Nominated for the 2018 ENnies Product of the Year, The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth is set in a fictional theme park called Mouse Park. Its special blend of satire and horror takes collaborative storytelling to the brink, where players can take on the role of guests or staff in a theme park that barely masks a terrible horror lurking beneath.
What horror Mouse Park brings is up to you—the... [click here for more]
The Game Master is a book about roleplaying games. It is intended for game masters from the aspiring novice trying to figure out how to launch their first campaign to the veteran who wants to discover how to consistently produce games that work and avoid train-wreck campaigns. It aims to foster a deeper appreciation of the unique nature of RPGs as both a dynamic literary form and a type of... [click here for more]
Atlantis nears its fall.
An empire founded on a dream tears itself apart. Slaves make one last bid for freedom. The precursors of the human race rail against extinction.
You came from this world. Fated to witness the end of the age of miracles, you have the power to make one final difference. You will love and hate for the fate of a world you will not live to see.
Your... [click here for more]
A Guardians superhero adventure for levels 1-3 Includes: 10 super-powered NPC’s, A new super power, & Multiple Maps
Marcus Grimwood, once known as the Teklord until he retired from superhero duties, was a genius super inventor from a family of wealthy industrialists. After tragically losing his partner, and the failure of his brilliant inventions to be accepted by the public,... [click here for more]
The classic game of corporate irresponsibility, back and better than ever!
It’s five minutes from now. You live in a perfect world.
You live in the free world.
Every new day brings you new challenges. Every new job brings new opportunities. You’re the master of your destiny, your own boss.
The future is bright. The future is yours.
You just have to keep your soul.
And... [click here for more]
The world didn’t end. It was close. Some things fell apart, others took their place. This is the post- without the apocalypse. We should be celebrating, but we are too busy orienting ourselves in this new world, finding a place to live in, or even an identity, we can live with. Not just surviving. We hit the road, or stayed nearby. We sought out solitude, or community. We connected,... [click here for more]
FreeFATE is your gateway to exciting adventures, suspenseful tales and thrilling action!
The FreeFATE rules are a cut down & condensed version of the FATE System (Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment), intended to appeal to gamers who prefer uncomplicated rules and to act as an introduction to the full system.
... [click here for more]