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Shadowflyght: A Stealth Supplement for Any System

Shadowflyght: A Stealth Supplement for Any System

Stealth can be a group activity. Stealth doesn't have to be an excuse for an easy win. Stealth isn't necessarily pass/fail. Complex stealth environments can be manageable.      With the Shadowflyght system, you will be able to exploit the tensions in the stealth genre as video games have done for 20 years. Now, simulating a stealth environment should be as easy as running any other adventure, tension...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

The Devil with Long Ears on: for CY_BORG

A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam. *NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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Parasitic Infestation at Flame Tongue Temple: for Mork Borg

Parasitic Infestation at Flame Tongue Temple: for Mork Borg

A Dungeon Adventure inspired by Survival Horror Video Games like Resident Evil & Eternal Darkness.  For Mork Borg RPG but easily convertible into most other mainstream OSR style TTRPGs. Includes: •Full History and Lore •10+ New Weapons & Armor •8 New Enemies •d88 random Religious Items •21 room Monastery Dungeon •4 Keys & some light Puzzle...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]

All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants! Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More. Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg. This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with...   [click here for more]
Azathoth Nell Tull  Pay What You Want

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Safety Tools of the OSR Table

Safety Tools of the OSR Table

This is a safety tool kit that details the nature of the gaming table in the early decades of the TTRPG hobby and a few tools that I used or still use that are consitent with that early expeerience.  I'm providing this as a free resource and hope that you may find it helpful.    ...   [click here for more]
R.Sell Games Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Into The Jungle - Character sheet

Into The Jungle - Character sheet

Character sheet for Into the jungle. Print instruction: One A4, both sides. fold it to a "passport". ...   [click here for more]
Missing In Action   FREE 

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The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time....   [click here for more]
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Geff Joldblum Missing In Action

Geff Joldblum Missing In Action

Point crawl one-shot for Into The Jungle. This was a hidden easter egg for 2 years. Created for the person who found it! Now released for everyone. Have fun.  "We have lost all communication with Captain Geff Joldblum. After his last expedition. Sending location 14.0583° ZAGRIDS ZA00 00 0a, marked on field map. Find him and all amber artifacts." ...   [click here for more]
Missing In Action   FREE 

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Ghostlike Crime Character Sheet

Ghostlike Crime Character Sheet

This is the form-fillable character sheet for Ghostlike Crime. Ghostlike Crime is an RPG zine series bringing magical realism, the paranormal, and cryptid terrors to a modern day setting. Compatible with DCC RPG. It expands and hacks the original rule set to place it in a familiar yet darkly skewed world. Get your copy of Ghostlike Crime no.01 here! ...   [click here for more]
Abiology Games  Pay What You Want

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Towers of Kremlin - ПОД БЕЗЫМЯННЫМИ БАШНЯМИ КРЕМЛЯ - авторский

Towers of Kremlin - ПОД БЕЗЫМЯННЫМИ БАШНЯМИ КРЕМЛЯ - авторский

Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018". В данном PDF приведен слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических личностей. Каждое имя заменено завуалированной...   [click here for more]
SmashStar Games  Pay What You Want

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Holiday Special - FREE pdf

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Holiday Special - FREE pdf

Happy Holidays from Bloat Games Table of Contents   Happy Holidays 1 Never Gonna Give You Up 2 You’ll Never Get Me Pot O’ Gold 4 Peter Rottentail 6 Mother Nature Strikes Back 8 Nightmare on Derby Day 10 A Little Patriotic Spirit 12 All Hallows Evil 14 Happy Thankskilling! 16 Beware The Krampus! 18 Other Holiday...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games   FREE 

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El Árbol de la Vida-Aventura

El Árbol de la Vida-Aventura

“EL ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA” es la aventura ganadora del sorteo entre módulos que se presentaron a concurso en las NetCon17, siendo la finalista editada y maquetada por CÓDICE, para que cualquiera de vosotros pudiese publicar con nosotros una aventura con un acabado cuidado y atractivo.   Durante la segunda guerra mundial, un pequeño grupo de personajes del bando aliado, sin nada que perder, deberán...   [click here for more]
Códice Grupo Creativo   FREE 

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El Árbol de la Vida-Vieja Escuela Pulp

El Árbol de la Vida-Vieja Escuela Pulp

“EL ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA” es la aventura ganadora del sorteo entre módulos que se presentaron a concurso en las NetCon17, siendo la finalista editada y maquetada por CÓDICE, para que cualquiera de vosotros pudiese publicar con nosotros una aventura con un acabado cuidado y atractivo.   Durante la segunda guerra mundial, un pequeño grupo de personajes del bando aliado, sin nada que perder, deberán...   [click here for more]
Códice Grupo Creativo   FREE 

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FOREIGN LANGUAGES is a small document listing Languages and how to rate them with an intensity score, for use in FASERIPopedia its associated sourcebooks and the current TIDAL WAVE PRODUCTIONS licensed sourcebooks and new sourcebooks not yet complete. This small document can be printed out for personal use as needed.  This document is mainly intended for use with AGENCY, where the modern world and...   [click here for more]

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MASCOTS, SIDEKICKS AND WARDS is a small document summarising the Sidekick rules already found in the Origin charts in FASERIPopedia. It makes explicit and clear what various entries recorded as well as providing a simple chart to randomly generate the powers, if any, of a Sidekick character. ...   [click here for more]

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Gregorius21778: Ghoul Succedaneum

Gregorius21778: Ghoul Succedaneum

Recently, I had been listening to a sound story base on “Pickman´s Model”, a story of H.P. Lovecraft. At the point in the story where the protagonist was lead through Pickman´s collection by the “man” himself, so that it became clear that (Lovecraft´s) ghouls had a habit of exchanging their progeny with that of mere humans, an idea struck me right out of the blue. Why not opening up a background...   [click here for more]
Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778   FREE 

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Hunting Shadows

Hunting Shadows

As the old saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." History is full of some very bizarre events, some of which remain a mystery to this day. As it turns out, that weirdness is a great starting point for adventure hooks. This resource presents 20 tales of weirdness with varying degrees of uncertainty around them. Some of them have basically been solved or at least have a very reasonable and...   [click here for more]
Raorgen Games   FREE 

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Into The Jungle - Mission Handout

Into The Jungle - Mission Handout

Handout and table for possible mission hook with dinosaurs for Into the Jungle. (2 pages, former easter egg). During Operation Rolling pigs, 3 Perfect symmetrical ember cubes were found, located 5km from each other in a triangle. We have reason to believe that our interaction with the ember objects has opened a path to something the locals call Sự Chết Valley. Core rules:...   [click here for more]
Missing In Action   FREE 

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Light City - La Cabale

Light City - La Cabale

Voici le dernier tome du "triptyque" Light City, le jeu de rôle super-héroïque basé sur l'élégant et classique systère Continual Light. C'est une traduction compilée de la série de suppléments Light City Foes :  une copieuse collection d'affreux à affronter vaillamment ! ...   [click here for more]

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Mítica y Asombrosa Deo #01 Larula

Mítica y Asombrosa Deo #01 Larula

Si preguntáis a eminencias entre los sabios, os contarán que el germen de todo fueron tres ciudades fronterizas y varios pueblos muy próximos entre sí que, tras una prolongada época de paz donde el comercio las regó de forma generosa, hizo que todas desbordaran sus límites hasta fundirse en una sola. Si preguntáis a los bardos y skaldos en las tabernas o en los soportales más concurridos,...   [click here for more]
Códice Grupo Creativo   FREE 

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MOON'S HAUNTED Character Sheet

MOON'S HAUNTED Character Sheet

One-page character sheet meant for MOON'S HAUNTED - the fantasy adventure roleplaying game of dungeon delving and monster hunting on the Moon. Keep track of your adventures, including the ever important equipment loadout, allowing you to measure your Mass at a glance. ...   [click here for more]
Metal Ostrich Games   FREE 

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Player Materials for Deep Morphean Transmissions

Player Materials for Deep Morphean Transmissions

"Hello? Mission control? This is Agent McCormack reporting in. Location... deep dreamscape, second layer, reflection of East-London dockyards. Requesting urgent support. Entire team pinned in combat with unknown assailants."  "At least [fragment missing] on our position. Seemingly human, emerging from the harbour, most with fish-like alterations, many armed. ...I don't know, give me...   [click here for more]
Dying Stylishly Games   FREE 

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The Cthulhu Hack: Deadbeats - Necromancer

The Cthulhu Hack: Deadbeats - Necromancer

It's done. All of the preparations are complete. We can begin. The stars are right. Based on the characters and events from the graphic novel, Necromancer is the second of several short articles that will make up the whole Deadbeats release. Necromancer considers the options and mechanics for handling the concept of death and raising of the dead...   [click here for more]
Just Crunch Games   FREE 

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The Cthulhu Hack: Deadbeats - Performance

The Cthulhu Hack: Deadbeats - Performance

On the run from the mob, Lester scores a desperate gig for his trio. Only trouble is, the booking is for a funeral, over in the backwoods of Illinois—where they sure ain't never heard of Tiger Rag. Based on the characters and events from the graphic novel, Performance is the first of several short articles that will make up the whole Deadbeats release....   [click here for more]
Just Crunch Games   FREE 

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The Faction Machine: A Random Event Generator for Dynamic Sandbox Campaigns

The Faction Machine: A Random Event Generator for Dynamic Sandbox Campaigns

The Free Faction Engine Unleash the hidden gears of your sandbox campaign with The Faction Machine, a system-agnostic tool for GMs seeking dynamic, event-driven worlds. This module equips you to breathe life into factions—kingdoms, cults, and clans—turning them into self-motivated entities that pursue goals, expand influence, and clash in conflict without ever placing too much...   [click here for more]
Cyclopean   FREE 

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Towers of Kremlin - ПОД БЕЗЫМЯННЫМИ БАШНЯМИ КРЕМЛЯ - дословный

Towers of Kremlin - ПОД БЕЗЫМЯННЫМИ БАШНЯМИ КРЕМЛЯ - дословный

Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018". В данном PDF приведен вариант точного перевода оригинала. Слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических...   [click here for more]
SmashStar Games  Pay What You Want

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TIDALWAVE PRODUCTIONS AND FASERIPOPEDIA PRESENT: MONSTERS AMONG US: ZAYA MOON! Zaya was the first of the four Elemental Witch sisters we encounter in the exciting story of the liberation of the Monsters from the clutches of Solomon Kane. Her dark story comes to a horrifying and tragic conclusion, but here she is in all her glory for use in your own games at home!...   [click here for more]

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