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This special bundle product contains the following titles.
This bundle contains the rulebook for Agent Provocateur, one adventure, pdfs of all cards and .stl files for dice to enhance your game as well as pdfs of character sheets, vehicle record sheets and range bands.
Agent Provocateur the role-playing game Regular price: $15.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
$128.00 $51.00
A few hours ago you were in your house, playing with that cool space adventure video game. A MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY. And suddenly, a strange energy portal appeared in front of you. IN.REAL.LIFE. Straight from the game! Before you had time to react properly, the game asked again. ARE YOU... [click here for more] |
Alfredo Tarancón |
Welcome to Agent Provocateur, the role-playing game of action-adventure missions. In this volume, you will find all the rules and information you need to play a role-playing campaign set in the thrilling world of covert operations and international espionage.
You and a few of your friends will be able to play fantastic adventures in the style of the James Bond, Jason Bourne, Kingsman and Mission Impossible... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you—hold... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook Regular price: $24.99 Bundle price: $24.99 Format: Watermarked PDF "The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$54.98 $43.98
"The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying game that can conjure up that same pitch-dark dread from the safety of your kitchen table." –Dicebreaker
Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This bundle includes both the ALIEN RPG Starter Set and the Destroyer of Worlds boxed Cinematic scenario, at a discounted price. Full conversions of both items are included.
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game—a... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $16.00 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$66.97 $53.58
The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the ship’s frozen crew brought back with them was bad enough—what they themselves were turning into was a bloody nightmare. Add to that an annoying sensor ghost shadowing you in the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but...you have my sympathies."
Welcome to the year 2183. Something lurks in space and its up to you to survive in spite of it.
The ALIEN RPG Starter Set contains everything... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $15.99 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$49.98 $39.98
« Je ne vous mentirai pas sur vos chances de survie, mais… vous avez ma sympathie. »
L’espace est immense, obscur et hostile. Les rayons gamma et les rafales de neutrinos issus d’étoiles mourantes vous cuisent tout vif, les trous noirs vous réduisent en miettes et le vide lui-même vous fait bouillir le sang et vous grille la cervelle. Vous pouvez essayer de crier : personne... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Ett mörker har lagt sig över den stängda staden Askhem. Invånarna är fångar, sedan Den Svarta Döden försatt staden i karantän. De som drabbas av farsoten dör, men reser sig igen, som vandöda styggelser. Onaturliga varelser rör sig i mörka gränder och vissa människor har fått farliga krafter, så kallad sotmagi. Trolldomskommissionen, en militant kristen gruppering,... [click here for more] |
Random Table Games |
Pay What You Want
Between Clouds is a colorful, biopunk, tabletop RPG about a family of misfits navigating the open skies atop their beloved flying beast. Life among the clouds revolves around the Kirin, oversized animals that possess volatile genetics and the gift of flight. Across the skies, floating vessels and cities are held aloft by the animated remains of hunted Kirin, whose beating hearts defy... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
A colorful, 12' x 18' Map of Empyrea for Between Clouds by Andi Licht. Provides greater visibility than the map included in the rulebook and makes for an excellent play space. High quality print, also functions well as a wall art or a poster. Visit the Between Clouds product page to learn more about the game and grab a copy. Enjoy! :) ... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
Czy tli się w tobie iskra człowieczeństwa?
Kiedyś Los Angeles było miastem nieskończonych możliwości. Krainą lśniących w słońcu wieżowców, spełnieniem marzeń każdego młodego człowieka. Mówili: per aspera ad astra - a nieboskłonem było Los Angeles. Miasto aniołów. Wkrótce gwiazdy zmieniły się w neony.
Po zmroku Los Angeles jest bardziej ponure,... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Podręcznik Główny w swojej treści odnosi się do zawartości Zestawu Startowego.
Oficjalna gra fabularna na podstawie powieści Blade Runner. Czy androidy marzą o elektrycznych owcach? autorstwa Philipa K. Dicka oraz kultowych ekranizacji filmowych!
Los Angeles. Neonowo-noirowa kraina cudów, która zapiera dech w piersi. Z zachwytu. Albo ze zgrozy. Poruszający... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
This is the BLADE RUNNER Roleplaying Game. A neon noir wonderland that will take your breath away, one way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the power of empathy, the poison of fear, and the burden of being human during inhumane times. An iconic and unforgiving playground of endless possibilities that picks you up, slaps... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This is the BLADE RUNNER roleplaying game – a neon-noir wonderland that’ll take your breath away. One way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the powers of... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Isfraktaren Orun II svarar inte på anrop och har ändrat kurs mot ett dödligt meteoritmoln. Det blir rollpersonerna som tilldelas uppdraget att genskjuta det stora fraktskeppet för att ta reda på vad som hänt och åter lotsa det mot Coriolis. Vad är det egentligen som ruvar i isfraktarens inre och var har hänt med besättningen?
I det här fullängdsäventyret utforskar rollpersonerna mysteriet... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
”Jag får en signal.” Dalils röst sprakade i komlänken. ”Vi är nära nu.” Navigatören nickade framåt för att visa riktningen. I det gröna skenet från tabulan i hans händer såg han spöklikt blek ut. Radwa nickade tyst åt sina kamrater att röra sig framåt. Med försiktiga steg gick de långsamt mot de märkliga ruinerna som låg utspridda på den mörka månens kalla... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.
Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Gra fabularna w konwencji orientalnej opery kosmicznej
Zasiądź za sterami własnego statku kosmicznego i wyrusz ku gwiazdom Trzeciego Horyzontu, gdzie ludzkość stara się podnieść po upadku swojej cywilizacji. Wraz z załogą weźmiesz udział w politycznych intrygach, będziesz wykonywać niebezpieczne misje dla najróżniejszych frakcji i badać tajemnicze ruiny dawnych społeczeństw. Wszechświat... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.
Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
This quick-start rulebook contains all you need to dive into the world of Death Valley, where you will take on the role of an undead resident of Bardo’s Bluff. Whether you desire to exist in peace or seek out revenge for your wrongful killing, there is always something or someone determined to make your life hell.
From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Crow comes a TTRPG that is quick to learn... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
De Occulta is a hack of the Year Zero Engine (Step) to create a game where you play Modern Occultist/Sorcerors. The YZE is a fast and dirty engine with high lethality and infinite expandability.
Occultists summon Pneuma to do their wishes and search the world for powerful Rotes, Relics and legends. They may come into contact with Vampirs (using the ExSanguine rules) or Psychics (using Twilight Tangents)... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
Since the incursions began, hubris has been the true god of the Trembling Valley. Strange forces from alien worlds intrude into reality driving people to heights of ambition and folly never before seen. Science, metaphysics, and industry are on the march, but collapse, madness, and civil war follow on their heels. Frightened and desperate, the people turn to you. And you're just an insurance agent.... [click here for more] |
Bird Teeth |
Pay What You Want
An English version is currently in development. We aim for a release in Q3, 2024.
ECLIPSE PHASE: YEAR ZERO verbindet die düstere, transhumane Zukunft von Eclipse Phase mit der preisgekrönten Year Zero Engine von Free League Publishing! Dieses schnelle, intuitive und vollständige Regelwerk ist das Ergebnis von über drei... [click here for more] |
Pig of Spades |
Edgeland is a cyber roleplaying hack of the Year Zero Engine. It takes those rules and reconfigures them to have player facing rolls, one roll actions and the beginning prompts for co-op or solo gaming. It is a toolbox to build the cyber(punk/rebel/merc/hacker) setting you want but with a few set ways of forcing what it wants from you. It is fast and deadly,... [click here for more] |
Things I Keep |
Welcome to the dark and dangerous world of Eldritch Automata.
Designed in the Year Zero Engine and inspired by the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, and Escaflowne, Elridtch Automata takes place in a recent-apocalyptic world filled with horror, drama, and psychological... [click here for more] |
Gehenna Gaming |
When the things at the edge of the mirror set your hair on end, the shadows stalk you on a woodland road, or the smiles of polite society reveal bloodstained teeth, then perhaps you have had an encounter with the Otherworld.
Eldritch is a Year Zero Engine game designed to tell stories of mystery and horror in the late 1800s and early 1900s. A straightforward system that lets you feel mortal danger... [click here for more] |
Darklight |
You had a life on the outside. You were taken. Now you are etherbound.
Etherbound is a thrilling space fantasy RPG that will transport you to a hollow Earth where a myriad of planets gracefully orbit the blazing Core.
Immersed in this awe inspiring backdrop, meet fellow outsiders, navigate the complex dynamics of the local nations, and try to earn their trust and assistance... [click here for more] |
Noé Falzon |
EvenFell is an Open Gaming License ruleset for post-post-apocalyptic roleplay and skirmishing set in a world of analog sci-fi, primitivist zeal, and dread creeping in from the edges of a world divided by the mysterious phenomenon, the Blank, while humanity builds anew.
EvenFell offers tactical and deadly combat across a spectrum of tech levels, reflecting the disparity of advancement in a world... [click here for more] |
Prudence Publishing |
$4.99 $2.99
Once: a soul in pain faced with impossible problems and deficient solutions.
Now: a criminal on the run, a defector escaping your former handlers who aspire to punish your transgressions and the foolish police who aspire to apprehend you.
You are an agent on the run from your former employers after allegedly committing an unforgivable crime in their eyes. The... [click here for more] |
World Champ Game Co |
"Ho visto abomini spuntare dalle ombre, fulmini dentro vecchie fabbriche, luoghi misteriosi e inaccessibili. Dovrebbe esistere un atlante per tutto questo."
Dawn of Pripyat Explorer è l'espansione del manuale di base Dawn of Pripyat. Contiene le descrizioni dei luoghi perduti e delle città più importanti dell'Unione Sovietica al tempo dell'eridite. La parte dedicata alle minacce comprende l'elenco... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
exsanguine is a hack of the Year Zero Engine (Step) to create a game where you can play Vampirs and their Hunters. The YZE is a gritty, fast, lethal system that is infinitely expandable.
Vampirs include Familiars, Fiends and Elders and can quickly generate superhuman abilities including the Dark Gifts possessed by mature Vampirs. You can also use... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
Dystopian entertainment. Expendable reality stars. Convicted criminals who will stop at nothing to survive. Now broadcast live 24/7 from the Fearsome Wilderness!
Con Air meets Lost? Or is this roleplaying game more The Running Man meets the Revenant?
Survive the wilderness, wrangle North American cryptids, uncover its mysteries, and let your miserable adventures entertain the galaxy.... [click here for more] |
Geektopia Games |
Dystopian entertainment. Expendable reality stars. Convicted criminals who will stop at nothing to survive. Now broadcast live 24/7 from the Fearsome Wilderness!
Con Air meets Lost? Or is this roleplaying game more The Running Man meets the Revenant?
Survive the wilderness, wrangle North American cryptids, uncover its mysteries, and let your miserable adventures entertain the galaxy.... [click here for more] |
Geektopia Games |
Välkommen tillbaka till Slingans värld – inget är som förut.
Simon Stålenhags retrofuturistiska bilder fulla av fantastiska maskiner och främmande varelser har hyllats över hela världen. Det prisbelönade rollspelet Ur varselklotet släpptes 2017 och lät dig kliva in i 1980-talet som aldrig var. Nu kan du återvända till Slingan i den här fristående fortsättningen som tar berättelsen... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Forbidden Hero - Solo Roleplaying in the Forbidden Lands
This booklet brings GM-less play to Forbidden Lands
This booklet combines two simple game mechanics and some advice on structuring a game for solo play, to give you the option of picking up and playing Forbidden Lands at any time.
This book requires you to have both the players handbook and gamemasters guide, as it will direct you to specific... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Ils formèrent un cercle autour du mendiant de Varassa et écoutèrent sa chanson, tous assis près du feu de camp. Il parla de marcheurs, de lycans et d’autres sujets effroyables, toute la nuit durant il leur chanta ses peurs :
« Quelque chose repose au-delà des montagnes, au-delà des hurlements, au-delà de la brume, une entité qui se dissimule derrière un coeur de pierre... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring,
and by the campfire they sat and heard his song.
And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing,
and of his fear he sang to them all night long:
“There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist, there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone.
Hearken,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring,
and by the campfire they sat and heard his song.
And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing,
and of his fear he sang to them all night long:
“There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist, there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone.
Hearken,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
It is said that the first six elves of the Forbidden Lands – the ones who planted the trees, drew the furrows of the rivers and gave the animals their home – after completing their mission, had their rubies gathered in the royal crown, Stanengist, the name of which means “The Hanging Stones.” In the crown they rested deservedly, but at the same time, kept watch over their creation and gave... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Alone in the Loop Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $2.49 Format: PDF
Alone in the Loop Solo Roleplaying Tales from the Loop Tales from the Loop is Free League's rules-light Zero Engine game of coming of age and exploring the 1980s that never was. These add-on rules add solo roleplaying to Tales,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$19.92 $14.94
The lands have darkened over the past few generations as the hordes of beasts have descended from the hills and forests into the farmlands and towns. Only the Elves can remember the great Empire that Men built centuries ago. It fell from sorcery, betrayal, and pride leaving ruins of once great cities and towers. Retreating deeper into the woodlands and mountains, the Elves and Dwarves... [click here for more] |
SubSurface |
Läget i Pyrisamfundet är mer desperat än någonsin. Svarta moln hopar sig i alla väderstreck, och Samfundets själva existens är hotad av mörka krafter med rötter ända tillbaka till den Gamla tiden. Men ännu är allt inte förlorat. En liten skara antihjältar i Hindenburgs gränder har ännu chansen att och rädda dagen och slutligen befria Pyrisamfundet från forntidens bojor.
Gryningens... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Hindenburg – Min älskade är den tredje och avslutande delen i den episka rollspelskampanjen Undergångens arvtagare. I Pyrisamfundets huvudstad dukas upp för en magnifik hyllningsfest när riket på nyårsaftonen fyller 100 år. En spänd förväntan ligger i den kalla vinterluften inför festligheterna, men också en bitande oro. Det ryktas om konspirationer i det fördolda. I Malsjöns inlopp... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |