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“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.
Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
An English version is currently in development. We aim for a release in Q3, 2024.
ECLIPSE PHASE: YEAR ZERO verbindet die düstere, transhumane Zukunft von Eclipse Phase mit der preisgekrönten Year Zero Engine von Free League Publishing! Dieses schnelle, intuitive und vollständige Regelwerk ist das Ergebnis von über drei... [click here for more] |
Pig of Spades |
Welcome to the dark and dangerous world of Eldritch Automata.
Designed in the Year Zero Engine and inspired by the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, and Escaflowne, Elridtch Automata takes place in a recent-apocalyptic world filled with horror, drama, and psychological... [click here for more] |
Gehenna Gaming |
Dystopian entertainment. Expendable reality stars. Convicted criminals who will stop at nothing to survive. Now broadcast live 24/7 from the Fearsome Wilderness!
Con Air meets Lost? Or is this roleplaying game more The Running Man meets the Revenant?
Survive the wilderness, wrangle North American cryptids, uncover its mysteries, and let your miserable adventures entertain the galaxy.... [click here for more] |
Geektopia Games |
Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring,
and by the campfire they sat and heard his song.
And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing,
and of his fear he sang to them all night long:
“There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist, there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone.
Hearken,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Grimsbury is a tabletop roleplaying game of folk horror, occult activity, errant scientific experimentation and otherworldly encounters. Set in the fictional English region of Grimsbury during the postwar 1950s up to the 1990s, players take the roles of visitors to the Grimsbury region, investigating, adventuring and working to survive the forces arrayed against them.
Fans of The Wicker Man,... [click here for more] |
 Lo scienziato di Pripyat è una breve avventura introduttiva per Dawn of Pripyat. Questa storia narra le vicende di un famoso professore della Krae, Rudolph Podolski, che sta facendo sperimentazioni umane usando eridite. Il dottore è ossessionato dagli effetti che questa può produrre sull’uomo e dalle possibilità che si possono sviluppare utilizzandola. Questo capitolo contiene tutto ciò che... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
Hon ångrade sig så. Tula hade vandrat långt in i Zonen. För långt. Hon hade gått genom skogen, följt den gamla rälsen mellan ruiner och rostiga tågvrak. Mot de glänsande silverskivorna vid horisonten. Hon ville så gärna nå dit. Bli Arkens hjälte. En hyllad zonstrykare. Nu var hon snart en död zonstrykare. Om inte törsten dödade henne skulle zongastar eller Rötan göra det. Då... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
She had wandered too far into the Zone. Tula had walked through the dark forest, followed the old rail tracks between crumbling ruins and rusting train wrecks, towards the glimmering silver disks by the horizon. She wanted to reach them so bad. Become a hero of the Ark. A famous stalker. Now, she would be a dead stalker. If the thirst didn't kill her, zone ghouls or the rot... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
In the enchanted world of Mythia, fairy tales, folklore, and myths are real, living seamlessly with one another. The fantastical stories, epic legends, and mythology throughout history come to life intertwining with the survival horrors of a road warrior zombie apocalypse.
A decade has past since the undead menace befell the lands in the event known as the Flood. This cataclysm devastated the flourishing... [click here for more] |
Epic Pride Gaming |
Then, out of the ruins, the Blight Beast came at them, massive and roaring. Its claws scraped the rocky ground, scouring out deep sores oozing pure corruption, leaving drops of black, mercury-like mildew on moss and stones in its wake.
“We cannot escape this,” said Fenya. Magdala nodded agreement. “Well then,” Kvarek sighed, “this is where we make our stand,... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The West owes you nothin’, but it might just be the making of you.
Y’all call this lawless town home—a land of opportunity and fortune, violence and danger, risk and reward. Stand by your faith, your self belief, your compadres. Grab your iron and mount your horse. Struggle against the evil in the hearts of other folk, and fight to make your big dreams come true—to tell your own... [click here for more] |
Effekt |
This world is an error. A glitch. It has to be. This can’t be the way life was meant to be.
It all went wrong somewhere. Probably when we let the hyper-corps take control. Now they control everything we consume. Everything we eat, drink, watch, or buy. They’re even trying to control how we think. Sooner or later,... [click here for more] |
VX2 |
Kickstarter campaign for the full product starts on Monday, 26th of September.
In Touched by the Gods players will take the roles of doomed heroes of a long gone Folk. They have been Touched by one of the eight gods and possess special powers now. Thanks to that they can do what none other can. But the divine energy is eating them from inside out and at some point it will become the... [click here for more] |
Cosy Coven |
War Stories is a Year Zero Engine roleplaying game set during the Second World War. With it, you and your friends may play the roles of heroic soldiers parachuting into Normandy during Operation Overlord in June of 1944, or as a harried tank crew grinding their way through France in the breakout that followed. You may even explore history as an intrepid war correspondent or an underground resistance... [click here for more] |
Firelock Games |
Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci!
Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
 Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online.
Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
 Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online.
For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
 Since the incursions began, hubris has been the true god of the Trembling Valley. Strange forces from alien worlds intrude into reality driving people to heights of ambition and folly never before seen. Science, metaphysics, and industry are on the march, but collapse, madness, and civil war follow on their heels. Frightened and desperate, the people turn to you. And you're just an insurance agent.... [click here for more] |
Bird Teeth |
Pay What You Want
 Talking to Dragons was designed for the One Page RPG Jam 2024, and serves as a basis for an upcoming RPG "Tales of Distant Lands" under development by Lategamer.
Talking to Dragons is a standalone one-page tabletop RPG about wizards and their companions travelling the world, righting wrongs and maintaining the Equilibrium. It's heavily inspired by the world of Earthsea as described by Ursula K.... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
Teddy Bear Holding a Freaking Machine Gun, is a core rules only free version of FLUFF n' FURY live now on Kickstarter.
JOIN OUR KICKSTARTER! www.kickstarter.com/projects/weirdplace/fluff-n-fury-a-cy-bear-punk-ttrpg
The year is 2198. Humanity is doomed, but your consciousness is now housed in a cybernetic teddy bear— fluffy, adorable, and armed to the teeth. Teddy Bear Holding A Freaking... [click here for more] |
Weird Place |
Pay What You Want
A cheat sheet of rules and charts for The Electric State RPG by Free League ... [click here for more] |
Rocket Punch Press |
Pay What You Want
 Based on The Walking Dead RPG by Free League this 3 page rules refernece for players and GMs. Can also be used as inserts for a GM screen. ... [click here for more] |
Rocket Punch Press |
Pay What You Want
Recusant is made for use with Hexploratores, the grand hex crawl setting and supplements, and is intended to allow for low fantasy role play of ordinary folk drawn by duty, obligation, or necessity into dangerous situations- the farmer and citizen soldiers who must endure war, kingly scheming, the dangers of the wild unknown, and monsters of myth and legend. It is built... [click here for more] |
Prudence Publishing |
$4.97 $1.97
 De Occulta is a hack of the Year Zero Engine (Step) to create a game where you play Modern Occultist/Sorcerors. The YZE is a fast and dirty engine with high lethality and infinite expandability.
Occultists summon Pneuma to do their wishes and search the world for powerful Rotes, Relics and legends. They may come into contact with Vampirs (using the ExSanguine rules) or Psychics (using Twilight Tangents)... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
 exsanguine is a hack of the Year Zero Engine (Step) to create a game where you can play Vampirs and their Hunters. The YZE is a gritty, fast, lethal system that is infinitely expandable.
Vampirs include Familiars, Fiends and Elders and can quickly generate superhuman abilities including the Dark Gifts possessed by mature Vampirs. You can also use... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
Lost Echoes is a space horror tabletop roleplaying game that you roleplay as a death-sentenced or a thrown-away character who tries to survive in the space.
You can play this game as a classic dungeoncrawl like OSR, or you can play it as a self-exploration game like any PbtA games. Either way, space is dangerous and will drive the characters crazy at some point.
If you ever felt like a “wasted... [click here for more] |
Black Dragon Tomes |
The preview has the full PDF of the dark phone PDF version if you would like to try before you buy.
UPDATE MAY 2024: YZM will be getting an update sometime in the future including a commissioned logo by Harry Boddice, some changes to the ruleset to reflect the past years of play and feedback, and some additional content. Once this update goes live, the cost will be going... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
$4.00 $2.00

YEAR ZERO NANO (YZN) is an even lighter off-shoot of Year Zero Mini -- both of which are designed to provide lightweight frameworks for quickly jumping into your favourite setting.
Where other rules-light games might emphasise action or heroics, YZN is more down to earth - telling stories of a more gritty and relatable nature.
The preview... [click here for more] |
3 Skulls Pub |
Spelarboken är ett kampanj- och regelsupplement till Mutant – Undergångens Arvtagare. Boken innehåller allt du behöver veta om spelets fyra grundläggande karaktärsklasser. Den beskriver den dominerande människan som styr efterkatastrofens värld och de muterade som knegar i sotiga manufakturer och på åkrar vattnade av ständiga syraregn. Boken ger också en nyanserad bild av de skygga och... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
XVII-й век был богат на интересные события, политические интриги, кровопролитные войны, морские путешествия. Данная книга - врата в этот интереснейший и многими пока недооцененный период.
Уникальная механика игры напоминает... [click here for more] |
Andrzej Buhlak |
$12.99 $2.50
A few hours ago you were in your house, playing with that cool space adventure video game. A MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY. And suddenly, a strange energy portal appeared in front of you. IN.REAL.LIFE. Straight from the game! Before you had time to react properly, the game asked again. ARE YOU... [click here for more] |
Alfredo Tarancón |
EvenFell is an Open Gaming License ruleset for post-post-apocalyptic roleplay and skirmishing set in a world of analog sci-fi, primitivist zeal, and dread creeping in from the edges of a world divided by the mysterious phenomenon, the Blank, while humanity builds anew.
EvenFell offers tactical and deadly combat across a spectrum of tech levels, reflecting the disparity of advancement in a world... [click here for more] |
Prudence Publishing |
$4.99 $2.99
Year Zero Plus One is Solo adaptation of Free League Publishing's Year Zero Engine (YZE). Inside will be an overview of the original system with special attention paid to SoloRPG players, as well as a brand new interpretation of the classic YZE dice pool as a Yes/No Decision Oracle. Includes comprehensive instructions, sample tables, and a brand new Scene Mutation system for including... [click here for more] |
Man Alone |
Edgeland is a cyber roleplaying hack of the Year Zero Engine. It takes those rules and reconfigures them to have player facing rolls, one roll actions and the beginning prompts for co-op or solo gaming. It is a toolbox to build the cyber(punk/rebel/merc/hacker) setting you want but with a few set ways of forcing what it wants from you. It is fast and deadly,... [click here for more] |
Things I Keep |
 Once: a soul in pain faced with impossible problems and deficient solutions.
Now: a criminal on the run, a defector escaping your former handlers who aspire to punish your transgressions and the foolish police who aspire to apprehend you.
You are an agent on the run from your former employers after allegedly committing an unforgivable crime in their eyes. The... [click here for more] |
World Champ Game Co |
 Veneration is a tabletop roleplaying game of a violent pilgrimage made by warriors who aspire to make their annual offerings to St. Anger. Players utilize a single stat/resource, ANGER, to manage their health, damage, and luck. Includes 4 classes, bestiary, and 5-part quest in a 12 page zine. It is intended for 2-6 players and plays in 1-2 hours. Inspired by Metallica's... [click here for more] |
World Champ Game Co |
Elle s’était aventurée trop loin dans la Zone.
Tula avait traversé la forêt obscure, suivi l’ancienne voie ferrée derrière des ruines délabrées et des épaves de train rouillées pour s’approcher des disques d’argent qui miroitaient à l’horizon. Elle voulait tellement les atteindre ! Devenir l’héroïne de l’Arche. Une zonarde célèbre. Mais à présent, elle serait... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Forbidden Hero - Solo Roleplaying in the Forbidden Lands
This booklet brings GM-less play to Forbidden Lands
This booklet combines two simple game mechanics and some advice on structuring a game for solo play, to give you the option of picking up and playing Forbidden Lands at any time.
This book requires you to have both the players handbook and gamemasters guide, as it will direct you to specific... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
 Solo Wilderness
Solo Roleplaying Fearsome Wilderness by Geektopia
Fearsome Wilderness RPG was successfully kickstarted in March 2023. Following on from that campaign, I happily agreed to create these solo rules.
This booklet combines my usual simple oracles + improvisational theatre techniques to emulate the GM when roleplaying.
This game proved an interesting challenge because it is spoiler heavy,... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
As the robot thundered across the rye field towards the police van I realized a line had been crossed, and that it had been crossed many hours earlier that day. Maybe it happened when we broke into the warehouse down at Sätuna, when Olof found that strange backpack. Strange that I didn’t realize it then – when Olof slipped his hand into the big glove and the Thing under the tarp came to life.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A Tactical Espionage and Science-Fiction RPG powered by the Year Zero Engine.
The world is not what it seems. Psychics and bio-augmented humans work as spies and soldiers on behalf of criminal organizations, private military companies, and secret societies in a covert war that has been raging for decades. Some are fighting for control and power, while others... [click here for more] |
Knight Errant Media |
Pay What You Want
Ett mörker har lagt sig över den stängda staden Askhem. Invånarna är fångar, sedan Den Svarta Döden försatt staden i karantän. De som drabbas av farsoten dör, men reser sig igen, som vandöda styggelser. Onaturliga varelser rör sig i mörka gränder och vissa människor har fått farliga krafter, så kallad sotmagi. Trolldomskommissionen, en militant kristen gruppering,... [click here for more] |
Random Table Games |
Pay What You Want
You had a life on the outside. You were taken. Now you are etherbound.
Etherbound is a thrilling space fantasy RPG that will transport you to a hollow Earth where a myriad of planets gracefully orbit the blazing Core.
Immersed in this awe inspiring backdrop, meet fellow outsiders, navigate the complex dynamics of the local nations, and try to earn their trust and assistance... [click here for more] |
Noé Falzon |
Step into the shadowy world of conspiracy, cover-ups, and cosmic intrigue with the Ufologists Field Manual, the Quickstart for the upcoming tabletop RPG, MAJESTIC. This essential manual invites players with pre-generated characters to unravel the enigma of UFO phenomena, blending investigative rigour with the suspense of extraterrestrial encounters.
Face off against the labyrinth of government secrecy,... [click here for more] |
Late Gaming Company |
Pay What You Want
"Quelque part derrière le périmètre délimité, au-delà des champs et des marais, des machines abandonnées vagabondaient comme des chiens errants. Elles déambulaient, impatientes, sous le vent nouveau qui soufflait sur le pays. Et elles humaient dans l’air un parfum inédit."
Bienvenue dans le monde du Loop où la situation a radicalement changé. Les tableaux de Simon... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
 A colorful, 12' x 18' Map of Empyrea for Between Clouds by Andi Licht. Provides greater visibility than the map included in the rulebook and makes for an excellent play space. High quality print, also functions well as a wall art or a poster. Visit the Between Clouds product page to learn more about the game and grab a copy. Enjoy! :) ... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
This quick-start rulebook contains all you need to dive into the world of Death Valley, where you will take on the role of an undead resident of Bardo’s Bluff. Whether you desire to exist in peace or seek out revenge for your wrongful killing, there is always something or someone determined to make your life hell.
From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Crow comes a TTRPG that is quick to learn... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
 Faithful Companion
The Session Zero Guide to Sleepy Hollow Folk Horror RPG
Begin your journey into the haunted heart of Sleepy Hollow with Faithful Companion, the ultimate Session Zero guide for players and Gamemasters diving into 19th-century folk horror. This essential companion introduces you to the art of crafting an unforgettable folk horror experience, with insights on what defines... [click here for more] |
Kids in the Attic |