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GEMulator - Game Master Emulation for Solo Roleplaying Games Within these pages is a ruleset that allows you to play traditional multiplayer RPGs on your own. The complete freedom of solo play can be intimidating when it comes to actually playing through an entire campaign. Some sort of structure is needed to guide you along the path and prevent you from getting lost. The GEMulator is exactly that....   [click here for more]
Solo Tabletop  Pay What You Want

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Soul Space - A Fabula Ultima Compatible Setting

Soul Space - A Fabula Ultima Compatible Setting

Far in mankind's future, ones soul can be bought and sold. Whether to a giant corporation, a corrupt government, or a rotting church, the people of the Galactic Federation know no other lifestyle. One's being is simply for sale. At the edge of space, Knights and Crusaders fight petty amongst each other as they hold off the hordes of Demons threatening the Galactic Federation. With their...   [click here for more]
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer  Pay What You Want

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The Metamorphica (Classic Edition)

The Metamorphica (Classic Edition)

UPDATE:  A new and improved revised edition of The Metamorphica is now available, although this version will remain freely available. Random Mutation Tables If your game has a need for random mutation tables and procedures for creating all sorts of mutant abominations or unnatural things, whether they are corrupt demons and unique monsters or strange aliens and...   [click here for more]
Chthonstone Games  Pay What You Want

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Vildheim Quick Start Guide

Vildheim Quick Start Guide

The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.  We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system. The...   [click here for more]
Awfully Queer Heroes  Pay What You Want

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Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Coach House Paper Model

Coach House Paper Model

Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. Assembly time is about an hour. 15mm to 30mm scale: This model is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm, 20mm or 25mm...   [click here for more]
Dave Graffam Models  Pay What You Want

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A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ...   [click here for more]
Druid GM Designs  Pay What You Want

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Take5 Core Rulebook (Digital Version)

Take5 Core Rulebook (Digital Version)

Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.  The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written...   [click here for more]
Take5TTRPG  Pay What You Want

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Dockside Ghost Ship 36 x 48 RPG Encounter Map

Dockside Ghost Ship 36 x 48 RPG Encounter Map

Dockside Ghost Ship - RPG Encounter Map 36" x 48" image of a dockside with large ghostly pirate ship out in the harbour (optional square 1" grid).  A ship that was lost with all hands has just sailed back to its home port, now crewed by a motley crew of undead. Files included: For Large Format Printing 300 DPI JPEG with 1" square grid 300...   [click here for more]
Loke BattleMats  Pay What You Want

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This small module presents a new artifact for your Cypher System games: a flying ship named Coruscation. Perfect for a science fantasy setting, it can be also used in any other world where such wondrous objects may be found. Inside: - Detailed description of the vessel - Upgrades and bonuses they provide - Sample crew members - Plot hooks involving the ship - Handy ship “character...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  Pay What You Want

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The Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit: Digital

The Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit: Digital

Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready" With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.  However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure...   [click here for more]
TTRPGkids LLC  Pay What You Want

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The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

An open license rules-lite, d20 based tabletop roleplaying game for people who care more for storytelling than level grinding. These universal rules allow you to play in any genre including fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. ...   [click here for more]
roamitygames  Pay What You Want

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Secrets of the Crucible Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

Secrets of the Crucible Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Keyforge setting, Secrets of the Crucible, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really just like legal text. Please only...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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EPICS roleplaying system

EPICS roleplaying system

EPICS has been redesigned into the DESTINY system - however, the EPICS system is still avalible for pay-what-you-want here! EPICS - Deserve to Survive! The old days when players could sit around the table, roll a few dice, and win the day (while barely paying attention) are gone. Now the players will have to think about their characters and role-play as well as fight, if they want to survive. This...   [click here for more]
Dragonslayer Games  Pay What You Want

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Theater of the Mind Magazine - Issue #2

Theater of the Mind Magazine - Issue #2

Theater of the Mind is the first gaming magazine to embrace the bold mission of exploring immersive role playing, cooperative story telling, and direct reader involvement in its publication. The phrase “theater of the mind” is used to describe an immersive role playing experience that takes place entirely within the imaginations of the players and story teller, requiring no props,...   [click here for more]
Critical Hit Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Yard

The Yard

THE YARD is a high-resolution PDF map to suit your post-apocalyptic tastes. We intentionally left some undecided areas on the map canvas for you to draw on as your game progresses. Use one of the two pages and print and draw! 2 pages. Each page is 11.6in x 8.2in (297mm x 209mm) / A4 size in 300dpi resolution which scales for larger prints as well. Perfect for A3. Keep track on...   [click here for more]
Skepnad Studios  Pay What You Want

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GeARS - Quick Start

GeARS - Quick Start

About this Book This book is an introduction to the revised version of GeARS, a tabletop role-playing game system designed to be generic and adaptable to any game genre or setting. What you can find in this book is the backbone of the system, with the most basic rules related to character creation and event handling. ...   [click here for more]
Ralph Talesman  Pay What You Want

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Just a Game - Playtest Packet

Just a Game - Playtest Packet

This is a playtest packet. This packet is primarily aimed at individuals who already possess and play one of three game systems: Fate, GUMSHOE or Powered by the Apocalypse (aka Apocalyspe World). If you are not familiar with these games and are still interested in trying this out, you are free to do so but know that full game rules of the basic systems are not included....   [click here for more]
Thrythlind Books and Games  Pay What You Want

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Drama is an experimental roleplaying story game where players roll dice to unearth their part in writing the story. Includes advanced rules for antagonists, protagonists, and supporting cast. Requires a 1d6 to play. ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  Pay What You Want

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The Fugue system: narrative rules for amnesia RPGs

The Fugue system: narrative rules for amnesia RPGs

FUGUE is an RPG engine that lets you construct and tell the story of a group of people who begin with complete amnesia, and who regain their memories of themselves, their pasts, their connections, their abilities and their secrets as the story goes on. What really differentiates Fugue from most RPGs is that it’s built to tell a story that lasts a pre-determined amount of time (usually four...   [click here for more]
Magnum Opus Press  Pay What You Want

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Savage Suzerain Continuum Guide

Savage Suzerain Continuum Guide

So, you want to be a Demigod? Choose a place, a cave, a town, a far-flung planet. Now choose a time, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, when aliens invaded our star sector… once again, anything goes. Now choose a genre, from horror to swashbuckling, steampunk to sci-fi, fantasy to fairytales.... Where your place, time and genre intersect, that’s Suzerain. Try it again tomorrow...   [click here for more]
Savage Mojo  Pay What You Want

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Hexcrawl Template

Hexcrawl Template

A nineteen hex hexcrawl template presented in a parchment style. ...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Hot Circle

Hot Circle

Hot Circle is a self-contained multi-genre hack of The Burning Wheel, but simplified down to just 28 pages. It replaces things that needed long complicated lists (traits, skills, lifepaths) with freeform descriptors in the style of Over the Edge or Fate. From there the framework is extended with compromises (replacing scripted conflicts), conditions, and ability...   [click here for more]
Friendly Ghost Games  Pay What You Want

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The Ruins [2] - Battlemap

The Ruins [2] - Battlemap

- "The Ruins [2]" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. 3 extra versions (Sunset, night and rain mode).     ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Cookie Jar

Cookie Jar

In COOKIE JAR, the players take turns accusing one another of a CRIME until the actual culprit is revealed. The crime can be anything from stealing a pie to vandalizing a school to murder. Cookie Jar requires an obscene amount of dice. Which are not included in this PDF. ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  Pay What You Want

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The Bank Job

The Bank Job

You've always wanted to rob a bank, haven't you? Now is your chance! This scenario puts three to five players in the shoes of bank robbers during a heist gone wrong. Do they get out of the bank alive and if they do, can they escape the police? The Bank Job is an introductionary scenario to the Fail Forward RPG system. It is designed to last one to two hours, but can be extended...   [click here for more]
Nuclear Saints  Pay What You Want

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Theater of the Mind Magazine - Issue #5

Theater of the Mind Magazine - Issue #5

Welcome to the MArch issue of Theater of the Mind. The theme for this issue is "Parley." Theater of the Mind is the first gaming magazine to embrace the bold mission of exploring immersive role playing, cooperative story telling, and direct reader involvement in its publication. The phrase “theater of the mind” is used to describe...   [click here for more]
Critical Hit Publishing  Pay What You Want

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HeXXen 1730 - Grundregelwerk

HeXXen 1730 - Grundregelwerk

Im Jahre 1730 n.Chr. ist nichts mehr so, wie es einmal war. Tod und Vernichtung sind aus den Tiefen der Erde, aus dunklen Wäldern und lodernden Höllen hervorgekrochen. Der Teufel wandelt über das Antlitz der Welt. Und in seinem Gefolge tummeln sich Vampire, Dämonen, Hexen, Werwesen und viele weitere Schrecken, geboren aus Albträumen! Vor 90 Jahren begann, das Unheil seinen Lauf zu nehmen. Mitten...   [click here for more]
Mirko Bader  Pay What You Want

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River Rapids - Battlemap

River Rapids - Battlemap

- "River Rapids" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg - 02 Extra versions (Sunset and Night mode) This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Under my Skin

Under my Skin

Under my Skin is a game about passion, fidelity and definitions of love. A group of friends get together and secret loves and passions erupt. Partners and lovers have to face up to their fears and jealousies as they find that time has taken its toll on their relationships. People learn about themselves and what love really means. Under my Skin is a live-form role playing game for 4 to...   [click here for more]
Black & Green Games  Pay What You Want

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QAGS Second Edition Qik-Start Rules

QAGS Second Edition Qik-Start Rules

Want to spend more time gaming and less time calculating? Want to make a character rather than a walking equipment stash? Want a game that lets you have more fun in more genres for less money? With the Quick Ass Game System, you can create any character from any genre and start playing almost immediately. Pirates? Check! Ninjas? Done! Occult detectives? Easy! Romantic poets? Fast, simple, and fun! ...   [click here for more]
Hex Games  Pay What You Want

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The Swamp - Battlemap

The Swamp - Battlemap

- "The Swamp" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 7680x7680px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Party Wizard

Party Wizard

Party Wizard is an experimental roleplaying game of decadence and depravity at a once-a-year party thrown by the modern day wizard, Gandalf. Everyone is welcome at this party, of course, but most don’t survive the non-stop 24 hours of drinking and debauchery. Can you survive this bacchanal? This game is for adults. It has dirty words in it. Play nice. ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  Pay What You Want

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OE Stock Art - Zombie Bear (or Skin Husk)

OE Stock Art - Zombie Bear (or Skin Husk)

Outland Entertainment's works with over two dozen artists to provide Stock Artwork that is distinct, quality, and affordable. Outland Entertainment's Stock Art is available for personal or commercial projects. This illustration of a Zombie Bear (or Skinhusk) was created by Jeremy Mohler. This image is provided as a 1767 x 1386 JPG. (license terms included) ...   [click here for more]
Outland Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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The Mountain - Battlemap

The Mountain - Battlemap

- "The Mountain" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Forever Folio 3 (July 2015)

Forever Folio 3 (July 2015)

Pay What You Want on this title. FOREVER FOLIO 3 July 2015 Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue: Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day. Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look...   [click here for more]
Forever People  Pay What You Want

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The Ice Dungeon: PWYW Easy 3D Papercraft Tabletop Terrain

The Ice Dungeon: PWYW Easy 3D Papercraft Tabletop Terrain

THE ICE DUNGEON: PWYW TERRAIN SAMPLE SET  This is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks. EASY PAPERCRAFT RPG TERRAIN   Dungeons and Dragons...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  Pay What You Want

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Lv. 1 Slime Expansion - 01 Artificial Slime Machine

Lv. 1 Slime Expansion - 01 Artificial Slime Machine

For each slime found, there is at least 20 others, an endless supply of slimes to follow, to find, and to prey on for their rare drops! Though with an infinite number of slimes comes an infinite number of stories. In each LEVEL UP! Pack for 'A Week in the Life of a Level 1 Slime' you will find the following; A new setting, expanding your choices and inspiring new tales for your slimes...   [click here for more]
Monster Chest Productions  Pay What You Want

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Zombie Sen So

Zombie Sen So

Yes you are a Zombie! You will never be at rest. You “live” to make sure nothing else does. Everything must die, if it moves it must die. How did you get in this arena? It does not matter…Look! There is something moving over there…it is time to KILL once again. Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play. Sen So...   [click here for more]
TwinBlade Games  Pay What You Want

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Splinter Superstar Profile - Kade Merek

Splinter Superstar Profile - Kade Merek

"You want to kill your idols? Well step right up and goddamn try." Ronald Singh is the most popular Player the Game has ever known. As the voice and mind behind Kade Merek, Needlekin assassin, his Adventures have sold billions of copies and garnered millions of subscribers and fans the world over. This in-depth bio profiles the rise of Kade Merek, from Singh's conscription into the...   [click here for more]
End Transmission Games  Pay What You Want

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Cliff - Battlemap

Cliff - Battlemap

Description: - "Cliff" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Wounded is an experimental roleplaying story game where players take on the roles of interviewers and “targets” (for lack of a better word), in an attempt to understand one another. As interviewers, the players wear many hats, like counselors or police. As targets, the players take on a single persona, creating backgrounds for themselves that grow more elaborate as the game continues. Wounded...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  Pay What You Want

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Road - Battlemap

Road - Battlemap

- "Road" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 4096x4096px - Battle map .jpg - 02 Extra versions (Sunset and Night mode) This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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I Am Furious (Pink): Dyslexia-friendly Edition

I Am Furious (Pink): Dyslexia-friendly Edition

NOTE: This is a plain-text version of the I Am Furious (Pink) game—with no art and with a minimalist typography and graphic design—for free download. This edition uses the OpenDyslexic font to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. A plain-text sans-serif version is also available separately. If you enjoy these free plain text versions, please...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press  Pay What You Want

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Forever Folio 4 (August Extended Summer Issue)

Forever Folio 4 (August Extended Summer Issue)

Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks! FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015 Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!) Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams....   [click here for more]
Forever People  Pay What You Want

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Frozen Lake - Battlemap

Frozen Lake - Battlemap

Description: - "Frozen Lake" battle map built for use in any VTT (Example: Roll20 and Foundry VTT) - Battle map 24x24 cells / 7680x7680px - Battle map .png This content was produced by Estação RPG (Podcast) and should not be sold or distributed without proper authorization. ...   [click here for more]
Estação RPG  Pay What You Want

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Corporia RPG (ePub and mobi editions)

Corporia RPG (ePub and mobi editions)

This product includes the Corporia RPG as a TEXT-ONLY reflowable ebook in .epub and .mobi formats. The free character sheet and free city district map guide must be ordered and downloaded separately. These ebook versions are also included with purchase of the full color RPG. Corporia is 'knights in shining...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press  Pay What You Want

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Roads of Apocalypse (4th ed.) — Demo-set 1: Church of Apocalypse scums

Roads of Apocalypse (4th ed.) — Demo-set 1: Church of Apocalypse scums

Free demo-set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series. "RoA. Church of Apocalypse: Scums." The set includes 18 really grim miniatures of crazy fanatics and list of bases. The figures may be used at any fantasy,dark fantasy or horror setting. ...   [click here for more]
Distrigillator  Pay What You Want

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Forever Folio (May 2015)

Forever Folio (May 2015)

Pay What You Want on this title. FOREVER FOLIO May 2015 Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue: World Wide Web of Wyrd - an online chat room interview with the author of Wyrd, the genre-busting fantasy setting by David Sharrock. The Dwarves of Demrel - a staff pick Kickstarter project you'll want to get in on at ground zero. Aiming...   [click here for more]
Forever People  Pay What You Want

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Tri-Stat dX: Core System Role-Playing Game - GOO-18-001

Tri-Stat dX: Core System Role-Playing Game - GOO-18-001

Widely regarded as one of the best rules-light role-playing game systems ever published (as presented in over a dozen RPGs), the Tri-Stat System is the ideal game engine for all your campaign needs. Featuring a scalable system, point-based character creation, and intuitive combat and task resolution, Tri-Stat dX: Core System is an inexpensive exploration into essential and...   [click here for more]
Dyskami Publishing Company  Pay What You Want

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