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Red Markets: 2nd Edition Beta Playtest

Red Markets: 2nd Edition Beta Playtest

BETA PLAYTEST Red Markets: 2nd Edition is an evolution of the Profit System, featuring simplified, revised rules and new mechanics designed to create a more immersive experience of  economic horror. Hebanon Games is running an open beta playtest for the duration of 2025. This feature-complete RPG is FREE for anyone willing to provide feedback and help refine the game before publication.  FEATURES The...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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Black Powder and Brimstone Quick Start

Black Powder and Brimstone Quick Start

Black Powder and Brimstone is a gunpowder and withchcraft infused TTRPG, a complete stand-alone game based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This wicked cauldron of a game is packed to the brim with with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons. Written and illustrated by Benjamin Tobitt, the game will be printed and distributed by the rockstar...   [click here for more]
Benjamin Tobitt  Pay What You Want

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Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza to kompletny system do rozgrywania sesji w klimatach przedwiecznego horroru, mieszczący się jedynie na 16 stronach. Gra została zaprojektowana na wzór popularnych retroklonów i z powodzeniem może zostać wykorzystana jako uzupełnienie kampanii w dużych systemach. Sprawdzi się również jako łatwy sposób na wprowadzenie nowych osób do hobby. Przyczajona...   [click here for more]
Daily Kraken Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Blightrealms - Eldritch Fantasy RPG

Blightrealms - Eldritch Fantasy RPG

Enter the world of Haros - a land besieged by demonic invaders, a corrupted landscape, and undead hordes. Your band is among those humans fighting back against the Pestiline in this Eldritch Fantasy RPG. This is the primer and playtest packet distributed and run at Gencon 2019. Fox and Boar Games hopes to be reanimating this game through out 2025. Get your copy, give it a read and a play, and let...   [click here for more]
Fox and Boar Games  Pay What You Want

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Vildheim Quick Start Guide

Vildheim Quick Start Guide

The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.  We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system. The...   [click here for more]
Awfully Queer Heroes  Pay What You Want

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The Legacy of Cthulhu: A Place to Call Home Quick Play

The Legacy of Cthulhu: A Place to Call Home Quick Play

This is an introductory adventure for The Legacy of Cthulhu, a Role-Playing Game that lets players act as one of the few Survivors of the apocalypse brought to Earth by the Great Old Ones and their minions. The game’s main goal is survival, hiding in Shelters and waiting for the best windows of opportunity to go on supply runs. Food, medicine, weapons, and gear are the essential...   [click here for more]
Mind's Vision  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon: Lair of the Skull

One Page Dungeon: Lair of the Skull

Back to Basics! You are an adventurer! You seek riches, gold, and glory! One Page Dungeon 2nd Edition is a back to basics RPG/Roll+Write mash-up game that focuses on simplicity and quick play. King Briarbun has long been dead. Known as a tyrant and a bigot, the peasants were happy to see him go to his grave. However, it seems he didn’t stay dead. A bizarre and out of season...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Whale

The Whale

On Nröst-Loch, there is no land. The Endless Sea, as it is sometimes called, is all you have ever known. The waters are violent, unrelenting, and filled with otherworldly oceanic life. All are subject to the whims of the sea and the creatures that inhabit it. What little rises from the depths to provide respite for desperate sailors will fall just the same. Survivors of these waters are crafty;...   [click here for more]
Almiraj  Pay What You Want

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Nomads Unbound: Doomed Soul (Quick Play)

Nomads Unbound: Doomed Soul (Quick Play)

Doomed Soul is an introductory story set in the Nomads Unbound universe. The rules presented here are highly simplified, with fewer tables, fewer combat possibilities, and a more linear narrative to understand how the system works. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In this journey, you will not just observe but actively participate as a character on a pilgrimage...   [click here for more]
Mind's Vision  Pay What You Want

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Lost Legends of Hell BETA

Lost Legends of Hell BETA

This is the beta release of the tabletop rpg game: Lost Legends of Hell. While the full manuscript is written, we wanted to take time to seek out playtesters to engage with the game, and see how and where we can improve ahead of a full release.  Lost Legends of Hell is a game that sees players, along with their ferry driver (GM) becoming monsters of one of 9 different races, as they go on adventures...   [click here for more]
Crass Knuckles  Pay What You Want

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Cybergothica Playtest Demo Rulebook V.0.5

Cybergothica Playtest Demo Rulebook V.0.5

Cybergothica is a Cyberpunk Gothic Horror game set in an Earth shattered by centuries of Mega-Corp Rule. New nations have risen from the ashes and are picking up the pieces, but the survivors and new settlers of the Cybergothic Age must now face off against the ancient myths and horrors that once more lurk in the shadows. Characters take the role of adventurers and investigators in this bizarre age,...   [click here for more]
Bardic Wolf Productions  Pay What You Want

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The Lost World Roleplaying Game (Ash Can Version)

The Lost World Roleplaying Game (Ash Can Version)

Warning: This is an Ash Can An "Ash Can" is a term to describe a product that has not been properly published. There is no editor, other than my own work. There is no artist, so the work uses public domain artwork. There is no layout person, so the document is laid out like a word document. Ash cans often exist to "lock-in" a legal effect, like trademarks or copyright. In this case,...   [click here for more]
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer  Pay What You Want

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Sorrow RPG - Quickstart Package

Sorrow RPG - Quickstart Package

Lenze flinched involuntarily as another laser blast shot wildly above her head.  Laser rifles!  Where had the damn mutant tribals got laser rifles?!  Didn’t their religion forbid them from using Godfall technology or something?  And so many of them, so angry!  Skygods above!  Lenze crawled back under the floating Platform and took another swig of her flask.   In front...   [click here for more]
Boyd Bros Games  Pay What You Want

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Evr - procedury MG

Evr - procedury MG

Evr jest współczesną grą inspirowaną duchem OSR (NSR) w klimatach dark fantasy. Opowiada o dzielnych żeglarzach, wojownikach i eksploratorach ruin na smaganej wiatrem, skalistej wyspie, którzy staną ramię w ramię wobec straszliwych przeciwności. Ten podręcznik zapewni Ci: Narzędzia do tworzenia żywych przygód i kampanii. Pomoc...   [click here for more]
PdzLorak  Pay What You Want

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Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive – action horror roleplaying in the Modern Cthulhu Mythos. It's like if Guy Ritchie wrote weird fiction; or Scooby-Doo with guns. “Oh, look, Randy's playing a scholarly milquetoast – again. How Lovecraftian of you.” Be a cop! Be a cultist! Be a Deep One! Be an occult librarian bookmobile monster hunter! BE THE HERO! BE THE VILLAIN! BE THE MONSTER! You want a...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Worlds  Pay What You Want

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Doomsong: Lord Have Mercy Upon Us - Free Demo

Doomsong: Lord Have Mercy Upon Us - Free Demo

IN THE BEGINNING, THE ONE TRUE GOD WAS MURDERED. NOW HEALL IS FULL, THE LAST DAY LOOMS LARGE AND THE DEAD ARE WALKING FREE. IT’S YOUR JOB TO PUT THEM BACK IN THE GROUND.  Free Demo  To show off our upcoming game, we've created a 120 page demo that shows off a bit of everything in the Doomsong rules and Lord Have Mercy Upon Us campaign. Inside this free...   [click here for more]
Caesar Ink  Pay What You Want

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The Wyrd Abacus: Standalone rules for Solemn Vale

The Wyrd Abacus: Standalone rules for Solemn Vale

The Wyrd Abacus underpins the stories told in Solemn Vale’s nexus of the weird and the horrible. This game system serves as the bones upon which Solemn Vale’s flesh is draped, facilitating the narrative of your own journey through the seething cauldron of both occult and entirely human nastiness that lies just beneath the village’s placid, bucolic veneer. The Wyrd Abacus uses...   [click here for more]
Dirty Vortex  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told...   [click here for more]
Team Savage Genesis  Pay What You Want

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Teufelsamlingen är ett spelledarverktyg till Lovecraftiska rollspel. Det är en tabell på mystiska objekt som kan fungera som MacGuffin i din kampanj, stämningshöjaren du slår fram för din miljöbeskrivning eller det sista dina spelares karaktärer ser innan de dukar under. I Teufelsamlingen hittar du dessutom förslag på hur du som spelledare kan kan använda tabellen samt...   [click here for more]
Rollspelskollektivet  Pay What You Want

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Witches of Midnight Quickstart

Witches of Midnight Quickstart

Witches of Midnight Quickstart is a gender inclusive "hopeful horror" urban fantasy Forged in the Dark table-top game. Players take the roles of Wyld Witches and their Familiars who form a Coven for mutual support in a dark and harsh modern world. --- It's the not-too-distant future and your magical powers aren't registered. You can't rely on the electronic infrastructure of the world economy or...   [click here for more]
Balsamic Moon Games Collective  Pay What You Want

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Game Over, Man

Game Over, Man

'This is a standard bug hunt, colonials...' Game Over, Man is a rules-light, single session role-playing game for up to six players and a gamesmaster. Players take on the roles of a unit of space infantry, tasked with clearing an infestation of alien lifeforms from a spaceship called the Otranto. The game is heavily inspired by the fates of soldiers in films...   [click here for more]
Ouijames Games  Pay What You Want

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In an ecologically devastated future, the animal kingdom is riven into two rival factions: those who have sworn allegiance to the last surviving human, and those who blame this species for the planet’s demise…   An apocalyptic showdown looms. Darwin-ner takes all. Welcome to Ultimate Beast Royale! A silly zine based on a tweet I saw from @4WhomJBellTolls. Enjoy!...   [click here for more]
Ouijames Games  Pay What You Want

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Final Girl: Core Rulebook

Final Girl: Core Rulebook

Final Girl is a one-die horror TTRPG where you can play as your favorite horror tropes! Play as a jock, nerd, mean girl, comic relief, etc. Get together with some friends and direct your own horror movie experience. If you'd prefer to have access to the Google doc, shoot me an email at ...   [click here for more]
GCF  Pay What You Want

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RealmShifters Playtester

RealmShifters Playtester

Welcome to RealmShifters A new Tabletop RolePlaying Game System that allows you to be anyone you could imagine, go anywhere you choose and do anything you wish! The only limit is your imagination! The game is a simple, free system where you can take, leave or add rules of your own! With this book you can start your journey, it includes the rules, print outs, tokens and chips and guidelines to create...   [click here for more]
RealmShiftersTTRPG  Pay What You Want

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De fördömda: Spelarhäfte

De fördömda: Spelarhäfte

Detta utskriftsvänliga häfte innehåller allt du behöver för att göra en rollperson till De fördömda, inklusive en lista med tidsenliga namn att inspireras av. Nyheter, nyttiga länkar och annat som rör De fördömda hittar du på spelets sida på Facebook: ...   [click here for more]
Daniel Lehto AB  Pay What You Want

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Emerald Templars Quick Start

Emerald Templars Quick Start

This quick start guide provides the core rules and premade characters for players to use!  --- In a world teetering on the edge of ruin, besieged by the relentless onslaught of chaos magic, only one faction dares to stand between order and annihilation: You are the Emerald Templars. Valiant warriors from every corner of existence, you have pledged your lives to wield your might and magic against...   [click here for more]
The Geek Lyfe  Pay What You Want

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Nowy Świt (Early Access)

Nowy Świt (Early Access)

Nowy świt jest grą fabularną, która wymaga jednego prowadzącego (Mistrza Gry) oraz przynajmniej jednego gracza (zaleca się nie przekraczać liczby czterech graczy). Akcja gry ma miejsce w postapokaliptycznym świecie, doprowadzonym do ruiny przez postępujące po sobie kataklizm ekologiczny, pandemię i wojny. Cywilizacja załamała się a świat ostatecznie stanął w płomieniach by potem...   [click here for more]
Skorban  Pay What You Want

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Ex Eradicus: Beta

Ex Eradicus: Beta

Eradicus is a two-person coop miniatures-agnostic tabletop skirmish game. It's designed so you can bring your own minis and use whatever's at hand, from old game minis or defunct toys to 3d printed minis to custom models made for the game. In it, players control hero characters and fight against an AI controlled opponent force. You can think of Eradicus as a cross between a tactical skirmish game...   [click here for more]
Voidspiral Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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From The Hip RPG - Core GM Guide

From The Hip RPG - Core GM Guide

From The Hip RPG (FTH) is designed so that it can be played with or without dice and for any genre QUICKLY.  I have played Fantasy, Wild West, Modern Spy, Fantasy Pirate Traders, and Space Opra type generes with these guides.  Modules are designed to be played in 2 to 4 hours.  I've developed and used this guide off and on since 1982. I plan a Fantasy GM Core guide, a Fantasy GM Character guide...   [click here for more]
From The Hip RPG  Pay What You Want

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Alien Omen

Alien Omen

Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption. Includes: 5 Playbooks 8 Pages of "how to play" 3 Factions "Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews Downtime...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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Depuis les temps immémoriaux, la nuit, les ténèbres, l'inconnu, l'occulte ont à la fois fasciné et terrifié les humains. Dans Ombres, l'objectif est simple. Survivre. Vous jouez de simples personnes, fragiles face à l'obscure vérité. Vous êtes traqués par l'Ombre. Parviendrez-vous à fuir assez longtemps pour que l'aube vous sauve, ou prendrez-vous votre courage à deux mains pour affronter...   [click here for more]
Edwin Tilay  Pay What You Want

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Enter the Dismal Armory

Enter the Dismal Armory

Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision.  This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,...   [click here for more]
Wasteland Degenerates LLC  Pay What You Want

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Hero Complex (Playtest Version)

Hero Complex (Playtest Version)

You are now a Recast... ... a transforming superweapon of terrifying design, created by shadowy forces that lurk in the darkness. Somehow, you are now free. Perhaps you escaped, or maybe you were released as part of their dark schemes. You return to the world a changed person, one that it does not accept.  Loved ones no longer recognize you, and dark forces hunt you down relentlessly....   [click here for more]
miguelrey  Pay What You Want

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industrial fishing simulator (1e playtest)

industrial fishing simulator (1e playtest)

Industrial Fishing Simulator (FishSim) 1e is a surrealist nautical horror science-fantasy adventure game for one Gamemaster (GM) and at least one other player (Survivor). Players act as a rag-tag band of wanderers or crewmates aboard sea ships or starships searching for meaning on a far-future Earth which has been consumed by an ocean full of strange creatures and technology....   [click here for more]
the canyon club  Pay What You Want

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Ragnarok. Guía de inicio

Ragnarok. Guía de inicio

Esta es la Guía de inicio de la tercera edición de Ragnarok, la versión actualizada y ampliada del famoso juego de terror contemporáneo publicado en los 90 por Ludotecnia. Aquí vas a encontrar todo lo necesario para poder probar el sistema de juego con una partida diseñada para personajes iniciales. Además, se incluyen varias fichas de personajes pregenerados, para que puedas jugar sin necesidad...   [click here for more]
Ediciones t&t  Pay What You Want

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Spirit Fall: The Demo

Spirit Fall: The Demo

Spirit Fall is a tabletop roleplaying game about a team of responders coping with trauma in the demon apocalypse. Your team will go out on missions in the deadly streets of New York City to stop threats and keep your safezones from collapsing. If the world doesn’t kill you, your trauma will...   [click here for more]
Spirit Fall  Pay What You Want

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Suites is an one page RPG system powered by playing cards and blackjack. ...   [click here for more]
baychowski  Pay What You Want

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TLD RPG character sheet

TLD RPG character sheet

Free character sheets for TLD RPG. Two versions included, regular and printer friendly.  ...   [click here for more]
Paper Plane Games  Pay What You Want

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  Camel Truck with All Variants and Shipping Container [BUNDLE]