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The preview has the full PDF of the dark phone PDF version if you would like to try before you buy.
UPDATE MAY 2024: YZM will be getting an update sometime in the future including a commissioned logo by Harry Boddice, some changes to the ruleset to reflect the past years of play and feedback, and some additional content. Once this update goes live, the cost will be going... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
$4.00 $2.00
Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online.
For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
YEAR ZERO NANO (YZN) is an even lighter off-shoot of Year Zero Mini -- both of which are designed to provide lightweight frameworks for quickly jumping into your favourite setting.
Where other rules-light games might emphasise action or heroics, YZN is more down to earth - telling stories of a more gritty and relatable nature.
The preview... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
A few hours ago you were in your house, playing with that cool space adventure video game. A MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY. And suddenly, a strange energy portal appeared in front of you. IN.REAL.LIFE. Straight from the game! Before you had time to react properly, the game asked again. ARE YOU... [click here for more] |
Alfredo Tarancón |
Between Clouds is a colorful, biopunk, tabletop RPG about a family of misfits navigating the open skies atop their beloved flying beast. Life among the clouds revolves around the Kirin, oversized animals that possess volatile genetics and the gift of flight. Across the skies, floating vessels and cities are held aloft by the animated remains of hunted Kirin, whose beating hearts defy... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
A colorful, 12' x 18' Map of Empyrea for Between Clouds by Andi Licht. Provides greater visibility than the map included in the rulebook and makes for an excellent play space. High quality print, also functions well as a wall art or a poster. Visit the Between Clouds product page to learn more about the game and grab a copy. Enjoy! :) ... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
Cat's Paw Couriers is a supplement for Andi Licht's colorful, biopunk roleplaying game Between Clouds.
Take on the role of Cat's Paw Couriers, mutant smugglers that connect Empyrea's disparate communities one parcel at a time. Take odd jobs and travel across the nines skies with your found family. Manage peculiar cargo and navigate dangerous weather. Build your reputation to take... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
17 new creatures for Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner TTRPG.
"It is said that all kinds of weird and strange creatures lives in Old Wildwood. That during the time of the dragon emperor a mad sorcerer created these creatures to guard his treasure. A treasure that according to some stories still can be found deep under the ruins of the sorcerers tower.
The people in the borderlands of Old Wildwood talk... [click here for more] |
Andreas Ringsparr |
Pay What You Want
The 17th century was rich in interesting events, political intrigues, bloody wars, and sea voyages. This book is a gateway to this fascinating period of history.
The game mechanics are unique, but somewhat reminiscent of a synthesis of Fate Core and Year Zero Engine.
Political adventure. Playing secret conspiracies and political intrigues during the times of Louis XIII and Cardinal... [click here for more] |
Andrzej Buhlak |
$9.99 $6.99
Characters may at some point be travelling through wooded areas, whether these be the comparatively tame woods of civilisation or the more dangerous wildwood of the uninhabited regions. Rather than simply glossing over these travels, this list provides 100 different encounters that can be used to make travel more interesting. Some of the encounters have the potential to injure characters or animals... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
$1.49 $1.25
Since the incursions began, hubris has been the true god of the Trembling Valley. Strange forces from alien worlds intrude into reality driving people to heights of ambition and folly never before seen. Science, metaphysics, and industry are on the march, but collapse, madness, and civil war follow on their heels. Frightened and desperate, the people turn to you. And you're just an insurance agent.... [click here for more] |
Bird Teeth |
Pay What You Want
Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.
You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point.
If you ever felt like a “wasted... [click here for more] |
Black Dragon Tomes |
Pay What You Want
Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.
You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point.
If you ever felt like a “wasted... [click here for more] |
Black Dragon Tomes |
Kickstarter campaign for the full product starts on Monday, 26th of September.
In Touched by the Gods players will take the roles of doomed heroes of a long gone Folk. They have been Touched by one of the eight gods and possess special powers now. Thanks to that they can do what none other can. But the divine energy is eating them from inside out and at some point it will become the... [click here for more] |
Cosy Coven |
This is a vehicle mod hack to allow for variations of basic vehicles within Free League’s Step Dice systems. As a long time fan of GDW’s Twilight: 2000, Steve Jackson’s Car Wars and all the Mad Max movies, I’ve always found myself merging the themes. I wrote this to allow for more vehicle customization options for my Twilight: 2000 campaign, but it is simply designed to fit within post apocalyptic... [click here for more] |
Critical Jim |
This quick-start rulebook contains all you need to dive into the world of Death Valley, where you will take on the role of an undead resident of Bardo’s Bluff. Whether you desire to exist in peace or seek out revenge for your wrongful killing, there is always something or someone determined to make your life hell.
From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Crow comes a TTRPG that is quick to learn... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
When the things at the edge of the mirror set your hair on end, the shadows stalk you on a woodland road, or the smiles of polite society reveal bloodstained teeth, then perhaps you have had an encounter with the Otherworld.
Eldritch is a Year Zero Engine game designed to tell stories of mystery and horror in the late 1800s and early 1900s. A straightforward system that lets you feel mortal danger... [click here for more] |
Darklight |
The West owes you nothin’, but it might just be the making of you.
Y’all call this lawless town home—a land of opportunity and fortune, violence and danger, risk and reward. Stand by your faith, your self belief, your compadres. Grab your iron and mount your horse. Struggle against the evil in the hearts of other folk, and fight to make your big dreams come true—to tell your own... [click here for more] |
Effekt |
In the enchanted world of Mythia, fairy tales, folklore, and myths are real, living seamlessly with one another. The fantastical stories, epic legends, and mythology throughout history come to life intertwining with the survival horrors of a road warrior zombie apocalypse.
A decade has past since the undead menace befell the lands in the event known as the Flood. This cataclysm devastated the flourishing... [click here for more] |
Epic Pride Gaming |
Hello travellers and welcome to the debut issue of Fanatical.
So what exactly is this little curio? Well Fanatical is a collection of short stories—fantasy, sci-fi and horror—inspired by the tabletop games we play and the worlds that they leave in our heads.
We have stories of noirish horror and fantasy fun, of thrilling adventure and eerie curiosity. Within... [click here for more] |
Fanatical Magazine |
War Stories is a Year Zero Engine roleplaying game set during the Second World War. With it, you and your friends may play the roles of heroic soldiers parachuting into Normandy during Operation Overlord in June of 1944, or as a harried tank crew grinding their way through France in the breakout that followed. You may even explore history as an intrepid war correspondent or an underground resistance... [click here for more] |
Firelock Games |
This scenario uses the Year Zero Engine but can be adapted to other post-apocalyptic systems as well.
On their travels, the PCs find the body of an unlucky wastelander named Fig Nootonne (named after a pre-war treat), which leads them to a run-down gas station previously inhabited by the deceased wastelander. Fig’s last wish is for someone to finish her mission to retrieve precious... [click here for more] |
Font of Inspiration |
An encounter that is used as the characters are moving through Poland in the days after fleeing Kalisz. This is a variation on the 10 of Diamonds encounter from the Referee’s Manual. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Are you tired of the D66 magic mishap table?
Are you bored with always rolling the same result?
Do you want something more exciting, fun and magical in your game?
Then the 100 Alternate Magic Mishap Table is for you!
While the original game provides 17 outcomes, this one provides 100 instead. It contains most of the original outcomes but is complemented with... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
En samling artefakter för spelarna att utforska. Allt från enklare vardagliga föremål till mer avancerade vapen och exceptionell utrustning. En del skulle kunna vara helt avgörande för spelarna i Mutant: År Noll och deras dagliga strävan efter överlevnad och utforskning.
Innehåller 100 Artefakter.
Innehåller Svensk och Engelsk version. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A collection of artifacts for players to explore. Ranging from simpler everyday items to more advanced weapons and exceptional equipment. Some could prove crucial for the players in Mutant: Year Zero and their daily quest for survival and exploration.
Includes 100 Artifacts.
Includes both English and Swedish versions ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Books, in a setting like Symbaroum, may not be that common, but they do exist, especially in places of learning. This list can be used to add books to a bookshelf. Whether or not the information in a book is useful is up to the Gamemaster, but in such a setting even a book of inaccurate information can be worth anything from a few orteg to a few thaler. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Ogres are odd creatures that come wandering out of Davokar fully grown yet devoid of any memories. They are large, long-lived beings who seem to lack names and are therefore given names by those around them. This supplement has 100 ogres to encounter; they could be foes or potential friends or allies. Each is named and given a brief description. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This is a collection of minor items that could be found in the possession of NPCs, or perhaps given to a PC when they are created. None have any definite value or meaning, unless the GameMaster decides otherwise. They can be used as oddities to spark ideas or could be something to be investigated further. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page backgrounds and images can be disabled to make printing... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Denna samling mutationer till Mutant: År Noll representerar en mångfald av mutationer som är en nyckelfaktor för överlevnaden i denna postapokalyptiska värld. Där de muterade krafterna inte bara erbjuder fördelar utan också utmaningar och dilemman för de som bär dem. Att utforska och hantera dessa mutationer är en central del av spelupplevelsen och formar karaktärernas unika resa och överlevnadsstrategier.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This collection of mutations in Mutant: Year Zero represents a diversity of mutations that are a key factor in survival in this post-apocalyptic world. Where mutated powers not only offer advantages but also challenges and dilemmas for those who bear them. Exploring and managing these mutations is a central part of the gaming experience and shapes the unique journey and survival strategies of the characters.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Denna samling talanger i Mutant: År Noll representerar en mångfald av färdigheter som är nödvändiga för överlevnad i den postapokalyptiska världen. Varje talang erbjuder unika och värdefulla fördelar för karaktärerna. Dessa talanger utgör en viktig resurs och möjliggör anpassning av karaktärerna för att möta de utmaningar och faror som lurar i ruinerna av den gamla världen.
Innehåller... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This collection of talents in Mutant: Year Zero represents a diverse range of skills crucial for survival in the post-apocalyptic world. Each talent offers unique and valuable advantages for the characters. These talents constitute a vital resource, enabling the characters to adapt and face the challenges and dangers lurking in the ruins of the old world.
Includes 50 Talents.
Includes both English... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Winter, hot chocolates in hand and a warm embrace of the crackling fire glowing in the corner of every livingroom in smalltown America. Santa’s already strapping up his reindeers in preparation for the long trip, young kids hide with excitement behind their couches. The turn of the next decade is just around the corner, the angst of Nirvana booms in underground cellars and the elder generation... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A City in Turmoil
When several cases of satanic witchcraft strike in the society's neighborhood, the city and residents are quick to judge that The Society must have something to do with it. Since Castle Gyllencreutz opened its doors again, an Evil must have followed their tracks back into the city. While the neighborhood sinks into turmoil, it is up to the members to clear the name of... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
We are back with another Dirty Dozen Battlemaps for use with any modern system. These 12 high quality maps are in 3840 x 2160 resolution for vtt usage. All maps are made with and without a hexgrid overlay to allow you to use your own or add a smaller hex inside for more precise movement. Thank you again for your support and have a great year. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
SOUTH OF THE WALLS OF YNDAROS LIES A CONTORTED TUMBLE OF ROCKS SURMOUNTED BY TREES. The spot rises above the ploughed field around it like an island in a lake of rippled soil, bounded in Summer by crops and in Winter by churned dirt.
But why does this odd little island remain when the interests of the city require farming to expand and the land to provide?
Half a dozen short adventure... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Letter from the Past – A Vaesen Mystery begins with a mysterious package from the Society’s past and ends with the destruction of a village, unless the Society can restore order and right an old crime. The mystery begins at Castle Gyllencreutz and takes place in a small Swedish village far to the north.
The mystery introduces new facets of the Vaesen from the core rulebook and... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
"Is everything as it seems in Balsta? What begins as a simple case of missing persons and an intriguing tale of a "Devil in the Woods" quickly spirals into a dangerous mystery rooted in community values, family, romance and murder. Can the Investigators find out what really happened in the farming village of Balsta before the entire village is lost? And is it really worth saving in the end anyway?"... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"You think you’ve got what it takes to defeat the undisputed champion of the Zone?" - Arza, four-armed mutant enforcer
A mutant for every season is a booklet of resources for Mutant:Year Zero. It presents four non-player characters that can be included in any game of Free League's magnificent Mutant.Year Zero system.
The art is lovingly hand-drawn by myself with ink and neon watercolors.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Carissa Leonidsa and her brother, Bertram were just on their way to deliver a wagon full of goods when they were attacked by orcs. Now Carissa is alone on the road looking for help, revenge, or both.
There’s more to discover than a couple of orcs or even a wagonload of supplies. Inside the home of the would-be raiders lies certain death and certain rewards for those strong enough to claim them.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
In this mystery set in the Society's headquarters, the player characters awaken to find themselves shrunk down to the size of mice! In order to break this strange curse, they must successfully navigate their headquarters and confront a vaesen king who has gone mad with grief. Can the Society members reverse this transformation before they become trapped at this size forever?
This exciting new mystery... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Special Gift is a CHRISTMAS horror scenario designed for a teen horror game (like Things From The Flood).
WARNING: It contains vampirism, body horror, murder and the end of the world. Make sure you use appropriate safety tools (like Lines and Veils) before starting to play this with your group. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Journey to the Mythic North and investigate four bone-chilling cases that will test your abilities to the fullest. This book contains four standalone mysteries for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying, playable on their own or as a part of a longer campaign. In these pages you will find:
The Silver of the Sea – The death of a preacher leads the characters to the rocky western archipelago,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Our stores were empty and game was scarce. We pushed out further and further to find anything to fill our bellies. My family was starving and I knew it would not be long before the end. I hope I am not too late.
A Wintry Death is a compilation of 5 encounter scenarios for Symbaroum set in a terrible winter that should take groups 2-4 hours to complete each. These are excellent scenarios to... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Debt Comes Due
Will it cost you everything?
Your hamlet has somehow survived the unnatural winter. It is a boon against all the tragedy in the world, and you live in relative comfort. But is the price too high? The Witch of the Wilds once again calls on you to complete a task. What does she want this time? Is it a bauble? Is it a dangerous trek? Soon you will find the truth and either perish at... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
For many years the magnificent Crypt of the Iron eye was considered lost. It is said that Ghesh, the legendary skull, is still hidden there. Recent rumours speak of Goblins finding the crypt and have yet to empty of all its gold. Perhaps they have yet to find the skull of Ghesh?
Abandoned Crypt of the Iron Eye is an adventure site set in a two level dungeon where the goblins... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Academic Awakening is a solo scenario to explore what brought someone to the Society.
A young, ambitious academic is working late in the university library and comes across a book that will make their career. The book, however, is connected with a powerful vaesen who seeks to settle an old score.
The mystery will establish a player character's trauma and dark secret, so it is not... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Against the Rot is a campaign framework for Mutant: Year Zero.
It features:
The main points of a general plot and the concise background information related to it.
10 regular sectors – locations that are either unrelated or just loosely connected to the campaign’s plot.
And 4 special sectors that are pivotal to the story.
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
High resolution maps for the "Alathris" RPG setting based on the Forbidden Lands game rules and setting. The setting is being launched in seperate PDFs, this document being the very first. Each PDF details different areas and cultures of Alathris; a huge, ancient and diverse fantasy world, just waiting to be discovered! ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |