This deck of cards will provide you with an easy way to generate random critical injuries in combat. The cards are compatible with any Year Zero FTL RPG.
Use this deck when you’re playing a Year Zero FTL RPG and a player character attracts a critical injury. Instead of rolling a D66, have the players randomly draw one of the cards.
You could even have the player keep the card for reference until... [click here for more]
This deck of cards will help you handle the initiative draw during combat in any Year Zero FTL RPG.
Each player taking part in the conflict, either voluntarily or involuntarily, draws a card. The GM draws one card for each NPC (or group).
The number on the card determines the order in which you act in the conflict.
The contents of this deck are not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by... [click here for more]
Use this deck when you’re playing a Year Zero FTL RPG and the player characters engage in a chase.
The deck contains two sets of the manoeuvres that may be performed in a chase.
In each round, the participants will pick the card that corresponds to the manoeuvre they chose to attempt. The selected cards are then simultaneously revealed.
The contents of this deck are not affiliated with, sponsored,... [click here for more]
Dö Vid Denna Källa är ett fristående äventyr till rollspelet Askhem: Anno 1713.
Köpmannen Johan Greger har stora bekymmer. Först blev hans son kidnappad vilket skuldsatte honom, nu verkar en värdefull skeppslast ha blivit kapad, lasten som var hans sista chans att komma på rätt köl igen. Greger ber rollpersonerna om hjälp, vilket blir starten på en mörk historia.
Regelboken Askhem:... [click here for more]