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Included in this title are stl models for 6x6 and 8x8 Dungeon and Cavern (revised) floors. For use with Fat Dragon Games Dragonlock terrain systems. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This massive 98 item set contains the basics to build a diverse catacombs dungeon. Included in this set are:
16 Wall Tiles (including transitions from normal FDG dungeons)
20 Floor Tiles (including transition tiles)
10 Doors (also includes 9 custom text lintels)
8 Corners (4 with Skulls along the wall base, 4 without)
8 Curved Walls (4 with Skulls along the wall base, 4 without)
8 Pillar Tiles (4... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set are 34 STL files corresponding to the status effects of the 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons game.
Advantage, Charmed, Disadvantage, Deafened, Fatigued, Frightened, Grappled, Incapacitated, Invisible, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Stunned, Unconscious, Exhuasted Dying, Stabilized, Save, Fail, Misfire, and Concentrating are included. Flying 5, 10, 15, 20,... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
It's about giant buildings folks. That's what it really comes down to. That's all that's left when we go to see our ancestors. The Busy Little Dwarves Design Bureau understands the need to work hard today to ensure a better tomorrow for our little ones. After all, what do we really leave behind for our children but unnecessarily tall structures with incredible, intricate, and impractical architecture.... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Included in this free set are 6 models for secret rotating doors. The original rotating cavern door was included in the Centurion set, but with the release of the revised Cavern set from Fat Dragon Games, it seemed fitting to release a new version and update to the legacy. This rotating door rotates on the side rather than the middle.The Tavern tile rotates from the middle.
It is recommend to use... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Gaping Portal Tavern, the most famous Tavern in Waterdrop City, where you can have an Ale and muster up your courage to get lowered down into the well (to have a drink of water maybe?).
This piece needs to be printed four times to get a 10"x10" Tavern floor section with an 8" wide well hole in the middle. The walls are 22mm high off the base giving an impression of being just above... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of 5 remixed tiles from Fat Dragon Games Dungeons and Market set are everything you need to add curtain doorways to your games!
Please see the included ReadMe for print instructions.
... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
An assorted collection of NPCs perfect for your tabletop game! In this collection you'll get:
Arch Mage
Bandit Captain
Cult Fanatic
Spy in the bushes
Tribal Warrior
Veteran Fighter
Print these with supports and a raft. Blender files have been included... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
 The Cobbled Bases are great if you want to see what the texture of the Cobbled Roads for Lord Cireneg's City are like. They are pieces cut from the same tiles so they will match the look perfectly. Solely made with cobble stones so you can add your own details as you wish. ... [click here for more] |
Devious Games |
Pay What You Want
An Alchemist's Set.
The Zip contains 3 files.
One includes the alchemist's chemistry set
the two others files are potions and poisons.
Check out the kickstarter this came from if you haven't already backed. ... [click here for more] |
Devious Games |
Pay What You Want
This Barn set contains models by several of us who were active on the FDG forums for many months, in particular Arenwel, Colin, Aaron, and I. It was a wonderful time of learning for us and Arenwel was a wonderful instructor. He and Colin were the primary artists on this set, and we hope you all of the hard work and effort that went into this set.
Other sets often used for Barn Construction:
FDG Village... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Need some spellcaster NPCs for your game? Well here there are!
In this collection you get the following models:
- Acolyte
- Cultist
- Cult Fanatic
- Mage
- Priest
- Druid
- Elf wizard with staff and wand
- Dwarf Wizard
- Dwarf Cleric
- Archmage
Print with supports and a brim or raft. Prints well on their backs.... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Dwarves of every class now ready for 3D printing! In this collection I have:
- Fighter
- Female Cleric
- Barbarian
- Wizard
- Rogue
- Bard
- Paladin
- Psion / Sorceror.
Along with each mini I have their corresponding weapons. Print them with supports and a raft. . Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need some mounts? Why not some horses? Here in this collection is a draft horse, riding horse, and warhorse.
Print the head as is. Print the body upside down with supports and a raft. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
This set of pyramid tiles was a collaboration between myself and user @arenwel on the Fat Dragon Games forums. He is a true friend and I thank him so much for helping me get where I am now.
There are two different tilesets included in this 26 item title:
1) External, which sits flush to the table and each exterior tile for aesthetics. Connects to Fat Dragon titles on 3 sides.
2) Internal, which... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Here's a micro Ghost, just in time for Halloween! Scaled to be used with the Micro Dungeons set. Should print without supports.
Print using FDG Cura mini settings, or equivalent.
Also includes a scaled up 32 mm version... if for some reason you wanted to print him that big.
Remember to use your clips on their sides for the Micro Dungeons, the side of the tile should look like it has a duck mouth... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a remix for the Tower of Terror set for integrating into the Woodland Sets. This does not include the rest of the tower. It only includes the door and 4 tiles shown in the cover preview. Enjoy!
This requires the purchase of the FDG Tower of Terror set to complete tower.
Recommended Print Settings:
Use official FDG Printing Profiles
Layer Height: .2
Infill: 5% ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Unleash a horde of undead with this Zombie collection! This includes a zombie human and ogre model.
Print with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need some familiars printed? Maybe a rat or two? Here they are!
This is a collection of very small animals you can use in your campagin! Cats, rats, weasels, jackels, and more!
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
In this collection you get swarms of bats, rats, insects, ravens, and snakes!
Print them as is with supports and a raft. Print the stands with clear material if you can.... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need some goblins? Hobgoblins? Bugbears? We got it all! Go to town on your players and tear them apart with these awesome goblin minis. Free and ready to print, just use supports and a brim on each piece. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Skeletons of a human warrior, minotaur, and war horse, now ready for your tabletop game!
Print with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Terry wanted one of these, so i took a crack at it. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Add a ferocious pack of wolves to your next game to spice things up! In this collection you have regular grey wolves, dire wolves, winter wolves, and worgs!
Print them as is with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Whats a tabletop game without some bears?!
In this collection you get a black, brown, polar, and dire bear, ready to make your forest encounters un...BEARable!
(sorry that was terrible)
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Kraken perfect for your tabletop game! Print the tentacles as is, and print the body with supports and a brim or raft.... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of 3d printable terrain you will find 19 .STL models for creating dwarven dungeons. This tile set features walls, doors, corners, and corner pillars needed to make rooms of any size that connect to each other with Dragonbite clips.
This set has 3 styles of terrain:
Resized Legacy tiles match our original sculpts, but as the name suggests they are all slightly resized to match... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
Werewolves, Werebears, Wererats, and Weretigers, 3D printable and perfect for your tabletop game! Print with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Man's best friend, now ready for your table top game!
In this collection you have a Blink Dog and Mastiff, two iconic poochs ready to be 3D Printed. Print them as is with supports and a brim. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Unleash natures fury with these kickbutt characters. In this collection you get:
- Dwarf Berserker
- Dragonborn Barbarians (black and regular)
- Tribal Warrior
- Human Barbarian
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Every creepy campaign has to throw in some cultists here and there. In this collection you get a hooded cultest with a knife and cult fanatic in a fighting stance.
Print them on their backs with supports and a raft, but standing works too. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need a tempermental bird in your campaign? Look no further than the Axe beak!
Print as is with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
These plants have come alive and are pissed! 3D print these living plants to add a greeny threat to your pc's in your next tabletop game!
Print the shrub as is with supports and a raft. Print the tree parts with supports and raft, and glue together. Use a wood burner to meld together if needed. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Here is a collection of brave Gnome adventurers perfect for your tabletop game! In this collection you have:
Gnome Paladin / Fighter / Cleric
Gnome Ranger/ Rogue
Gnome Mage
Print with Suppots and a Raft. The weapons and staffs print as is. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need some forest animals in your game? Maybe an elk for a mount? How about a glorious forest spirit? Well here they are!
Print them as is with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Need some unsavory brutes for your game? Why not these jerks? In this collection you get:
- human bandit
- half orc bandit captain
- human thug.
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Metal or Color dragons needed? Here they all are ready for 3D printing! Use supports and a brim for each of the pieces. Try to position the wings during your print so that they are erect and with as little supports needed as possible.
You get them all in this colllection! For Chomatics you get: Red, Blue, Green, White and Black Dragons!
For Metalic you get: Golden, Silver, Bronze, Brass, and Copper! ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Any sewer or urban area can always use a giant beetle, centipede or other gross vermin! Here is a nice collection of some big bugs ready to complicate things for your players!
In this collection you get:
Giant Centipede
Giant Scorpian
Giant Wasp
Giant Beetle
... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Not every mini has to be a kickbutt hero or epic monster. Sometimes you need farmer joe to start off your campaign!
In this postI have a simple farmer with a pitchfork. Print him on his back with supports and a raft, but standing works too. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Ogre, perfect for your tabletop game!
Print with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Hail... it! Its a Hydra, 3D printable and perfect for your tabletop game! Print each piece with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Wyvern, perfect for your tabletop game!
Print each piece with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Here is an assassin / rogue perfect for your tabletop game! Print him with supports and a raft. Prints well on his back... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
What would the sewers of your campaing be like without some giant rats? In this batch I have some giant rats, giant weasels, and more!
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Treant, perfect for your tabletop game!
Print with supports and a brim or raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
A Troll, perfect for your tabletop game!
Print with supports and a brim or raft. Prints well on its back. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Bring the worst of the undead to your game with this vampire collection! This includes a vampire lord and a vampire spawn.
Print with supports and a brim or raft. They print well on their backs with a raft. ... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Aztlan Sewers is a set we have wanted to do for a long time, but we had to do it right. We didn’t want a sewer system that was less epic than the previous one we did for the community creator program, so we spared no expense of time to make sure of it.
This starter set is a full and complete series of walls, water, channels, and everything else you need to make a vast sewer dungeon. Aztlan is Will’s... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
This demonic hound is now ready for your table top game! Add a diabolical threat your players won't expect!
Print them with supports and a raft. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want
Eagles, hawks, and vultures oh my! Both regular and giant sized versions of these birds of prey are now available for 3D printing!
Print them with supports and a raft. Print the stands with clear material if possible. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
mz4250 |
Pay What You Want