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The Enchanter by Wayne Imlach : from Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere
Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why
... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Autumn is nigh,
Chill winds start to bite,
Sit warm by the fire,
And guard against the night.
While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/489583/casket-of-fays-14-a-dragon-warriors-rpg-fanzine-print... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
![Dungeon Crawl Classics - Character Sheets 2-Pack [Thief & Wizard]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/508446-thumb140.jpg) |
Rook's Dungeon |
 Dynamic Encounters saves you time by making game preparation more efficient. By designing Elements, using this method you will quickly build a library of pieces out of which to build scenarios for your players. Additionally, you can use supplemental elements built for the Dynamic Encounter system in your own game with no extra fuss, regardless of which system you use.
This template is for game masters... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Six (6) New Magic Spells
-Three (3) New Monsters
-One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map
-One (1)... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Introducing New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #1
Inside this inaugural issue:
• The Monster Roster: the leech-man and the beguine, with Oe/BX/1e stats • d30 feature: Where Does the Weapon Hit? • Familiars Found: Guidelines for Spellcaster Familiars in New Big Dragon's Universal RPG The System
• A Map of Yal... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
Champion, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. impress your foes with fantastic maneuvers before ending them!
“The same honour waits for the coward and the brave" Ligyron- human champion
Champion calss is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
Struggler, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. high risk high reward is the name of the game, throw caution to the wind, prove your Guts and hit hard!
"In the end the winner is still the last man standing"
Struggler is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Eight (8) New Dwarven Magic Items
-One (1) Tavern Map
-Goblinoid Character Class... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #2
Inside this 32-page Nordic-themed issue:
• The Monster Roster: Linnorms (Oe/BX/1e information for 6 types)
• The Long and Short of the Viking Longhouse (with several sample maps) • Here's the Thing... (folkmotes and fitting them into your adventures)
• The Völva: A New NPC... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Five (5) New Magic Spells
-Six (6) New Monsters
-Two (2) Unstocked Village Maps
-One... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Two (2) new Dwarven races (Clockwork and Stone)
-Chaos magic to beef up your humanoid... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Are you doomed to die but refuse to heed the call of fate?
Is your world crumbling around you and you have nowhere to go but down?
Do you yearn for the tunnels and all that which is ununderstandable?
Then “The Sky is Falling” is here to heed your call.... [click here for more] |
The Flagellant & The Fool |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Two (2) new Dwarven races (Clockwork and Stone)
-Chaos magic to beef up your... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Ready to Get SUDSY?
There have been a slew of robberies happening at random intervals around town. Sometimes it's an entire row of homes on a street, sometimes the incidents are scattered all throughout town. One thing is for certain; someone or something is scrubbing homes clean of every speck of dirt, grime, and valuables. Little do they know the true evil that is orchestrating... [click here for more] |
Meridian Games |
Pay What You Want
![2015 Sanctum Secorum Companions [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/9065/257446-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Sanctum Secorum - Episode #01 Companion Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Sanctum Secorum - Episode #01 Companion - The Shadow People by Margaret St.Clair
There is a great deal of new material to bring to the table based on this book. Below is a list, by category and... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
![2016 Sanctum Secorum Companions [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/9065/257448-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Sanctum Secorum - Episode #07 Companion Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF There is a great deal of new material to bring to the table based on this story. Below is a list, by category and author, of what has been added to the Dark Acquisitions page by the Keepers of Mysteries,... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
![2017 Sanctum Secorum Companions [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/9065/257449-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Sanctum Secorum - Episode #20 Companion Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Free gaming content inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes with an additional creature concept by Axe Cop co-creator Ethan Nicolle. This time around we include additional content for the... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
![2018 Sanctum Secorum Companions [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/9065/261545-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Sanctum Secorum - Episode #31 Companion Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF A special issue of the Sanctum Secorum Companion 'zine with a featured adventure by author Daniel J. Bishop!
Featured Adventure The Ruined Keep by Daniel J. Bishop
Fiction... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
The upcoming offerings for Old-School Essentials games, Arden's Adventures and Arden's Notebook, are full-color 'zines that bring back the feel of classic adventures. This preview gives you a foretaste of what to expect when they are released for sale. ... [click here for more] |
Frog God Games |
Come and open the Casket of Fays!
This first issue of the Dragon Warriors Fanzine, 'Casket of Fays' is brought to you by Red Ruin Publishing.
Inside the Casket this issue you will find treasures:
Fearsome mere-trolls and the even worse mere-hags
A visit to the balmy Thousand Islands
A new Sorcerer spell
A pointedly nasty magical item
Back... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The tenth issue of Casket of Fays is here. While we were bringing this issue together, the great Russ Nicholson passed from this mortal vale. We wanted to celebrate his life and work somehow, so leading with a cover by him, we have:
A Tribute to Russ Nicholson by Dave Morris. A heartfelt piece about Russ by Dave, accompanied by a favourite illustration,... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Welcome to our eleventh issue!
This time we bring a fine selection of Dragon Warriors wares to tempt you.
Unlimited Bizarre and Dangerous Adversaries! (Part One)
Andrew Wright shows us how to take creatures out of the Fighting Fantasy world and bring them to Legend.
FAQs for Dragon Warriors... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The Casket opens for the twelfth time with a plethora for your Dragon Warriors game. Huge thanks to contributors past and present. The writers for this issue named below; the artists were Brockprint, Claws-on, and Andrew Wright.
Unlimited Bizarre and Dangerous Adversaries! (Part Two) by Andrew Wright. Following on... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Holding out for a Hero by Jonathan Hicks : the characters arrive at the town of Kempurg, missing the departure of its local hero to rid Fogstone Wood of evil. He should return soon.
FAQs for Dragon Warriors by Dave Morris : the fifth and final part of everything that you'd ever wanted Dave Morris... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Casket of Fays reaches issue 2. More chilling than last issue, terror roams the Lands of Legend.
Take a party of 1st-2nd rank adventurers into 'A Hole Lot of Trouble'
Encounter the Ignis Fatuus – and put it to 'good' use
Kuman Thong - a thematically horrific magical item
Find the Book of the Dead in the first part of 'Mortal Combat'
Meet Toshi Kaikuri at the Court of King Hadric
The... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Winter is upon us. Snow falls in the dead of night, and huddled in your cottage, you're disturbed by a rapping on the door. Plucking up your courage, you answer the door, and are met by a horned and bearded revenant. Reaching into his sack, he brings forth a sheaf of pages, and pushes them into your hands. As he leaves to go back to his sleigh, you look at what he has given you. You're holding Casket... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The fifth issue of Casket of Fays makes its appearance!
Within its covers can be found an assortment of delights and darksome things to enhance your Dragon Warriors game!
Ranging from the horror that stalks the night, known as 'The Tallow Man', to an encounter with an ensorcelled herd of goats, to a pair of new professions, we bid you welcome to our pages.
More, much more, will... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The sixth issue of Casket of Fays makes its appearance! Within its covers can be found an assortment of delights and darksome things to enhance your Dragon Warriors game!
Over The Gloaming Moor; a sandbox mini campaign
The Gloomvile; a monster from the campaign. along with the games, they play
A nasty bitter drink to get you going in the morn; Kaffeie... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The seventh issue of Casket of Fays sails into view! Within its covers can be found an assortment of delights and darksome things to enhance your Dragon Warriors game!
A Shipload of Trouble by Jonathan Hicks and David M. Donachie
From Mortal Combat, the Bola by Lee Barklam
Folk Magic of Ferromaine... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Bubbling out of the primordial slime comes the eighth issue of Casket of Fays, the loftily titled Ultimate Dragon Warriors Zine. What is in this particular issue?
The City of Kitogad — journey to the Drowned City that surfaces but once a year. Adventure, treasure, and death are sure to meet you there.
The Marsh Beast — long... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
The ninth issue of Casket of Fays is here with a distinctly poisonous bent. Within its pages, you will find: Interview with the Cobwebbed Dragon. Prolific writer and cobwebbed webmaster. Bites, Stings, and Venomous Things. New rules for poison in DW. Weapons of the Thousand Islands. We present the Kris from Damian May's vaults. Snakes.... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
This fanzine includes material based on the Dragon Warriors setting, as created by and copyright © Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and used according to the terms of the Serpent King Games Fan Policy.
We are not permitted to charge you to use or access this content.... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
 Inspired by Goodman Games Dungeon Denizens monster manual Kickstarter, Dungeon Outcasts is a FREE, community driven collaboration to bring more monsters and mayhem to your game of Dungeon Crawl Classics.
... [click here for more] |
SharktopusGames |
 Dungeon Vault Magazine - Issue 48
FREE VERSION Published by Elven Tower
This is the FREE VERSION of issue No. 48 of Dungeon Vault Magazine. It is a compilation of adventures, lore, excellent cartography, and useful digital goodies. The content in this magazine is designed for use with both D&D 5e and Shadowdark RPG; separate PDFs are included.... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |
 Dungeon Vault Magazine - Issue 49
FREE VERSION Published by Elven Tower
This is the FREE VERSION of issue No. 49 of Dungeon Vault Magazine. It is a compilation of adventures, lore, excellent cartography, and useful digital goodies. The content in this magazine is designed for use with both D&D 5e and Shadowdark RPG; separate PDFs are included.... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |
 Dungeon Vault Magazine - Issue 50
Published by Elven Tower
This is the FREE VERSION of issue No. 50 of Dungeon Vault Magazine. It is a compilation of adventures, lore, excellent cartography, and useful digital goodies. The content in this magazine is designed for use with both Dungeons & Dragons 5e and Shadowdark RPG rules; separate PDFs... [click here for more] |
Elven Tower |
At long last, the 2017 Free RPG Day Companion is available! A "best of" the Sanctum Secorum (with a revised version of the Merlin Patron from issue #1), included are digital files for reading as well as a version that you can print out and give to your players. This won't be the last of these printable companions so, keep an eye out! Character Classes Half Giant
Gods of the Eternal... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
As always, we have new material to bring to the table based on this story. Below is a list, by category and author, of what has been added to the Dark Acquisitions page by the Keepers of Mysteries, based on our current episode.
Curse of Impotent Fuel - Jen Brinkman Curse of the Mislaid Broom - Jen Brinkman Curse of the Faerie Ring - Bob Brinkman
Fiction The Blood-Drinking Box... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
As always, we have new material to bring to the table based on this story. Below is a list, by category and author, of what has been added to the Dark Acquisitions page by the Keepers of Mysteries, based on our current episode.
Campaign Tools Occult Actions - Bob Brinkman Yeast Plagues - Daniel J. Bishop Barbarian - Ari-Matti Piippo
Featured Adventure Interlude:... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
A special issue of the Sanctum Secorum Companion 'zine with a featured adventure by author Daniel J. Bishop!
Featured Adventure The Ruined Keep by Daniel J. Bishop
Fiction The Blood-Drinking Box [part 7] by Clifford Morton ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Classes The Huntsman - R.S. Tilton
Gods of the Eternal Struggle Leniqua - Bob Brinkman Tsathoggua - Bob Brinkman
Magic Items The Powder of Hyperborea - Jen Brinkman
Men and Magicians Alchemist - Marc Bruner
Monsters Formless Spawn - Bob Brinkman
NPCs Marquanos - Bob Brinkman Veezi Phenquor... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Featured Adventure The Fate of the Ruthless Wizard - Marc Elsenheimer
Spells Drain Vitality - Christopher Lee Illumination - Anton Wilsbach Runic Alphabet (Dwarven) - Bob Brinkman Runic Alphabet (Infernal) - Bob Brinkman Sunbolt - Ian Shears ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Character Classes Amazon Bob Brinkman Bard Ari-Matti Piippo ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Campaign Tools Character Age - Daniel J. Bishop Militant Order: The Sons of Dôn - Bob Brinkman
Monsters Cauldron-Born - Bob Brinkman Gwythaint - Bob Brinkman Tribearatops - Bob Brinkman (concept by Ethan Nicolle)
Spells Harp Magic - Bob Brinkman ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Discerning Dhole Productions – Crawl-thulhu Monster: The Shadow Eater* Spell: Dimensional Shift*
Mystic Mouser Press – Dark Trails Class:... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Campaign Tools Death Throes - Bruce Priddy Locations Kala Vale and the Thousand Lakes - Daniel J. Bishop
Magic Items Draugmere, the Demonglass Blade - Daniel J. Bishop "Faithless" - James Pozenel The Orb of Temptation - Daniel J. Bishop Phandaal’s Arrow of Dreadful Gyration - James Pozenel
Monsters Batfaces - Bob Brinkman Centaur - Bob Brinkman Dreadnought... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Curses Amberite Curse Death Curse
Magic Items The Trump
Mighty Deeds Bleeding Wound Disfiguring Slash Feint Flickering Strike
Monsters Irish Wolfhound Manticora Storm Hound
Weapons Epée Rapier Small Sword ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Magic Items Bee Trees and Honey
Monsters Brugnath (Type IV Demon) Cakgor (Type V Demon) Doraki (Type VI Demon) Gorgolac Werewolf, Atlanton Earth ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Collected in this volume is every monster published by the Sanctum Secorum over its first three years. Everything from Animated Armor to Zone Devil! Over 150 monsters for your DCC RPG table....and it is still free! ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |