus
Write down each haiku
You have a background
Roll with a d66
To discover it
Haiku Dragon, Troika
Are this game's influences
Please go check them out ... [click here for more] |
Victory Fish |
Pay What You Want
Carmine is a d20-based tabletop RPG aiming for the tricky middle ground between "ordinary people thrust into the adventuring life" and "fantasy superheroes".
Build the character you want from a vast collection of meaningful mechanical options. Your character's Traits establish their uniqueness, and optional Archetypes facilitate turning your ideas into distinct fantasy personas.
In... [click here for more] |
Víctor Gordillo González |
Pay What You Want
 Candle'bre is an OSR-style fantasy RPG that includes just a splash of Steampunk for flavor. As such, Artificers are very much a "thing" in this game world, and if you're interested in playing one in this setting, then this is the book you want.
Sure, sure, the core rules and campaign setting book will give you enough information to start running a first level Artificer, but if you want the inside... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 The Kellens are hands-down the deadliest fighters in the whole of the Basin. During the Great War, the Dark God who fought against humanity swore that by the time he was finished, there wouldn't be enough Kellens remaining to populate a single village.
The Dark God was wrong (but not by much!), and the Kellens were instrumental in his defeat.
Barbarians in Candle'Bre aren't like the barbarians... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 The single most important thing for spellcasters in Candle'Bre to remember is this: Every spellcasting class has a different understanding of, and relationship with magic.
Where Artificers tend to treat magic as a form of eldritch electricity and seek to cast spells that are reliable and repeatable, Bards are more like "hold my beer" casters. They don't really know what they're doing or why it... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 The single most important thing for spellcasters in Candle'Bre to remember is this: Every spellcasting class has a different understanding of, and relationship with magic.
Whereas Bards tend to be "hold my beer" spellcasters who fly by the seat of their pants, the Cleric gets their power via their belief in, and relationship with one of the handful of gods in Candle'Bre's tiny pantheon.
Candle'Bre... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 There's so much "stuff" to talk about where Clerics and Paladins are concerned that we couldn't fit it all in one book. This then, is Volume II of the Cleric's "splat book" and here, you'll find full details on your vow and oath spells, as well as all the Major Arcana (3rd thru 7th level spells) you'll have access to over the course of your adventuring career.
As with the other books in the Splat... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 Are you looking for something a little different for your next campaign? A little "off the beaten path?"
Candle'Bre might be just the ticket then!
This OSR-style fantasy RPG is drawn from a quartet of fantasy novels I wrote in the long ago. I had thought for years that it would be cool to turn those books into a game, but I never had the time. At least, not until the pandemic hit.
That's how... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 In most fantasy games related to D&D or "D&D-Adjacent" fighters are kind of your classic 'generic character.' They're the class that gets recommended to absolute newbies because they're super easy to play. Just...put your armor on, grab a stick and go beat something to death.
In Candle'Bre, fighters (free-swords in particular) have a long, proud history. These guys have saved the Basin... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 Rangers in Candle'Bre were inspired by three archetypes: Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, Long Rifle from "Last of the Mohicans," and Mel Gibson's character in "The Patriot." If you've seen the movie, just cast your mind back to the scene where he singlehandedly demolished a platoon of Redcoats in the forest.
That's what a Ranger can do in the wilds.
They're out of their element in town, but honestly,... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 Rogues are probably the easiest class to play in Candle'Bre. They're meant to represent the everyman, but with a twist.
Every playable class in Candle'Bre has "one good thing" that they can do, that nobody else has access to, and the Rogue's "one good thing" is a doozy.
They've got a personal relationship with "Lady Luck."
They can "make their own luck" in ways that no other class in the game... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 In many ways, Warlocks are similar to Clerics. They both rely on some greater being for their magical abilities.
The difference is that where the Cleric's powers are derived from a faith-based relationship with that greater being, the Warlock's relationship is much more transactional, and that relationship is tracked via Credit and Debit tokens.
Do something specifically in the service of your... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 Wizards are, of course, the preeminent spellcasters in Candle'Bre. They get more spell points, and their abilities give them more control overall, so they've got a better chance of getting points refunded when casting. That, combined with the fact that they have a lot of spell points to begin with, allows them to cast spells long after everyone else has exhausted their supply of points for the... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
 There was so much "stuff" pertaining to the mighty Wizard class that we couldn't fit it all in one book!
Volume II of the Wizard's Handbook contains every Major Arcana spell on the Wizard's spell list. Each spell has unique augmentations and a chart of effects to reference when casting that spell. You'll find all your 3rd thru 7th level spells here, and as with the rest of the Splat Books, this... [click here for more] |
Velociryx |
Pay What You Want
Battle aXe is a fantasy mass combat supplement for old school tabletop role-playing games, and their clones.
It is designed to accompany your adventures, when you find your character in the middle of a battlefield, or when you, as the player, want to act as a lieutenant and command armies, and crush enemies.
It can also be played as a stand-alone game when all... [click here for more] |
Utku Tönel |
Pay What You Want
This free supplement for old-school RPGs and their retro clones introduces domain-level play, offering a richer, more immersive campaign. Take your seasoned adventurers beyond dungeon crawls and delve into the challenges and rewards of managing your own fiefdom.
Build Your Stronghold: From a simple manor to a towering castle, construct the central hub of your domain.... [click here for more] |
Utku Tönel |
Pay What You Want
Beneath the earth is a place of failed magic that the last wizards locked away before they were slaughtered by heathens, mathematicians, and rogues.
Here, no gods can see you. Your screams echo past rock walls and stone corridors for the scurrying skittering things to hear and draw closer.
The knife in your hand is from someone’s back and you would leave your friends to perish... [click here for more] |
Ursidice |
Pay What You Want
Hey, kid—is combat taking too long? Tired of the same ol’ crit/fumble effects? Then you need /hack.
All attacks hit—no more rolling to miss!
Weapon/armor dice crit/fumble on max/1!
Crit/fumble effects determined by opposing weapon/armor roll!
A5 size! Official GM screen–compatible! Print it on your favorite eyeball-scorchingly yellow paper!
/hack is an independent production... [click here for more] |
Urizenic |
Pay What You Want
These simple rules are yet another iteration used in some of our home games.
The rules have been designed to promote ease of gaming with children. A six- or eight-year old should be able to grasp the basics with only slight input from a parent, though these same kids will probably struggle reading the rules.
Fantasy setting examples are included but the game is meant for any form or gaming with... [click here for more] |
Tyndale Toaster Productions |
Pay What You Want
 “Telling the fortunes of men who live only in dreams.”
That‘s what this game system is for. It’s how I describe the tabletop role playing game hobby in general.
You roll the dice to determine
the fortunes, options, boons and banes of people who we know exist only in our minds.
“Cascading Systems” as a game engine is built for tabletop, pen-and-dice, theater of the mind... [click here for more] |
Twilight Gardens Presentations |
Pay What You Want
Nightblade is a big game in a small package. A New Wave of Traditional Roleplaying Game, Nightblade is inspired by old school and modern design, offering a rules-lite, tactical game that can be read in 10 minutes and put straight on the table.
Inspirations include D&D Basic, 4e, and 13th Age.
Become a virtuous Champion, a shadowy Scoundrel or an arcane Runeweaver, each with their own knacks... [click here for more] |
Trollish Delver Games |
Pay What You Want
Slay is a dungeon-crawling adventure game for 3-5 players that blends old and new school sensibilities. In this download you will find a complete 9-page game of dungeoneering goodness.
In a sea of old-school inspired TTRPGs, what makes Slay so special?
Slay has a unique d6 combat system. Roll a red effort die along with your white task dice. Make a decision to either add the effort die to your... [click here for more] |
Trollish Delver Games |
Pay What You Want
TLG 80107
Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 7th Printing
We’ve moved to the 7th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook. A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school gamer with the easy to use modern mechanics. The Players Handbook has all you need to get started in a wild ride of adventure!
It’s easy... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Pay What You Want
The Blackest Hack is a version of The Black Hack optimized for evil player characters.
THIS GAME IS FOR ADULTS ONLY. ... [click here for more] |
Tragos Games |
Pay What You Want
Shadows of the North is an OSR system of Perilous Dark Age Fantasy Adventure, currently in playtesting. Its inception came as a result of my desire for a faster, sleeker, and deadlier system than other typical fantasy RPGs have to offer- one that relies on rulings rather than rules.
Inspired by Scandanavian Folklore, Celtic Myth, and 1981 B/X D&D, this light d12... [click here for more] |
Tim Santy |
Pay What You Want
Shadows of the North is an OSR system of Perilous Dark Age Fantasy Adventure, currently in playtesting. Its inception came as a result of my desire for a faster, sleeker, and deadlier system than other typical fantasy RPGs have to offer- one that relies on rulings rather than rules.
Inspired by Scandanavian Folklore, Celtic Myth, and 1981 B/X D&D, this light d12... [click here for more] |
Tim Santy |
Pay What You Want
 Starting as a new player in a Cities Without Number campaign, I expect we'll be doing a lot of dying and creating many new characters.
This sheet gives an overview of all the Edges & Foci from the CWN SRD to help you chose what to play next!
Variant Human and Magic User Foci from the CWN deluxe version are not included in this list. ... [click here for more] |
Tim Gangwisch |
Pay What You Want
Become a hero. Protect your community.
FARM Champions is a roleplaying game where you (the players) play young heroes forced by choice or circumstance into embarking on a quest, going on adventures, and taking odd jobs (all developed by the Narrator) to protect and improve your community.
Young Heroes. You will play folks... [click here for more] |
Tim Bannock |
Pay What You Want
Powered by the OGL, inspired by the OSR
Ever run a 5th Edition game and wonder where an important GM-facing rule is? Ever design a dungeon-crawl and grimace when all the PCs can see in the dark unaided What are torches for in this edition, anyway?
Throw out your game master guide* and use this instead! Treasures Just Beyond - O5R GM Hack is here for you!
Treasures Just Beyond - O5R... [click here for more] |
Tim Bannock |
Pay What You Want
Are you a GM who feels like they deserve something more out of the game? Then get ready to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!* With the Microtransaction system and its revolutionary d$ "dice" you can now make all sorts of money off of your players! The first page in the rules for this system can be grafted into any OSR or 5E game, allowing you to raise the stakes for your players and to bring... [click here for more] |
Thunderegg Productions |
Pay What You Want
Grab your D6's! A Public Domain work-a-like framework for everyone's favorite 1975 RPG.
Can be used as alternate rules for your favorite tunnel delving game.
Creators can use as a base for new games. Free use of "Tunnels Perfect" in your published material - no hassle - no fees. ... [click here for more] |
Thomas W. Simpson |
Pay What You Want
Rod, the All Father created Prav, the heavens that hold our sun and three moons. He planted the World Tree whose leaves are home to numerous other realms. He birthed his sons and daughters, our bogs (gods), and bid them to “create something.”
So under the shade of the World Tree his first son Svarog brought forth Yav, or as we named it: Meru. He began... [click here for more] |
This Is The Weird |
Pay What You Want
What is RedHack?
RedHack is a concise, complete package that contains Player Rules, a GM Guide, a Bestiary of 24 classic foes, and a sample adventure. It is a d20 system that blends modern character customization options and OSR gameplay philosophies. RedHack is...
Classless: As your character gains more experience through their adventures, they will become... [click here for more] |
TheNatOne |
Pay What You Want
Deep within a mountain dungeon of this or some other realm lies a tome so powerful that few who have gazed upon it have lived to tell the tale. A dungeon created by an eldritch mind so devious, it is unknown even to you: the erudite apprentice of an equally eldritch mind.
In this solo adventure gamebook, you take on the role of the wizard M'Nop's capable apprentice. Your task is to infiltrate the... [click here for more] |
The Wizard's Tower |
Pay What You Want
 Tired of hand-waving all of the tennis matches in your OSR games?
Hark, seekers of the strange, and behold this mini-game, Where shadowy chance and subtle skill in eerie union burn Upon the tessellated court of the Sport of Kings, Where Fortune's rackets smite with Doughty strokes, eldritch glamour, and cunning guile. The ball swiftly is hurled between players, with each cast... [click here for more] |
The Skull as a Complete Gentleman Co |
Pay What You Want
BASTERD is an amalgam of the best features and choices of 5E, coupled to the best concepts of the OSR movement, and mixed to the level that is best for a solid tabletop campaign. Take time, be careful, and enjoy a different kind of game where the Ability Scores actually matter.
Choosing your Class begins the Creation process.
Species as Class? So it was written,... [click here for more] |
The Rune^Forge |
Pay What You Want
Voici 5 raisons pour vous jouer à Mínimo:
Il tient dans votre poche
Il est facile à apprendre
Ca peut se jouer sans chiffres
Le Minimum utile pour jouer à un JdR
Un jeu de Matheus “Guax”.
Traduction francophone par Kalum de The Rolistes.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike... [click here for more] |
The Rolistes |
Pay What You Want
I am your Maze Master, Abel Enzo, and I welcome you to Enter the Megadungeon - an introduction to dark fantasy classic gaming in The Iron Realm Campaign Setting. Within these pages you will be shown a world of total darkness for The Iron Realm is The Last Realm – the plane that exists after all other worlds have fallen, after even the gods themselves have passed away in the limitless destruction... [click here for more] |
The Iron Realm |
Pay What You Want
Please Note: Currently, this is the same file that is being offered at God Emperor Games. He and I are NOT in any type of competition. I will not offer printed copies of this book. I only decided to include this free PDF as one of my titles to faciltate bundling deals and cross-promotions with third parties that use the FG&G system.
Within these pages lie the keys to open worlds of wonder and... [click here for more] |
The Hawk Wolf Network |
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Wight-Box is a clone, but a clone that is different from many that have come before. The premise of Wight-Box is to pretend it is 1974, and all we have is CHAINMAIL and the 3LBBs. How would we play this game? Wight-Box attempts to look at these rulesets, combing through them, and compiling them in what is hopefully a true and authentic way to 0e that is easy to understand.
I had to change this from... [click here for more] |
The Basic Expert |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Archetypes A-Z
Ancestries A-Z
Grab the official Art Pack (Archetypes and Ancestries) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control
V1:... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Every censored and uncensored image from the bestiary, A-Z
Grab the official Art Pack (Bestiaryl) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want