This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current core rule Knack, condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG!
This is my first entry onto StoryPath Nexus, but I'm looking forward to making more Guides for Purviews/Boons, Relic Design, and more! ... [click here for more]
This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current core rule surrounding Relic Design (dot values for bonuses and Flaws), condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG! ... [click here for more]
This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current pantheon and deity from Origin, Mysteries, and Demigod, condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG!
Please check out my other Quick Reference Guides in addition to this one! They're completely free, and I hope they... [click here for more]