I don't want you to buy a game you're not interested in, so here's the design decisions and concepts. This game is heavily narrativist. That means the system is very simple without any real tactical complexity. It’s more focused on telling a cool story than on careful resource management. There's lots of ways for players to manipulate the dice rolls, and players almost always succeed. There are resources... [click here for more]
This small expansion to the CORE rules provides DL (Difficulty Levels) for various physical feats of strength, agility or endurance: running, jumping, throwing, lifting, and holding your breath. Suitable for any game that rates difficulty on a 1-10 scale.
For use with
The CORE MICRO system is a hybrid RPG SRD for character-driven... [click here for more]
Noire: Elle Est, Elles Sont is a mini RPG where you play as a group of Femmes Fatales, trying to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of an alcoholic detective. ... [click here for more]
Tervetuloa pelaamaan Mölkkyroolipeliä! Kyseessä on roolipelijärjestelmä, joka soveltuu monenlaisissa ympäristöissä pelaamiseen ja kaikenlaisten tarinoiden kertomiseen. Näin voitte viettää ulkona aikaa tarinoiden parissa. Mölkkypamfletti ei sijoitu mihinkään tiettyyn maailmaan tai genreen, vaan tarinat voivat olla ihan mitä tahansa Kummelista Kaurismäkeen tai fantasiasta avaruusoopperaan. ... [click here for more]
Lies by Omission is a table-top role-playing game system inspired by the gothic horror films that came out of Italy in the ’60s and ’70s. Often referred to as Giallo films (because of their yellow, or Giallo, posters), these films regularly depicted everyday characters that slowly begin to uncover occult mysteries hiding just beneath the surface.
Best suited for smaller player... [click here for more]
Oletko koskaan huomannut olevasi tilanteessa, jossa pitäisi pelata roolipelillinen fantasiataistelu, mutta käsillä on ainoastaan shakkilauta ja perinteisiä kuusitahkoisia noppia? Minä olen.
Huomasin nimittäin, että tarvitsen ulkona sijaitsevalla puistoshakkilaudalla toteutettavalle roolipelitaistelulle ensi kesäksi säännöstön, ja ajattelin kirjoittaa sellaisen itse.
Näin syntyi Figushakki,... [click here for more]
First Issues is a simple, playbook-based, superheroic storygame: using just a pocketful of change and your imagination, you can create your own comic book adventures featuring the eight superheroes provided, or you can even make up your own superhero.
The documents provided include eight ready-to-play characters, a blank template for creating your own superhero and a brief guide... [click here for more]
Kémi est un jeu d’initiation au jeu de rôle et à la civilisation pharaonique dont les règles sont volontairement très simples. Les joueurs et joueuses expérimentés trouveront dans ce document une présentation plus traditionnelle du système employé dans le livre, doté de quelques précisions : création de personnage, expérience, exemples d’utilisation des Attributs…
Bonne lecture,... [click here for more]