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Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead! is a One-Page Tabletop RPG system that provides a super fast route to start fantasy adventures at the table for both players and GMs. The system prioritizes fast mechanics to keep immersion as the focus of your sessions with an easy "doing stuff" system and a lean and fast-paced combat structure. With a page and some six-sided die you'll be ready to adventure, explore dungeons, or...   [click here for more]
StankNasty  Pay What You Want

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Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

What Robot Will You Draw? Perfect for families with children over the age of 10. Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune is a Cozy Fantasy Smithing TTRPG where you set out to forge a legacy, on your own or with friends. Traverse the land in search of materials to craft countless wondrous items to sell at your shop within an ever-evolving town! Although crafting is at the heart of this game, there are still PLENTY of opportunities for roleplaying and adventure, without...   [click here for more]
ReadyComicsRoll  Pay What You Want

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Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Get a FREE preview of the Micro RPG system for FREE RPG DAY 2023 Micro RPG-R is a super simple and easy-to-learn/play tabletop roleplaying game system. (Hence the "micro" portion of the Micro RPG-R title of the system). This simplicity makes the game accessible to new gamers, gamers with less time on their hands, and even new Game Masters wanting to run a system that is easy to randomize and...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Treatise of Adventure

The Treatise of Adventure

Learn the how to play our 5e styled game for kids! The treatise explains how to adventure in this 5e super lite styled game for young minds. Simplified game play, easy to understand rules, short narratives for small attention spans, our adventures are written for families to focus on fun and not get bogged down with the tediousness that can happen with TTRPGs. This treatise explains how to create...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

UPDATE! Support the Land of Eem crowdfunding campaign: The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets in this lighthearted, epic fantasy roleplaying game! Land of Eem is a game about adventurers exploring and discovering the remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players take on the roles of lore-seeking travelers,...   [click here for more]
Star & Flame Games  Pay What You Want

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Sugarplum Village Bakery

Sugarplum Village Bakery

With only eight days ‘til Christmas Eve, your bakery is working around the clock to create treats for the townsfolk of the snow-covered village. Each day brings new challenges, from restocking ingredients to handling last-minute holiday orders. Running your own bakery, you'll need to manage your resources to make sure everyone gets their treats on time. Play alone or compete with others as friendly...   [click here for more]
Grim Sour Games  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Every great episode needs a fun b-plot. Whether it’s lower decks ensigns trying to impress the senior staff, or hapless redshirts just trying to NOT get eaten by a Jovian moon beast... a b-plot makes any episode better. Now you can improve your scene changes, break up your space opera story, and keep the fun flowing with this standalone b-plot mini game of your very own. Featuring quick low stakes...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

An open license rules-lite, d20 based tabletop roleplaying game for people who care more for storytelling than level grinding. These universal rules allow you to play in any genre including fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. ...   [click here for more]
roamitygames  Pay What You Want

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Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Avast! A Handy and Handsome Referee sceen fer yer favorite rules light Pirate RPG! Ye can take it to a fancy printshoppe or do it yerself with t' kiddies. Landscape format for easy visibility over the screen.   This product consists of three files:A booklet with instructions and some optional rules, the Screen itself in pdf format, the screen in pdf X/1a format. Both pdfs are identical....   [click here for more]
BD Games  Pay What You Want

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MADCAP Gimmick Cards

MADCAP Gimmick Cards

These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY Each card includes: A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Embark on a Journey Like No Other! In Sparks, a riveting role-playing game that immerses you in a fantastical world of extraordinary powers and daunting perils. Within these pages, discover the secrets of being a Spark Keeper, an individual blessed with a powerful spirit known as a Spark. Together, you and your Spark will navigate through a world teeming with corrupt organizations, mythical beasts,...   [click here for more]
Team No Capes  Pay What You Want

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Pierwsza Przygoda - starter do RPG dla dzieci Mistrz Baśni

Pierwsza Przygoda - starter do RPG dla dzieci Mistrz Baśni

WITAJ PRZYSZŁY MISTRZU BAŚNI! Proszę, zatrzymaj się na chwilę i spróbuj użyć swojej wyobraźni. Będziesz jej potrzebować bardziej niż kiedykolwiek. Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś bohaterem lub bohaterką. Odważnym rycerzem, mądrą czarodziejką, ciekawskim podróżnikiem czy złotowłosą pieśniarką. Prowadzisz swoją drużynę ku nowemu wyzwaniu. Przemierzacie magiczny,...   [click here for more]
Szkoła Wyobraźni  Pay What You Want

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Astrenor Rule book

Astrenor Rule book

Play as young adventurers about to pass their adventurer diploma in a humorous universe that breaks the codes of traditional medieval fantasy. Join a prestigious guild and set out to explore a world rich in mysteries and dangers, where every choice you make influences the course of your destiny. Whether you are a fearless warrior, a powerful mage, or a cunning thief, Astrenor invites you to forge your...   [click here for more]
Broject Games  Pay What You Want

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Monkey Business!

Monkey Business!

Embark on an exhilarating RPG adventure as a mischievous gang of enchanted monkeys, trapped in a perilous location and armed with an unusual and dangerous gift – the ability to grant themselves five wishes! But beware, every wish comes with a perilous twist, and they must use their wits and newfound powers to escape their confinement. Exercise caution in your desires, little monkeys, for the consequences...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

What is Extinction Punk? Extinction Punk is a table-top role-playing game (TTRPG) that blends elements of science fiction and science fantasy to envision a future where humanity fails to stop a man-made extinction event such as a climate cataclysm, a nuclear holocaust, or a biological war. Players of Extinction Punk get to explore the ruins of an Earth that is no longer under humanity’s control...   [click here for more]
Quickphix Club  Pay What You Want

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Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs.  I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories. The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from...   [click here for more]
Go Nerdy  Pay What You Want

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CHAOS System

CHAOS System

Welcome to the CHAOS System, a generic and simple system centered in a "chaotic" use of initiative and action resolution. Grab a bunch of d6 (5 at most per player), create your character in a couple of easy steps and you are ready to go! 12 pages book. 3 pages of rules. Illustrated. Using only a couple of d6s. Fast and easy character creation. A different take on the Experience...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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The Heroes Hall

The Heroes Hall

The Heroes Hall is a gathering of several Pre-made Heroes, Sidekicks and a growing collection of monsters to play within our BRS rule set.  This booklet will be continually expanding as we grow our games, heroes, monsters and lore. Check back often! We'd love to hear about how our games are playing! Send us an email and let us know! ...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Lost City of Crystalvale

Lost City of Crystalvale

Easy Doublesided RPG Game using whatever System you like.  Find the Lost City of Crystalvale and grab some Treasure and Money along the Way.  Fight some Monsters to stay warm in the Icy Terrain of Icehaven far up North.  ...   [click here for more]
Janine Beyeler  Pay What You Want

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MBA Jam fantasy basketball game

MBA Jam fantasy basketball game

MBA jam is a tabletop boardgame where players recreate the exciting sport of monster basketball. Players use a team of 5 players taken from various species such as cat people, werewolves, trolls, witches, gnomes and even humans.  the core mechanic of the game is a rolled dice pool, at the start of your turn your roll dice, and the scores allow the player to make actions with their team and hopefully...   [click here for more]
Scorpus Flex Games  Pay What You Want

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Doc's Simple RPG

Doc's Simple RPG

Once the product of "literally minutes of testing," Doc’s Simple RPG is a three-stat system you can play anytime, anywhere, with just 2d6. It was originally designed to help teach schoolchildren the basics of storytelling in game design, so everything you need to know about character creation and how to play is contained on one page. Plus, we’ve added two one-page scenarios to help get...   [click here for more]
Doc & Krueger Games  Pay What You Want

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Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist! Is a goofy, quick-and-easy, RPG for 3+ people. Description: A quick, fun game based off the fabulous one-page rpg "Honey Heist." (Here! ) You Are a team of rabbits trying to pull off the heist of the century at this year's Grow-n-Show Garden Extravaganza! But your only two starts are BUNNY and...   [click here for more]
Christopher Pustelnik  Pay What You Want

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Fable Voyages

Fable Voyages

Fable Voyages is a quick to learn and delightfully lighthearted take on your traditional fantasy RPG system. It is rules-light with a focus on storytelling that is prevalent throughout. The game features innovative mechanics, such as characters' emotions impacting their success in complex ways and their virtues granting them benefits in certain situations. If you are looking for a quick to learn,...   [click here for more]
Diner Elf Games  Pay What You Want

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Miau, czy ta poduszka nie jest najwygodniejsza na świecie? Kotki to niewielki, prosty system dla jednej MC i jednego lub dwóch graczy, w którym wcielicie się w tytułowe puchate kulki, by ganiać za piórkiem, mruczeć i wylegiwać się na słoneczku. Na siedmiu stronach znajdziecie zbiór zasad i wskazówek dla Matki Chaosu oraz pierwszą Rolę - Kociątko. Dodatkowo w zestawie...   [click here for more]
Erpegowy Matecznik  Pay What You Want

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Fairyforest starter set rus

Fairyforest starter set rus

Fairyforest это бесплатная авторская фэнтези RPG для детей и их родителей. Игра о невероятных фэнтези приключениях маленьких ведьмочек и ведьмаков в краю Фейрифорест.        "Добрый день, маленькие ведьмочки и ведьмаки....   [click here for more]
Tony's gamecraft  Pay What You Want

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Power Outage Reference Guide

Power Outage Reference Guide

If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs.  I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories. The Power Outage Reference Guide is a quick guide sheet...   [click here for more]
Go Nerdy  Pay What You Want

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The Legends of Wellarsch: The Adventurer's Guide

The Legends of Wellarsch: The Adventurer's Guide

The lands of Wellarsch beckon new heroes to defend her lands against evil! The Old Gods, terrible beasts with cosmic powers over this realm, have broken free from their seals below the earth and threaten life as we know it!  You must take up arms to stand up against them, in a new war that will be sung about through all the ages! However, you must tread lighty, as heroes face dangers less obvious...   [click here for more]
Frank Prinner  Pay What You Want

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The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

The Coroner’s Three Simple Rules for Overland Travel

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time....   [click here for more]
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Fatebound: The Deckbuilder RPG Core Rules

Fatebound: The Deckbuilder RPG Core Rules

Fatebound: The Deckbuilder RPG system in which players use cards to solve challenges, explore, and fight within a world of adventure threatened by a terrifying mist.Players accomplish this by building a deck through an experience-based progression system. Cards in the deck are used in Battles and Obstacles. Unlike traditional role-playing games, Fatebound resolves characters’ actions by using cards...   [click here for more]
Overmountain Games  Pay What You Want

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From The Hip RPG - Core GM Guide

From The Hip RPG - Core GM Guide

From The Hip RPG (FTH) is designed so that it can be played with or without dice and for any genre QUICKLY.  I have played Fantasy, Wild West, Modern Spy, Fantasy Pirate Traders, and Space Opra type generes with these guides.  Modules are designed to be played in 2 to 4 hours.  I've developed and used this guide off and on since 1982. I plan a Fantasy GM Core guide, a Fantasy GM Character guide...   [click here for more]
From The Hip RPG  Pay What You Want

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Power Outage Adventure: Trading Spaces

Power Outage Adventure: Trading Spaces

POWER OUTAGE ADVENTURE: TRADING SPACES WARNING: This Adventure is already included in the back of the Power Outage Core Guide Book. The purpose of uploading this separately is due to the additional printable assets that can be found in the back of the adventure.  Of course, the adventure can also be used as a setting for whatever system you wish to play. Synopsis:  Robotic Henchmen are ransacking...   [click here for more]
Go Nerdy  Pay What You Want

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Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

Convenient Definitions Playtest Kit

This project is still in a playtesting and editing phase.  If you would still like to download and give feedback in comments or in messages please feel! Everything helps. “You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal.” - Brian Johnson, The breakfast...   [click here for more]
Alpakagangsta  Pay What You Want

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Love in a Dicey place

Love in a Dicey place

Every year, we gather around the TV and enjoy the totally not problematic Hallmark movies. With cheesy stories and stereotypical characters, they remind us of one thing: Attractive people have it better than me, and that's ok. But now, you can be one of those totally realistic people! With a d6 and a spare hour, you can live your dream of being in a Hallmark movie, even if you don't fit into their...   [click here for more]
Tyler Hubble  Pay What You Want

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Shibuyan Knights Quickstart

Shibuyan Knights Quickstart

Shibuyan Knights is an Anime style RPG that lets you play adventures like some of your favorite Anime shows and movies. It ships with the steampunk, magical world of Shibuya, where everything works on favors, and as you rise in Reputation Level, you gain more influence and power in the city Quick, fast character creation. Play a scheming Roppongan, steampunk Tink, battle toughened Warrior, fist-fighting...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld is a roleplaying system that works in any genre. The core mechanics are incredibly flexible and yet simple enough for newcomers to grasp very quickly. All you need to play is the Anyworld rulebook and a handful of six-sided dice. The Quckstart includes most of the basic rules along with 4 premade characters. There is also a Kickstarter live right now for Heartless - a horror adventure supplement...   [click here for more]
Netherborn  Pay What You Want

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Light Strikers Battlebook 1

Light Strikers Battlebook 1

Part of the "Adventure Pack 1" - Battlebook 1 is a solo introductory adventure that immerses players into the Light Strikers universe, and its Clash system. You'll take on the role of a tradeloader citizen in the world of Adamah, and experience a day you'll not soon forget. This book is also great for people learning how to play RPGs for the very first time. Make sure to get the Sage Commander...   [click here for more]
Code of Light Games  Pay What You Want

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Los Ayudantes del Custodio del Caldero

Los Ayudantes del Custodio del Caldero

Juega como criaturas mágicas ayudando al Custodio ya que el Caldero necesita sus cuidados. Mientras el Custodio atiende al Caldero (de aquí el nombre) deberás realizar tareas en el mundo exterior. Pero trabajar no es lo único para hacer, divertirse también es importante, y que mejor forma de hacerlo que mediante bromas a expensas de las personas. Usa tus habilidades para realizar tareas. Usa...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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The Cauldron's Keeper's Helpers

The Cauldron's Keeper's Helpers

Play as magical creatures helping the Keeper as the Cauldron needs taking care. While the Keeper tends the Cauldron (hence the name) you'll be doing task on the outside world. But work is not the only thing to do, having fun is important, and what better way than to make pranks on the persons around. Use your abilities to do tasks. Use your talents to help your abilities. Make pranks to fuel your...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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Camp Mayhem

Camp Mayhem

Entering the PocketQuest 2022 Game Jam, here comes Camp Mayhem! Camp Mayhem is a short but sweet rpg system that revolves around the legendary exploits of kids in summer camp. Each Camper is a different blend of talents and ambitions, ranging from terrifying bullies and elusive teacher pets to the kid eating dirt behind the toilets. The camp consists of all kinds of characters and special deals between...   [click here for more]
Lars Christiansen  Pay What You Want

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A darkly satirical game set in a weird near future post apocalypse in which pop culture is now religion... A narrative focused, player facing game using the coin based FLIP system.  Please download this product for free. If you enjoy it, I would personally greatly appreicate your donating any amount you can comfortablly afford to support Mandy's GoFundMe to assist with her legal fees as she is...   [click here for more]
Xipe Totec Press  Pay What You Want

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DeDieX (English)

DeDieX (English)

DeDieX is a generic and minimalist system. DeDieX requires some d10s for each player. The game comes with a player and a game master manual as individual files each occupying of 1 page. Each of the guides are ment fold in half in the way of mini-booklets. ...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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Jordborg är ett samberättande rollspel för barn från 4 år. Riktlinjerna är enkla och ryms på en sida så ni kan börja spela direkt.  Här finns även stödmaterial i form av ett spelexempel med hjälplistor, ett referensblad, en inspirationskarta med listor för varelser, händelser och föremål samt ett separat rollformulär om barnet vill rita sin hjälte.  ...   [click here for more]
Rollspelskollektivet  Pay What You Want

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Courage is a collaborative production game about using the Net to explore ideas and options. The game invites you to step outside the boundaries of social networks to find out what else is on offer. ...   [click here for more]
Dragonfly  Pay What You Want

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La Maschera

La Maschera

Gioco di Ruolo genere Fiabesco per bambini  5+ Ambientazione giungla indiana, nei panni di simpatiche scimmiette che dovranno recuperare una maschera magica per riportare la pace nel loro villaggio. Comprende miniature e poter creare una mappa Diario dell'avventura LA FANTASIA NON COSTA NULLA !!  Qwein ...   [click here for more]
Qwein  Pay What You Want

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La Scatola Musicale

La Scatola Musicale

Un Gdr minimale per famiglie, ambientazione fantasy classica, tutto in appena 8 pagine, con tabelle e miniature dei cattivi. Come sempre gratis. Altri giochi su Crescere non signirfica smettere di sognare !! ...   [click here for more]
Qwein  Pay What You Want

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APPROVED is a social narrative game. In it, red tape is sacred, and your Dreams are just some paperwork away from reality. Every player harbors a Dream. They just need the stamp of Approval. The latest financial numbers have rolled in, and they’re astonishing. After years of grinding, your Dream is finally within reach. But there’s a catch – you need the thumbs-up from the folks upstairs. Yep,...   [click here for more]
Nat Handsome Games  Pay What You Want

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Börja spela rollspel

Börja spela rollspel

Börja spela rollspel är ett komplett rollspel för nybörjare. I boken finns allt ni behöver för att börja spela rollspel! Ni väljer själva vilken värld era hjältar ska äventyra i. Spela som Rei i Star Wars, Rainbow Dash i My Little Pony, Spiderman i Avengers eller Gecko i Pyjamashjältarna eller vilken din favorithjälte nu än är! Börja spela rollspel är särskilt...   [click here for more]
Rollspelskollektivet  Pay What You Want

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Bullets & Bluffs

Bullets & Bluffs

Saddle up, cowpoke, it’s time to take on the Wild West in BULLETS & BLUFFS! Round up a few friends and head West where action and adventure await. Whether you’re the shining tin star of frontier justice or no-good, rough-and-tumble rustlers, your legend’s up to you–and Lady Luck!   Key Features:   Western-themed Adventure: Are you a wild bunch, a posse of young guns, or alien-fighting...   [click here for more]
Void Gate Games  Pay What You Want

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DeDieX (Español)

DeDieX (Español)

DeDieX es un sistema generico minimalista que requiere de un puñado de d10s por cada participante. El juego viene con manual del jugador y manual del DJ, cada uno siendo dos paginas pensadas para ser dobladas para su uso. ...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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  Ranks Game System