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The preview has the full PDF of the dark phone PDF version if you would like to try before you buy.
UPDATE MAY 2024: YZM will be getting an update sometime in the future including a commissioned logo by Harry Boddice, some changes to the ruleset to reflect the past years of play and feedback, and some additional content. Once this update goes live, the cost will be going... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
$4.00 $2.00
Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci!
Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online.
Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online.
For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
YEAR ZERO NANO (YZN) is an even lighter off-shoot of Year Zero Mini -- both of which are designed to provide lightweight frameworks for quickly jumping into your favourite setting.
Where other rules-light games might emphasise action or heroics, YZN is more down to earth - telling stories of a more gritty and relatable nature.
The preview... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
A few hours ago you were in your house, playing with that cool space adventure video game. A MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY. And suddenly, a strange energy portal appeared in front of you. IN.REAL.LIFE. Straight from the game! Before you had time to react properly, the game asked again. ARE YOU... [click here for more] |
Alfredo Tarancón |
Between Clouds is a colorful, biopunk, tabletop RPG about a family of misfits navigating the open skies atop their beloved flying beast. Life among the clouds revolves around the Kirin, oversized animals that possess volatile genetics and the gift of flight. Across the skies, floating vessels and cities are held aloft by the animated remains of hunted Kirin, whose beating hearts defy... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
A colorful, 12' x 18' Map of Empyrea for Between Clouds by Andi Licht. Provides greater visibility than the map included in the rulebook and makes for an excellent play space. High quality print, also functions well as a wall art or a poster. Visit the Between Clouds product page to learn more about the game and grab a copy. Enjoy! :) ... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
The 17th century was rich in interesting events, political intrigues, bloody wars, and sea voyages. This book is a gateway to this fascinating period of history.
The game mechanics are unique, but somewhat reminiscent of a synthesis of Fate Core and Year Zero Engine.
Political adventure. Playing secret conspiracies and political intrigues during the times of Louis XIII and Cardinal... [click here for more] |
Andrzej Buhlak |
$9.99 $6.99
XVII-й век был богат на интересные события, политические интриги, кровопролитные войны, морские путешествия. Данная книга - врата в этот интереснейший и многими пока недооцененный период.
Уникальная механика игры напоминает... [click here for more] |
Andrzej Buhlak |
$12.99 $2.50
« Je ne vous mentirai pas sur vos chances de survie, mais… vous avez ma sympathie. »
L’espace est immense, obscur et hostile. Les rayons gamma et les rafales de neutrinos issus d’étoiles mourantes vous cuisent tout vif, les trous noirs vous réduisent en miettes et le vide lui-même vous fait bouillir le sang et vous grille la cervelle. Vous pouvez essayer de crier : personne... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Ils formèrent un cercle autour du mendiant de Varassa et écoutèrent sa chanson, tous assis près du feu de camp. Il parla de marcheurs, de lycans et d’autres sujets effroyables, toute la nuit durant il leur chanta ses peurs :
« Quelque chose repose au-delà des montagnes, au-delà des hurlements, au-delà de la brume, une entité qui se dissimule derrière un coeur de pierre... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
01/19/2278, 15 h 47. Test animal 766532413B. Sujet Cassius 09, Felis sapiens. Une fois encore, le sujet est mort sur la table d’opération. Restes envoyés pour conservation et archivage.
Pendant la grande apocalypse, l’humanité se réfugia dans les profondeurs des enclaves souterraines.... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
10/07/2153, 0617. Tout le personnel humain doit immédiatement évacuer l’usine de production Mechatron-7, sur ordre direct du commandement central de Noatun. Le contrôle de Mechatron-7 doit être temporairement transféré au cogit IA NODOS, afin de garantir la pérennité de la production.
Dans une immense usine cachée sous l’océan, une armée de robots continue... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Nous avons cheminé entre les ruines béantes et les épaves de voitures rouillées, monuments à la mémoire de la chute des Anciens.
Naphta a été emportée par un ver tueur, et la Gangrène a rendu Hugust fou. Nous sommes à court de rations et n’avons plus que de l’eau gangrenée. Mais nous devons continuer, nous devons trouver Éden. Nous ne pouvons pas retourner à l’Arche... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Elle s’était aventurée trop loin dans la Zone.
Tula avait traversé la forêt obscure, suivi l’ancienne voie ferrée derrière des ruines délabrées et des épaves de train rouillées pour s’approcher des disques d’argent qui miroitaient à l’horizon. Elle voulait tellement les atteindre ! Devenir l’héroïne de l’Arche. Une zonarde célèbre. Mais à présent, elle serait... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
"Le paysage était couvert de machines et de structures métalliques, reliées à l’installation principale selon une disposition étrange. Les gigantesques tours de refroidissement du réacteur Bona et leurs balises vertes étaient toujours visibles à l’horizon. En collant l’oreille au sol, on pouvait entendre les battements de cœur du Loop : le ronronnement du Gravitron, pièce centrale... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Des jouets développant soudain une conscience. Une mystérieuse momie rôdant sur les plages. Des événements étranges au vidéoclub local. Une compil’ pleine de mystères. Quatre merveilleuses machines. Un guide pour créer votre propre cadre de jeu. Tout cela, et bien plus, vous attend dans ce supplément conçu pour être utilisé avec le jeu de rôle Tales from the Loop.
Le... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
"Quelque part derrière le périmètre délimité, au-delà des champs et des marais, des machines abandonnées vagabondaient comme des chiens errants. Elles déambulaient, impatientes, sous le vent nouveau qui soufflait sur le pays. Et elles humaient dans l’air un parfum inédit."
Bienvenue dans le monde du Loop où la situation a radicalement changé. Les tableaux de Simon... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
"Caen, la cité de Guillaume le Conquérant, joyau du patrimoine français, est victime d’une catastrophe sans précédent dans la seconde moitié des années 90. Abritant l’un des accélérateurs linéaires de l’hexagone, la ville aux cent clochers fait la dure expérience du revers technologique, alors qu’une grande partie de l’agglomération est dévastée et que des eaux noirâtres,... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
"Quelque part derrière le périmètre délimité, au-delà des champs et des marais, des machines abandonnées vagabondaient comme des chiens errants. Elles déambulaient, impatientes, sous le vent nouveau qui soufflait sur le pays. Et elles humaient dans l’air un parfum inédit."
Bienvenue dans le monde du Loop où la situation a radicalement changé. Les tableaux de Simon... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Par de sombres forêts, de farouches sommets, aux abords des lacs noirs et des bosquets cachés. Et jusqu’au seuil de votre demeure. Des formes s’agitent dans l’obscurité. Êtres étranges. Créatures difformes, brièvement aperçues du coin de l’oeil. Qui attendent. Qui guettent. Invisibles de tous, mais pas de vous. Car vous percevez leur nature véritable. Les vaesen.
Bienvenue... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
$48.69 $24.35
Since the incursions began, hubris has been the true god of the Trembling Valley. Strange forces from alien worlds intrude into reality driving people to heights of ambition and folly never before seen. Science, metaphysics, and industry are on the march, but collapse, madness, and civil war follow on their heels. Frightened and desperate, the people turn to you. And you're just an insurance agent.... [click here for more] |
Bird Teeth |
Pay What You Want
Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.
You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point.
If you ever felt like a “wasted... [click here for more] |
Black Dragon Tomes |
Czy tli się w tobie iskra człowieczeństwa?
Kiedyś Los Angeles było miastem nieskończonych możliwości. Krainą lśniących w słońcu wieżowców, spełnieniem marzeń każdego młodego człowieka. Mówili: per aspera ad astra - a nieboskłonem było Los Angeles. Miasto aniołów. Wkrótce gwiazdy zmieniły się w neony.
Po zmroku Los Angeles jest bardziej ponure,... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Podręcznik Główny w swojej treści odnosi się do zawartości Zestawu Startowego.
Oficjalna gra fabularna na podstawie powieści Blade Runner. Czy androidy marzą o elektrycznych owcach? autorstwa Philipa K. Dicka oraz kultowych ekranizacji filmowych!
Los Angeles. Neonowo-noirowa kraina cudów, która zapiera dech w piersi. Z zachwytu. Albo ze zgrozy. Poruszający... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Gra fabularna w konwencji orientalnej opery kosmicznej
Zasiądź za sterami własnego statku kosmicznego i wyrusz ku gwiazdom Trzeciego Horyzontu, gdzie ludzkość stara się podnieść po upadku swojej cywilizacji. Wraz z załogą weźmiesz udział w politycznych intrygach, będziesz wykonywać niebezpieczne misje dla najróżniejszych frakcji i badać tajemnicze ruiny dawnych społeczeństw. Wszechświat... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
To wielki krok dla hobbita!
Jedyny Pierścień: Zestaw Startowy zawiera wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, by stworzyć drużynę i postawić swoje pierwsze kroki w Śródziemiu. W tej grze fabularnej przeżyjecie serię przygód na miarę grupy nieustraszonych hobbitów!
Uproszczona wersja zasad i gotowe postacie pozwolą szybko rozpocząć zabawę. Rzecz dzieje się już po... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Black Monk Games |
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
"Ho visto abomini spuntare dalle ombre, fulmini dentro vecchie fabbriche, luoghi misteriosi e inaccessibili. Dovrebbe esistere un atlante per tutto questo."
Dawn of Pripyat Explorer è l'espansione del manuale di base Dawn of Pripyat. Contiene le descrizioni dei luoghi perduti e delle città più importanti dell'Unione Sovietica al tempo dell'eridite. La parte dedicata alle minacce comprende l'elenco... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
Lo scienziato di Pripyat è una breve avventura introduttiva per Dawn of Pripyat. Questa storia narra le vicende di un famoso professore della Krae, Rudolph Podolski, che sta facendo sperimentazioni umane usando eridite. Il dottore è ossessionato dagli effetti che questa può produrre sull’uomo e dalle possibilità che si possono sviluppare utilizzandola. Questo capitolo contiene tutto ciò che... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
Kickstarter campaign for the full product starts on Monday, 26th of September.
In Touched by the Gods players will take the roles of doomed heroes of a long gone Folk. They have been Touched by one of the eight gods and possess special powers now. Thanks to that they can do what none other can. But the divine energy is eating them from inside out and at some point it will become the... [click here for more] |
Cosy Coven |
When the things at the edge of the mirror set your hair on end, the shadows stalk you on a woodland road, or the smiles of polite society reveal bloodstained teeth, then perhaps you have had an encounter with the Otherworld.
Eldritch is a Year Zero Engine game designed to tell stories of mystery and horror in the late 1800s and early 1900s. A straightforward system that lets you feel mortal danger... [click here for more] |
Darklight |
En bosques oscuros y montañas desoladas, en lagos negros y arboledas recónditas. En el umbral de tu puerta. Entre las sombras, algo se agita. Seres extraños; criaturas retorcidas, acechando en las lindes de la visión. Observando. Esperando. Invisibles para la mayoría, pero no para ti. Tú los ves por lo que realmente son. Vaesen.
Bienvenidos al Norte Mítico: la Europa del norte del siglo XIX,... [click here for more] |
Devir |
The West owes you nothin’, but it might just be the making of you.
Y’all call this lawless town home—a land of opportunity and fortune, violence and danger, risk and reward. Stand by your faith, your self belief, your compadres. Grab your iron and mount your horse. Struggle against the evil in the hearts of other folk, and fight to make your big dreams come true—to tell your own... [click here for more] |
Effekt |
In the enchanted world of Mythia, fairy tales, folklore, and myths are real, living seamlessly with one another. The fantastical stories, epic legends, and mythology throughout history come to life intertwining with the survival horrors of a road warrior zombie apocalypse.
A decade has past since the undead menace befell the lands in the event known as the Flood. This cataclysm devastated the flourishing... [click here for more] |
Epic Pride Gaming |
War Stories is a Year Zero Engine roleplaying game set during the Second World War. With it, you and your friends may play the roles of heroic soldiers parachuting into Normandy during Operation Overlord in June of 1944, or as a harried tank crew grinding their way through France in the breakout that followed. You may even explore history as an intrepid war correspondent or an underground resistance... [click here for more] |
Firelock Games |
Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you—hold... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Core Rulebook Regular price: $24.99 Bundle price: $24.99 Format: Watermarked PDF "The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$54.98 $43.98
"The real horror of Ridley Scott’s seminal sci-fi flick Alien has always been the creeping, slithering fear of the unknown. It’s impressive, then, that Free League has been able to craft a tabletop roleplaying game that can conjure up that same pitch-dark dread from the safety of your kitchen table." –Dicebreaker
Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This bundle includes both the ALIEN RPG Starter Set and the Destroyer of Worlds boxed Cinematic scenario, at a discounted price. Full conversions of both items are included.
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game—a... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $16.00 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$66.97 $53.58
The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the ship’s frozen crew brought back with them was bad enough—what they themselves were turning into was a bloody nightmare. Add to that an annoying sensor ghost shadowing you in the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but...you have my sympathies."
Welcome to the year 2183. Something lurks in space and its up to you to survive in spite of it.
The ALIEN RPG Starter Set contains everything... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. ALIEN RPG Starter Set Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $15.99 Format: Watermarked PDF The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
$49.98 $39.98
This is the BLADE RUNNER Roleplaying Game. A neon noir wonderland that will take your breath away, one way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the power of empathy, the poison of fear, and the burden of being human during inhumane times. An iconic and unforgiving playground of endless possibilities that picks you up, slaps... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This is the BLADE RUNNER roleplaying game – a neon-noir wonderland that’ll take your breath away. One way or another. An evocative world of conflicts and contrasts that dares to ask the hard questions and investigate the powers of... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Isfraktaren Orun II svarar inte på anrop och har ändrat kurs mot ett dödligt meteoritmoln. Det blir rollpersonerna som tilldelas uppdraget att genskjuta det stora fraktskeppet för att ta reda på vad som hänt och åter lotsa det mot Coriolis. Vad är det egentligen som ruvar i isfraktarens inre och var har hänt med besättningen?
I det här fullängdsäventyret utforskar rollpersonerna mysteriet... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |